Why is Mueller Afraid to Produce the Original Flynn 302 Form?

udge calls Flynn's offense "very serious," but will consider his cooperation with the Mueller investigation in sentencing. Watch CNN



Michael Flynn sentencing

Government shutdown countdown

Why Mueller cares about Michael Flynn1:27

Michael Flynn sentencing
By Veronica Rocha and Brian Ries, CNN
5 min ago11:56 a.m. ET, December 18, 2018
is being sentenced by a federal judge.
  • The charge: Flynn pleaded guilty to one charge last year as a result of the special counsel Robert Mueller's probe.
  • The possible sentence: Flynn has asked the judge to spare him prison time, saying his cooperation with Mueller's team "was not grudging or delayed." Mueller told the judge he should not face prison time.

5 min ago
Former Mueller-team prosecutor: It "remains a possibility" that Flynn will continue to cooperate
From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack says "it remains a possibility that General Flynn is continuing to cooperate with the government."

Judge Sullivan had asked Van Grack if Flynn was still cooperating, and Van Grack took several seconds to give that response.

Typically, defendants in this sort of circumstance don't proceed to sentencing until their cooperation is complete, because judges want to be able to fully evaluate how they helped before they are.

"The more you assist the government the more you arguably help yourself at the time of sentencing," Sullivan says.
But Mueller's team and the Justice Department clearly have left the door open for Flynn to continuing to help.

Van Grack is explaining that Flynn by this point has given "substantial assistance."

"The defendant had provided the vast majority of cooperation that could be considered," the former Mueller-team prosecutor tells the judge.

For the first time: The special counsel also acknowledged Flynn’s role in the indictment of two Flynn associates related to their lobbying on behalf of Turkey. Flynn gave "substantial assistance" to the Eastern District of Virginia US Attorney's Office in the Kian indictment unsealed yesterday.

If he had not cooperated and admitted to lying about the Turkish lobbying, Flynn could have been charged in that Virginia federal criminal case, Van Grack said.

9 min ago
Judge says Flynn's offense is "very serious" given his position
From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

Judge Emmet Sullivan is now walking through what he will take into account to determine sentencing.

"The process is highly individualized," Sullivan said. He will take into consideration the seriousness of the offense.

"A high ranking official of the government" making false statements in the White House is a "very serious offense," Sullivan said.
Sullivan also noted that Michael Flynn was still serving on the Trump campaign at the time of the incidents that led to his lie about his lobbying work for the Turkish government.

The judge acknowledged, though, that special counsel Robert Mueller's team has filed a request for leniency on Flynn's sentence. He will be considering the significance and usefulness of Flynn's assistance to the Justice Department.

20 min ago
Judge accepts Michael Flynn's guilty plea
From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

Judge Emmet Sullivan has now formally accepted Michael Flynn's guilty plea, after spending several minutes revisiting the unusual circumstance of Flynn's interview and his intentions today.

He gave Flynn several outs to rethink his plea, and Flynn asserted several times he is ready to go forward.

Here's how that exchange went:

"I would like to proceed, your honor," Flynn said.
Sullivan asked, "Because you're guilty of this offense?"
"Yes, your honor," Flynn said, nodding.
Sullivan then accepted Flynn's plea.
udge calls Flynn's offense "very serious," but will consider his cooperation with the Mueller investigation in sentencing. Watch CNN



Michael Flynn sentencing

Government shutdown countdown

Why Mueller cares about Michael Flynn1:27

Michael Flynn sentencing
By Veronica Rocha and Brian Ries, CNN
5 min ago11:56 a.m. ET, December 18, 2018
is being sentenced by a federal judge.
  • The charge: Flynn pleaded guilty to one charge last year as a result of the special counsel Robert Mueller's probe.
  • The possible sentence: Flynn has asked the judge to spare him prison time, saying his cooperation with Mueller's team "was not grudging or delayed." Mueller told the judge he should not face prison time.
5 min ago
Former Mueller-team prosecutor: It "remains a possibility" that Flynn will continue to cooperate
From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack says "it remains a possibility that General Flynn is continuing to cooperate with the government."

Judge Sullivan had asked Van Grack if Flynn was still cooperating, and Van Grack took several seconds to give that response.

Typically, defendants in this sort of circumstance don't proceed to sentencing until their cooperation is complete, because judges want to be able to fully evaluate how they helped before they are.

"The more you assist the government the more you arguably help yourself at the time of sentencing," Sullivan says.
But Mueller's team and the Justice Department clearly have left the door open for Flynn to continuing to help.

Van Grack is explaining that Flynn by this point has given "substantial assistance."

