Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

oh btw eot's, how were you "forced" to come your decision on linkage between gmo's and ufo's ?
waterboarding? baton up the ass ?
or was it just plan old specious reasoning?

I am making no connection to GMO and UFOS...I am saying given the recent revelations of two national defense ministers and hundreds of high ranking military and space program personal along with the historical and archaeological evidence from the past theories proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts take on a new level of credibility that warrants serious consideration...you from your position and perspective my not agree but no less than two former defense minister and several Apollo astronauts have reached a vastly different view than you both Edgar Mitchell and the Canadian defense minister say.. I can tell you unequivocally we have had on going alien contact and willing to risk their reputation and legacy on their statements and have both said they are willing to testify before congress under oath and under penalty of perjury as to what they know...to me this carries a lot of weight and is worthy of serious and reasoned consideration
are you trying to set a guinness world record for the most times defence minister and astronauts is used on a thread?

are trying to set a record for the most inane comments in a single thread by breaking your old record ?
Listen in your attempt at covering up your ignorance you once again expose your ignorance.

Selective breeding - definition from Biology-Online.org

Now you can add a gene that never existed in the Genome of an organism and then selectively breed that organism. Usually through selectively breeding you're analyzing the Geno and Phenotype genes of the parents hoping you will pass on the desired traits of the parents.

once again slapdick you're attempting to twist the facts as you done many many times.
most recently the circle is a sphere debate were I handed you your ass .
the point is:Both genetic engineering and selective breeding result in modification of an organism's genotype. In other words, the organism's genes are changed in some way ..end of story.

I went back and read how we got here and it seems I did not finish my sentence. here is what I said.
everything else you said is a dodge to keep from saying the most horrible thing you know...I was wrong...
I am making no connection to GMO and UFOS...I am saying given the recent revelations of two national defense ministers and hundreds of high ranking military and space program personal along with the historical and archaeological evidence from the past theories proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts take on a new level of credibility that warrants serious consideration...you from your position and perspective my not agree but no less than two former defense minister and several Apollo astronauts have reached a vastly different view than you both Edgar Mitchell and the Canadian defense minister say.. I can tell you unequivocally we have had on going alien contact and willing to risk their reputation and legacy on their statements and have both said they are willing to testify before congress under oath and under penalty of perjury as to what they know...to me this carries a lot of weight and is worthy of serious and reasoned consideration
are you trying to set a guinness world record for the most times defence minister and astronauts is used on a thread?

are trying to set a record for the most inane comments in a single thread by breaking your old record ?
that would be you....constant repetition of that phrase is not evidence or in no way is persuasive it lost all that the first time you used it..
once again slapdick you're attempting to twist the facts as you done many many times.
most recently the circle is a sphere debate were I handed you your ass .
the point is:Both genetic engineering and selective breeding result in modification of an organism's genotype. In other words, the organism's genes are changed in some way ..end of story.

I went back and read how we got here and it seems I did not finish my sentence. here is what I said.

"Of course you selectively breed for certain traits that however is not altering the genome,in other words genetically modified. If they were not close enough genetically you could not produce offspring. You are not,I repeat you are not modifying the genome like you do for genetically modified food. Dawson shows his ignorance for agreeing with you."

It should have been "of course you selectively breed for certain traits that however is not directly altering the genome in the lab.In other words genetically modified with another species gene being fused.If they were not close enough genetically you could not produce offspring. You are not,I repeat you are not modifying the genome like you do for genetically modified food. Dawson shows his ignorance for agreeing with you."

Of course when you add a new trait to an organism you alter the genome

It's comedy gold to watch you re-write your posts as they are dismantled.
if he ever admitted he was wrong his head would explode... causing great joy among the people!
I went back and read how we got here and it seems I did not finish my sentence. here is what I said.

"Of course you selectively breed for certain traits that however is not altering the genome,in other words genetically modified. If they were not close enough genetically you could not produce offspring. You are not,I repeat you are not modifying the genome like you do for genetically modified food. Dawson shows his ignorance for agreeing with you."

