Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

You're eternally befuddled. Your comment about natural selection being a "thinking process" makes no sense. Similarly, suggesting that natural selection is a "guided process" also makes no sense.

Congratulations, you're two for two with suggestions that make no sense.

Maybe you should choose your words more wisely nitwit.

Maybe you should takes some biology classes. Natural selection is non-random, but is neither a guided process nor a decision tree. It is non-random because specific adaptations occur as a result of specific changes in the environment of a species. Darwin's finches are a clear example of this principle. No one decided that the finches must change as a result of their isolation in an environment that was different than the one in which they were accustomed. It was simply a matter of biological survival of the species.

Seems you have taken a few science classes, I have a few questions for you.

1. How did the DNA code arise?

2. Name a coding system that arose without intelligent design?
Where do you think science came from ? the fields of science exist because of the creator.

Science is nothing more than formalized common sense. You observe something happening, come up with an idea for how it works, test that idea, if that idea passes the test then that idea becomes a useful rule. If the idea fails to explain it, then you start over and try to come up with another idea. And if a better idea later comes along which explains the phenomenon better than the old rule, you replace it. God didn't create science - it's just the method rational people have always used to understand the universe around them and improve their control over it, even in prehistoric times before anybody had a name for it or was consciously aware of the process.

Commonsense tells me I am related to apes :lol: :cuckoo:

Actually, it would be biology and DNA that would tell of a common ancestor. The fosill record would be another clue... excepting the clueless.

Obviously, you find a book of largely unknown authorship, rife with errors and contradictions and which appeals to your fears and superstitions to frame common sense.
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common sense tells me 'science' has not yet uncovered the secretes of life...but for some reason loves to pretend it has
Maybe you should choose your words more wisely nitwit.

Maybe you should takes some biology classes. Natural selection is non-random, but is neither a guided process nor a decision tree. It is non-random because specific adaptations occur as a result of specific changes in the environment of a species. Darwin's finches are a clear example of this principle. No one decided that the finches must change as a result of their isolation in an environment that was different than the one in which they were accustomed. It was simply a matter of biological survival of the species.

Seems you have taken a few science classes, I have a few questions for you.

1. How did the DNA code arise?

2. Name a coding system that arose without intelligent design?

1. If you type the expression: "How did the DNA code arise" into a search engine, you will find authoritative sources (to exclude Harun Yahya, your go-to source), that will provide plausible answers.

2. DNA

1a. How did your gawds obtain primacy over the Greek gawds, or Hindu gawds (other than merely being the religion you were born into)?

2a. Identify why a book (in your case the various bibles), is a reliable indication of supernatural gawds.
But remember, "creation science" relies on "science".

Really, it does.

Where do you think science came from ? the fields of science exist because of the creator.

No kidding, really? So we're to believe that cosmology and specifically geocentrism exist because of the "creator"? In what science text will I find a comprehensive description of the firmament?

I suppose that the science of medicine owes a debt to the "creator" for allowing dead men to rise. Where is the science of "un-deading" the dead practiced, exactly?
Maybe you should choose your words more wisely nitwit.

Maybe you should takes some biology classes. Natural selection is non-random, but is neither a guided process nor a decision tree. It is non-random because specific adaptations occur as a result of specific changes in the environment of a species. Darwin's finches are a clear example of this principle. No one decided that the finches must change as a result of their isolation in an environment that was different than the one in which they were accustomed. It was simply a matter of biological survival of the species.

I assure you I have had more science classes then anyone on your side of the issues in this thread.

I assure you that you haven't.
Maybe you should choose your words more wisely nitwit.

Maybe you should takes some biology classes. Natural selection is non-random, but is neither a guided process nor a decision tree. It is non-random because specific adaptations occur as a result of specific changes in the environment of a species. Darwin's finches are a clear example of this principle. No one decided that the finches must change as a result of their isolation in an environment that was different than the one in which they were accustomed. It was simply a matter of biological survival of the species.

Seems you have taken a few science classes, I have a few questions for you.

1. How did the DNA code arise?

2. Name a coding system that arose without intelligent design?

The DNA "code" was invented by Watson and Crick to make it easier to decipher the crystalline structure of DNA. To call DNA itself a code is a misnomer. It isn't a code. It is a rather large crystalline organic molecule.

You didn't know this? So much for you biology education. You should ask for a refund.
Maybe you should takes some biology classes. Natural selection is non-random, but is neither a guided process nor a decision tree. It is non-random because specific adaptations occur as a result of specific changes in the environment of a species. Darwin's finches are a clear example of this principle. No one decided that the finches must change as a result of their isolation in an environment that was different than the one in which they were accustomed. It was simply a matter of biological survival of the species.

