Why is it ok to burn the Bible but not the quran?

Why is it ok to burn the Bible and not the Quran?

Because Christians aren't animals. Even if they are offended by the act, we don't kill people because of it.
You are damned close to lying here.

That is not what I said. I said there were people who thought that the Bible gave them the right to do those things. No where did I say the Bible told them to.

Also, I commented on a statement made by Bigreb to someone else not me.

It was a casual comment about some people's usage of the Word of God. It was not an endorsement of their beliefs nor an excuse of the muslim actions we are discussing.


What am I lying about? That you said people believed the Bible told them to do those things? Or that their belief is immaterial to the question asked of you? Or have you simply forgotten the question asked?

Well, for one thing, I was never asked, nor did I answer a question in this regard.
You are lying when you claim that I was attempting to justify the murders of these two soldiers. Dig deeper my friend.


THIS is the question you were asked:

Seems a few people were burned at the stake, what was that for, not eating their veggies?

Silly rabbit does the new testament tell a Christian to burn people? Or anywhere in the Bible Does it tell a Christian to kill anyone?

And you answered it by saying that people 'believed' that is what the Bible said. And yes, you were trying to justify terrorism by using moral relativism.
What am I lying about? That you said people believed the Bible told them to do those things? Or that their belief is immaterial to the question asked of you? Or have you simply forgotten the question asked?

Well, for one thing, I was never asked, nor did I answer a question in this regard.
You are lying when you claim that I was attempting to justify the murders of these two soldiers. Dig deeper my friend.


THIS is the question you were asked:

Seems a few people were burned at the stake, what was that for, not eating their veggies?

Silly rabbit does the new testament tell a Christian to burn people? Or anywhere in the Bible Does it tell a Christian to kill anyone?

And you answered it by saying that people 'beleived' that is what the Bible said. And yes, you were trying to justify terrorism by using moral relativism.

Funny, I didn't know I was a poster named regent. Maybe, just maybe you should learn to read?

Since when did I become regent?

And no, I was commenting only upon the one post I commented on.

And please when you are trying to lie about what I said, please learn to spell. I believe that I spelled believed correctly. Edit: Bah! I take that back. I looked at post 238, I did mis-type that word. :(

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Why is it ok to burn the Bible and not the Quran?

Because Christians aren't animals. Even if they are offended by the act, we don't kill people because of it.

Christian Crusades

1. Senseless Violence & Wars: The Crusader mentality was that Christianity must displace Islam/Judaism at all costs, even if through violence. Persecutions of Jews escalated throughout Europe. On the Crusaders' march around the Mediterranean, the death toll was high for Christians and Muslims. When Jerusalem was captured, Muslim and Jewish residents in the city were slaughtered, including women. All of this for a short-lived Christian kingdom in the Middle East which proved to be unsustainable."

Why is it ok to burn the Bible and not the Quran?

Because Christians aren't animals. Even if they are offended by the act, we don't kill people because of it.

Christian Crusades

1. Senseless Violence & Wars: The Crusader mentality was that Christianity must displace Islam/Judaism at all costs, even if through violence. Persecutions of Jews escalated throughout Europe. On the Crusaders' march around the Mediterranean, the death toll was high for Christians and Muslims. When Jerusalem was captured, Muslim and Jewish residents in the city were slaughtered, including women. All of this for a short-lived Christian kingdom in the Middle East which proved to be unsustainable."


"aren't" = Present tense.

Gotta love it when Wingnuts bring up the Crusades. Not very bright people, to say the least. If these were Crusade-times, our Military would have already exterminated the rabid vermin who are attacking our Base right now. Personally, i think a little 'Crusading' is exactly what those rabid vermin deserve at this point. So shame on our Commander in Chief for apologizing and tying our Military's hands on this. That area around our Base should have been cleared a long time ago. How many more of our kids are gonna be murdered before our Commander in Chief grows a pair? What's he waiting for?
Why is it ok to burn the Bible and not the Quran?

Because Christians aren't animals. Even if they are offended by the act, we don't kill people because of it.

Christian Crusades

1. Senseless Violence & Wars: The Crusader mentality was that Christianity must displace Islam/Judaism at all costs, even if through violence. Persecutions of Jews escalated throughout Europe. On the Crusaders' march around the Mediterranean, the death toll was high for Christians and Muslims. When Jerusalem was captured, Muslim and Jewish residents in the city were slaughtered, including women. All of this for a short-lived Christian kingdom in the Middle East which proved to be unsustainable."


An idiotic response on your part.

