Why is Mueller Afraid to Produce the Original Flynn 302 Form?

Why is Mueller Afraid to Produce the Original Flynn 302 Form?

Today’s Campaign Update (Because The Campaign Never Ends) Why is Robert Mueller so desperate to keep the original Flynn 302 hidden?: Andy McCarthy, who teams with Victor Davis Hanson as the only two writers worth reading anymore at The National Review, has a piece out this morning in which he asks the single most key point in the effort to frame General Mike Flynn: Where is the FBI’s 302 form from his January 24, 2017 “interview” with Peter Strzok and another agent? In their most recent court filing submitted on Friday, Mueller and his team did present a “302” form... One thing is certain: There was a contemporaneous 302 form created by either Strzok or Pietka immediately following their interview with Flynn. Comey and McCabe both have confirmed that fact in sworn testimony. Mueller appears willing to go to any lengths necessary to prevent Judge Sullivan and the American people from seeing what is in that original 302.… is just one more reason why President Trump not only has an incentive, but an absolute public duty to declassify not just the original 302 in the Flynn case, but all the documents related to the Mueller Witch Hunt, and do it soon.

Obstruction of Justice, in the slimmest of cases. The Mueller team, which is composed of all liberal Trump haters, could be expected to do even worse things with those that they have investigated who had deeper relationships with Trump.
If the slimmest of cases is reversed, then, the whole set of investigations and prosecutions should all be thrown out too. Fruit of the poisonous tree logic can be applied to the whole of Mueller's investigation.
Judge Sullivan would be within his scope to put an end to the entirety of Mueller’s “investigation.” There’s enough evidence of investigative wrongdoing by the FBI and Mueller’s team – just from the fact that it wasn’t the original 302 Mueller is providing to the Judge. It’s called “fruit of the poison tree,” and that played into the dismissal of the fake charges against Ted Stevens, too. It was Judge Sullivan who overturned the case against Stevens.
Bottom line: a fake 302 is a fake 302. This is far worse than withholding exculpatory evidence for the defense, (which is also being done regarding Flynn, as both corroborating witnesses and corroborating evidence is being hidden from view.) The Mueller tree has produced nothing but rotten, poisonous fruit.
Comey and McCabe screwed up by ordering an agent not in on the coup to participate in the Flynn interview. He's the guy who wrote the original Form 302. So if they fake it and destroyed the original 302, then they risk Joe Pientka exposing their plot and actions. Note that the FBI has refused to make that agent available for congressional questioning for months now. Why is that?

Or...... a day's wait.

Mueller team turns over missing Flynn interview document after judge's order
Hutch/Starkey...I wonder if you even know who David Soul and Paul Glaser are...what do you keep babbling about?

What do you want?

What did Flynn do and why are we all going to die as a result?
wrong, go figure.

BTW, for your free education, he was fired for lying to the VP.


Obviously I referenced that when I said he was fired by the admin, dope.

So Flynn is a liar who committed perjury, but Trump should NOT have fired him.

I don’t understand your angle on this.

I am very stupid. You are very smart.

Make your point bluntly for dopes like me. What are you trying to say?


They're facts.

You have no problem believing Flynn lied and that resulted in his termination but somehow cannot wrap your head around the idea that he also lied to the FBI even though he has admitted as much.

Why the disconnect?
what you don't understand is we don't care if he lied to the FBI. so did hitlery and she hasn't been indicted. why not? that's the rub spoke!!!!

Of course you don't care that the entire Trump team are dirty. It only took one simple investigation to prove it.
Utter horseshit. However, it didn't take much propaganda from your ideological masters for you to believe it.
Hutch/Starkey...I wonder if you even know who David Soul and Paul Glaser are...what do you keep babbling about?

What do you want?

What did Flynn do and why are we all going to die as a result?

Do you have a point?

Tell us again about what a victim Flynn is despite his assertion that he knowingly lied.
Hutch/Starkey...I wonder if you even know who David Soul and Paul Glaser are...what do you keep babbling about?

What do you want?

What did Flynn do and why are we all going to die as a result?

Do you have a point?

Tell us again about what a victim Flynn is despite his assertion that he knowingly lied.
His "assertion" doesn't mean jack since Mueller has a gun pointed at this head.
So Flynn is a liar who committed perjury, but Trump should NOT have fired him.

I don’t understand your angle on this.

I am very stupid. You are very smart.

Make your point bluntly for dopes like me. What are you trying to say?


They're facts.

You have no problem believing Flynn lied and that resulted in his termination but somehow cannot wrap your head around the idea that he also lied to the FBI even though he has admitted as much.

Why the disconnect?
what you don't understand is we don't care if he lied to the FBI. so did hitlery and she hasn't been indicted. why not? that's the rub spoke!!!!

Of course you don't care that the entire Trump team are dirty. It only took one simple investigation to prove it.
dirty, you have no evidence spoke!! zip, you hate a man and would rather fk up america rather than swim along for the fun and money and prosper. you hate fking america spoke.

BTW, I don't give two shits you hate the man, I give two shits you wish to harm american citizens and for that you are a spoke.


These guys are crooks, dope.
sure spoke, post the crimes. again, you hate american citizens. what a traitor you are

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