"The defendant had provided the vast majority of cooperation that could be considered," the former Mueller-team prosecutor tells the judge.

For the first time: The special counsel also acknowledged Flynn’s role in the indictment of two Flynn associates related to their lobbying on behalf of Turkey. Flynn gave "substantial assistance" to the Eastern District of Virginia US Attorney's Office in the Kian indictment unsealed yesterday.

If he had not cooperated and admitted to lying about the Turkish lobbying, Flynn could have been charged in that Virginia federal criminal case, Van Grack said.

9 min ago
Judge says Flynn's offense is "very serious" given his position
From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

Judge Emmet Sullivan is now walking through what he will take into account to determine sentencing.

"The process is highly individualized," Sullivan said. He will take into consideration the seriousness of the offense.

"A high ranking official of the government" making false statements in the White House is a "very serious offense," Sullivan said.
Sullivan also noted that Michael Flynn was still serving on the Trump campaign at the time of the incidents that led to his lie about his lobbying work for the Turkish government.

The judge acknowledged, though, that special counsel Robert Mueller's team has filed a request for leniency on Flynn's sentence. He will be considering the significance and usefulness of Flynn's assistance to the Justice Department.

20 min ago
Judge accepts Michael Flynn's guilty plea
From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

Judge Emmet Sullivan has now formally accepted Michael Flynn's guilty plea, after spending several minutes revisiting the unusual circumstance of Flynn's interview and his intentions today.

He gave Flynn several outs to rethink his plea, and Flynn asserted several times he is ready to go forward.

Here's how that exchange went:

"I would like to proceed, your honor," Flynn said.
Sullivan asked, "Because you're guilty of this offense?"
"Yes, your honor," Flynn said, nodding.
Sullivan then accepted Flynn's plea.

Your reply is a cut and paste?

Why didn’t he get any time, given the horrific nature of his “crime”?
why is Trump afraid to produce his tax returns ..
Why should he? There is no law the President has to produce tax retirn, real birth certificate, college records etc. so why should he.

theres no law Mueller has to produce information from his investigation but the RW idiots keep asking for it.
and if no information is available, then why are so many going TRUMP MAN BAD!!! ORANGE MAN GUILTY!!!!

i mean no info is out there, yet...

he plays the part, his drones kiss his ass for laying the part, he earned the attention .

great. you hate trump. i don't care. hate away. but we can't rewrite laws and processes to fit how emo-selves and that shit needs to stop. we can't base what is right and wrong soley on how we FEEL about someone.
udge calls Flynn's offense "very serious," but will consider his cooperation with the Mueller investigation in sentencing. Watch CNN



Michael Flynn sentencing

Government shutdown countdown

Why Mueller cares about Michael Flynn1:27

Michael Flynn sentencing
By Veronica Rocha and Brian Ries, CNN
5 min ago11:56 a.m. ET, December 18, 2018
is being sentenced by a federal judge.
  • The charge: Flynn pleaded guilty to one charge last year as a result of the special counsel Robert Mueller's probe.
  • The possible sentence: Flynn has asked the judge to spare him prison time, saying his cooperation with Mueller's team "was not grudging or delayed." Mueller told the judge he should not face prison time.
5 min ago
Former Mueller-team prosecutor: It "remains a possibility" that Flynn will continue to cooperate
From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack says "it remains a possibility that General Flynn is continuing to cooperate with the government."

Judge Sullivan had asked Van Grack if Flynn was still cooperating, and Van Grack took several seconds to give that response.

Typically, defendants in this sort of circumstance don't proceed to sentencing until their cooperation is complete, because judges want to be able to fully evaluate how they helped before they are.

"The more you assist the government the more you arguably help yourself at the time of sentencing," Sullivan says.
But Mueller's team and the Justice Department clearly have left the door open for Flynn to continuing to help.

Van Grack is explaining that Flynn by this point has given "substantial assistance."

"The defendant had provided the vast majority of cooperation that could be considered," the former Mueller-team prosecutor tells the judge.

For the first time: The special counsel also acknowledged Flynn’s role in the indictment of two Flynn associates related to their lobbying on behalf of Turkey. Flynn gave "substantial assistance" to the Eastern District of Virginia US Attorney's Office in the Kian indictment unsealed yesterday.

If he had not cooperated and admitted to lying about the Turkish lobbying, Flynn could have been charged in that Virginia federal criminal case, Van Grack said.

9 min ago
Judge says Flynn's offense is "very serious" given his position
From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

Judge Emmet Sullivan is now walking through what he will take into account to determine sentencing.

