Why is it ok to burn the Bible but not the quran?

Anyone have a clue?

I didn't know anyone said that. Who was it???

Does obama apologize to his fellow American Christians for the U.S. Military burning their Bible?
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/05/20/us.military.bibles.burned/]Military burns unsolicited Bibles sent to Afghanistan - CNN.com

Is obama placing one religion over another religion by apologizing to Afghanistan for burning the quran? If he's not doing that when did he apologize to American Christians for the military burning bibles?

Which did not contain espionage.
Dagnamit! I just read a sentence written by Mr. Shaman that I actually agree with!

It's not O.K. to burn any book.

Why do I feel so cotton-picking dirty!?

My first guess would be...

I listening to the news and because the U.S. Military is Afghanistan burnt some Quran obama has apologized for that, and 12 people have been killed over it.

Funny about that, the Chicken-Shit-In-Chief has failed to demand even a feeble apology from the murderers. He just keeps belly-crawling around the ankles of animals that view him as a weakling and a coward.
Show weakness in the face of bullies and you will get beaten even harder and more often.
.....But, it must give you more time for your video-games, though, right??


February 26, 2012

"Our Commander in Chief was courageous to apologize in an election year for an outrageous violation of American values that happened on his watch. But the debate that focuses only on whether it is right or wrong to burn Qurans or whether the Afghan people are justified in responding with rioting misses the larger question:

What were American forces doing burning books of any kind in Afghanistan, let alone Islam’s most sacred text?"

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I called it the grumpy speech. The lieutenant had called us together, new replacements scared and fearful yet anxious to appear tough and macho. The Lieutenant said if effect, now the enemy is grumpy enough without us making him more grumpy so no mutilating dead bodies, no harming of the POW's, and no shooting civilians for sport. Those acts can comeback and bite us so I catch any of you doing that and....
I don't think any of us tried to make the enemy more grumpy and I don't know that it save any of us from being bitten, but I saw the logic of the grumpy speech, then and today.
So, Christians DON'T kill in the name of god?

No where in the Bible does God command a christian to kill in his name.

I respectfully disagree.

It is certainly true that the Qur'an advises Muslims to kill non-believers (infidels). However, you should also be aware that the Christian Old Testament God also requires the killing of infidels. The only difference between the two "holy books" is the definition of non-believers or infidels. the Qur'an describes infidels as those who do not believe in the God described in the Qur'an and the KJV describes infidels as those who do not believe in the God as described in the Old Testament. Here is what the Bible says about killing non-believers:
Allow me.....​

I back up willowtree. Go to ReligionofPeace.com - Islam: Making a True Difference in the World
statistics back up the facts that in 20 years alone....
in the name of allah
islamiic inspured killing surpasses in 20 years
over 600 of christtian killings.
and nowhere in the bible,does it state that you must convert or die
as the quran does.
i have studied it for 27 years
would you like me to recite actual passages?
Scott Roeder is another example. Though Ann THE MAN Coulter joked about the killing of Dr. Tiller, he was shot by a religious fanatic also.

There is a great difference between isolated individuals who act, claiming their religion as grounds for evil, and an entire population that claims the same. One represents a deranged person, the other represents a population that is so evil and tainted that their extermination should be considered a good deed.
Keep Evil in your favorite Fairy Tale books, where It belongs, Skippy.

Anyone have a clue?

Your postily atheist here to tickle the funny bone of many usmb members again.

But this time, I don't want to tickle any funnybones or play with your toes today!

I am here in total disgust! People think we Atheists burn bibles!!

Why do I say that? Well ask yourself, who else are willing to burn a bible?

The Eastern traditions? Nope, cause anger. the Eastern traditions dissuade against anger!

The Jews? Includes too much of their material(although badly translated from the Hewbrew) Nope, not the Jews!

The Muslims? They use it to cross reference with the Qu'ran. It is also considered a holy book to them.

So that leaves only us A-types! The Agnosticas and the Atheist!

I do not find it ok and to insinuate that it is ok is to imply those "Who might not give a damn because they do not believe in damnation" will is quite wrong.