It should have been "of course you selectively breed for certain traits that however is not directly altering the genome in the lab.In other words genetically modified with another species gene being fused.If they were not close enough genetically you could not produce offspring. You are not,I repeat you are not modifying the genome like you do for genetically modified food. Dawson shows his ignorance for agreeing with you."

Of course when you add a new trait to an organism you alter the genome

It's comedy gold to watch you re-write your posts as they are dismantled.

Wrong I just did not complete what I was saying. Daws tried to suggest that genetic engineering and selective breeding were pretty much the same thing and that is false. All you had to do was read the 2nd to the last sentence in what I quoted.

ge·net·i·cal·ly modified organism (j-nt-k-l)
n. Abbr. GMO
An organism whose genetic characteristics have been altered by the insertion of a modified gene or a gene from another organism using the techniques of genetic engineering.

You were saying ?
Hmm let's look at the definition of evolution and see if you have the right view of evolution.


The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the...
The gradual development of something, esp. from a simple to a more complex form.

So do you think that child is a more complex form ?

According to some theists that believe in a place of torment but I believe they have a doctrine not supported by scripture. It is due to taking everything written in the bible literally. Not everything in the bible is literal and way you find that out is by actually reading the bible.

Being more or less complex is irrelevant. Is this child a product of a) evolution, or b) god, or c) other (please specify).

The bible is a bunch of books written by men, not god.

Is relevant, if anything the child is a product of devolution. All things are a product of Gods creation. Since man made a choice now we are living the consequences of those choices.

If that choice was the correct choice we would not see the misery,pain,and death we observe now. Now we know the difference between good and evil and that was a choice adam and eve made. They made a choice to go away from God and perfection and go to chaos and evil.
Is relevant, if anything the child is a product of devolution. All things are a product of Gods creation. Since man made a choice now we are living the consequences of those choices.

If that choice was the correct choice we would not see the misery,pain,and death we observe now. Now we know the difference between good and evil and that was a choice adam and eve made. They made a choice to go away from God and perfection and go to chaos and evil.

Holy Malarkey Batman!! :D

You got any proof whatsoever of what you claim?

Btw, so god punishes children for Adam and Eve's mistake? Do you realize how dumb that sounds?

Believing that we were created, and there is a loving God that didn't completely abandon us, is the only faith I need to believe as I do.

Adam and eve made a choice that left all of creation living with the consequences of their choice. We are living in a decaying world not that place called eden where adam and eve had their choice of perfect food and really everything they needed,plus peace and tranquility.

Rom 5:12 Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die.
Rom 5:13 Sin was in the world before the Law came. But no record of sin was kept, because there was no Law.
Rom 5:14 Yet death still had power over all who lived from the time of Adam to the time of Moses. This happened, though not everyone disobeyed a direct command from God, as Adam did. In some ways Adam is like Christ who came later.
holy malarkey batman!! :d

you got any proof whatsoever of what you claim?

Btw, so god punishes children for adam and eve's mistake? Do you realize how dumb that sounds?

believing that we were created, and there is a loving god that didn't completely abandon us, is the only faith i need to believe as i do.

Adam and eve made a choice that left all of creation living with the consequences of their choice. We are living in a decaying world not that place called eden where adam and eve had their choice of perfect food and really everything they needed,plus peace and tranquility.

Rom 5:12 adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die.
Rom 5:13 sin was in the world before the law came. But no record of sin was kept, because there was no law.
Rom 5:14 yet death still had power over all who lived from the time of adam to the time of moses. This happened, though not everyone disobeyed a direct command from god, as adam did. In some ways adam is like christ who came later.

what are you a spam bot or what ? how many times are you going to use your inane little picture instead of big people words ?
Believing that we were created, and there is a loving God that didn't completely abandon us, is the only faith I need to believe as I do.

Adam and eve made a choice that left all of creation living with the consequences of their choice. We are living in a decaying world not that place called eden where adam and eve had their choice of perfect food and really everything they needed,plus peace and tranquility.

