Why is the Democrat Party Racist Against White Heterosexual Males?

"Why is the Democrat Party Racist Against White Heterosexual Males?

Why do most conservatives start threads that fail as straw man fallacies, and are nothing but ridiculous lies, this thread being one of many examples.

Because all their thoughts are cut n pasted from foxnews talking points .

Yep, the whole world is against the heterosexual white male. This thread is about nativist reactionary fear of a changing world. I can think of a group of people who feel the same.
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males...
The party has become controlled in many ways by two PC-oriented groups, (1) white males suffering from White Guilt, and (2) women and minorities who are all too happy to take advantage of them.

Now it's all about Identity, not content of character. What a shame.
Spot on......
Politics of identity is how Baltimore gets a Mayor that is no more qualified to lead a city than she is for selling hair care products.
Politics of identity is how Washington DC reelects a mayor convicted of smoking crack.
Politics of identity is how we get a jagoff like Eric Holder who as the top law enforcement officer in the country thought part of his job was to do the bidding of the POTUS and further a left wing agenda.
more white christian male victimhood.

the problem with bigots like the o/p is they think they need to diminish others so they can feel better about themselves.
"Why is the Democrat Party Racist Against White Heterosexual Males?

Why do most conservatives start threads that fail as straw man fallacies, and are nothing but ridiculous lies, this thread being one of many examples.

Because all their thoughts are cut n pasted from foxnews talking points .

Yep, the whole world is against the heterosexual white male. This thread is about nativist reactionary fear of a changing world. I can think of a group of people who feel the same.
"nativist reactionary fear"?......So THAT is the liberal narrative.
Funny shit.
BTW, political correctness was invented by self hating Caucasians.
more white christian male victimhood.

the problem with bigots like the o/p is they think they need to diminish others so they can feel better about themselves.
Straight out of the liberal playbook.
Accuse others of what they do and then demand they defend themselves against the accusation.
Deflection strategy.
We're on to you lefties. You shit not longer works.
You no longer control the conversation.
You are right. It's the republicans that are the party of inclusion! Lol !!!
they are. What happens to Black Republicans? Liberal Democrats call them "Uncle Tom's"

I don't. I never have. You fail.

Try again.
Not limiting the comments to you personally..
The fact is Liberals DESPISE all members of minority groups that identify as conservative.
You hate them for having the nerve to go off the reservation
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. Their chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has declared (in the name of a mythical "war on women") that Scott Walker was dragging women around by the hair. Also, the Democrats liberal media lackeys promoted a false narrative on race with the whole "hands-up don't shoot lie" and they continue to play racism from the bottom of the deck when it is a near nonexistent issue in this country. God help the White male candidate that calls them on this lie, they will be pilloried in the news media as a "racist" or "racially insensitive." The only White males that the Democratic Party welcomes are gays because (again with the help of the media) a man giving another man a blow job has become a civil rights issue. I wonder how baptist minister Martin Luther King would feel about that? Oh, and let us not forget our Democrat college professors and public school teacher who brainwash our students into believing that the history of the United States is nothing more than evil White males who did terrible things to other people. I guess we can forget about the Constitution, victory in war, and putting a man on the moon, if it involved White males...its bad racist stuff. FDR, Truman, and JFK could not even win a Democratic primary by today's Democratic Party standards. Bunch of racist socialist.

Interesting. What exactly are we supposed to debate, again?
Oh, and where are your sources?
Or are you just screaming at the air like a banshee?
Hey genius. YOU are the source. Do you really think no one is watching?

Uhm, no.

Do you lack the ability to argue a point like an adult, or are your knuckles just too scraped up??
THAT is your response?
Non sequitur
The Democratic Party has become a racist political organization hell bent on demonizing White heterosexual males. .

The question is why do you believe such crap?

Since when have white Republicans become such whiny victims?

As a white heterosexual male member of the Democratic Party- I don't feel threatened at all.

But you - a Conservative old white dude- do.

