Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

Why is Trump fighting witnesses that will clear him?
He is not

So none of the people who he denied to testify can clear him? Further proof of guilt.

You have things half assed backwards, dave.

Its up to the Libs to prove Trump guilty, not for Trump to prove himself innocent. And even it was, there is nothing that Mr. Bolton could say that would convince extreme doofuses like Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie that Trump is a tremendous President who is worthy to rule over the nation he loves.
he could have prevented the charges, the articles of impeachment, from even happening,

if he was innocent he would have shown something, anything at all that would have discredited the accusations.... like any normal human being, innocent of accusations, would have presented to the cops before they were charged... that could exculpate them, before those charges are drawn.

Makes ya wonder, did Trump want this impeachment for some perverted political gain?

OR, is he really not as innocent and perfect, as he claims to you Trumpettes?


The R's do not want a trial, where the prosecution has to provide their case, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant is guilty.

There is no other way to view it.

Ya'll seem to want a SHAM trial, where the FIX IS IN, before prosecutors even present their witnesses and evidence.

STFU you stupid Obamanzee. Your utter ignorance of how things work isn’t astounding it’s expected. See stupid, YOU have to prove guilt. Trump does not have to prove his innocence no matter how many times you repeat your Dim masters talking points. May you be miserable with 5 more years of Trump.
That's fine, if he has no defense.... then don't give one, and don't complain the trial was unfair because you were not able to present your own defense and or, get due process.

But that should not stop prosecutors from presenting all of their evidence.
Did you want to take a crack at telling us all what economic policies of Barack Obama's it was that caused unemployment to go down?

The stimulus bill helped the economy go back to growing, creating jobs.

Wht did your fat ass orange buddy do? Besides borrow 1.5 trillion to pump up his house of cards economy.

The Stimulus spent nearly a trillion tax dollars and created so few jobs that you progressives had to use "jobs created or saved" to hide how few they DID create!

What did Trump do? He cut frivolous regulations. He let businesses know that they were no longer the enemy of the Federal Government.

Wow did you not read my last post, these economic trends that you pat Trump on the back for today started under Pres. Obama. I know that is hard for a Trump Humper to admit.

I've never denied that the growth of the American economy started under Barack Obama...I simply pointed out that his economic policies not only had little to do with that growth...they generally discouraged it. The main driver of the economy during the Obama years was an energy boom...an energy boom that his administration did everything they could to prevent from happening.

The oil companies did it to themselves with the Gulf disastrous spill.

Obama proved that oil companies could actually prosper without trashing federal land and following regulations.

Trump will return us to more more spills & more pollution for nothing.

Oh, bullshit! The Obama Administration used a tragic disaster to knee cap an entire industry! They waged an eight year war against Big Oil, Gas & Coal! Despite the Obama Administration's opposition...fracking advances brought about an energy boom that created tens of thousands of high paying jobs and drove the economy here in the US. That didn't happen because of Obama economic policies...THAT HAPPENED DESPITE THEM!
He is not

So none of the people who he denied to testify can clear him? Further proof of guilt.

You have things half assed backwards, dave.

Its up to the Libs to prove Trump guilty, not for Trump to prove himself innocent. And even it was, there is nothing that Mr. Bolton could say that would convince extreme doofuses like Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie that Trump is a tremendous President who is worthy to rule over the nation he loves.
he could have prevented the charges, the articles of impeachment, from even happening,

if he was innocent he would have shown something, anything at all that would have discredited the accusations.... like any normal human being, innocent of accusations, would have presented to the cops before they were charged... that could exculpate them, before those charges are drawn.

Makes ya wonder, did Trump want this impeachment for some perverted political gain?

OR, is he really not as innocent and perfect, as he claims to you Trumpettes?


The R's do not want a trial, where the prosecution has to provide their case, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant is guilty.

There is no other way to view it.

Ya'll seem to want a SHAM trial, where the FIX IS IN, before prosecutors even present their witnesses and evidence.

STFU you stupid Obamanzee. Your utter ignorance of how things work isn’t astounding it’s expected. See stupid, YOU have to prove guilt. Trump does not have to prove his innocence no matter how many times you repeat your Dim masters talking points. May you be miserable with 5 more years of Trump.
That's fine, if he has no defense.... then don't give one, and don't complain the trial was unfair because you were not able to present your own defense and or, get due process.

