Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

Why are you waiting for evidence that has been presented to you on many occasions?

Being forever befuddled about things that have been explained to you in excruciating detail suggests you are suffering from cognitive disabilities.

You're lying you have only produced the small variations within a family which both sides agree on which is micro adaptations.

Go back and read my questions slowly so you understand them.
in what thread? you've ask those same "questions" countless times and they have been answered countless times.
the fact is you will not accept any answer that does not fit your delusional pov.

Wrong it was not I that asked them it was Boss but we asked the same questions through different terms. No I did ask them in the creationist thread. You didn't answer Boss nor has any of answered them here. Why ?
bullshit! you say the bible declares that the earth is sphere it does not..as already presented to you. now as always you're attempting to weasle out of what you said.
btw from space the earth looks like ball not a circle ...hint video and film are not 3 dimensional but the astronauts eyes are .

A sphere is pretty much the same thing as a circle,this is rediculous. The bible uses a term I am fine with.
you being fine with inaccuracies, contradictions, and biblical falsehoods is why you are delusional.
thanks for making that clear.

I'm not fine with lies and falsehoods . That is why I reject naturalism and macro evolution. That is why I reject dating methods. That is why reject most of what you and hollow copy paste .
Of course you're fine with conflicting terms when it suits your extremist agenda. "Four corners" also describes a sphere... in the warped view of the extremist.

How is it conflicting terms ? if you read and actually study the bible you would see how wrong you're.

Let me give you a quick bible lesson. The four corners represent the entire earth north ,south,east,and west.

Eze 37:9 And He said to me, Prophesy to the Spirit, prophesy, son of man, and say to the Spirit, So says the Lord Jehovah: Come from the four winds, O Spirit, and breathe on these dead ones so that they may live.

Dan 7:2 Daniel spoke and said, In my vision by night I was looking: and behold, the four winds of the heavens were stirring up the Great Sea.

Dan 8:8 Then the he-goat became very great. And when he was strong, the great horn was broken. And in its place came up four outstanding ones towards the four winds of the heavens.

Zec 2:6 Ho! Ho! Flee then from the land of the north, says Jehovah. For I have scattered you as the four winds of the heavens, says Jehovah

Mar 13:27 And then He shall send His angels and shall gather His elect from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of heaven.

This is revealing no ?

Rev 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth so that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

If you're gonna slander the bible at least know what you're talking about first.
you do realise that all your "quotes" are out of context ?
who is quoting jesus? and from what?.
Show me they are out of context but I can safely say a Mormon that spent most of his time in the book of Mormon is not gonna correct a Christian that spent a lot of his time in the bible about how something being out of context.
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You're lying you have only produced the small variations within a family which both sides agree on which is micro adaptations.

Go back and read my questions slowly so you understand them.
in what thread? you've ask those same "questions" countless times and they have been answered countless times.
the fact is you will not accept any answer that does not fit your delusional pov.

Wrong it was not I that asked them it was Boss but we asked the same questions through different terms. No I did ask them in the creationist thread. You didn't answer Boss nor has any of answered them here. Why ?
bullshit you've asked the same questions in every thread you've posted...the variations on a theme ploy ..is bullshit.
A sphere is pretty much the same thing as a circle,this is rediculous. The bible uses a term I am fine with.
you being fine with inaccuracies, contradictions, and biblical falsehoods is why you are delusional.
thanks for making that clear.

I'm not fine with lies and falsehoods . That is why I reject naturalism and macro evolution. That is why I reject dating methods. That is why reject most of what you and hollow copy paste .
you must be as your evidence is filled to the rafters with them...your denial is proof!
How is it conflicting terms ? if you read and actually study the bible you would see how wrong you're.

Let me give you a quick bible lesson. The four corners represent the entire earth north ,south,east,and west.

Eze 37:9 And He said to me, Prophesy to the Spirit, prophesy, son of man, and say to the Spirit, So says the Lord Jehovah: Come from the four winds, O Spirit, and breathe on these dead ones so that they may live.

Dan 7:2 Daniel spoke and said, In my vision by night I was looking: and behold, the four winds of the heavens were stirring up the Great Sea.

Dan 8:8 Then the he-goat became very great. And when he was strong, the great horn was broken. And in its place came up four outstanding ones towards the four winds of the heavens.

