Why is racial pride only frowned upon when "white" is the race?

No. Whites are like if no other team was allowed in the NFL and the New England Patriots declared themselves number 1.
But the NFL is FULL of blacks. Please try again.
And some helped the NE Patriots to win! They could't have won without them.
Never said help wasn't used. IM2 thinks that getting other people to help you is somehow wrong. It's not, but she'll never get it.

No he doesn't. You whites are always the ones talking about handouts and help that others get. In this case whites got helped by legislation So without rules being tilted totally in your favor it's seriously doubtful whites like you would sitting behind a computer talking about how you are number 1.
Whites built the system and tilted it towards themselves, and you're pissed about that? lol, all I can say is grow up.

And you know what? We're STILL NUMBER 1! STILL NUMBER 1! :cool:
Apparently not:

"We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defense spending — where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined."

Why America Is No Longer No. 1, in 9 Charts
Hahahaha! As if you can account for every Polish person during the era of imperialism and unequivocally say none were involved. You are a riot... stupid but a riot. Then you double down and say Blacks who couldn't even vote n those days, had a part in advancing imperialism because they were drafted and forced to go fight or go to jail. Others volunteered to feed their families.

Most animals have White skin and straight hair. Coarse hair is still straight. Lambs, Jews , Blacks some Italians and Greeks are blessed with curly wooly hair. But Your neotenic nonsense fails. We know that White skin in humans is a recessive trait and that black skin is a dominant trait. We also know that the whiter a personis he/she has more Neanderthal genes within their genome. The Blackest Africans have none. That makes them more human with all the traits of humanity God gave them when he created the original HUE-MAN.

The only True HUE-Mans on earth are the darkest unmixed Blacks. Pink people are mutants thereof...Albino derived mutants conceived in unions with animals known as Neanderthals in the ice caves of Prehistoric Europe.

Actually, I've found people from the British Isles including Irish have a lot of woolly hair, it would appear woolly hair peaks in Europe in Portugal, you know the biggest European slavers of Blacks.
Young man I'm not going to engage you in some silly exchange about Poles and Blacks. That's just a diversion from the focus on the sins and exploits of the " WHITE" collective.
If Poles had no hand in any of that then I'm not talking about them. I could also reciprocate and. do the same kind of hair splitting you are doing by attaching different tribal affilliations to every black you name as acounter to my premise. But I'm not playing that game... I suspect. that Poles probably were as diverse in their pitical views as any other group and that some were altruistic while others were haters. I really don't care. I'm more concerned about the dominate ethnic conglomerate made up of all kinds of European nationalities that have been waging cold and hot wars against people of color for centuries...and they still are.

There is good, and bad in all races.

However, there's some glaring massive disparities even in Europe between say a Pole, and a German in atrocities committed despite being neighbors.

Same goes presumably for Blacks, the Black murder rates are all over the place, very high, and some kind of low, but mostly high.

However, just because there's good in all groups, doesn't mean there's no dangers.

This just means there's festering collective detriments... Furthermore Balkanization tends to explode, the groups tend to divide along lines.

Look at the Balkans it's self, sure there were good, and bad in all groups, but when the Pogrom / Riots / Massacres what ever you call them started erupting, the groups splintered apart into their factions regardless.

So, this shows that if there were say a race war in the U.S even good Blacks, and good Whites could end up fighting each other, just because they ended up being almost forced to take sides.
Same holds true in any war, really.
True, there is good and bad in all races. The problem with the blacks on these message boards is that they still hold whites today accountable for the history of SOME whites in the past. Yes, there are still bad whites, all blacks aren't good angels either. Bringing up the past does NOT help in any discussions because it is just that, in the PAST. We can't change it.
Indeed there are good and bad people in every race. But in America I see far more goodness among those White knights known as liberals than I see in the RW pink caba.
The past histories of liberals coincide with abolition, civil rights, and racial tolerance to some degree. Conservatives instigated American chattel slavery, were agents of racial hatred, and continue til this very day to
Undermine gains made by Blacks over the last few decades. Notice that I did not mention party affiliation. There are liberals and conservatives in both parties. However the GOP is top heavy with RW White males.