Back in those days there wasn't anyone of any country at all that wouldn't kill someone else for the slightest insult. I'm talking about today, you're bringing up centuries ago. If I agreed with your lazy response, I'd say we WERE animals then but not now. Muslim terrorists are STILL animals.
Gotta love it when Wingnuts bring up the Crusades. Not very bright people, to say the least. If these were Crusade-times, our Military would have already exterminated the rabid vermin who are attacking our Base right now. Personally, i think a little 'Crusading' is exactly what those rabid vermin deserve at this point. So shame on our Commander in Chief for apologizing and tying our Military's hands on this. That area around our Base should have been cleared a long time ago. How many more of our kids are gonna be murdered before our Commander in Chief grows a pair? What's he waiting for?

They choose it because it requires very little thinking on their part.
Gotta love it when Wingnuts bring up the Crusades. Not very bright people, to say the least. If these were Crusade-times, our Military would have already exterminated the rabid vermin who are attacking our Base right now. Personally, i think a little 'Crusading' is exactly what those rabid vermin deserve at this point. So shame on our Commander in Chief for apologizing and tying our Military's hands on this. That area around our Base should have been cleared a long time ago. How many more of our kids are gonna be murdered before our Commander in Chief grows a pair? What's he waiting for?

Who says he's waiting. maybe this is what he wants.
Gotta love it when Wingnuts bring up the Crusades. Not very bright people, to say the least. If these were Crusade-times, our Military would have already exterminated the rabid vermin who are attacking our Base right now. Personally, i think a little 'Crusading' is exactly what those rabid vermin deserve at this point. So shame on our Commander in Chief for apologizing and tying our Military's hands on this. That area around our Base should have been cleared a long time ago. How many more of our kids are gonna be murdered before our Commander in Chief grows a pair? What's he waiting for?

Who says he's waiting. maybe this is what he wants.

Not based upon his continual campaining.
Bibles give food a much richer flavor than the Koran. Food cooked over a Koran tastes like shit
Why is it ok to burn the Bible and not the Quran?

Because Christians aren't animals. Even if they are offended by the act, we don't kill people because of it.

Christian Crusades

1. Senseless Violence & Wars: The Crusader mentality was that Christianity must displace Islam/Judaism at all costs, even if through violence. Persecutions of Jews escalated throughout Europe. On the Crusaders' march around the Mediterranean, the death toll was high for Christians and Muslims. When Jerusalem was captured, Muslim and Jewish residents in the city were slaughtered, including women. All of this for a short-lived Christian kingdom in the Middle East which proved to be unsustainable."


The main series of Crusades, primarily against Muslims, occurred between 1095 and 1291

Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hey dude. This is 2012.
Bibles give food a much richer flavor than the Koran. Food cooked over a Koran tastes like shit

I saw the recent pictures. I think I can identify the problem.

Qu'rans don't burn all that well.

Gotta love it when Wingnuts bring up the Crusades. Not very bright people, to say the least. If these were Crusade-times, our Military would have already exterminated the rabid vermin who are attacking our Base right now. Personally, i think a little 'Crusading' is exactly what those rabid vermin deserve at this point. So shame on our Commander in Chief for apologizing and tying our Military's hands on this. That area around our Base should have been cleared a long time ago. How many more of our kids are gonna be murdered before our Commander in Chief grows a pair? What's he waiting for?
funny how you yammer about goose stepping government goons and how the government was behind 911 in one thread then do a 360 and become a Dick Cheney sock!...
Bibles give food a much richer flavor than the Koran. Food cooked over a Koran tastes like shit

I saw the recent pictures. I think I can identify the problem.

Qu'rans don't burn all that well.


It is true...Bibles make a good fire

Korans kind of just sputter
it all the wax in the paper.

back to the topic: the burning of Qu'rans is just an excuse to keep the party going, the Taliban will fight over anything
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It's plain to see that more than just a few have responded not to answer the question but to attack Christian. Your hatred has caused you to be a tool. It wasn't Christians that killed people when the bible was burned. Your attack on Christianity is also defending islam the religion that does cause some of it's members to kill in it's name.

So I will ask the nay Sayers where in the bible does it command Christians to kill in the name of God.
It's plain to see that more than just a few have responded not to answer the question but to attack Christian. Your hatred has caused you to be a tool. It wasn't Christians that killed people when the bible was burned. Your attack on Christianity is also defending islam the religion that does cause some of it's members to kill in it's name.

So I will ask the nay Sayers where in the bible does it command Christians to kill in the name of God.
Deuteronomy 17
If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
Bible Commands Christians to Kill Nonbelievers
anything else?
It's plain to see that more than just a few have responded not to answer the question but to attack Christian. Your hatred has caused you to be a tool. It wasn't Christians that killed people when the bible was burned. Your attack on Christianity is also defending islam the religion that does cause some of it's members to kill in it's name.

So I will ask the nay Sayers where in the bible does it command Christians to kill in the name of God.
Deuteronomy 17
If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant; 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel; 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
Bible Commands Christians to Kill Nonbelievers
anything else?
Where does it say Christians?

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