But that should not stop prosecutors from presenting all of their evidence.

What evidence do you think the prosecutors need to present?
Did you want to take a crack at telling us all what economic policies of Barack Obama's it was that caused unemployment to go down?

The stimulus bill helped the economy go back to growing, creating jobs.

Wht did your fat ass orange buddy do? Besides borrow 1.5 trillion to pump up his house of cards economy.

The Stimulus spent nearly a trillion tax dollars and created so few jobs that you progressives had to use "jobs created or saved" to hide how few they DID create!

What did Trump do? He cut frivolous regulations. He let businesses know that they were no longer the enemy of the Federal Government.

The Stimulus lowered the une,ployment rate between 1/2% and 1 1/2% & shortened the lerngth of the recession.

So, you think by allowing more pollution, unsafe work places & food supply created all these supposed jobs?

Why aren't you taking about the 1.5 trillion he borrowed?

The Stimulus cost US taxpayers a trillion dollars. Unemployment went up after the Stimulus was employed. It didn't start to come down until the Democrats lost the House and could no longer implement their progressive agenda. Only THEN was it safe for private capital to come out of hiding and start investing again!
Unemployment was on the way up/. That is why we needed the stimulus you stupid shit.

Without it, unemployment could have surpassed 11% & the recession lasted a lot longer.

The CBO said the stimulus did was was intended.

The Obama Administration said that if the stimulus wasn't granted that unemployment would rise above 8% but if it were granted that unemployment would go to 6%. They got the stimulus money but utilized it so poorly that unemployment rose above 10%! Only a progressive would claim that the stimulus worked as intended!
So none of the people who he denied to testify can clear him? Further proof of guilt.

You have things half assed backwards, dave.

Its up to the Libs to prove Trump guilty, not for Trump to prove himself innocent. And even it was, there is nothing that Mr. Bolton could say that would convince extreme doofuses like Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie that Trump is a tremendous President who is worthy to rule over the nation he loves.
he could have prevented the charges, the articles of impeachment, from even happening,

if he was innocent he would have shown something, anything at all that would have discredited the accusations.... like any normal human being, innocent of accusations, would have presented to the cops before they were charged... that could exculpate them, before those charges are drawn.

Makes ya wonder, did Trump want this impeachment for some perverted political gain?

OR, is he really not as innocent and perfect, as he claims to you Trumpettes?


The R's do not want a trial, where the prosecution has to provide their case, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant is guilty.

There is no other way to view it.

Ya'll seem to want a SHAM trial, where the FIX IS IN, before prosecutors even present their witnesses and evidence.

STFU you stupid Obamanzee. Your utter ignorance of how things work isn’t astounding it’s expected. See stupid, YOU have to prove guilt. Trump does not have to prove his innocence no matter how many times you repeat your Dim masters talking points. May you be miserable with 5 more years of Trump.
That's fine, if he has no defense.... then don't give one, and don't complain the trial was unfair because you were not able to present your own defense and or, get due process.

But that should not stop prosecutors from presenting all of their evidence.

What evidence do you think the prosecutors need to present?
What ever they need, to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt.... which is a higher burden than probable cause... to make their case,

As long as their evidence is related to the charges, they should be able to bring it forth..... if it is not related to the charges, they should not be able to bring that evidence or witness forward.
Democrats Are Daring Mitch McConnell to Call Impeachment Witnesses

Less than a couple of months ago -- Trump's BFF at Fox & Friends said this....

"If the president said, I'll give you the money, but you've got to investigate Joe Biden, that'd be off the rails wrong" --- and thru the UNDER OATH TESTIMONIES of Trump's own officials, they proved that is exactly what happened....and what did Steve Doocy do?? Pretend that he never said what he said, why?? Because he and most other Trumpers are full of shit.....

View attachment 295699

And in the spirit of being full of shit, Mitch McConnell doesn't want to call any witnesses..even tho Trump wants to have a long drawn out trial with lots of witnesses, even tho Democrats wants to call witnesses who Trump claims will exonerate him -- it is the GOP who is refusing to call any witnesses, why??