Rom 5:12 Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die.
Rom 5:13 Sin was in the world before the Law came. But no record of sin was kept, because there was no Law.
Rom 5:14 Yet death still had power over all who lived from the time of Adam to the time of Moses. This happened, though not everyone disobeyed a direct command from God, as Adam did. In some ways Adam is like Christ who came later.

But remember, "creation science" relies on "science".

Really, it does.

Where do you think science came from ? the fields of science exist because of the creator.

Science is nothing more than formalized common sense. You observe something happening, come up with an idea for how it works, test that idea, if that idea passes the test then that idea becomes a useful rule. If the idea fails to explain it, then you start over and try to come up with another idea. And if a better idea later comes along which explains the phenomenon better than the old rule, you replace it. God didn't create science - it's just the method rational people have always used to understand the universe around them and improve their control over it, even in prehistoric times before anybody had a name for it or was consciously aware of the process.
believing that we were created, and there is a loving god that didn't completely abandon us, is the only faith i need to believe as i do.

Adam and eve made a choice that left all of creation living with the consequences of their choice. We are living in a decaying world not that place called eden where adam and eve had their choice of perfect food and really everything they needed,plus peace and tranquility.

Rom 5:12 adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die.
Rom 5:13 sin was in the world before the law came. But no record of sin was kept, because there was no law.
Rom 5:14 yet death still had power over all who lived from the time of adam to the time of moses. This happened, though not everyone disobeyed a direct command from god, as adam did. In some ways adam is like christ who came later.

what are you a spam bot or what ? how many times are you going to use your inane little picture instead of big people words ?
Holy Malarkey Batman!! :D

You got any proof whatsoever of what you claim?

Btw, so god punishes children for Adam and Eve's mistake? Do you realize how dumb that sounds?

Believing that we were created, and there is a loving God that didn't completely abandon us, is the only faith I need to believe as I do.

Adam and eve made a choice that left all of creation living with the consequences of their choice. We are living in a decaying world not that place called eden where adam and eve had their choice of perfect food and really everything they needed,plus peace and tranquility.

Rom 5:12 Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die.
Rom 5:13 Sin was in the world before the Law came. But no record of sin was kept, because there was no Law.
Rom 5:14 Yet death still had power over all who lived from the time of Adam to the time of Moses. This happened, though not everyone disobeyed a direct command from God, as Adam did. In some ways Adam is like Christ who came later.

So you believe in the bible because you feel like it, not because you have any proof of its god. Got it.

PS Do you know that you're a moron?

There is plenty of evidence to infer a creator. You have no evidence to prove everything exists on the basis of chance.

PS Do you know that you're a moron ?
You're eternally befuddled. Your comment about natural selection being a "thinking process" makes no sense. Similarly, suggesting that natural selection is a "guided process" also makes no sense.

Congratulations, you're two for two with suggestions that make no sense.

Maybe you should choose your words more wisely nitwit.

Maybe you should takes some biology classes. Natural selection is non-random, but is neither a guided process nor a decision tree. It is non-random because specific adaptations occur as a result of specific changes in the environment of a species. Darwin's finches are a clear example of this principle. No one decided that the finches must change as a result of their isolation in an environment that was different than the one in which they were accustomed. It was simply a matter of biological survival of the species.

I assure you I have had more science classes then anyone on your side of the issues in this thread. Yes the environment can cause small micro-adaptations that is not evolution. Like a animals shed in the summer and grow longer hair in the winter it is part of the genetic programming.

There are many different explanations concerning the Galapagos finches.
No, I am saying if the 2nd law applies to this planet then I do believe evolution would violate it.

Our systen, Earth, receives energy, so the 2nd Law doesn't apply.
Your continuing claim that it in any way could ever prevent evolution only confirms your ignorance.

Enzymes work to correct copying errors in other words mutations.

Every mutuation is corrected by enzymes and that is why evolution cannot occur?
Is that your claim?

No I don't think so because if the 2nd law applies to this planet, for over a billion years it has been drifting towards disorder. So your telling me that the genetic code and all things necessary to form a viable cell was developed ? then that cell in turn evolved every living organism that has existed since ?