Seems you have taken a few science classes, I have a few questions for you.

1. How did the DNA code arise?

2. Name a coding system that arose without intelligent design?

The DNA "code" was invented by Watson and Crick to make it easier to decipher the crystalline structure of DNA. To call DNA itself a code is a misnomer. It isn't a code. It is a rather large crystalline organic molecule.

You didn't know this? So much for you biology education. You should ask for a refund.

So much for yours ! you can spin it all you like but the the genetic code is the genetic language for all living organisms. You sure did avoid the questions.

The DNA story

The Genetic Language

Home ? Language and Genetics ? Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

Translating the genetic code

The genetic code - the language of genetics

Now this is funny because I agree with these folks. They know this code did not happen by chance through natural processes.

Scientists claim aliens put secret genetic code in human DNA | Blastr
Maybe you should takes some biology classes. Natural selection is non-random, but is neither a guided process nor a decision tree. It is non-random because specific adaptations occur as a result of specific changes in the environment of a species. Darwin's finches are a clear example of this principle. No one decided that the finches must change as a result of their isolation in an environment that was different than the one in which they were accustomed. It was simply a matter of biological survival of the species.

Seems you have taken a few science classes, I have a few questions for you.

1. How did the DNA code arise?

2. Name a coding system that arose without intelligent design?

The DNA "code" was invented by Watson and Crick to make it easier to decipher the crystalline structure of DNA. To call DNA itself a code is a misnomer. It isn't a code. It is a rather large crystalline organic molecule.

You didn't know this? So much for you biology education. You should ask for a refund.

The genetic code is exactly what it is called. Now will you provide any code that was not produced through intelligence ?
For your listening pleasure.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xAGZo5_OjI]Alan Jackson - How Great Thou Art (Improved) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogxLNlgKM8c]Alan Jackson - Amazing Grace - YouTube[/ame]
Seems you have taken a few science classes, I have a few questions for you.

1. How did the DNA code arise?

2. Name a coding system that arose without intelligent design?

The DNA "code" was invented by Watson and Crick to make it easier to decipher the crystalline structure of DNA. To call DNA itself a code is a misnomer. It isn't a code. It is a rather large crystalline organic molecule.

You didn't know this? So much for you biology education. You should ask for a refund.

So much for yours ! you can spin it all you like but the the genetic code is the genetic language for all living organisms. You sure did avoid the questions.

The DNA story

The Genetic Language

Home ? Language and Genetics ? Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

Translating the genetic code

The genetic code - the language of genetics

Now this is funny because I agree with these folks. They know this code did not happen by chance through natural processes.

Scientists claim aliens put secret genetic code in human DNA | Blastr

Anyone with any training at all in biological evolution and genetics (and at least one hemisphere of their brain functioning) knows that it doesn't happen by chance. Natural selection is not random. This has been pointed out ad infinitum to you, but you seem completely happy to recite the creationist play book verbatim and ignore anything contrary to it.

No one (not even the guy - Francis whatshisname - the Christian evangelist scientist who lead the team that sequenced the first human genome) in the scientific community is claiming that it is anything other than a natural process. There are no magic spells being recited, no bearded sky daddies waving magic wands over the Earth to get the biochemistry of life set in motion. Because that is what it is, biochemistry working on time scales from nanoseconds to millennia. There is nothing unambiguous about this. There are mountains of data to support it. All you appear to have is Alan Jackson songs on youtube. How sad is that?
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Seems you have taken a few science classes, I have a few questions for you.

1. How did the DNA code arise?

2. Name a coding system that arose without intelligent design?

The DNA "code" was invented by Watson and Crick to make it easier to decipher the crystalline structure of DNA. To call DNA itself a code is a misnomer. It isn't a code. It is a rather large crystalline organic molecule.

You didn't know this? So much for you biology education. You should ask for a refund.

The genetic code is exactly what it is called. Now will you provide any code that was not produced through intelligence ?

Your question is a red herring. The genetic "code" is a human construct created by human scientists in order to decipher what is going on inside of the DNA molecule. That is all it is. There are no angels in heaven typing out the four amino acids that make up DNA on a heavenly DNA typewriter, dude. It is a complex dance of chemical reactions that is quantifiable, repeatable, and completely and utterly natural.
Seems you have taken a few science classes, I have a few questions for you.

1. How did the DNA code arise?

2. Name a coding system that arose without intelligent design?

The DNA "code" was invented by Watson and Crick to make it easier to decipher the crystalline structure of DNA. To call DNA itself a code is a misnomer. It isn't a code. It is a rather large crystalline organic molecule.