"Chuck Schumer on Thursday tore into Mitch McConnell for “breaking precedent” in announcing he will be in lock step with Donald Trump’s legal team throughout an impeachment trial, accusing him of helping the president skirt accountability. “We ask: Is the president’s case so weak that none of the president’s men can defend him under oath?” Schumer said on the Senate floor, after McConnell dismissed the historic vote to impeach Trump as a “partisan crusade.” “If the House case is so weak, why is Leader McConnell so afraid of witnesses and documents?”

For months, all I have seen from you trumpers was "just wait until it gets to the Senate, then Trump can present his case" …"just wait until Trump presents his secret evidence that will totally own the Dems" --

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...

Here is what we think of your trial....

You have things half assed backwards, dave.

Its up to the Libs to prove Trump guilty, not for Trump to prove himself innocent. And even it was, there is nothing that Mr. Bolton could say that would convince extreme doofuses like Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie that Trump is a tremendous President who is worthy to rule over the nation he loves.
he could have prevented the charges, the articles of impeachment, from even happening,

if he was innocent he would have shown something, anything at all that would have discredited the accusations.... like any normal human being, innocent of accusations, would have presented to the cops before they were charged... that could exculpate them, before those charges are drawn.

Makes ya wonder, did Trump want this impeachment for some perverted political gain?

OR, is he really not as innocent and perfect, as he claims to you Trumpettes?


The R's do not want a trial, where the prosecution has to provide their case, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant is guilty.

There is no other way to view it.

Ya'll seem to want a SHAM trial, where the FIX IS IN, before prosecutors even present their witnesses and evidence.

STFU you stupid Obamanzee. Your utter ignorance of how things work isn’t astounding it’s expected. See stupid, YOU have to prove guilt. Trump does not have to prove his innocence no matter how many times you repeat your Dim masters talking points. May you be miserable with 5 more years of Trump.
That's fine, if he has no defense.... then don't give one, and don't complain the trial was unfair because you were not able to present your own defense and or, get due process.

But that should not stop prosecutors from presenting all of their evidence.

What evidence do you think the prosecutors need to present?
What ever they need, to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt.... which is a higher burden than probable cause... to make their case,

As long as their evidence is related to the charges, they should be able to bring it forth..... if it is not related to the charges, they should not be able to bring that evidence or witness forward.

Do you not understand that it was the job of the House to bring forward evidence to make that case and then send that evidence over to the Senate to deliberate on? It's not the job of the Senate to provide evidence...it's their job to rule on the evidence the House provides!
Subpoenas can be fought in court, that's all that's happening.

Obama did the same thing, ditto with clinton and bush. Pick up those guys too, if its really a "high crime".
Why is Trump fighting witnesses that will clear him?
He is not

So none of the people who he denied to testify can clear him? Further proof of guilt.

You have things half assed backwards, dave.

Its up to the Libs to prove Trump guilty, not for Trump to prove himself innocent. And even it was, there is nothing that Mr. Bolton could say that would convince extreme doofuses like Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie that Trump is a tremendous President who is worthy to rule over the nation he loves.


The Democrats proved their case.

If your fast assed orange piece of shit is innocent, he can present it or we should judge based ion the testimony we have heard.

Your choice.

If the libs "proved their case" , why is Chuck U. Schumer so insistent on calling Bolton and Mulvaney and Giuliani? If the case is already "proven" then he should just present it.

BTW, Mr. Giuliani is President Trump's counsel. In what kind of country does the persecution call the defense lawyer? Maybe Marcia Clark should have brought Johnny Cochran up to the stand in the trial of the century?
Why is Trump fighting witnesses that will clear him?
He is not

So none of the people who he denied to testify can clear him? Further proof of guilt.

You have things half assed backwards, dave.

Its up to the Libs to prove Trump guilty, not for Trump to prove himself innocent. And even it was, there is nothing that Mr. Bolton could say that would convince extreme doofuses like Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie that Trump is a tremendous President who is worthy to rule over the nation he loves.


The Democrats proved their case.

If your fast assed orange piece of shit is innocent, he can present it or we should judge based ion the testimony we have heard.

Your choice.

If the libs "proved their case" , why is Chuck U. Schumer so insistent on calling Bolton and Mulvaney and Giuliani? If the case is already "proven" then he should just present it.