Stop being such a whiney victim.
You are right. It's the republicans that are the party of inclusion! Lol !!!
they are. What happens to Black Republicans? Liberal Democrats call them "Uncle Tom's"

I don't. I never have. You fail.

Try again.
Not limiting the comments to you personally..
The fact is Liberals DESPISE all members of minority groups that identify as conservative.
You hate them for having the nerve to go off the reservation

LOL- all you show is you don't know what the word 'fact' means.

Your biased opinion is not the same thing as a fact.
You are right. It's the republicans that are the party of inclusion! Lol !!!
they are. What happens to Black Republicans? Liberal Democrats call them "Uncle Tom's"

I don't. I never have. You fail.

Try again.
Not limiting the comments to you personally..
The fact is Liberals DESPISE all members of minority groups that identify as conservative.
You hate them for having the nerve to go off the reservation

exactly and they know it- thats why they have to go onto their next pet project- latinos/illegals because blacks- slowly but surely finally see the light. Blacks have gone nowhere under lib control for 50 years and even under the first "black" lib potus , they have gone backwards.
"Why is the Democrat Party Racist Against White Heterosexual Males?

Why do most conservatives start threads that fail as straw man fallacies, and are nothing but ridiculous lies, this thread being one of many examples.

Because all their thoughts are cut n pasted from foxnews talking points .

Yep, the whole world is against the heterosexual white male. This thread is about nativist reactionary fear of a changing world. I can think of a group of people who feel the same.
"nativist reactionary fear"?......So THAT is the liberal narrative.
Funny shit.
BTW, political correctness was invented by self hating Caucasians.

When people claim a political party which includes many white heterosexual males hates white hetersexual males, then you're obviously an idiot and a reactionary racist who doesn't understand the racial make up of the Democratic party .

Here is a "white heterosexual male hating" (since we throw this around so casually) polling firm to demonstrate:

more white christian male victimhood.

the problem with bigots like the o/p is they think they need to diminish others so they can feel better about themselves.
Agreed. No one is being victimized. I can prove it with a simple statement. I say that tab A fits into slot B. Anything other than that is unnatural. But people are free to do what they want. If what Fox is saying is true I will be fired by the end of the weekend.
more white christian male victimhood.

the problem with bigots like the o/p is they think they need to diminish others so they can feel better about themselves.
Agreed. No one is being victimized. I can prove it with a simple statement. I say that tab A fits into slot B. Anything other than that is unnatural. But people are free to do what they want. If what Fox is saying is true I will be fired by the end of the weekend.

what i find bizarre is this mental illness that makes some pretend that calling people on their bigotry is, in fact, bigotry.

it's insane.
more white christian male victimhood.

the problem with bigots like the o/p is they think they need to diminish others so they can feel better about themselves.
Agreed. No one is being victimized. I can prove it with a simple statement. I say that tab A fits into slot B. Anything other than that is unnatural. But people are free to do what they want. If what Fox is saying is true I will be fired by the end of the weekend.

what i find bizarre is this mental illness that makes some pretend that calling people on their bigotry is, in fact, bigotry.

it's insane.
Calling a citizen a "bigot" is the democrat method of silencing any dissent or difference of opinion. The democrat party is full of Christophobic hateful bigots. Everyone is a bigot. See what y'all started with the name calling?
more white christian male victimhood.

the problem with bigots like the o/p is they think they need to diminish others so they can feel better about themselves.
Agreed. No one is being victimized. I can prove it with a simple statement. I say that tab A fits into slot B. Anything other than that is unnatural. But people are free to do what they want. If what Fox is saying is true I will be fired by the end of the weekend.

what i find bizarre is this mental illness that makes some pretend that calling people on their bigotry is, in fact, bigotry.

it's insane.
Calling a citizen a "bigot" is the democrat method of silencing any dissent or difference of opinion. The democrat party is full of Christophobic hateful bigots. Everyone is a bigot. See what y'all started with the name calling?

no. :cuckoo:

no one is a "christophobe".

not wanting you to force us to live by your beliefs is not "christophobia".

but please play victim because you can't make us a theocracy. if you have a problem with that, go live in saudi arabia... they feel the same way about gays and women as you do.
Liberals and Internationalists and Socialists and Communists and the poor and minorities alike all tend to flock to the Democratic Party like lemmings to the sea.

