Why is the Democrat Party Racist Against White Heterosexual Males?

You are right. It's the republicans that are the party of inclusion! Lol !!!
they are. What happens to Black Republicans? Liberal Democrats call them "Uncle Tom's"
And a whole lot worse. They trot out former assistance to make up stories about pubic hairs on Coke cans as a sexual advance.
Their political cartoonists sketch overtly racist drawings of a black woman who dared to be Secretary of State in a GOP administration. The GOP and conservatives protested. Pointing out the hypocrisy and racism. The left claimed "it's protected free speech"...
Fucking evil hypocrites.
You are right. It's the republicans that are the party of inclusion! Lol !!!
And the democrats are? Shut the fuck up.....If anything the GOP is DC has much to the chagrin of the conservative base, been reaching across the aisle to you libs and all you do is stab them in the abdomen.
It is common knowledge that when the GOP is the majority party in DC, you libs scream "bipartisanship!!"....When the dems are the majority, its "fuck you!"
Go spread your chicken droppings elsewhere
"Why is the Democrat Party Racist Against White Heterosexual Males?

Why do most conservatives start threads that fail as straw man fallacies, and are nothing but ridiculous lies, this thread being one of many examples.
Gee, you didn't even make it past page one of the Lib's playbook to pull out the "liar card" , did you.
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.

The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.

Interesting. What exactly are we supposed to debate, again?
Oh, and where are your sources?
Or are you just screaming at the air like a banshee?
Hey genius. YOU are the source. Do you really think no one is watching?
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.

Gee. That's clever. any more juvenile retorts in your Mom's basement?
Haaaaaa funny thread and responses ~ Pulling a women around by her hair means that this person / male like Walker will bring us back to the caveman days where they pulled a woman around by her hair.

It has nothing to do with a straight white male.
DWS: Walker gives 'back of his hand'
She said it and it was directed at a White heterosexual male, Governor Scott Walker.
I wish that fucking greasy hairdoo twat would get run over by a golf cart.
Has anyone ever noticed the 11 tons of hair gel she uses?.....Reminds me of that Eddie Murphy movie "Coming to America" when the people leave the grease stains on the back of the sofa because they had glopped on the Soul Glo
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males...
The party has become controlled in many ways by two PC-oriented groups, (1) white males suffering from White Guilt, and (2) women and minorities who are all too happy to take advantage of them.

Now it's all about Identity, not content of character. What a shame.
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.

I'm thinking you should rush to the emergency room at the hospital nearest you to see if they can reverse the effects of that terminal brain cramp of yours!!!!
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.

Interesting. What exactly are we supposed to debate, again?
Oh, and where are your sources?
Or are you just screaming at the air like a banshee?
Hey genius. YOU are the source. Do you really think no one is watching?

Uhm, no.

Do you lack the ability to argue a point like an adult, or are your knuckles just too scraped up??
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.

The left needs victims to keep power. They hold themselves out as the savior for all the people's problems, which comes down to giving away money to keep their voters coming back to the polls.

Of course, once you convince people that their miserable lot in life is someone else's fault, you then have to come up with a villain to blame. Since most who buy into the Dems propaganda are usually uneducated and often unemployed, you blame the people with money. Since the Dems claim they are the champions of minorities and have been for decades (wonderful job they've done, huh?) the only logical villain for the plight of poor minorities is wealthy white people. Since more men are in high paying jobs than women, that makes white males the bad guy of choice for libs.

So, when a minority is poor, it's a white guy's fault that the person can't get a good job. It's not about lack of education or other poor choices, the guy you blame is the one who finished school and works every day.

Jealous of the White mans accomplishments
No they are just shortsightedly embracing the Millennials in the hope for votes. The problem is they can't see these pussies don't like hard work and aren't joining unions, saving money or generally contributing to society. In a few elections there will be no voter base to draw from.
You are right. It's the republicans that are the party of inclusion! Lol !!!

Democrats simply label everyone and define and align according to voting blocks. Don't mistake that for inclusion.
White Guilt/self loathing doesn't help Black Americans in the long run.

Maybe that isn't the goal.
Haaaaaa funny thread and responses ~ Pulling a women around by her hair means that this person / male like Walker will bring us back to the caveman days where they pulled a woman around by her hair.

It has nothing to do with a straight white male.
DWS: Walker gives 'back of his hand'
She said it and it was directed at a White heterosexual male, Governor Scott Walker.
I wish that fucking greasy hairdoo twat would get run over by a golf cart.
Has anyone ever noticed the 11 tons of hair gel she uses?.....Reminds me of that Eddie Murphy movie "Coming to America" when the people leave the grease stains on the back of the sofa because they had glopped on the Soul Glo

wasserman schulz is jewish... jews hate white christians and call them "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean"...because they imagine themselves as superior since they are "god's chosen people"...they can do no wrong..after all "god" has selected THEM...

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