Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

You suffer from paranoia.

Not that you are capable of being honest, but the fact is, the really outrageous and silly conspiracy theories aimed at the "atheistic evilutionist" derive from the extreme Christian fundies.

No conspiracy at all,it has spread through our government and our schools.
As noted, your conspiracy theories are the result of your twisted extremist views.

It's actually been reassuring that the Courts have consistently thrown out attempts by extremist Christians to force their religion into the public schools. Snake handling 101 will not prepare students to compete in a technical world.

However, no one is preventing you from putting your hands into the snake pit. It's really cowardly that you don't. The gawds will protect you.

Really, they will.
You suffer from paranoia.

Not that you are capable of being honest, but the fact is, the really outrageous and silly conspiracy theories aimed at the "atheistic evilutionist" derive from the extreme Christian fundies.

Hollie a person can be wrong without being a liar. The problem for you is that you can't show me as being wrong. Do I have all the answers ,of course not, but I don't remember you ever proving me wrong.

When you turn to rhetoric once you have been shown to be wrong then that is a liar that refuses to admit to being wrong.
A person can also be wrong and be a liar.

You have demonstrated that repeatedly with multiple instances of falsified "quotes" that you knew were lies when I corrected you with the actual data.

Your sleazy tactics were exposed on multiple occasions yet you continue with your lies.

I can only describe it as a pathology when you repeatedly cut and paste falsified, edited, parsed and altered "quotes" in your feverish attempts to vilify science and promote your extremist ideology of religiously inspired hate.
Not that you are capable of being honest, but the fact is, the really outrageous and silly conspiracy theories aimed at the "atheistic evilutionist" derive from the extreme Christian fundies.

No conspiracy at all,it has spread through our government and our schools.
As noted, your conspiracy theories are the result of your twisted extremist views.

It's actually been reassuring that the Courts have consistently thrown out attempts by extremist Christians to force their religion into the public schools. Snake handling 101 will not prepare students to compete in a technical world.

However, no one is preventing you from putting your hands into the snake pit. It's really cowardly that you don't. The gawds will protect you.

Really, they will.

Sorry I am one of the intelligent Christians, I do not put God to the test.
Not that you are capable of being honest, but the fact is, the really outrageous and silly conspiracy theories aimed at the "atheistic evilutionist" derive from the extreme Christian fundies.

Hollie a person can be wrong without being a liar. The problem for you is that you can't show me as being wrong. Do I have all the answers ,of course not, but I don't remember you ever proving me wrong.

When you turn to rhetoric once you have been shown to be wrong then that is a liar that refuses to admit to being wrong.
A person can also be wrong and be a liar.

You have demonstrated that repeatedly with multiple instances of falsified "quotes" that you knew were lies when I corrected you with the actual data.

Your sleazy tactics were exposed on multiple occasions yet you continue with your lies.

I can only describe it as a pathology when you repeatedly cut and paste falsified, edited, parsed and altered "quotes" in your feverish attempts to vilify science and promote your extremist ideology of religiously inspired hate.

Now you're making stuff up hollie ,just as you have done many times in the past. that would qualify you as a liar.
Hollie it's been 3 days and you still have not provided that evidence I requested from you.

Of course I have.

Where is the evidence that your gawds breathed life into clay. You consistently refuse to address this bit of silly, superstitious nonsense.

If it's not silly, superstitious nonsense, there must be some evidence for how it happened or some way to test for how it could have happened.
Hollie a person can be wrong without being a liar. The problem for you is that you can't show me as being wrong. Do I have all the answers ,of course not, but I don't remember you ever proving me wrong.

When you turn to rhetoric once you have been shown to be wrong then that is a liar that refuses to admit to being wrong.
A person can also be wrong and be a liar.

You have demonstrated that repeatedly with multiple instances of falsified "quotes" that you knew were lies when I corrected you with the actual data.

Your sleazy tactics were exposed on multiple occasions yet you continue with your lies.

I can only describe it as a pathology when you repeatedly cut and paste falsified, edited, parsed and altered "quotes" in your feverish attempts to vilify science and promote your extremist ideology of religiously inspired hate.

Now you're making stuff up hollie ,just as you have done many times in the past. that would qualify you as a liar.

You even lie about your lies.

There are multiple threads where you were exposed for posting your falsified, edited, parsed and phony "quotes". The most recent are the "creationist" thread and the thread where just a week ago, I demonstrated your lies.

And still, you have no issue with lies to promote your ideology of hate.
He did through prophecy and predicted the messiah and the rejection of the messiah. You need to actually read the bible before you can be a critic.

Look you people are nitpicking over nothing. The Earth was described as a circle or a ball and a can be considered a sphere according to definition. Hell,sphere is a synonym of circle.

You go out to space and look back at the earth tell me what the earth looks like ?


Yes once again the bible is correct and you people are desperate looking for fault where it does not exist.
bullshit! you say the bible declares that the earth is sphere it does not..as already presented to you. now as always you're attempting to weasle out of what you said.
btw from space the earth looks like ball not a circle ...hint video and film are not 3 dimensional but the astronauts eyes are .