Well, I support African American nationhood, that would really help everybody, It would give Blacks sovereignty, control, they wouldn't feel victimized, or prejudiced upon.

I don't really understand, why we'd do it this way, to tell you the truth, I think it causes suffering from all sides.

But, the Globalist pigs want this, this is their vision for the World, tension, followed by decay of unique, and diverse heritages. To turn us into their submissive slave like creations.
(At least this is what I think is their goal, from what I've read, here, and there)
Do you know how most Blacks feel about slavery?
The ones in Africa practicing it, or the ones in America paying for it?

And so what does this have to do with modern white racism that is practiced in the United States?

There is slavery in Britain, and in white Eastern Europe, but you don't ,mention that.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.
Do you know how most Blacks feel about slavery?
The ones in Africa practicing it, or the ones in America paying for it?

And so what does this have to do with modern white racism that is practiced in the United States?

There is slavery in Britain, and in white Eastern Europe, but you don't ,mention that.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.

It must be nice feeling confident enough to speak for most white people. :lol:
Do you know how most Blacks feel about slavery?
The ones in Africa practicing it, or the ones in America paying for it?

And so what does this have to do with modern white racism that is practiced in the United States?

There is slavery in Britain, and in white Eastern Europe, but you don't ,mention that.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.

We are actually indoctrinated in elementary school with Black History Month, that teaches Blacks are equal, and the victim decent folk, and that White people are the villain predator.
Do you know how most Blacks feel about slavery?
The ones in Africa practicing it, or the ones in America paying for it?

And so what does this have to do with modern white racism that is practiced in the United States?

There is slavery in Britain, and in white Eastern Europe, but you don't ,mention that.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.
I disagree, most whites do not believe they are superior. This is a fallacy that a lot of blacks want to believe to keep racial hatred alive.
The ones in Africa practicing it, or the ones in America paying for it?

And so what does this have to do with modern white racism that is practiced in the United States?

There is slavery in Britain, and in white Eastern Europe, but you don't ,mention that.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.

It must be nice feeling confident enough to speak for most white people. :lol:

My words are generated from personal experience, the observances of others who valid my own experiences, media and research. In my life time every person who I've met who refers to themselves as "white" attaches an intrinsic superiority to it.
And so what does this have to do with modern white racism that is practiced in the United States?

There is slavery in Britain, and in white Eastern Europe, but you don't ,mention that.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.

It must be nice feeling confident enough to speak for most white people. :lol:

My words are generated from personal experience, the observances of others who valid my own experiences, media and research. In my life time every person who I've met who refers to themselves as "white" attaches an intrinsic superiority to it.
This is just your perspective, or how you chose to see people. You THINK they must THINK they are superior because they are white. I happen to be white, not young either, so I have had a lot of experience with people from all over. I am not saying no whites think they are superior, there are idiots everywhere, but from MY experience, most don't feel that way.
The ones in Africa practicing it, or the ones in America paying for it?

And so what does this have to do with modern white racism that is practiced in the United States?

There is slavery in Britain, and in white Eastern Europe, but you don't ,mention that.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.

We are actually indoctrinated in elementary school with Black History Month, that teaches Blacks are equal, and the victim decent folk, and that White people are the villain predator.

Black History month is an insult to any Black with any pride. To relegate Black History to one single month is a shame; but, the separation of Black History from American History or World History is vile. Black History should be infused into the regular curriculums in all 12 levels of Mandatory education.
If the teaching of Black History mentions the systemic atrocities committed against Blacks by murderous Caucs...that is accurate history. It happened. But there were other White people who stood with Blacks in their quest for equality.
Those should be mentioned too.

When I was in school, John Brown was depicted as an enemy of the people because of the Harper's Ferry incident. Nat Turner, who wreaked vengeance upon his sadistic owners and their neighbors was cast as a villain.
And so what does this have to do with modern white racism that is practiced in the United States?