BTW, Mr. Giuliani is President Trump's counsel. In what kind of country does the persecution call the defense lawyer? Maybe Marcia Clark should have brought Johnny Cochran up to the stand in the trial of the century?

The Trump supporters don't want to call anyone because they know it will look so bad for your orange buddy that Republican Senators will have no choice.

We all know Trump did it.
he could have prevented the charges, the articles of impeachment, from even happening,

if he was innocent he would have shown something, anything at all that would have discredited the accusations.... like any normal human being, innocent of accusations, would have presented to the cops before they were charged... that could exculpate them, before those charges are drawn.

Makes ya wonder, did Trump want this impeachment for some perverted political gain?

OR, is he really not as innocent and perfect, as he claims to you Trumpettes?


The R's do not want a trial, where the prosecution has to provide their case, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant is guilty.

There is no other way to view it.

Ya'll seem to want a SHAM trial, where the FIX IS IN, before prosecutors even present their witnesses and evidence.

STFU you stupid Obamanzee. Your utter ignorance of how things work isn’t astounding it’s expected. See stupid, YOU have to prove guilt. Trump does not have to prove his innocence no matter how many times you repeat your Dim masters talking points. May you be miserable with 5 more years of Trump.
That's fine, if he has no defense.... then don't give one, and don't complain the trial was unfair because you were not able to present your own defense and or, get due process.

But that should not stop prosecutors from presenting all of their evidence.

What evidence do you think the prosecutors need to present?
What ever they need, to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt.... which is a higher burden than probable cause... to make their case,

As long as their evidence is related to the charges, they should be able to bring it forth..... if it is not related to the charges, they should not be able to bring that evidence or witness forward.

Do you not understand that it was the job of the House to bring forward evidence to make that case and then send that evidence over to the Senate to deliberate on? It's not the job of the Senate to provide evidence...it's their job to rule on the evidence the House provides!

The House was like rthe Grand Jury.

If you assfucks are afraid to provide any witnesses then the Senate will decide based on the evidence provided. That evidence says guilty.

And Trump will need to rely on party loyalty for Republicans to support him & fuck the country.
He is not

So none of the people who he denied to testify can clear him? Further proof of guilt.

You have things half assed backwards, dave.

Its up to the Libs to prove Trump guilty, not for Trump to prove himself innocent. And even it was, there is nothing that Mr. Bolton could say that would convince extreme doofuses like Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie that Trump is a tremendous President who is worthy to rule over the nation he loves.


The Democrats proved their case.

If your fast assed orange piece of shit is innocent, he can present it or we should judge based ion the testimony we have heard.

Your choice.

If the libs "proved their case" , why is Chuck U. Schumer so insistent on calling Bolton and Mulvaney and Giuliani? If the case is already "proven" then he should just present it.

BTW, Mr. Giuliani is President Trump's counsel. In what kind of country does the persecution call the defense lawyer? Maybe Marcia Clark should have brought Johnny Cochran up to the stand in the trial of the century?

The Trump supporters don't want to call anyone because they know it will look so bad for your orange buddy that Republican Senators will have no choice.

We all know Trump did it.

They should call them, make the proceedings private, and allow the democrats to ask zero questions.
The stimulus bill helped the economy go back to growing, creating jobs.

Wht did your fat ass orange buddy do? Besides borrow 1.5 trillion to pump up his house of cards economy.

The Stimulus spent nearly a trillion tax dollars and created so few jobs that you progressives had to use "jobs created or saved" to hide how few they DID create!

What did Trump do? He cut frivolous regulations. He let businesses know that they were no longer the enemy of the Federal Government.

The Stimulus lowered the une,ployment rate between 1/2% and 1 1/2% & shortened the lerngth of the recession.

So, you think by allowing more pollution, unsafe work places & food supply created all these supposed jobs?

Why aren't you taking about the 1.5 trillion he borrowed?

The Stimulus cost US taxpayers a trillion dollars. Unemployment went up after the Stimulus was employed. It didn't start to come down until the Democrats lost the House and could no longer implement their progressive agenda. Only THEN was it safe for private capital to come out of hiding and start investing again!
Unemployment was on the way up/. That is why we needed the stimulus you stupid shit.

Without it, unemployment could have surpassed 11% & the recession lasted a lot longer.

The CBO said the stimulus did was was intended.

