Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...

The problem with your witnesses is that they have gave their opinions only.

Their answers about any wrongdoing by the president have been in reference to the same question: in your opinion, who will benefit from this and that?

In their opinion they think the president did something wrong.

Well, I think he did not.

Now is their opinion against mine. Tell me about it.

You want to go forward with an impeachment case that in reality is not a valid case because is just accusations made based on opinions.


The D's have really missed the boat here. If they could get someone to say that "Donald J. Trump told me at such-and-such a place and such-and-such a time, that he told the President of Ukraine to get dirt on Bite Me so he could win the 2020 election", that would be something to listen to. But there are no specific lies here, just opinions. Why didn't Kent and Taylor just make their lies clear, instead of just giving opinions?
You have things half assed backwards, dave.

Its up to the Libs to prove Trump guilty, not for Trump to prove himself innocent. And even it was, there is nothing that Mr. Bolton could say that would convince extreme doofuses like Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie that Trump is a tremendous President who is worthy to rule over the nation he loves.
he could have prevented the charges, the articles of impeachment, from even happening,

if he was innocent he would have shown something, anything at all that would have discredited the accusations.... like any normal human being, innocent of accusations, would have presented to the cops before they were charged... that could exculpate them, before those charges are drawn.

Makes ya wonder, did Trump want this impeachment for some perverted political gain?

OR, is he really not as innocent and perfect, as he claims to you Trumpettes?


The R's do not want a trial, where the prosecution has to provide their case, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant is guilty.

There is no other way to view it.

Ya'll seem to want a SHAM trial, where the FIX IS IN, before prosecutors even present their witnesses and evidence.

You don't understand American legal procedures. The burden of proof is solely on the accuser. The defendant need present nothing until the accuser's contentions are presented along with their evidence.

Since the Democrats have produced no evidence, they've moved to start up a another Congressional Chinese gang-fuck to try to support their nonsense.

Since President Trump realizes that after he is exonerated on this Fake Impeachment, another is approaching right on the heels of this, there is really no reason to try and rush this one. Another "historic" moment is right down the road as Trump become the first President to get impeached twice, and after that one is resolved, he'll be the first to be impeached thrice.

Impeaching again will not help Democrats' popularity. My 93 year-old mom despises them even more for making the networks interfere with her soap operas with their nonsense the first time around. And yes, she still votes.

And it just isn't the soap operas that the libs are messing with. My mum is 89 and complained how they cut in the middle of the Price is Right.
Your mom hates America, too? That sounds about right. You had to get it somewhere.
The House needs to present a complete and valid case. They are the prosecutors. The Senate is the jury. A jury does not investigate.
No, the Senate is the trial. Jurors hear evidence. Jurors hear from witnesses.

Fair enough. What do the persecutors contend that Mr. Bolton will testify to at the trial? Witnesses are only brought forward if they know something, and there is no reason to think that the tremendous ambassador knows a damn thing about the Perfect Phone Call. If he doesn't know anything, there is no reason to call him at all.
he could have prevented the charges, the articles of impeachment, from even happening,

if he was innocent he would have shown something, anything at all that would have discredited the accusations.... like any normal human being, innocent of accusations, would have presented to the cops before they were charged... that could exculpate them, before those charges are drawn.

Makes ya wonder, did Trump want this impeachment for some perverted political gain?

OR, is he really not as innocent and perfect, as he claims to you Trumpettes?


The R's do not want a trial, where the prosecution has to provide their case, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant is guilty.

There is no other way to view it.

Ya'll seem to want a SHAM trial, where the FIX IS IN, before prosecutors even present their witnesses and evidence.

You don't understand American legal procedures. The burden of proof is solely on the accuser. The defendant need present nothing until the accuser's contentions are presented along with their evidence.

Since the Democrats have produced no evidence, they've moved to start up a another Congressional Chinese gang-fuck to try to support their nonsense.

Since President Trump realizes that after he is exonerated on this Fake Impeachment, another is approaching right on the heels of this, there is really no reason to try and rush this one. Another "historic" moment is right down the road as Trump become the first President to get impeached twice, and after that one is resolved, he'll be the first to be impeached thrice.