Only Christ-haters seek to burn the bible. Not many of those. Even Cammmpbell does not hate Christians. He just like to annoy you.(Kind of suggesting he is a Christian to me)

I'm agnostic and I would not personally consider burning a book, regardless of its origin. I value books too highly. The people who misuse the information in books to further their own evil ends, however, I might consider putting to the stake.
Ah, yes.....just like back in The Teabaggers' Age Of Enlightenment!!!

Both were written in the pre-scientific days of ignorance and barbarism when people pissed and shit upstream of their bathing and drinking spots. They are sexist and racist ...and nobody should take them seriously. Neither should be protected.
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No where in the Bible does God command a christian to kill in his name.

I respectfully disagree.

It is certainly true that the Qur'an advises Muslims to kill non-believers (infidels). However, you should also be aware that the Christian Old Testament God also requires the killing of infidels. The only difference between the two "holy books" is the definition of non-believers or infidels. the Qur'an describes infidels as those who do not believe in the God described in the Qur'an and the KJV describes infidels as those who do not believe in the God as described in the Old Testament. Here is what the Bible says about killing non-believers:
Allow me.....​

Hey mr Teabaggie where in the bible is the commandment that Christians kill in the name of God?
Anyone have a clue?

Obviously, not you.

It's not OK to burn the bible.

It's not OK to burn Fahrenheit 451, either.

Does obama apologize to his fellow American Christians for the U.S. Military burning their Bible?
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/05/20/us.military.bibles.burned/]Military burns unsolicited Bibles sent to Afghanistan - CNN.com

Is obama placing one religion over another religion by apologizing to Afghanistan for burning the quran? If he's not doing that when did he apologize to American Christians for the military burning bibles?
Anyone have a clue?

I didn't know anyone said that. Who was it???

Does obama apologize to his fellow American Christians for the U.S. Military burning their Bible?
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/05/20/us.military.bibles.burned/]Military burns unsolicited Bibles sent to Afghanistan - CNN.com

Is obama placing one religion over another religion by apologizing to Afghanistan for burning the quran? If he's not doing that when did he apologize to American Christians for the military burning bibles?

Obviously the Christians need to riot more often. They should include threats.
I didn't know anyone said that. Who was it???

Does obama apologize to his fellow American Christians for the U.S. Military burning their Bible?
http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/05/20/us.military.bibles.burned/]Military burns unsolicited Bibles sent to Afghanistan - CNN.com

Is obama placing one religion over another religion by apologizing to Afghanistan for burning the quran? If he's not doing that when did he apologize to American Christians for the military burning bibles?

Obviously the Christians need to riot more often. They should include threats.

It would go against their Christian teachings if they did that.
Anyone have a clue?

You think it's okay to burn the Bible?!?!?!?

I don't. Whether it be the Bible, Qu'Ran, Baghavad Gita or whatever is considered holy, I think that level of disrespect is abominable. Is it worth killing over? Of course not but unfortunately, people have been killing each other over religious fanaticism since the dawn of time.
Anyone have a clue?

You think it's okay to burn the Bible?!?!?!?

I don't. Whether it be the Bible, Qu'Ran, Baghavad Gita or whatever is considered holy, I think that level of disrespect is abominable. Is it worth killing over? Of course not but unfortunately, people have been killing each other over religious fanaticism since the dawn of time.

Ah the deflection from the OP's obvious meaning begins. Liberalism, Obtuseness be thy name.
It is not ok to burn the American Flag, either. Except when it is.

And it IS ok to burn the flag for purposes of properly disposing of it when it has become overly worn.

US Flag Code. TITLE 4 > CHAPTER 1 > Sec. 8(k). It states:

"The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning."
I respectfully disagree.

It is certainly true that the Qur'an advises Muslims to kill non-believers (infidels). However, you should also be aware that the Christian Old Testament God also requires the killing of infidels. The only difference between the two "holy books" is the definition of non-believers or infidels. the Qur'an describes infidels as those who do not believe in the God described in the Qur'an and the KJV describes infidels as those who do not believe in the God as described in the Old Testament. Here is what the Bible says about killing non-believers:
Allow me.....​

Hey mr Teabaggie where in the bible is the commandment that Christians kill in the name of God?
Shaman is lost, and always will be. He's having a hard time with people accepting his lack of brilliance.

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