The Obama Administration said that if the stimulus wasn't granted that unemployment would rise above 8% but if it were granted that unemployment would go to 6%. They got the stimulus money but utilized it so poorly that unemployment rose above 10%! Only a progressive would claim that the stimulus worked as intended!

You are referring to the Romer report & it was based on the economic conditions at the time it was written.

Blame the Democrats for running it poorly (even though the CBO saids otherwise) instead of the Republicans for running the country poorly & taking it from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years.

The CBO s not partisan but be the typical Trumpette & blame the Democrats for not fixing the Republican's disaster.
Democrats Are Daring Mitch McConnell to Call Impeachment Witnesses

Less than a couple of months ago -- Trump's BFF at Fox & Friends said this....

"If the president said, I'll give you the money, but you've got to investigate Joe Biden, that'd be off the rails wrong" --- and thru the UNDER OATH TESTIMONIES of Trump's own officials, they proved that is exactly what happened....and what did Steve Doocy do?? Pretend that he never said what he said, why?? Because he and most other Trumpers are full of shit.....

View attachment 295699

And in the spirit of being full of shit, Mitch McConnell doesn't want to call any witnesses..even tho Trump wants to have a long drawn out trial with lots of witnesses, even tho Democrats wants to call witnesses who Trump claims will exonerate him -- it is the GOP who is refusing to call any witnesses, why??

"Chuck Schumer on Thursday tore into Mitch McConnell for “breaking precedent” in announcing he will be in lock step with Donald Trump’s legal team throughout an impeachment trial, accusing him of helping the president skirt accountability. “We ask: Is the president’s case so weak that none of the president’s men can defend him under oath?” Schumer said on the Senate floor, after McConnell dismissed the historic vote to impeach Trump as a “partisan crusade.” “If the House case is so weak, why is Leader McConnell so afraid of witnesses and documents?”

For months, all I have seen from you trumpers was "just wait until it gets to the Senate, then Trump can present his case" …"just wait until Trump presents his secret evidence that will totally own the Dems" --

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...
Schiff will be called as a witness as will everyone involved in the bogus FISA documents.
STFU you stupid Obamanzee. Your utter ignorance of how things work isn’t astounding it’s expected. See stupid, YOU have to prove guilt. Trump does not have to prove his innocence no matter how many times you repeat your Dim masters talking points. May you be miserable with 5 more years of Trump.
That's fine, if he has no defense.... then don't give one, and don't complain the trial was unfair because you were not able to present your own defense and or, get due process.

But that should not stop prosecutors from presenting all of their evidence.

What evidence do you think the prosecutors need to present?
What ever they need, to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt.... which is a higher burden than probable cause... to make their case,

As long as their evidence is related to the charges, they should be able to bring it forth..... if it is not related to the charges, they should not be able to bring that evidence or witness forward.

Do you not understand that it was the job of the House to bring forward evidence to make that case and then send that evidence over to the Senate to deliberate on? It's not the job of the Senate to provide evidence...it's their job to rule on the evidence the House provides!

The House was like rthe Grand Jury.

If you assfucks are afraid to provide any witnesses then the Senate will decide based on the evidence provided. That evidence says guilty.

And Trump will need to rely on party loyalty for Republicans to support him & fuck the country.

None of the evidence I've seen says "guilty" at all. Most of the so-called witnesses that appeared before the Pencil Necked Geek didn't witness a dam thing. They just gave their opinions, and obviously felt snubbed by the Trumpster who kept them out of the loop. Since they weren't in the loop, their opinions are worth no more than the man on the street.
Democrats Are Daring Mitch McConnell to Call Impeachment Witnesses

Less than a couple of months ago -- Trump's BFF at Fox & Friends said this....

"If the president said, I'll give you the money, but you've got to investigate Joe Biden, that'd be off the rails wrong" --- and thru the UNDER OATH TESTIMONIES of Trump's own officials, they proved that is exactly what happened....and what did Steve Doocy do?? Pretend that he never said what he said, why?? Because he and most other Trumpers are full of shit.....

View attachment 295699

And in the spirit of being full of shit, Mitch McConnell doesn't want to call any witnesses..even tho Trump wants to have a long drawn out trial with lots of witnesses, even tho Democrats wants to call witnesses who Trump claims will exonerate him -- it is the GOP who is refusing to call any witnesses, why??