Impeaching again will not help Democrats' popularity. My 93 year-old mom despises them even more for making the networks interfere with her soap operas with their nonsense the first time around. And yes, she still votes.

And it just isn't the soap operas that the libs are messing with. My mum is 89 and complained how they cut in the middle of the Price is Right.
Your mom hates America, too? That sounds about right. You had to get it somewhere.

No, my mum likes Drew Carey, and doesn't think the program should be interrupted for partisan bullshit. If she wanted to see liberal claptrap, she'd be watching the doofuses on CNN instead this fine program.
Um, actually it is.

The big dip in stock prices in October 1929 foretold the Great Depression. Ditto with the dip in stock prices in 08-09 and the resultant Obama Recession, that fortunately, Trump was able to get us out of.

How the fuck is a recession in 2008 an Obama recession. He didn't take office until 2009.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.

Obama took office in January 2009, and is clearly responsible for everything from that date.

But even before than, businesses saw the upcoming Obama Regime as bad news, and started to cut back as soon as they saw his victory was inevitable during the summer of 2008.

So Obama is responsible for the recession that started 14 months before he became president?

Dud ya think the forum really needed more evidence you're a brain-dead cultist? :cuckoo:

The ONLY thing that Barack Obama is "responsible" for is his choices once he became President! He "chose" to pursue the Affordable Care Act as his primary legislative goal despite being told that it would retard job creation at a time when millions of Americans were unemployed and desperate for work! He and you progressives "chose" to propose Cap & Trade legislation that would have placed additional costs on American businesses! Barack Obama and the Democratically led Congress "chose" to burden American businesses with record numbers of new regulations that again increased costs on American businesses! Barack Obama "chose" to shut down all oil exploration in the Gulf following a deep water leak...even shallow water drilling operations that had impeccable safety records! Barack Obama "chose" to sign the Paris Accord which once again would have burdened American businesses with costs that it's competitors would not have had to bear! Barack Obama "chose" to reorder who got paid and who didn't in the auto bailouts so as to reward his supporters in the UAW...screwing the other creditors who had invested their capital! ALL of these things were a deterrent to job creation.

Barack Obama isn't responsible for what took place BEFORE he became President but he sure as hell is responsible for the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! THAT is his economic legacy...not the sham graphs that you post to hide how badly his choices affected job creation in this country!
Since you can't remember shit, the pursuit of the ACA was after the passing of the stimulus act. So Congress already had dobe what they could to help the economy & then went to work on the ACA.

The Deepwater Horizon showed that oil companies were unprepaid and lied about their abilities to deal with such situations.

I realize you Trumpettes hate the environment as much as you hate your own children, but we need to protect our air & water & fight climate change.

I love it how you assfucks take actions to save our auto industry and the efforts to help our police, fire, & education as helping unions.

And the worst recession in 80 years would hasve the "worst" recovery in 80 years, Any fucking idiot knows that.

You, by voting Republican, are to blame to the Bush recession. Youy votred for the people that took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years.

Quit blaming those tasked to fix it.

Oh, Dave! Anyone who thinks Bill Clinton ever HAD a balanced budget is so ignorant that it's laughable!
That's exactly right.

I'm not a high priced legal expert by any stretch of the imagination. But I know its a LEGAL question as to whether exec privilege applies.

And this has to meander its way through the courts. If Congress wins, they can compel these fellas to testify. If they don't, tough shit.

That's the American way.
Precedent has already been set on this, everyone who is subpoenaed, HAS TO SHOW UP.

Trumps order to not show up, is OBSTRUCTION of congress.

Subpoenas can be fought in court, that's all that's happening.

Obama did the same thing, ditto with clinton and bush. Pick up those guys too, if its really a "high crime".
Why is Trump fighting witnesses that will clear him?
He is not

So none of the people who he denied to testify can clear him? Further proof of guilt.
He doesn’t need to be cleared of a non crime. The transcript already cleared him.
Precedent has already been set on this, everyone who is subpoenaed, HAS TO SHOW UP.

Trumps order to not show up, is OBSTRUCTION of congress.

Subpoenas can be fought in court, that's all that's happening.

