Why is it ok to burn the Bible but not the quran?

I never percieved this thing as a Christian problem but a possible problem for some Americans in the Middle East. It goes back to the first time I went into combat, scared and trying to appear macho, brave and all that and we got the grumpy speech by a combat-wise officer. In essence he said to the group: the enemy is grumpy and we don't want to make him more grumpy so, no mutilating of dead bodies, no harmng POW's and no shooting civilians for sport, those are no, no's, and some of us might live a mite longer.
It made sense to me then and now, but he should have added, don't make light of the enemy's religion.
So then is your opinion that, as CIC, Obama is directly responsible for the military actions, successes and failures of everyone in the military?!?!?!?

He is in charge or is he not responsible for what the military does?

Has obama given apologies to Christians for the burning of Bibles?

let's try again with smaller words...

Obama didn't actually authorize this. Do you hold Obama responsible for every single success, failure and mistake in the military because he is CIC? (this is what's called a "yes or no" question).

No Obama did not apologize. Muslims did not burn the Bibles. American soldiers, at least some of whom were probably Christian, burned the Bibles for security reasons. (That is what is called answering a question directly. I doubt you'll do it with my question to you but I thought you'd want to see what it looked like.)

As CINC, Obama is ultimately responsible for every action of the military, just as the CEO of a company is ultimately responsible for the policies, success or failure, of that company. So, YES, he is responsible.

Christian soldiers most likely burned those bibles because they were following orders. I cannot imagine a christian freely choosing to burn a bible any more than I can imagine a muslim burning a koran. As CINC, Obama is responsible for the orders to burn those bibles. Upon becoming aware that such a potentially offensive order that could have significant impact on troop morale had been issued, a responsible leader might just have considered issuing some kind of apologetic statement.
How can be people be so stupid as to argue that because this was an accident,

it is inappropriate to apologize?

When you were a kid, and you hit a baseball through your neighbor's picture window, and it was purely an accident,

did your parents insist that you NOT apologize???????

So intentional burning no need to apologize? So obama meant to have the Bibles burnt?

Of course he meant to have them burnt. They were burned as a signal of the nation's weakness and lack of our own conviction to the beliefs many claim to hold. They were burned by at least some soldiers who claim to be christians, and many who, while not being christian themselves, would support their christian brethren. Forcing these young people to destroy their own religious books, while forcing them to respect to the utmost the writings of their enemies is certainly not the greatest morale-builder I can imaging. So yes, given Obama's deeds, he was able to strike two birds with one stone by allowing the bibles to be burned: he was able to aid and abet the enemy by demoralizing our own troops engaged in combat with them.
How can be people be so stupid as to argue that because this was an accident,

it is inappropriate to apologize?

When you were a kid, and you hit a baseball through your neighbor's picture window, and it was purely an accident,

did your parents insist that you NOT apologize???????

Was it an accident that 2 of our soldiers were shot over this?

And if a kid hits a baseball through a neighbor's window, i doubt anyone would be shot over that incident! What a dumb response! :cuckoo:

I bet if your neighbor came outside and shot your kid for it, SOMETHING would be done about it...right?? Why isn't Obama doing anything about this?

That's actually a good point about the neighbor being punished for shooting a kid over something like hitting a ball through their window.
So, why hasn't the Sec of State, at the very least, demanded retribution for the murder of our young soldiers? Burning a freekin' BOOK, paper and ink, is not a death penalty offense, nor should it be in any decent society. Ooops! I forgot, we are dealing with ME muslims, definitely not a decent society.
Tell you something, I really have no problem with anyone burning either the Bible or the Koran, provided they didn't steal and destroy someone else's property in the process.

I just don't want them to start burning witches again. That would be bad.
Well, technically speaking the Pope is the Representative of God here on Earth. How many have died because of the Pope's (at the time of the Inquisition, the Crusades, etc)authority?

Times change. At the time of the Crusades, the Pope was busy raising his family and promoting most of them to high positions in the Church.
Comparing the Church then, and the Church now is the old apples and oranges thing. But this has been pointed out repeatedly. Regardless, it seems to be an insurmountable obstacle to reasonable comparison of modern christianity and islaam.
Tell you something, I really have no problem with anyone burning either the Bible or the Koran, provided they didn't steal and destroy someone else's property in the process.

I just don't want them to start burning witches again. That would be bad.

Yes, that would be bad. They taste much better when lightly sauteed. Burning makes them taster bitter and the meat is tough.
Well, technically speaking the Pope is the Representative of God here on Earth. How many have died because of the Pope's (at the time of the Inquisition, the Crusades, etc)authority?
One more fucking time where is the scripture in the bible that tell's a CHRISTIAN they must kill in the name of God?
It's all good. If I can drop by and add fuel to the fire in your melt down...it's time well spent.

The only melting being done is those nuts in your mouth. Do you hold it until the swelling goes down?

More gayness? What does Jebubz think of you NOW?
jebus doesn't say dick (pun intended for the slow learners) about homosexuality!
he did spend most of his time with 12 other guys....
What was the christian church doing just few hundred years ago in the holy land? Muslims still remember that even if some of us brush it off as inconsequential.

A few hundred years ago, the Ottoman Empire controlled the holy land.

There's a reason that you're a leftist - and it isn't because you're so smart...
jebus doesn't say dick (pun intended for the slow learners) about homosexuality!
he did spend most of his time with 12 other guys....

One of whom was repeatedly called "the disciple that Jesus loved" . . .

in a book written in GREEK . . . :cool:
He is in charge or is he not responsible for what the military does?


let's try again with smaller words...

Obama didn't actually authorize this. Do you hold Obama responsible for every single success, failure and mistake in the military because he is CIC? (this is what's called a "yes or no" question).

No Obama did not apologize. Muslims did not burn the Bibles. American soldiers, at least some of whom were probably Christian, burned the Bibles for security reasons. (That is what is called answering a question directly. I doubt you'll do it with my question to you but I thought you'd want to see what it looked like.)

I am not playing this game you you, Answer a question with a question, it's not that fucking hard to answer is it? Who the fuck is the commander and chief? Is the commander and chief responsible for what the military does? Did obama apologize to Christians for the military burning Bibles?

Okay two things. I'm sorry you're to stupid to realize I answered the question in bold. Look up little Reb! See the OTHER part in bold? That's called "directly answering a question!". Which is what I did! Isn't that nice! :lol:
Maybe some day when you grow a pair, you can do that! But fear is a teerrrrrible thing so you simply won't answer this:

Do you hold Obama responsible for every single success, failure and mistake in the military because he is CIC? (this is what's called a "yes or no" question).

Now Cut & Run little Reb! Don't answer with a Yes or No like I did. Dodge! Change the Subject! Sling an insult or SOMETHING but do not answer with a Yes or No! That would take balls... :lol:
What kind of leader apologizes when his people are murdered?
The kind that wants to prevent FURTHER murders in an OCCUPIED country.


Your answer is incorrect, the proper answer was "A fucking shitty one."

Please memorized the correct answer for future use.

For an example of a fucking shitty leader, please reference "Barack Obama."
It is OK to burn a bible because Christians are a bunch of pussies when it comes to defending their bible. Insult Mohammad or the Koran and a Muslim will kick your ass. Christians just sigh and turn the other cheek

I think Muslims love Allah more than Christians love Christ
It is OK to burn a bible because Christians are a bunch of pussies when it comes to defending their bible. Insult Mohammad or the Koran and a Muslim will kick your ass. Christians just sigh and turn the other cheek

I think Muslims love Allah more than Christians love Christ

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