You didn't know this? So much for you biology education. You should ask for a refund.

The genetic code is exactly what it is called. Now will you provide any code that was not produced through intelligence ?

The "genetic code" is a confusion of terms (and a slogan), misused by religious extremists who don't know any better. DNA at it's most basic level is a chemical compound. I don't know of anyone who is assigning magical / mystical codes to the chemical composition of water... unless of course, the religious extremist is going to propose that the "code" for water was produced by the gods.
Believing that we were created, and there is a loving God that didn't completely abandon us, is the only faith I need to believe as I do.

Adam and eve made a choice that left all of creation living with the consequences of their choice. We are living in a decaying world not that place called eden where adam and eve had their choice of perfect food and really everything they needed,plus peace and tranquility.

Rom 5:12 Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die.
Rom 5:13 Sin was in the world before the Law came. But no record of sin was kept, because there was no Law.
Rom 5:14 Yet death still had power over all who lived from the time of Adam to the time of Moses. This happened, though not everyone disobeyed a direct command from God, as Adam did. In some ways Adam is like Christ who came later.

So you believe in the bible because you feel like it, not because you have any proof of its god. Got it.

PS Do you know that you're a moron?

There is plenty of evidence to infer a creator. You have no evidence to prove everything exists on the basis of chance.

PS Do you know that you're a moron ?

What evidence? And I NEVER said that things exist by chance, you made that up... like the rest of your argument.

PS. Yes I do. Do you? :D
The DNA "code" was invented by Watson and Crick to make it easier to decipher the crystalline structure of DNA. To call DNA itself a code is a misnomer. It isn't a code. It is a rather large crystalline organic molecule.

You didn't know this? So much for you biology education. You should ask for a refund.

So much for yours ! you can spin it all you like but the the genetic code is the genetic language for all living organisms. You sure did avoid the questions.

The DNA story

The Genetic Language

Home ? Language and Genetics ? Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

Translating the genetic code

The genetic code - the language of genetics

Now this is funny because I agree with these folks. They know this code did not happen by chance through natural processes.

Scientists claim aliens put secret genetic code in human DNA | Blastr

Anyone with any training at all in biological evolution and genetics (and at least one hemisphere of their brain functioning) knows that it doesn't happen by chance. Natural selection is not random. This has been pointed out ad infinitum to you, but you seem completely happy to recite the creationist play book verbatim and ignore anything contrary to it.

No one (not even the guy - Francis whatshisname - the Christian evangelist scientist who lead the team that sequenced the first human genome) in the scientific community is claiming that it is anything other than a natural process. There are no magic spells being recited, no bearded sky daddies waving magic wands over the Earth to get the biochemistry of life set in motion. Because that is what it is, biochemistry working on time scales from nanoseconds to millennia. There is nothing unambiguous about this. There are mountains of data to support it. All you appear to have is Alan Jackson songs on youtube. How sad is that?

Breaking news, I am a creationist.

Biblical creationists agree with evolutionists on much of the ideas of natural selection, except the idea that natural selection leads from molecules to man evolution.

the only speciation that has ever been observed is in a population that produced distinct populations was because they rarely interbreed usually because of geographic isolation or other factors.

Speciation has never been observed to turn one kind of an animal into another. Lions and tigers are both members of the cat family, they are considered different species because of their geographic isolation but it is possible to breed the two.

An adaptation is a physical trait that is a inherited characteristic that gives an organism the ability to survive in a certain environment.

Evolutionists look at a characteristics and assume that they were produced through a gradual series of changes and call it an adaptation to a given environment. The problem with this scenario are the amount of time for such changes and lack the mechanism to cause the changes.

No Alan Jackson is not all we have.
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The DNA "code" was invented by Watson and Crick to make it easier to decipher the crystalline structure of DNA. To call DNA itself a code is a misnomer. It isn't a code. It is a rather large crystalline organic molecule.

You didn't know this? So much for you biology education. You should ask for a refund.

The genetic code is exactly what it is called. Now will you provide any code that was not produced through intelligence ?

Your question is a red herring. The genetic "code" is a human construct created by human scientists in order to decipher what is going on inside of the DNA molecule. That is all it is. There are no angels in heaven typing out the four amino acids that make up DNA on a heavenly DNA typewriter, dude. It is a complex dance of chemical reactions that is quantifiable, repeatable, and completely and utterly natural.

Is the genetic code the blue print that gets translated to form an organism yes or no ?

You're argument is juvenile. I have mountains of evidence and the community that agree with me.
So you believe in the bible because you feel like it, not because you have any proof of its god. Got it.