Obama did the same thing, ditto with clinton and bush. Pick up those guys too, if its really a "high crime".
Why is Trump fighting witnesses that will clear him?
He is not

So none of the people who he denied to testify can clear him? Further proof of guilt.
He doesn’t need to be cleared of a non crime. The transcript already cleared him.

That's exactly where the libs took a misstep. They never thought that Trump would have the cojones to reveal the official transcript. And the Trumpster did so immediately.

Trump probably cleared this with Zelensky in advance , as he knew what the lib plan was.
Subpoenas can be fought in court, that's all that's happening.

Obama did the same thing, ditto with clinton and bush. Pick up those guys too, if its really a "high crime".
Why is Trump fighting witnesses that will clear him?
He is not

So none of the people who he denied to testify can clear him? Further proof of guilt.
He doesn’t need to be cleared of a non crime. The transcript already cleared him.

That's exactly where the libs took a misstep. They never thought that Trump would have the cojones to reveal the official transcript. And the Trumpster did so immediately.

Trump probably cleared this with Zelensky in advance , as he knew what the lib plan was.
He never revealed the transcript, dumbass. But keep watching FoxNews for more misinformation.
Subpoenas can be fought in court, that's all that's happening.

Obama did the same thing, ditto with clinton and bush. Pick up those guys too, if its really a "high crime".
Why is Trump fighting witnesses that will clear him?
He is not

So none of the people who he denied to testify can clear him? Further proof of guilt.

You have things half assed backwards, dave.

Its up to the Libs to prove Trump guilty, not for Trump to prove himself innocent. And even it was, there is nothing that Mr. Bolton could say that would convince extreme doofuses like Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie that Trump is a tremendous President who is worthy to rule over the nation he loves.
he could have prevented the charges, the articles of impeachment, from even happening,

if he was innocent he would have shown something, anything at all that would have discredited the accusations.... like any normal human being, innocent of accusations, would have presented to the cops before they were charged... that could exculpate them, before those charges are drawn.

Makes ya wonder, did Trump want this impeachment for some perverted political gain?

OR, is he really not as innocent and perfect, as he claims to you Trumpettes?


The R's do not want a trial, where the prosecution has to provide their case, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant is guilty.

There is no other way to view it.

Ya'll seem to want a SHAM trial, where the FIX IS IN, before prosecutors even present their witnesses and evidence.

STFU you stupid Obamanzee. Your utter ignorance of how things work isn’t astounding it’s expected. See stupid, YOU have to prove guilt. Trump does not have to prove his innocence no matter how many times you repeat your Dim masters talking points. May you be miserable with 5 more years of Trump.
His record shows otherwise, lying con tool.


Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

Ok, what about record low unemployment? Is that an "economic indicator?"

You mean the record low unemployment that started under Pres. Obama.

What about record wage growth? Is that an "economic indicator?"

Which jobs are these record wage growths growing under.

What about record housing sales, is that an "economic indicator?"

When did these record home sales start?
Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

Ok, what about record low unemployment? Is that an "economic indicator?"

You mean the record low unemployment that started under Pres. Obama.

What about record wage growth? Is that an "economic indicator?"

Which jobs are these record wage growths growing under.

What about record housing sales, is that an "economic indicator?"

When did these record home sales start?

Did you want to take a crack at telling us all what economic policies of Barack Obama's it was that caused unemployment to go down?
I can show you his economic policies that prolonged the recession and kept people out of work for years.
I can show you his economic policies that prolonged the recession and kept people out of work for years.

B. Hussein O. instituted his 99 weeks of unemployment checks policy, which encouraged idle workers to sit on their butts for 2 years collecting checks. He opened up eligibility for the EBT and Food Stamp programs, Obamaphones, as well , which encouraged idleness and prolonged economic malaise. He established policies which allowed people to get on SSI and SSD checks for "back pain" and "depression"- this is one of the main causes for the opioid crisis. People taking Vikes and Perks to "verify" they are "disabled" and could get free money.
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

Ok, what about record low unemployment? Is that an "economic indicator?"

You mean the record low unemployment that started under Pres. Obama.

What about record wage growth? Is that an "economic indicator?"

Which jobs are these record wage growths growing under.

What about record housing sales, is that an "economic indicator?"

When did these record home sales start?

Did you want to take a crack at telling us all what economic policies of Barack Obama's it was that caused unemployment to go down?

