Why is it when a white person commits a crime that person is labeled as

Really?! I would be ashamed of the misdeeds of my son or others' closest to me. Do you think Martin's and Brown's parents feel that way. I doubt it. They are too busy blaming others. A lot easier that way.
You totally avoided the post. Where are the links of white people shaming whites for doing crime and harming the white communities reputation? They dont make it a race thing. They blame it on mental illness.

WRONG...it is blamed on the perpetrator....do the crime and it is YOU who is guilty...not the entire community. That also applies to any community!!

Yes you are wrong. When a Black person does something everyone says its Black genes or culture. When a white person does something it doesn't appear to reflect on the white community as a whole. I dont mind because if people want to be idiots then thats on them. However, I do see the hypocrisy.

Bullshit!! I've never heard a Conservative say any such rubbish!! There ARE cultural problems in Black Society but that is not reflective of ALL Blacks. But the bottom line is personal responsibility and that also extends to those who have put the barriers up to good well paying jobs for those of colour. Some are historical and people do have attitudes affected by those decisions of the past. But they are the past...bridge builders are needed in a whole of community approach. This blame shit is a part orf the problem...but unless the causes are understood then the remedies may be a bridge too far.

So where are the JOBS that will allow Blacks to support their families in a decent manner in the lower end of the jobs market...because that's where the pressures are!!

There are plenty of self admitted conservatives posting on this board as we speak that say exactly that. You must be new, naive, or both. I dont disagree with your post in its entirety. You make some valid points other than that first sentence.

Hmmm...maybe some bloody chain yankers...ya never know!!

Simply because blacks stand up in support of and even riot when a black criminal is prosecuted for their actions.

Whites shame other whites for doing the same. Maybe if blacks came out and done the same...Well, the entire race would look better.

People like you also stand with the thugs that destroy and trash cities like Ferguson. Shame on you.
I've never seen whites shame other whites for their actions. Got some links?

It's called courts and prison...


But when a black person commits a crime............THE WHOLE RACE IS JUDGED? Why can't that black criminal be called BLACK TRASH?
If I could joke, I'd say it's because that would be like a double negative? like wet water. lol. only kidding. it is a good point here

Is there a "cheekly little bugger!!" button???!!

Yes you are wrong. When a Black person does something everyone says its Black genes or culture. When a white person does something it doesn't appear to reflect on the white community as a whole. I dont mind because if people want to be idiots then thats on them. However, I do see the hypocrisy.
I think you may have inadvertently hit the nail on the head. When, say Newton hits upon the concept of gravity or Einstein on the theory of relativity, that is individual achievement. When George Washington Carver figures our how to make peanut butter, that is a question of racial pride to be extended to all peoples of African origin untll time immemorial.
Yes you are wrong. When a Black person does something everyone says its Black genes or culture. When a white person does something it doesn't appear to reflect on the white community as a whole. I dont mind because if people want to be idiots then thats on them. However, I do see the hypocrisy.
I think you may have inadvertently hit the nail on the head. When, say Newton hits upon the concept of gravity or Einstein on the theory of relativity, that is individual achievement. When George Washington Carver figures our how to make peanut butter, that is a question of racial pride to be extended to all peoples of African origin untll time immemorial.
Like most idiots you would think that. Black racial pride has noting to do with what was achieved. It has to do with the fact it was achieved despite racism from inbred whites such as yourself.
Yes you are wrong. When a Black person does something everyone says its Black genes or culture. When a white person does something it doesn't appear to reflect on the white community as a whole. I dont mind because if people want to be idiots then thats on them. However, I do see the hypocrisy.
I think you may have inadvertently hit the nail on the head. When, say Newton hits upon the concept of gravity or Einstein on the theory of relativity, that is individual achievement. When George Washington Carver figures our how to make peanut butter, that is a question of racial pride to be extended to all peoples of African origin untll time immemorial.
Like most idiots you would think that. Black racial pride has noting to do with what was achieved. It has to do with the fact it was achieved despite racism from inbred whites such as yourself.
What was achieved? Generations of servitude by a huge swath of the world ranging from the Americas to the Mahgreb and middle east, and the second class citizenship even in African countries with significant numbers of non-Africans.

What Is the achievement in being at the very bottom of whatever barrel blacks are found?
Yes you are wrong. When a Black person does something everyone says its Black genes or culture. When a white person does something it doesn't appear to reflect on the white community as a whole. I dont mind because if people want to be idiots then thats on them. However, I do see the hypocrisy.
I think you may have inadvertently hit the nail on the head. When, say Newton hits upon the concept of gravity or Einstein on the theory of relativity, that is individual achievement. When George Washington Carver figures our how to make peanut butter, that is a question of racial pride to be extended to all peoples of African origin untll time immemorial.
Like most idiots you would think that. Black racial pride has noting to do with what was achieved. It has to do with the fact it was achieved despite racism from inbred whites such as yourself.
What was achieved? Generations of servitude by a huge swath of the world ranging from the Americas to the Mahgreb and middle east, and the second class citizenship even in African countries with significant numbers of non-Africans.

What Is the achievement in being at the very bottom of whatever barrel blacks are found?
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.
Please. The Armenians and the Jews had it far worse than you. They overcame while you failed.
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.
Please. The Armenians and the Jews had it far worse than you. They overcame while you failed.
No one had it harder than us. Not only did we over come we are succeeding without help.
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.

lmao...are you serious?? 90% of blacks are just normal people.....I am scared of normal people?? So aren't you afraid of that small % of blacks who make you about eight times more likely to be a victim??