PS Do you know that you're a moron?

There is plenty of evidence to infer a creator. You have no evidence to prove everything exists on the basis of chance.

PS Do you know that you're a moron ?

What evidence? And I NEVER said that things exist by chance, you made that up... like the rest of your argument.

PS. Yes I do. Do you? :D

In your view would we exist if it were not for random chance ? or do you believe everything exists because of an intelligent designer ?

By all means explain how we got here if neither of the two choices I supplied apply to your view.
There is plenty of evidence to infer a creator. You have no evidence to prove everything exists on the basis of chance.

PS Do you know that you're a moron ?

What evidence? And I NEVER said that things exist by chance, you made that up... like the rest of your argument.

PS. Yes I do. Do you? :D

In your view would we exist if it were not for random chance ? or do you believe everything exists because of an intelligent designer ?

By all means explain how we got here if neither of the two choices I supplied apply to your view.
It looks like we got here from the Big Bang. Whether that was designed by a god is not known at this time. To presume you know for a fact (even though you have none) that an invisible god exists and is punishing children by disfiguring them because of what some alleged people did way back when in some mythical garden is pure arrogance, if not outright lunacy. Or do you actually have any real proof?
So much for yours ! you can spin it all you like but the the genetic code is the genetic language for all living organisms. You sure did avoid the questions.

The DNA story

The Genetic Language

Home ? Language and Genetics ? Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

Translating the genetic code

The genetic code - the language of genetics

Now this is funny because I agree with these folks. They know this code did not happen by chance through natural processes.

Scientists claim aliens put secret genetic code in human DNA | Blastr

Anyone with any training at all in biological evolution and genetics (and at least one hemisphere of their brain functioning) knows that it doesn't happen by chance. Natural selection is not random. This has been pointed out ad infinitum to you, but you seem completely happy to recite the creationist play book verbatim and ignore anything contrary to it.

No one (not even the guy - Francis whatshisname - the Christian evangelist scientist who lead the team that sequenced the first human genome) in the scientific community is claiming that it is anything other than a natural process. There are no magic spells being recited, no bearded sky daddies waving magic wands over the Earth to get the biochemistry of life set in motion. Because that is what it is, biochemistry working on time scales from nanoseconds to millennia. There is nothing unambiguous about this. There are mountains of data to support it. All you appear to have is Alan Jackson songs on youtube. How sad is that?

Breaking news, I am a creationist.

Biblical creationists agree with evolutionists on much of the ideas of natural selection, except the idea that natural selection leads from molecules to man evolution.

the only speciation that has ever been observed is in a population that produced distinct populations was because they rarely interbreed usually because of geographic isolation or other factors.

Speciation has never been observed to turn one kind of an animal into another. Lions and tigers are both members of the cat kind, they are considered different species because of their geographic isolation but it is possible to breed the two.

An adaptation is a physical trait that is inherited characteristic that gives an organism the ability to survive in a certain environment.

Evolutionists look at a characteristics and assume that they were produced through a gradual series of changes and call it an adaptation to a given environment. The problem with this scenario are the amount of time for such changes and lack the mechanism to cause the changes.

No Alan Jackson is not all we have.

Just to be clear, you were wrong about your claim that the 2nd Law prevents evolution?

Yes you were wrong, no you were not.

Simple answer.
What evidence? And I NEVER said that things exist by chance, you made that up... like the rest of your argument.

PS. Yes I do. Do you? :D

In your view would we exist if it were not for random chance ? or do you believe everything exists because of an intelligent designer ?

By all means explain how we got here if neither of the two choices I supplied apply to your view.
It looks like we got here from the Big Bang. Whether that was designed by a god is not known at this time. To presume you know for a fact (even though you have none) that an invisible god exists and is punishing children by disfiguring them because of what some alleged people did way back when in some mythical garden is pure arrogance, if not outright lunacy. Or do you actually have any real proof?

So you can't prove how we got here nor can I. I take the belief in a creator on the basis of faith just as you take the view we came here through the big bang on faith. Neither view is science ok. You believe there is evidence to infer naturalism I see evidence that infers purposeful design. We see the same evidence and have different interpretations of the evidence.

Curious though, I see these kind of comments all the time by people who doubt creation ever happened but then come back with a similar comment to yours.

Why would a loving and just God allow what is currently going on in this world. Is it that you want to believe but can't imagine God allowing all the bad things going on in this world ? or is it because you can't answer the questions so you deliberately slap at a creationist ? because we have no doubt the creator exists, and will do everything he promises, and are content with waiting for him to take action.

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