Zec 2:6 Ho! Ho! Flee then from the land of the north, says Jehovah. For I have scattered you as the four winds of the heavens, says Jehovah

Mar 13:27 And then He shall send His angels and shall gather His elect from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of heaven.

This is revealing no ?

Rev 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth so that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

If you're gonna slander the bible at least know what you're talking about first.
you do realise that all your "quotes" are out of context ?
who is quoting jesus? and from what?.
Show me they are out of context but I can safely say a Mormon that spent most of his time in the book of Mormon is not gonna correct a Christian that spent a lot of his time in the bible about how something being out of context.
they are out of context as the storylines have no relation to each other.
the line the four winds does not link them...it's like the oft heard movie line " I gotta bad feeling about this"...it's a descriptor used for dramatic effect.
it's the same for the four winds line..in the bible.

also that description of the earth did not exist until the 16th century : Europeans in the 16th century divided the world into four continents: Africa, America, Asia and Europe.[1] Each of the four continents was seen to represent its quadrant of the world—Europe in the north, Asia in the east, Africa in the south, and America in the west. This division fit the Renaissance sensibilities of the time, which also divided the world into four seasons, four classical elements, four cardinal directions, four classical virtues, etc.
The four corners of the world refers to the America (the "west"), Europe (the "north"), Asia (the "east"), and Africa (the "south").
it's also further proof rewriting the bible.

one more thing slapdick, mormons spend an equal amount time" studying" the bible as they do the BOM.
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A sphere is pretty much the same thing as a circle,this is rediculous. The bible uses a term I am fine with.
you being fine with inaccuracies, contradictions, and biblical falsehoods is why you are delusional.
thanks for making that clear.

I'm not fine with lies and falsehoods . That is why I reject naturalism and macro evolution. That is why I reject dating methods. That is why reject most of what you and hollow copy paste .

Well actually, you are fine with lies and falsehoods because you cut and paste lies and falsehoods relentlessly. I've shown you your lies and falsehoods on many occasions.

You can reject naturalism and macro evolution as you wish. Harun Yahya is always looking for simple minds to corrupt. Just don't pretend that the lies and falsehoods you cut and paste will go unnoticed.
in what thread? you've ask those same "questions" countless times and they have been answered countless times.
the fact is you will not accept any answer that does not fit your delusional pov.

Wrong it was not I that asked them it was Boss but we asked the same questions through different terms. No I did ask them in the creationist thread. You didn't answer Boss nor has any of answered them here. Why ?
bullshit you've asked the same questions in every thread you've posted...the variations on a theme ploy ..is bullshit.

I am asking you for the evidence that Darwin asked for himself. Yes, all evolutionist can point to are small changes within a family that neither side deny. They extrapolate from this evidence for the theory of macro evolution.
you being fine with inaccuracies, contradictions, and biblical falsehoods is why you are delusional.
thanks for making that clear.

I'm not fine with lies and falsehoods . That is why I reject naturalism and macro evolution. That is why I reject dating methods. That is why reject most of what you and hollow copy paste .
you must be as your evidence is filled to the rafters with them...your denial is proof!

By your reasoning you think all scientists are in complete agreement with all scientific theories.

Daws my questions are simple, please provide the evidence and we can go from there.
I'm not fine with lies and falsehoods . That is why I reject naturalism and macro evolution. That is why I reject dating methods. That is why reject most of what you and hollow copy paste .
you must be as your evidence is filled to the rafters with them...your denial is proof!

By your reasoning you think all scientists are in complete agreement with all scientific theories.

Daws my questions are simple, please provide the evidence and we can go from there.


you do realise that all your "quotes" are out of context ?
who is quoting jesus? and from what?.
Show me they are out of context but I can safely say a Mormon that spent most of his time in the book of Mormon is not gonna correct a Christian that spent a lot of his time in the bible about how something being out of context.
they are out of context as the storylines have no relation to each other.
the line the four winds does not link them...it's like the oft heard movie line " I gotta bad feeling about this"...it's a descriptor used for dramatic effect.
it's the same for the four winds line..in the bible.

also that description of the earth did not exist until the 16th century : Europeans in the 16th century divided the world into four continents: Africa, America, Asia and Europe.[1] Each of the four continents was seen to represent its quadrant of the world—Europe in the north, Asia in the east, Africa in the south, and America in the west. This division fit the Renaissance sensibilities of the time, which also divided the world into four seasons, four classical elements, four cardinal directions, four classical virtues, etc.
The four corners of the world refers to the America (the "west"), Europe (the "north"), Asia (the "east"), and Africa (the "south").
it's also further proof rewriting the bible.

one more thing slapdick, mormons spend an equal amount time" studying" the bible as they do the BOM.