The unemployment rate shows pretty much the same progression from President Obama to President Trump. The unemployment rate started to climb the last two years of President Bush’s second term and substantially in Obama’s first year as the Great Recession that he had inherited was having a huge impact.Bush’s last four years in office:

December 2005: 4.9%
December 2006: 4.4%, decreased 0.5%
December 2007: 5.0%, increased 0.6%
December 2008: 7.3%, increased 2.3%

Obama’s time in office:
December 2009: 9.9%, increased 2.6%(teeth of the recession)
December 2010: 9.3%, decreased 0.6%
December 2011: 8.5%, decreased 0.8%
December 2012: 7.9%, decreased 0.6%
December 2013: 6.7%, decreased 1.2%
December 2014: 5.6%, decreased 1.1%
December 2015: 5.0%, decreased 0.6%
December 2016: 4.7%, decreased 0.3%

Trump’s through September:

December 2017: 4.1%, decreased 0.6%
September 2018: 3.7%, decreased 0.4%

1. Ended the 2008 Recession
In February 2009, Congress approved Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects. The recession ended in July 2009 when GDP growth turned positive.

2. Modernized the Auto Industry
Obama bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving 3 million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel-efficient and much more globally competitive.

3. Reformed Health Care
On March 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act revolutionized healthcare, in part by creating a program that offered insurance to people with pre-existing conditions who had been shut out of the insurance system. By 2014, the economy benefited from having 95% of the population on health insurance by mandate.

The greater number of people receiving preventive care reduced the number of expensive visits to emergency rooms, slowing the rise of health care costs for everyone. That's because Medicaid reimburses hospitals for emergency care.

Why did health care need to be reformed? Rising costs threatened to take over the entire federal budget. It was also the no.1 cause of bankruptcies. In return, Americans received the worst health care in the developed world. It is the only one of 33 developed countries without universal health care.

President Donald Trump promised to "repeal and replace" Obamacare. As of November 2019, he has failed to pass any legislation. But by eliminating the mandate and reinstituting "skinny plans" that don't cover a slew of expensive illnesses, he is weakening Obamacare even without formal repeal.

4. Regulated the Big Banks
In July 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act improved regulation of eight areas that led to the financial crisis. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reduced harmful practices of credit cards and mortgages. The Financial Stability Oversight Council regulated hedge funds and banks that became too big to fail. The "Volcker Rule" banned banks from risking losses with their depositors' money. Dodd-Frank clarified which agencies regulated which banks, stopping banks from cherry-picking their regulators.

5. 2010 Tax Cuts
In December 2010, Obama and Congress agreed upon additional stimulus in the form of an $858 billion tax cut. It had three main components: a $350 billion extension of the Bush tax cuts, a $56 billion extension of unemployment benefits, and a $120 billion reduction in workers' payroll taxes. Businesses received $140 billion in tax cuts for capital improvements and $80 billion in research and development tax credits. The estate tax was exempted (up to $5 million), and there were additional credits for college tuition and children.

6. Raised Fuel Efficiency Standards
On August 28, 2012, the Obama administration announced new fuel efficiency standards. He required cars and light trucks obtain 54.5 MPG by 2025.3 That would reduce oil consumption by 12 billion barrels, saving drivers $1.7 trillion. It would also reduce the damage of climate change by lowering greenhouse gases.

The Trump administration promised to roll back these standards.4 But California requires zero-emissions vehicles. Twelve other states adopted the mandate. Major automakers must build cars to meet stricter standards in the European Union and Asia.

Do I really need to go on.

In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust rate of 3.9% by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.
How the fuck is a recession in 2008 an Obama recession. He didn't take office until 2009.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.

Obama took office in January 2009, and is clearly responsible for everything from that date.

But even before than, businesses saw the upcoming Obama Regime as bad news, and started to cut back as soon as they saw his victory was inevitable during the summer of 2008.

So Obama is responsible for the recession that started 14 months before he became president?