"The process is highly individualized," Sullivan said. He will take into consideration the seriousness of the offense.

"A high ranking official of the government" making false statements in the White House is a "very serious offense," Sullivan said.
Sullivan also noted that Michael Flynn was still serving on the Trump campaign at the time of the incidents that led to his lie about his lobbying work for the Turkish government.

The judge acknowledged, though, that special counsel Robert Mueller's team has filed a request for leniency on Flynn's sentence. He will be considering the significance and usefulness of Flynn's assistance to the Justice Department.

20 min ago
Judge accepts Michael Flynn's guilty plea
From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

Judge Emmet Sullivan has now formally accepted Michael Flynn's guilty plea, after spending several minutes revisiting the unusual circumstance of Flynn's interview and his intentions today.

He gave Flynn several outs to rethink his plea, and Flynn asserted several times he is ready to go forward.

Here's how that exchange went:

"I would like to proceed, your honor," Flynn said.
Sullivan asked, "Because you're guilty of this offense?"
"Yes, your honor," Flynn said, nodding.
Sullivan then accepted Flynn's plea.

Your reply is a cut and paste?

Why didn’t he get any time, given the horrific nature of his “crime”?

It's what's happening right now, dope.
Agents interviewing Flynn say he was telling the truth.

Comey, who was NOT THERE, says Flynn was lying.

Who should we believe?

Believe the facts.

Flynn was fired from the administration for lying about Russian contacts.

Flynn pled guilty to lying about Russian contacts.

You are not solid on your facts.

I’ll bite,

Lay it all out for me. Soup to nuts on Flynn.

Those are both rock solid facts.
Refute them.
Is this your strategy?

I am simply asking you to lay out the entire Flynn case as you see it and I will lay it out as I see it and we can compare notes.

Let me know if you are scared to go first.
He pled
Hutch, Jesus dude.


Flynn is in court right now basically saying you're dumb as shit.

All you have to do is refute point for point what I posted.

It’s pretty fucking simple.

Also, the personal attacks make you look weak in your side of the argument.

What did I get wrong, specifically....just lay it out as I did.
It's all wrong, dope. Per usual.

Flynn has said in court that he has no problem with how the FBI interviews were conducted and that he was not coerced in any way when making his plea.

Like I said, you're making a defense that Flynn himself is refuting.
Hutch, Jesus dude.


Flynn is in court right now basically saying you're dumb as shit.

All you have to do is refute point for point what I posted.

It’s pretty fucking simple.

Also, the personal attacks make you look weak in your side of the argument.

What did I get wrong, specifically....just lay it out as I did.
It's all wrong, dope. Per usual.

Flynn has said in court that he has no problem with how the FBI interviews were conducted and that he was not coerced in any way when making his plea.

Like I said, you're making a defense that Flynn himself is refuting.

they're Russians trolling threads ..
Hutch, Jesus dude.


Flynn is in court right now basically saying you're dumb as shit.

All you have to do is refute point for point what I posted.

It’s pretty fucking simple.

Also, the personal attacks make you look weak in your side of the argument.

What did I get wrong, specifically....just lay it out as I did.
It's all wrong, dope. Per usual.

Flynn has said in court that he has no problem with how the FBI interviews were conducted and that he was not coerced in any way when making his plea.

Like I said, you're making a defense that Flynn himself is refuting.

I expected as much.

All you had to do was take my timeline and refute it point for point.

I’m done with you.
Hutch, Jesus dude.


Flynn is in court right now basically saying you're dumb as shit.

All you have to do is refute point for point what I posted.

It’s pretty fucking simple.

Also, the personal attacks make you look weak in your side of the argument.

What did I get wrong, specifically....just lay it out as I did.
It's all wrong, dope. Per usual.

Flynn has said in court that he has no problem with how the FBI interviews were conducted and that he was not coerced in any way when making his plea.

Like I said, you're making a defense that Flynn himself is refuting.

I expected as much.

All you had to do was take my timeline and refute it point for point.

I’m done with you.

Flynn said there was no malfeasance by the FBI.

It seems your narrative was always questionable.
Hutch, Jesus dude.


Flynn is in court right now basically saying you're dumb as shit.

All you have to do is refute point for point what I posted.

It’s pretty fucking simple.

Also, the personal attacks make you look weak in your side of the argument.

What did I get wrong, specifically....just lay it out as I did.
It's all wrong, dope. Per usual.

Flynn has said in court that he has no problem with how the FBI interviews were conducted and that he was not coerced in any way when making his plea.