In a Two-Horse Town (in a country with a two-party system), we tend to gather around the campfire that comes closest to fulfilling our personal vision for the country.

In many of the above cases, the Standard-Issue Generic and Sanitized Democratic Platform doesn't come close to such visions, but it comes closer.

The Republican Party sold-out to Big Business and Big Money, in the 1920s and 1930s - it simply took most of America another 50 or 60 years to catch on.

Then again...

The Democratic Party sold-out to Bib Business and Big Money, in the 1990s - it took 'em longer, and they disguise it better, and they are better bullshit artists.

The Democratic Party are also better Panderers and Vote-Whores, bending-over and grabbing their ankles for any minority that can help to keep them in power.

Both parties have earned the contempt and disgust of the American People - opposite sides of the same coin - different symptoms of the same political sickness.

Political correctness, vote-pandering, empty promises, lack of imagination and vision, inconsistency, lack of continuity, lack of common sense, lack of cooperation, and greed

From BOTH sides of the aisle.

Unfortunately, there is no end in sight, and I worry about the future - not so much for myself, but for my children, and theirs.
more white christian male victimhood.

the problem with bigots like the o/p is they think they need to diminish others so they can feel better about themselves.
Agreed. No one is being victimized. I can prove it with a simple statement. I say that tab A fits into slot B. Anything other than that is unnatural. But people are free to do what they want. If what Fox is saying is true I will be fired by the end of the weekend.

what i find bizarre is this mental illness that makes some pretend that calling people on their bigotry is, in fact, bigotry.

it's insane.
Calling a citizen a "bigot" is the democrat method of silencing any dissent or difference of opinion. The democrat party is full of Christophobic hateful bigots. Everyone is a bigot. See what y'all started with the name calling?

no. :cuckoo:

no one is a "christophobe".

not wanting you to force us to live by your beliefs is not "christophobia".

but please play victim because you can't make us a theocracy. if you have a problem with that, go live in saudi arabia... they feel the same way about gays and women as you do.
The Christian businesses targeted were not forcing anyone to do anything. They were the ones being forced to do something against their will. Y'all can't see your own hypocrisy. Dignity, my ass.
You are right. It's the republicans that are the party of inclusion! Lol !!!
they are. What happens to Black Republicans? Liberal Democrats call them "Uncle Tom's"

I don't. I never have. You fail.

Try again.
Not limiting the comments to you personally..
The fact is Liberals DESPISE all members of minority groups that identify as conservative.
You hate them for having the nerve to go off the reservation

LOL- all you show is you don't know what the word 'fact' means.

Your biased opinion is not the same thing as a fact.
Show me examples of liberals who praise members of minority groups who are also ideologically conservative.
You are right. It's the republicans that are the party of inclusion! Lol !!!
they are. What happens to Black Republicans? Liberal Democrats call them "Uncle Tom's"

I don't. I never have. You fail.

Try again.
Not limiting the comments to you personally..
The fact is Liberals DESPISE all members of minority groups that identify as conservative.
You hate them for having the nerve to go off the reservation

LOL- all you show is you don't know what the word 'fact' means.

Your biased opinion is not the same thing as a fact.
Show me examples of liberals who praise members of minority groups who are also ideologically conservative.

Prove that all liberals despise all members of minority groups that identify as Conservative. Do you really think that anyone who doesn't praise a politician despises them?

for instance I am a liberal- and I don't despise Ben Carson- why would I? I disagree with him- he has several positions that I disagree with.

Other than Ben Carson, I am hard pressed to think of any other Conservatives who are minorities- so it would be hard for me to despise any of them.

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