Dud ya think the forum really needed more evidence you're a brain-dead cultist? :cuckoo:

The ONLY thing that Barack Obama is "responsible" for is his choices once he became President! He "chose" to pursue the Affordable Care Act as his primary legislative goal despite being told that it would retard job creation at a time when millions of Americans were unemployed and desperate for work! He and you progressives "chose" to propose Cap & Trade legislation that would have placed additional costs on American businesses! Barack Obama and the Democratically led Congress "chose" to burden American businesses with record numbers of new regulations that again increased costs on American businesses! Barack Obama "chose" to shut down all oil exploration in the Gulf following a deep water leak...even shallow water drilling operations that had impeccable safety records! Barack Obama "chose" to sign the Paris Accord which once again would have burdened American businesses with costs that it's competitors would not have had to bear! Barack Obama "chose" to reorder who got paid and who didn't in the auto bailouts so as to reward his supporters in the UAW...screwing the other creditors who had invested their capital! ALL of these things were a deterrent to job creation.

Barack Obama isn't responsible for what took place BEFORE he became President but he sure as hell is responsible for the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! THAT is his economic legacy...not the sham graphs that you post to hide how badly his choices affected job creation in this country!
Since you can't remember shit, the pursuit of the ACA was after the passing of the stimulus act. So Congress already had dobe what they could to help the economy & then went to work on the ACA.

The Deepwater Horizon showed that oil companies were unprepaid and lied about their abilities to deal with such situations.

I realize you Trumpettes hate the environment as much as you hate your own children, but we need to protect our air & water & fight climate change.

I love it how you assfucks take actions to save our auto industry and the efforts to help our police, fire, & education as helping unions.

And the worst recession in 80 years would hasve the "worst" recovery in 80 years, Any fucking idiot knows that.

You, by voting Republican, are to blame to the Bush recession. Youy votred for the people that took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years.

Quit blaming those tasked to fix it.

Oh, Dave! Anyone who thinks Bill Clinton ever HAD a balanced budget is so ignorant that it's laughable!
He had a balanced BUDGET, anyone who thinks otherwise, has no idea how the BUDGET is calculated.

The BUDGET was balanced, because SS surplus funds are part of it, and have been part of the budget, over a half century.

The budget, is not the national debt.

A budget can be balanced, while still adding to the national debt the surplus SS funds used in the budget that helped in balancing the budget.
Obama took office in January 2009, and is clearly responsible for everything from that date.

But even before than, businesses saw the upcoming Obama Regime as bad news, and started to cut back as soon as they saw his victory was inevitable during the summer of 2008.

So Obama is responsible for the recession that started 14 months before he became president?

Dud ya think the forum really needed more evidence you're a brain-dead cultist? :cuckoo:

The ONLY thing that Barack Obama is "responsible" for is his choices once he became President! He "chose" to pursue the Affordable Care Act as his primary legislative goal despite being told that it would retard job creation at a time when millions of Americans were unemployed and desperate for work! He and you progressives "chose" to propose Cap & Trade legislation that would have placed additional costs on American businesses! Barack Obama and the Democratically led Congress "chose" to burden American businesses with record numbers of new regulations that again increased costs on American businesses! Barack Obama "chose" to shut down all oil exploration in the Gulf following a deep water leak...even shallow water drilling operations that had impeccable safety records! Barack Obama "chose" to sign the Paris Accord which once again would have burdened American businesses with costs that it's competitors would not have had to bear! Barack Obama "chose" to reorder who got paid and who didn't in the auto bailouts so as to reward his supporters in the UAW...screwing the other creditors who had invested their capital! ALL of these things were a deterrent to job creation.

Barack Obama isn't responsible for what took place BEFORE he became President but he sure as hell is responsible for the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! THAT is his economic legacy...not the sham graphs that you post to hide how badly his choices affected job creation in this country!
Since you can't remember shit, the pursuit of the ACA was after the passing of the stimulus act. So Congress already had dobe what they could to help the economy & then went to work on the ACA.

The Deepwater Horizon showed that oil companies were unprepaid and lied about their abilities to deal with such situations.

I realize you Trumpettes hate the environment as much as you hate your own children, but we need to protect our air & water & fight climate change.

I love it how you assfucks take actions to save our auto industry and the efforts to help our police, fire, & education as helping unions.

And the worst recession in 80 years would hasve the "worst" recovery in 80 years, Any fucking idiot knows that.

You, by voting Republican, are to blame to the Bush recession. Youy votred for the people that took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years.