A sphere is pretty much the same thing as a circle,this is rediculous. The bible uses a term I am fine with.
you being fine with inaccuracies, contradictions, and biblical falsehoods is why you are delusional.
thanks for making that clear.
A sphere is pretty much the same thing as a circle,this is rediculous. The bible uses a term I am fine with.

Of course you're fine with conflicting terms when it suits your extremist agenda. "Four corners" also describes a sphere... in the warped view of the extremist.

How is it conflicting terms ? if you read and actually study the bible you would see how wrong you're.

Let me give you a quick bible lesson. The four corners represent the entire earth north ,south,east,and west.

Eze 37:9 And He said to me, Prophesy to the Spirit, prophesy, son of man, and say to the Spirit, So says the Lord Jehovah: Come from the four winds, O Spirit, and breathe on these dead ones so that they may live.

Dan 7:2 Daniel spoke and said, In my vision by night I was looking: and behold, the four winds of the heavens were stirring up the Great Sea.

Dan 8:8 Then the he-goat became very great. And when he was strong, the great horn was broken. And in its place came up four outstanding ones towards the four winds of the heavens.

Zec 2:6 Ho! Ho! Flee then from the land of the north, says Jehovah. For I have scattered you as the four winds of the heavens, says Jehovah

Mar 13:27 And then He shall send His angels and shall gather His elect from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of heaven.

This is revealing no ?

Rev 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth so that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

If you're gonna slander the bible at least know what you're talking about first.
you do realise that all your "quotes" are out of context ?
who is quoting jesus? and from what?.
Still waiting on that evidence I asked of you.

Why are you waiting for evidence that has been presented to you on many occasions?

Being forever befuddled about things that have been explained to you in excruciating detail suggests you are suffering from cognitive disabilities.

You're lying you have only produced the small variations within a family which both sides agree on which is micro adaptations.

Go back and read my questions slowly so you understand them.
in what thread? you've ask those same "questions" countless times and they have been answered countless times.
the fact is you will not accept any answer that does not fit your delusional pov.
I never do lol,you find it comical that you come off as an ignorant Ideologue ?

You are somehow under the impression that cutting and pasting from Harun Yahya is in any way going to be taken seriously.

Hollie your credibility continues taking hits and you're not intelligent enough to see it.

the old you're not smart enough ploy...
someone's getting their ass handed to them and it not Hollie..
denial in 5.....4....3...2..1
If you can't prove the existence of God through science, then it's not scientific. I don't mind that. It's not like it disproves God, just that we can't know through scientific methods.

Design and creationism is just as viable as naturalism. If you can't prove naturalism through the scientific method which you can't, how is it a more viable explanation ?

Either naturalism is responsible for all we see or a designer is.
hey slapdick you're answering a rhetorical statement!
No, the voices in your head don't bother me at all.

I'm a bit concerned. Those lovely folks who hear voices from the gawds tend to appear on the news attached to stories about others being killed or maimed.

Hollow you are a drama queen. Natural disasters,accidents,war, evil regimes,disease,old age. It's like the rider of the white horse is riding and we are in the tribulation. Quit being so narrow minded and open your eyes.
ohhhhhhhhhh..the armageddon ploy!
You suffer from paranoia.

Not that you are capable of being honest, but the fact is, the really outrageous and silly conspiracy theories aimed at the "atheistic evilutionist" derive from the extreme Christian fundies.

Hollie a person can be wrong without being a liar. The problem for you is that you can't show me as being wrong. Do I have all the answers ,of course not, but I don't remember you ever proving me wrong.

When you turn to rhetoric once you have been shown to be wrong then that is a liar that refuses to admit to being wrong.
no conspiracy at all,it has spread through our government and our schools.
as noted, your conspiracy theories are the result of your twisted extremist views.

It's actually been reassuring that the courts have consistently thrown out attempts by extremist christians to force their religion into the public schools. Snake handling 101 will not prepare students to compete in a technical world.

However, no one is preventing you from putting your hands into the snake pit. It's really cowardly that you don't. The gawds will protect you.

Really, they will.

sorry i am one of the intelligent christians, i do not put god to the test.
No conspiracy at all,it has spread through our government and our schools.
As noted, your conspiracy theories are the result of your twisted extremist views.

It's actually been reassuring that the Courts have consistently thrown out attempts by extremist Christians to force their religion into the public schools. Snake handling 101 will not prepare students to compete in a technical world.

However, no one is preventing you from putting your hands into the snake pit. It's really cowardly that you don't. The gawds will protect you.

Really, they will.

Sorry I am one of the intelligent Christians, I do not put God to the test.
Actually, you're one of the so-called christians who don't have true faith.

I would expect that you would be willing to affirm your faith in the power of the gawds, but evidently you're weak and not one of the true faithful. Your belief is only conditional thus you are not among the saved or the true believers.

Hellfire awaits you. You sinners will burn in an eternity of agony.

Put your hand in the snake pit. The gawds command you!

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