There is slavery in Britain, and in white Eastern Europe, but you don't ,mention that.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.

It must be nice feeling confident enough to speak for most white people. :lol:

My words are generated from personal experience, the observances of others who valid my own experiences, media and research. In my life time every person who I've met who refers to themselves as "white" attaches an intrinsic superiority to it.

That's a lot different than just saying "most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man."

I wonder, were these anecdotal whites declaring themselves superior, or is that just what you believe that they believe?

Even among actual white supremacists, I would guess that at least some consider themselves better to minorities as an average, but not "superior to the best Black man."

Perhaps you see feelings of superiority in whites because you expect to, rather than because they are necessarily there.
The ones in Africa practicing it, or the ones in America paying for it?

And so what does this have to do with modern white racism that is practiced in the United States?

There is slavery in Britain, and in white Eastern Europe, but you don't ,mention that.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.
I disagree, most whites do not believe they are superior. This is a fallacy that a lot of blacks want to believe to keep racial hatred alive.

And by what barometer did you measure and conclude that MOST Caucasians do not believe they are superior? I say the moment they use the word "white" they show their mindset of being superior just as you just did. White as an identifier of so-called race is only meaningful because there are people darker than a paper bag in the world.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.

It must be nice feeling confident enough to speak for most white people. :lol:

My words are generated from personal experience, the observances of others who valid my own experiences, media and research. In my life time every person who I've met who refers to themselves as "white" attaches an intrinsic superiority to it.
This is just your perspective, or how you chose to see people. You THINK they must THINK they are superior because they are white. I happen to be white, not young either, so I have had a lot of experience with people from all over. I am not saying no whites think they are superior, there are idiots everywhere, but from MY experience, most don't feel that way.

why do you use "white" as an identifier when no white person really exists. The term is a social construct meant to divide. You don't even see that your own use of the word validates every thing I have said.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.

It must be nice feeling confident enough to speak for most white people. :lol:

My words are generated from personal experience, the observances of others who valid my own experiences, media and research. In my life time every person who I've met who refers to themselves as "white" attaches an intrinsic superiority to it.

That's a lot different than just saying "most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man."

I wonder, were these anecdotal whites declaring themselves superior, or is that just what you believe that they believe?

Even among actual white supremacists, I would guess that at least some consider themselves better to minorities as an average, but not "superior to the best Black man."

Perhaps you see feelings of superiority in whites because you expect to, rather than because they are necessarily there.

There are plenty of White observers who have expressed the same beliefs I have about how most whites think about race:

President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who grew up in the South and understood the politics of racism from the inside, saw it in part as a ploy to divide and conquer.

President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

And if you are sincere and have some spare time you might want to read this transcript carefully . It's an eye opener.


I believe it was racism to why that Pole Jan Pawel Pietrzak was killed, they raped his wife in front of him, robbed him, and killed them execution style.

Now let me ask you, why do you do this to someone you're just robbing, as the Fed's claim? Yeah, that's what I thought... They obviously hated them... Gee I wonder why?
I don't know if it was racially motivated but he did have a black wife.


From what I gather they were subordinates under his command. A couple of them had serious problems with him, but I think that along with that fact and his black wife, sent them over the edge. But this is all speculation.

So, you're admitting that race likely played a factor?
Yeah. It could have been. But it could have not been.
But the NFL is FULL of blacks. Please try again.
And some helped the NE Patriots to win! They could't have won without them.
Never said help wasn't used. IM2 thinks that getting other people to help you is somehow wrong. It's not, but she'll never get it.

No he doesn't. You whites are always the ones talking about handouts and help that others get. In this case whites got helped by legislation So without rules being tilted totally in your favor it's seriously doubtful whites like you would sitting behind a computer talking about how you are number 1.
Whites built the system and tilted it towards themselves, and you're pissed about that? lol, all I can say is grow up.

And you know what? We're STILL NUMBER 1! STILL NUMBER 1! :cool:
Apparently not:

"We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defense spending — where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined."