Quit blaming those tasked to fix it.

Oh, Dave! Anyone who thinks Bill Clinton ever HAD a balanced budget is so ignorant that it's laughable!
He had a balanced BUDGET, anyone who thinks otherwise, has no idea how the BUDGET is calculated.

The BUDGET was balanced, because SS surplus funds are part of it, and have been part of the budget, over a half century.

The budget, is not the national debt.

A budget can be balanced, while still adding to the national debt the surplus SS funds used in the budget that helped in balancing the budget.
Come again

So Obama is responsible for the recession that started 14 months before he became president?

Dud ya think the forum really needed more evidence you're a brain-dead cultist? :cuckoo:

The ONLY thing that Barack Obama is "responsible" for is his choices once he became President! He "chose" to pursue the Affordable Care Act as his primary legislative goal despite being told that it would retard job creation at a time when millions of Americans were unemployed and desperate for work! He and you progressives "chose" to propose Cap & Trade legislation that would have placed additional costs on American businesses! Barack Obama and the Democratically led Congress "chose" to burden American businesses with record numbers of new regulations that again increased costs on American businesses! Barack Obama "chose" to shut down all oil exploration in the Gulf following a deep water leak...even shallow water drilling operations that had impeccable safety records! Barack Obama "chose" to sign the Paris Accord which once again would have burdened American businesses with costs that it's competitors would not have had to bear! Barack Obama "chose" to reorder who got paid and who didn't in the auto bailouts so as to reward his supporters in the UAW...screwing the other creditors who had invested their capital! ALL of these things were a deterrent to job creation.

Barack Obama isn't responsible for what took place BEFORE he became President but he sure as hell is responsible for the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression! THAT is his economic legacy...not the sham graphs that you post to hide how badly his choices affected job creation in this country!
Since you can't remember shit, the pursuit of the ACA was after the passing of the stimulus act. So Congress already had dobe what they could to help the economy & then went to work on the ACA.

The Deepwater Horizon showed that oil companies were unprepaid and lied about their abilities to deal with such situations.

I realize you Trumpettes hate the environment as much as you hate your own children, but we need to protect our air & water & fight climate change.

I love it how you assfucks take actions to save our auto industry and the efforts to help our police, fire, & education as helping unions.

And the worst recession in 80 years would hasve the "worst" recovery in 80 years, Any fucking idiot knows that.

You, by voting Republican, are to blame to the Bush recession. Youy votred for the people that took us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years.

Quit blaming those tasked to fix it.

Oh, Dave! Anyone who thinks Bill Clinton ever HAD a balanced budget is so ignorant that it's laughable!
He had a balanced BUDGET, anyone who thinks otherwise, has no idea how the BUDGET is calculated.

The BUDGET was balanced, because SS surplus funds are part of it, and have been part of the budget, over a half century.

The budget, is not the national debt.

A budget can be balanced, while still adding to the national debt the surplus SS funds used in the budget that helped in balancing the budget.
Come again
This is your problem. You are grossly uninformed &too stupid to know it.
I can show you his economic policies that prolonged the recession and kept people out of work for years.

B. Hussein O. instituted his 99 weeks of unemployment checks policy, which encouraged idle workers to sit on their butts for 2 years collecting checks. He opened up eligibility for the EBT and Food Stamp programs, Obamaphones, as well , which encouraged idleness and prolonged economic malaise. He established policies which allowed people to get on SSI and SSD checks for "back pain" and "depression"- this is one of the main causes for the opioid crisis. People taking Vikes and Perks to "verify" they are "disabled" and could get free money.
There were no jobs you fucking moron.
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

Ok, what about record low unemployment? Is that an "economic indicator?"

You mean the record low unemployment that started under Pres. Obama.

What about record wage growth? Is that an "economic indicator?"

Which jobs are these record wage growths growing under.

What about record housing sales, is that an "economic indicator?"

When did these record home sales start?

Did you want to take a crack at telling us all what economic policies of Barack Obama's it was that caused unemployment to go down?

The stimulus bill helped the economy go back to growing, creating jobs.

Wht did your fat ass orange buddy do? Besides borrow 1.5 trillion to pump up his house of cards economy.

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