Why is it ok to burn the Bible but not the quran?

Who is the commander and chief? Has obama given apologies to Christians for the burning of Bibles?COLOR] Has obama given apologies to Christians for the burning of Bibles?

So then is your opinion that, as CIC, Obama is directly responsible for the military actions, successes and failures of everyone in the military?!?!?!?

He is in charge or is he not responsible for what the military does?

Has obama given apologies to Christians for the burning of Bibles?

let's try again with smaller words...

Obama didn't actually authorize this. Do you hold Obama responsible for every single success, failure and mistake in the military because he is CIC? (this is what's called a "yes or no" question).

No Obama did not apologize. Muslims did not burn the Bibles. American soldiers, at least some of whom were probably Christian, burned the Bibles for security reasons. (That is what is called answering a question directly. I doubt you'll do it with my question to you but I thought you'd want to see what it looked like.)
Because as Christians, we realize it's the meaning of the words and not the book itself that makes it sacred and we aren't going to kill over it. Not to mention there are thousands of copies still left if one or two get burned.

If it was the last copy, i think we'd have a much bigger problem with it.
So then is your opinion that, as CIC, Obama is directly responsible for the military actions, successes and failures of everyone in the military?!?!?!?

He is in charge or is he not responsible for what the military does?

Has obama given apologies to Christians for the burning of Bibles?

let's try again with smaller words...

Obama didn't actually authorize this. Do you hold Obama responsible for every single success, failure and mistake in the military because he is CIC? (this is what's called a "yes or no" question).

No Obama did not apologize. Muslims did not burn the Bibles. American soldiers, at least some of whom were probably Christian, burned the Bibles for security reasons. (That is what is called answering a question directly. I doubt you'll do it with my question to you but I thought you'd want to see what it looked like.)
I am not playing this game you you, Answer a question with a question, it's not that fucking hard to answer is it? Who the fuck is the commander and chief? Is the commander and chief responsible for what the military does? Did obama apologize to Christians for the military burning Bibles?
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So then is your opinion that, as CIC, Obama is directly responsible for the military actions, successes and failures of everyone in the military?!?!?!?

He is in charge or is he not responsible for what the military does?

Has obama given apologies to Christians for the burning of Bibles?

let's try again with smaller words...

Obama didn't actually authorize this. Do you hold Obama responsible for every single success, failure and mistake in the military because he is CIC? (this is what's called a "yes or no" question).

No Obama did not apologize. Muslims did not burn the Bibles. American soldiers, at least some of whom were probably Christian, burned the Bibles for security reasons. (That is what is called answering a question directly. I doubt you'll do it with my question to you but I thought you'd want to see what it looked like.)

Well it seems to me the left state he's responsible for every SUCCESS. As for the failures and mistakes...no...they make excuses for all of those! Like in this case!

As for the Bibles...why did they have to burn them? Why couldn't they have just sent them all back to the US instead? Was it because our leader thought burning them would make the terrorists like us more?
Where is the commandment in the Bible that a Christian is to kill in the name of God?

Now you tell us, If I i told those guys once I told them a thousand times, don't burn those people, it's not in the Bible, but....

Again where is the commandment in the bible that a Christian is to kill in the name of God.

The Christian commandment is to love your Enemy.

How are you doing on that one?
How can be people be so stupid as to argue that because this was an accident,

it is inappropriate to apologize?

When you were a kid, and you hit a baseball through your neighbor's picture window, and it was purely an accident,

did your parents insist that you NOT apologize???????
How can be people be so stupid as to argue that because this was an accident,

it is inappropriate to apologize?

When you were a kid, and you hit a baseball through your neighbor's picture window, and it was purely an accident,

did your parents insist that you NOT apologize???????

So intentional burning no need to apologize? So obama meant to have the Bibles burnt?

What is the difference between a member of AQ, the Taliban and Afghan?

obama gave AQ military aid in Libya, that's the difference.

Yo Vern, the Reagan administration gave Osamah Ben Laden and the Mujahadeen (now the The Taliban) millions of dollars. Its call blowback.
Wouldn't it be called hypocrisy.....seeing-as-how ReRon was the "conservative" Prophet who insisted....

"Government IS The Problem"?????

How can be people be so stupid as to argue that because this was an accident,

it is inappropriate to apologize?

When you were a kid, and you hit a baseball through your neighbor's picture window, and it was purely an accident,

did your parents insist that you NOT apologize???????

I think you might be on to something. If the neighbor was black, asian, latino, gay, muslim, democrat...or any number of possibilities that dumbreb's people didn't agree with...he was probably defintely told NOT to apologise. :lol: Does sound like learned behavior. :lol:
How can be people be so stupid as to argue that because this was an accident,

it is inappropriate to apologize?

When you were a kid, and you hit a baseball through your neighbor's picture window, and it was purely an accident,

did your parents insist that you NOT apologize???????

I think you might be on to something. If the neighbor was black, asian, latino, gay, muslim, democrat...or any number of possibilities that dumbreb's people didn't agree with...he was probably defintely told NOT to apologise. :lol: Does sound like learned behavior. :lol:
dumbhug and his racist rant.
Dumb Little Reb negs and runs and hides...

True story...



Sandy pussy.

With red blobs.. :lol:
obama gave AQ military aid in Libya, that's the difference.

Yo Vern, the Reagan administration gave Osamah Ben Laden and the Mujahadeen (now the The Taliban) millions of dollars. Its call blowback. Today they are our friends, tomorrow they will use the money to stab us in the back. The fuckers will never learn to cease and desist interfering in the internal affairs of foreign nations.


Question of point. Were we at war with Al Qudea when Reagan gave aid to Bin Ladin? Are we now at war with AlQudea when obama gave aid to them in Libya?
Gee.....I thought you Teabaggers were always so quick with the easy answers for all the World's problems!!

Whatever happened to...

....being the cure-all for our issues with Libya??

Yo Vern, the Reagan administration gave Osamah Ben Laden and the Mujahadeen (now the The Taliban) millions of dollars. Its call blowback. Today they are our friends, tomorrow they will use the money to stab us in the back. The fuckers will never learn to cease and desist interfering in the internal affairs of foreign nations.


Question of point. Were we at war with Al Qudea when Reagan gave aid to Bin Ladin? Are we now at war with AlQudea when obama gave aid to them in Libya?
Gee.....I thought you Teabaggers were always so quick with the easy answers for all the World's problems!!

Whatever happened to...

....being the cure-all for our issues with Libya??


Why did obama help our enemy in Libya?

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