No assleper! There is no fear at all; just a sense that there is much that needs to be done to stamp out the criminal attitudes of some...black Or any other.

What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.

lmao...are you serious?? 90% of blacks are just normal people.....I am scared of normal people?? So aren't you afraid of that small % of blacks who make you about eight times more likely to be a victim??

No assleper! There is no fear at all; just a sense that there is much that needs to be done to stamp out the criminal attitudes of some...black Or any other.

If you are a white chimp you are definitely afraid of Black people. Its instinctive for you. I dont fear anyone so no I am not afraid of Black criminals. There is not much you can do if you are a white person expect mind your own business and crime rate.
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.
Please. The Armenians and the Jews had it far worse than you. They overcame while you failed.
No one had it harder than us. Not only did we over come we are succeeding without help.

you get all the help and still fall behind lol
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.
Please. The Armenians and the Jews had it far worse than you. They overcame while you failed.
No one had it harder than us. Not only did we over come we are succeeding without help.

Oh poor little assleper...who the fuck cares about self pitying self serving nonsense. You have any idea about the effect of the mongol hordes, the Ottomans, etc etc?? The answer lies in each doing their bit to improve whatever situation they find themselves in. Demand it of yourself first and then demand it of those close to you. Do a lot of demanding...and then others may join with you and yours!!

I expect to see you at an Al Sharpton rally demanding each do their bit!!


Been too much of that lately!!

What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.

lmao...are you serious?? 90% of blacks are just normal people.....I am scared of normal people?? So aren't you afraid of that small % of blacks who make you about eight times more likely to be a victim??

No assleper! There is no fear at all; just a sense that there is much that needs to be done to stamp out the criminal attitudes of some...black Or any other.

If you are a white chimp you are definitely afraid of Black people. Its instinctive for you. I dont fear anyone so no I am not afraid of Black criminals. There is not much you can do if you are a white person expect mind your own business and crime rate.

lol ^
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.
Please. The Armenians and the Jews had it far worse than you. They overcame while you failed.
No one had it harder than us. Not only did we over come we are succeeding without help.

you get all the help and still fall behind lol
I know thats what you wish but too bad its not reality. You forgot one thing. What you consider falling behind or getting ahead is not relevant. Black people set the bench mark for that. We dont subscribe to the notion of letting cave chimps determine those things.
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.

lmao...are you serious?? 90% of blacks are just normal people.....I am scared of normal people?? So aren't you afraid of that small % of blacks who make you about eight times more likely to be a victim??

No assleper! There is no fear at all; just a sense that there is much that needs to be done to stamp out the criminal attitudes of some...black Or any other.

If you are a white chimp you are definitely afraid of Black people. Its instinctive for you. I dont fear anyone so no I am not afraid of Black criminals. There is not much you can do if you are a white person expect mind your own business and crime rate.

lol...proving once again that you are a buffoon!! Me scared of blacks?? lol There is a mindset that says survival means I won and you lost. The other option is "dilligaf"!!

What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.
Please. The Armenians and the Jews had it far worse than you. They overcame while you failed.
No one had it harder than us. Not only did we over come we are succeeding without help.

Oh poor little assleper...who the fuck cares about self pitying self serving nonsense. You have any idea about the effect of the mongol hordes, the Ottomans, etc etc?? The answer lies in each doing their bit to improve whatever situation they find themselves in. Demand it of yourself first and then demand it of those close to you. Do a lot of demanding...and then others may join with you and yours!!

I expect to see you at an Al Sharpton rally demanding each do their bit!!


Been too much of that lately!!

There were no mongol hordes here in the US. You need to stay focused. No one even remembers that stuff. Besides anything they did was not race based. I dont demand. Thats dumb. I advise. You should never expect me to follow anyone especially a white guy. Matter of fact you may be very disappointed if you think your expectations move the dial on my important things meter.
What was achieved? Survival against you wild baboons for one. Also the ability to progress despite whites attempt to keep us down. All due to being Black. Under the same circumstances whites would have died out due to genetic weakness.
Survival is I suppose a victory by the weakest. However, you have not survived with the dignity and culture intact as did the Jews and Armenians. Instead, blacks had to redefine themselves with the weakest of traditions and an almost complete break from what they once were. Their languages are long forgotten, as is their culture and pride. The only vestige which connects them to their past is the color of their skin and their facial features which necessitated the mantra that "black is beautiful" regardless of its veracity.

Those that have a clear sense of identity, as Jews and Armenians have no such need.

Sure, the forcible displacement of blacks played a role, but they never had any sense of identity other than racial. It is not true for others with similar experiences.
No one went through what Black people did. Not even close. We are still standing and achieving. We know are afraid of that. You fear that strength which is evident by you attempting to portray it as a weakness. You white chimps are silly if you think we actually believe that nonsense.

lmao...are you serious?? 90% of blacks are just normal people.....I am scared of normal people?? So aren't you afraid of that small % of blacks who make you about eight times more likely to be a victim??

No assleper! There is no fear at all; just a sense that there is much that needs to be done to stamp out the criminal attitudes of some...black Or any other.

If you are a white chimp you are definitely afraid of Black people. Its instinctive for you. I dont fear anyone so no I am not afraid of Black criminals. There is not much you can do if you are a white person expect mind your own business and crime rate.

lol...proving once again that you are a buffoon!! Me scared of blacks?? lol There is a mindset that says survival means I won and you lost. The other option is "dilligaf"!!


it's very cold outside here

snow, ice and what would sick out and make a damned good target in this white environment?

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