Like I said, you're making a defense that Flynn himself is refuting.

they're Russians trolling threads ..
This Russian crutch fits you well.
Comey set up the Mueller appointment in order to keep a lid on the disgusting corruption performed by the Obama Admin, the DNC and the Clintons. The 302 will rip that lid off, hence the frenzied desperation to conceal it.
Hutch, Jesus dude.


Flynn is in court right now basically saying you're dumb as shit.

All you have to do is refute point for point what I posted.

It’s pretty fucking simple.

Also, the personal attacks make you look weak in your side of the argument.

What did I get wrong, specifically....just lay it out as I did.
It's all wrong, dope. Per usual.

Flynn has said in court that he has no problem with how the FBI interviews were conducted and that he was not coerced in any way when making his plea.

Like I said, you're making a defense that Flynn himself is refuting.

they're Russians trolling threads ..
This Russian crutch fits you well.

Another dopey narrative comes to an unceremonious end.

Don't you fools ever get tired of this?
Flynn is in court right now basically saying you're dumb as shit.

All you have to do is refute point for point what I posted.

It’s pretty fucking simple.

Also, the personal attacks make you look weak in your side of the argument.

What did I get wrong, specifically....just lay it out as I did.
It's all wrong, dope. Per usual.

Flynn has said in court that he has no problem with how the FBI interviews were conducted and that he was not coerced in any way when making his plea.

Like I said, you're making a defense that Flynn himself is refuting.

they're Russians trolling threads ..
This Russian crutch fits you well.

Another dopey narrative comes to an unceremonious end.

Don't you fools ever get tired of this?
If you mean trying to talk to your 2nd grade mentality ass...

All you have to do is refute point for point what I posted.

It’s pretty fucking simple.

Also, the personal attacks make you look weak in your side of the argument.

What did I get wrong, specifically....just lay it out as I did.
It's all wrong, dope. Per usual.

Flynn has said in court that he has no problem with how the FBI interviews were conducted and that he was not coerced in any way when making his plea.

Like I said, you're making a defense that Flynn himself is refuting.

they're Russians trolling threads ..
This Russian crutch fits you well.

Another dopey narrative comes to an unceremonious end.

Don't you fools ever get tired of this?
If you mean trying to talk to your 2nd grade mentality ass...



Being duped by dopey narratives only to be left at the altar a year later.
It's all wrong, dope. Per usual.

Flynn has said in court that he has no problem with how the FBI interviews were conducted and that he was not coerced in any way when making his plea.

Like I said, you're making a defense that Flynn himself is refuting.

they're Russians trolling threads ..
This Russian crutch fits you well.

Another dopey narrative comes to an unceremonious end.

Don't you fools ever get tired of this?
If you mean trying to talk to your 2nd grade mentality ass...



Being duped by dopey narratives only to be left at the altar a year later.
My answer is the same.
Believe the facts.

Flynn was fired from the administration for lying about Russian contacts.

Flynn pled guilty to lying about Russian contacts.

You are not solid on your facts.

I’ll bite,

Lay it all out for me. Soup to nuts on Flynn.

Those are both rock solid facts.
Refute them.
Is this your strategy?

I am simply asking you to lay out the entire Flynn case as you see it and I will lay it out as I see it and we can compare notes.

Let me know if you are scared to go first.

I'm not laying out the entire Flynn case. That will all be resolved here shortly when his sentencing has concluded. He's already admitted in court that he was aware it was a crime.

Address what I've posted.

You are such a coward.

I’ll lay out the Flynn case for everyone.

Good Gorman.

Obama hates Flynn because Flynn opposed the Obama/Iran deal.

Obama spied on Flynn as a result. Bullshit FISA warrant....we all know the story.

Obama expels the Russian diplomats for supposedly rigging the election because HIllary lost.

The Russian ambassador, Kislyak, calls Flynn (A member of Trumps transition team) to ask him WTF is going on?

Obama’s goons are listening to the call.

They have the transcript.

Flynn later find out they have the transcript.

McCabe asks Flynn for an interview about the call.

Flynn tells McCabe, “You have the transcript. What do you need to talk to me about?”

McCabe replied that it’s just a formality and Flynn doesn’t need an attorney, it’ll just make things messy.

Strzok and another agent interview Flynn.

The 302 shows they do not think Flynn was lying, but Flynn got some dates wrong.

Flynn is charged with perjury and is bankrupted defending himself....selling his home for his legal defense.

Out of money and out of options,Flynn pleads guilty to perjury,

His sentence is no time.

That is how I see it. What do I have wrong?

Anyone at all, feel free to take me to task point for point.

I laid the whole thing out as I see it.

Where am I wrong?

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