I never said every mutation but most mutations do nothing at all that get through or they are repaired. Either way just comparing the numbers of beneficial mutations vs harmful mutations hands down far more genetic disorders can be pointed to than benefits from mutations.

The theory takes faith to believe.
since you don't believe the planet is a billion years old ,making everything you posted a lie..another nice job of debunking your own shit.

No I am doing the opposite and showing you how rediculous some of your views are. Yep showing your ignorance one post at a time.
once again slapdick you're attempting to twist the facts as you done many many times.
most recently the circle is a sphere debate were I handed you your ass .
the point is:Both genetic engineering and selective breeding result in modification of an organism's genotype. In other words, the organism's genes are changed in some way ..end of story.

I went back and read how we got here and it seems I did not finish my sentence. here is what I said.
everything else you said is a dodge to keep from saying the most horrible thing you know...I was wrong...

Listen idiot ,because some other idiot say's that selective breeding and bioengineering is pretty much the same is just someone that don't have a clue of what he is talking about. Face it you're a dumbshit and probably always will be.
are you trying to set a guinness world record for the most times defence minister and astronauts is used on a thread?

are trying to set a record for the most inane comments in a single thread by breaking your old record ?
that would be you....constant repetition of that phrase is not evidence or in no way is persuasive it lost all that the first time you used it..

My daddy can beat your daddy up :lol::eusa_shifty:
It's comedy gold to watch you re-write your posts as they are dismantled.

Wrong I just did not complete what I was saying. Daws tried to suggest that genetic engineering and selective breeding were pretty much the same thing and that is false. All you had to do was read the 2nd to the last sentence in what I quoted.

ge·net·i·cal·ly modified organism (j-nt-k-l)
n. Abbr. GMO
An organism whose genetic characteristics have been altered by the insertion of a modified gene or a gene from another organism using the techniques of genetic engineering.

You were saying ?

Changing traits yes,same process no. Remain stupid.
believing that we were created, and there is a loving god that didn't completely abandon us, is the only faith i need to believe as i do.

Adam and eve made a choice that left all of creation living with the consequences of their choice. We are living in a decaying world not that place called eden where adam and eve had their choice of perfect food and really everything they needed,plus peace and tranquility.

Rom 5:12 adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die.
Rom 5:13 sin was in the world before the law came. But no record of sin was kept, because there was no law.
Rom 5:14 yet death still had power over all who lived from the time of adam to the time of moses. This happened, though not everyone disobeyed a direct command from god, as adam did. In some ways adam is like christ who came later.

what are you a spam bot or what ? how many times are you going to use your inane little picture instead of big people words ?

Remember, this is probably the dumbest person that visits this forum.
But remember, "creation science" relies on "science".

Really, it does.

Where do you think science came from ? the fields of science exist because of the creator.

Science is nothing more than formalized common sense. You observe something happening, come up with an idea for how it works, test that idea, if that idea passes the test then that idea becomes a useful rule. If the idea fails to explain it, then you start over and try to come up with another idea. And if a better idea later comes along which explains the phenomenon better than the old rule, you replace it. God didn't create science - it's just the method rational people have always used to understand the universe around them and improve their control over it, even in prehistoric times before anybody had a name for it or was consciously aware of the process.

Commonsense tells me I am related to apes :lol: :cuckoo:
You're calling the wrong person a dummy, my comment came from this comment "
Natural selection decides what genetic variation helps fitness"

Is natural selection a guided mechanism ?

You used the word thinking.
You should try it sometime.

Just to be clear, you were wrong about your claim that the 2nd Law prevents evolution?

Hollie said natural selection decides, the better way to say it is very simple, better adapted organisms have a better chance of survival.

decides 3rd person singular present of de·cide (Verb)

Come to a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration.

Not if the 2nd law applies to this planet. You said the genetic code could arise as long as it don't violate the 2nd law. So are you contradicting yourself by saying that the 2nd law does apply to this planet ?

Just to be clear, you were wrong about your claim that the 2nd Law prevents evolution?

Yes you were wrong, no you were not.

Simple answer.

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