Why America Is No Longer No. 1, in 9 Charts
Not talking about America, we're talking about whites. Please try to keep up. :biggrin:
And so what does this have to do with modern white racism that is practiced in the United States?

There is slavery in Britain, and in white Eastern Europe, but you don't ,mention that.
provide a link showing slavery in Britain.
Modern whites who are racist are rare and you'll never get rid of them 100%
Why can't people, including blacks, just live and let live.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.

We are actually indoctrinated in elementary school with Black History Month, that teaches Blacks are equal, and the victim decent folk, and that White people are the villain predator.

Black History month is an insult to any Black with any pride. To relegate Black History to one single month is a shame; but, the separation of Black History from American History or World History is vile. Black History should be infused into the regular curriculums in all 12 levels of Mandatory education.
If the teaching of Black History mentions the systemic atrocities committed against Blacks by murderous Caucs...that is accurate history. It happened. But there were other White people who stood with Blacks in their quest for equality.
Those should be mentioned too.

When I was in school, John Brown was depicted as an enemy of the people because of the Harper's Ferry incident. Nat Turner, who wreaked vengeance upon his sadistic owners and their neighbors was cast as a villain.

You are truly privileged, no one else has anything else like this, there's no Polish History Month to tell about Polish greats, or anything like it.
I believe it was racism to why that Pole Jan Pawel Pietrzak was killed, they raped his wife in front of him, robbed him, and killed them execution style.

Now let me ask you, why do you do this to someone you're just robbing, as the Fed's claim? Yeah, that's what I thought... They obviously hated them... Gee I wonder why?
I don't know if it was racially motivated but he did have a black wife.


From what I gather they were subordinates under his command. A couple of them had serious problems with him, but I think that along with that fact and his black wife, sent them over the edge. But this is all speculation.

So, you're admitting that race likely played a factor?
Yeah. It could have been. But it could have not been.

While I understand if a Civil War happened, most Blacks would fight on the other side.

But, the main problem is the Satanic Globalist scums, not Black people.

There is also a Black issue, but it's made worse by the Satanic Globalist scums, like how the media pretty much created Black Lives Matters, by not showing Whites killed by cops, but only Blacks killed by cops.

The truth is we're fighting for our Nation, and Heritage, and Blacks should be too.
They are too hung up on insisting that all or most whites are racists because SOME had slaves long ago.
Most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man. That's part of the social conditioning we all were indoctrinated with starting in elementary school. Most Democrats and republicans alike ...black and white... harbor that conditioning. That phenomenon became crystal clear during Obama's presidency and the election of racist Donald Trump as president left no doubt. We don't have to go back 100 years to find evidence of racism
...its happening NOW.

It must be nice feeling confident enough to speak for most white people. :lol:

My words are generated from personal experience, the observances of others who valid my own experiences, media and research. In my life time every person who I've met who refers to themselves as "white" attaches an intrinsic superiority to it.

That's a lot different than just saying "most people who call themselves white believe they are superior to the best Black man."

I wonder, were these anecdotal whites declaring themselves superior, or is that just what you believe that they believe?

Even among actual white supremacists, I would guess that at least some consider themselves better to minorities as an average, but not "superior to the best Black man."

Perhaps you see feelings of superiority in whites because you expect to, rather than because they are necessarily there.

There are plenty of White observers who have expressed the same beliefs I have about how most whites think about race:

President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who grew up in the South and understood the politics of racism from the inside, saw it in part as a ploy to divide and conquer.

President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

And if you are sincere and have some spare time you might want to read this transcript carefully . It's an eye opener.


Explain how Black victimhood being instilled in our institutions doesn't divide, and conquer?

Yes, Blacks have been weaponized against Whites, as have Gays, Women, Hispanics, and the White Liberals.

It's all a plot to destroy Western Culture.

Believe when we're gone, you'll be gone too.

These Globalist scums don't care about Black people, they care about using against White people to divide, and conquer White people.

If these Globalist scums did care about Black people, they would talk a lot about King Leopold's Genocide in the Belgian Congo, as much as they do about the Jew Holocaust. no such luck, though.

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