Nice story who is the source ? but you're wrong.

Problem is God described the earth 3,500 yeas ago to man.
Hollie it's been 3 days and you still have not provided that evidence I requested from you.

Of course I have.

Where is the evidence that your gawds breathed life into clay. You consistently refuse to address this bit of silly, superstitious nonsense.

If it's not silly, superstitious nonsense, there must be some evidence for how it happened or some way to test for how it could have happened.
What's silly is that you would presuppose for the sake of argument that an almighty Creator could exist, but not have the power to create life. You're premise is completely misplaced. If a Creator can create this universe, then it is pathetically absurd to even toy with the idea that the same Creator can't create human beings.

And to suggest that since you haven't seen evidence that a human being can create life from dirt, the idea of God is silly and superstitious? Laughable. Stuff I would expect from a teenage rookie.

Boiled down, your argument is--or at least should be--there is no evidence for God, therefore you personally believe there is no God. That point can't even be debated. Oh yes, but I remember... you extended your personal belief into absolute "fact," right? You say it's a fact that God has been "disproven," right?

Let's see your evidence. A lack of contradictory evidence is not evidence for anyone but you personally, so that won't fly. Let's hear it. We'll all be waiting at the edge of our seats to hear your Earth-shattering revelations. Until then, your argument is no more relevant than arguments in favor of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
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Hollie it's been 3 days and you still have not provided that evidence I requested from you.

Of course I have.

Where is the evidence that your gawds breathed life into clay. You consistently refuse to address this bit of silly, superstitious nonsense.

If it's not silly, superstitious nonsense, there must be some evidence for how it happened or some way to test for how it could have happened.
What's silly is that you would presuppose for the sake of argument that an almighty Creator could exist, but not have the power to create life. You're premise is completely misplaced. If a Creator can create this universe, then it is pathetically absurd to even toy with the idea that the same Creator can't create human beings.

And to suggest that since you haven't seen evidence that a human being can create life from dirt, the idea of God is silly and superstitious? Laughable. Stuff I would expect from a teenage rookie.

Boiled down, your argument is--or at least should be--there is no evidence for God, therefore you personally believe there is no God. That point can't even be debated. Oh yes, but I remember... you extended your personal belief into absolute "fact," right? You say it's a fact that God has been "disproven," right?

Let's see your evidence. A lack of contradictory evidence is not evidence for anyone but you personally, so that won't fly. Let's hear it. We'll all be waiting at the edge of our seats to hear your Earth-shattering revelations. Until then, your argument is no more relevant than arguments in favor of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
You misunderstand. I actually agree, in part, with your argunent. If we accept your premise that designer gawds by way of magic and supernaturalism could have designed all of existence then yes, designer gawds by way of magic and supernaturalism could have designed all of existence.

I'm stunned by such intellectual sloth.

It's a shame that we're left with some valid questions regarding the incompetent "designs" of your designer gawds but hey, gawds is as gawds does, I guess.

It's quite apparent that the real designer gawds are the Hindu gawds. So... to the back of the line you go with your wannabe designer gawds.
Show me they are out of context but I can safely say a Mormon that spent most of his time in the book of Mormon is not gonna correct a Christian that spent a lot of his time in the bible about how something being out of context.
they are out of context as the storylines have no relation to each other.
the line the four winds does not link them...it's like the oft heard movie line " I gotta bad feeling about this"...it's a descriptor used for dramatic effect.
it's the same for the four winds line..in the bible.

also that description of the earth did not exist until the 16th century : Europeans in the 16th century divided the world into four continents: Africa, America, Asia and Europe.[1] Each of the four continents was seen to represent its quadrant of the world—Europe in the north, Asia in the east, Africa in the south, and America in the west. This division fit the Renaissance sensibilities of the time, which also divided the world into four seasons, four classical elements, four cardinal directions, four classical virtues, etc.
The four corners of the world refers to the America (the "west"), Europe (the "north"), Asia (the "east"), and Africa (the "south").
it's also further proof rewriting the bible.

one more thing slapdick, mormons spend an equal amount time" studying" the bible as they do the BOM.

Nice story who is the source ? but you're wrong.

Problem is God described the earth 3,500 yeas ago to man.

Problem is, how is it that the gawds got it wrong?

Have the gawds played a cruel joke on you?
Wrong it was not I that asked them it was Boss but we asked the same questions through different terms. No I did ask them in the creationist thread. You didn't answer Boss nor has any of answered them here. Why ?
bullshit you've asked the same questions in every thread you've posted...the variations on a theme ploy ..is bullshit.

I am asking you for the evidence that Darwin asked for himself. Yes, all evolutionist can point to are small changes within a family that neither side deny. They extrapolate from this evidence for the theory of macro evolution.
from you answer you seems to have the evidence ..why ask me or any of "us" for it.
I'm not fine with lies and falsehoods . That is why I reject naturalism and macro evolution. That is why I reject dating methods. That is why reject most of what you and hollow copy paste .
you must be as your evidence is filled to the rafters with them...your denial is proof!

By your reasoning you think all scientists are in complete agreement with all scientific theories.

Daws my questions are simple, please provide the evidence and we can go from there.
an overwhelming majority of them are...
the tiny few who you take as messiahs are by the laws of probability in the percentile that is wrong no matter what..
Show me they are out of context but I can safely say a Mormon that spent most of his time in the book of Mormon is not gonna correct a Christian that spent a lot of his time in the bible about how something being out of context.
they are out of context as the storylines have no relation to each other.
the line the four winds does not link them...it's like the oft heard movie line " I gotta bad feeling about this"...it's a descriptor used for dramatic effect.
it's the same for the four winds line..in the bible.

also that description of the earth did not exist until the 16th century : Europeans in the 16th century divided the world into four continents: Africa, America, Asia and Europe.[1] Each of the four continents was seen to represent its quadrant of the world—Europe in the north, Asia in the east, Africa in the south, and America in the west. This division fit the Renaissance sensibilities of the time, which also divided the world into four seasons, four classical elements, four cardinal directions, four classical virtues, etc.
The four corners of the world refers to the America (the "west"), Europe (the "north"), Asia (the "east"), and Africa (the "south").
it's also further proof rewriting the bible.

one more thing slapdick, mormons spend an equal amount time" studying" the bible as they do the BOM.

Nice story who is the source ? but you're wrong.

Problem is God described the earth 3,500 yeas ago to man.
now that's a nice fairy tale!
you have no evidence whatsoever that god did any such thing.
you have folktales not evidence.
that's the problem.
it's also not an answer.
Hollie it's been 3 days and you still have not provided that evidence I requested from you.

Of course I have.

Where is the evidence that your gawds breathed life into clay. You consistently refuse to address this bit of silly, superstitious nonsense.

If it's not silly, superstitious nonsense, there must be some evidence for how it happened or some way to test for how it could have happened.
What's silly is that you would presuppose for the sake of argument that an almighty Creator could exist, but not have the power to create life. You're premise is completely misplaced. If a Creator can create this universe, then it is pathetically absurd to even toy with the idea that the same Creator can't create human beings.

And to suggest that since you haven't seen evidence that a human being can create life from dirt, the idea of God is silly and superstitious? Laughable. Stuff I would expect from a teenage rookie.

Boiled down, your argument is--or at least should be--there is no evidence for God, therefore you personally believe there is no God. That point can't even be debated. Oh yes, but I remember... you extended your personal belief into absolute "fact," right? You say it's a fact that God has been "disproven," right?

Let's see your evidence. A lack of contradictory evidence is not evidence for anyone but you personally, so that won't fly. Let's hear it. We'll all be waiting at the edge of our seats to hear your Earth-shattering revelations. Until then, your argument is no more relevant than arguments in favor of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
in reality there are no shoulds....

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