"Chuck Schumer on Thursday tore into Mitch McConnell for “breaking precedent” in announcing he will be in lock step with Donald Trump’s legal team throughout an impeachment trial, accusing him of helping the president skirt accountability. “We ask: Is the president’s case so weak that none of the president’s men can defend him under oath?” Schumer said on the Senate floor, after McConnell dismissed the historic vote to impeach Trump as a “partisan crusade.” “If the House case is so weak, why is Leader McConnell so afraid of witnesses and documents?”

For months, all I have seen from you trumpers was "just wait until it gets to the Senate, then Trump can present his case" …"just wait until Trump presents his secret evidence that will totally own the Dems" --

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...
Schiff will be called as a witness as will everyone involved in the bogus FISA documents.

Schiff doesn't know anything at all.

However, the Biden Family certainly knows all about Ukraine and its leading businesses. Hunter and Sleepy Joe definitely need to be put on the stand.
The stimulus bill helped the economy go back to growing, creating jobs.

Wht did your fat ass orange buddy do? Besides borrow 1.5 trillion to pump up his house of cards economy.

The Stimulus spent nearly a trillion tax dollars and created so few jobs that you progressives had to use "jobs created or saved" to hide how few they DID create!

What did Trump do? He cut frivolous regulations. He let businesses know that they were no longer the enemy of the Federal Government.

Wow did you not read my last post, these economic trends that you pat Trump on the back for today started under Pres. Obama. I know that is hard for a Trump Humper to admit.

I've never denied that the growth of the American economy started under Barack Obama...I simply pointed out that his economic policies not only had little to do with that growth...they generally discouraged it. The main driver of the economy during the Obama years was an energy boom...an energy boom that his administration did everything they could to prevent from happening.

The oil companies did it to themselves with the Gulf disastrous spill.

Obama proved that oil companies could actually prosper without trashing federal land and following regulations.

Trump will return us to more more spills & more pollution for nothing.

Oh, bullshit! The Obama Administration used a tragic disaster to knee cap an entire industry! They waged an eight year war against Big Oil, Gas & Coal! Despite the Obama Administration's opposition...fracking advances brought about an energy boom that created tens of thousands of high paying jobs and drove the economy here in the US. That didn't happen because of Obama economic policies...THAT HAPPENED DESPITE THEM!

So, we had a disaster but lets not do anything to prevent another. Great thinking.

Waging a war against climate change & pollution.

And it was advances in guided drilling that enabled the natural gas boom. We've been fracking for over 50 years.

Obama did little to the drilling industry on private land.

The Oil industry fucked themselves in off shore drilling by lying about their capabilities to stop a blow out in deep water.
Democrats Are Daring Mitch McConnell to Call Impeachment Witnesses

Less than a couple of months ago -- Trump's BFF at Fox & Friends said this....

"If the president said, I'll give you the money, but you've got to investigate Joe Biden, that'd be off the rails wrong" --- and thru the UNDER OATH TESTIMONIES of Trump's own officials, they proved that is exactly what happened....and what did Steve Doocy do?? Pretend that he never said what he said, why?? Because he and most other Trumpers are full of shit.....

View attachment 295699

And in the spirit of being full of shit, Mitch McConnell doesn't want to call any witnesses..even tho Trump wants to have a long drawn out trial with lots of witnesses, even tho Democrats wants to call witnesses who Trump claims will exonerate him -- it is the GOP who is refusing to call any witnesses, why??

"Chuck Schumer on Thursday tore into Mitch McConnell for “breaking precedent” in announcing he will be in lock step with Donald Trump’s legal team throughout an impeachment trial, accusing him of helping the president skirt accountability. “We ask: Is the president’s case so weak that none of the president’s men can defend him under oath?” Schumer said on the Senate floor, after McConnell dismissed the historic vote to impeach Trump as a “partisan crusade.” “If the House case is so weak, why is Leader McConnell so afraid of witnesses and documents?”

For months, all I have seen from you trumpers was "just wait until it gets to the Senate, then Trump can present his case" …"just wait until Trump presents his secret evidence that will totally own the Dems" --

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...
Schiff will be called as a witness as will everyone involved in the bogus FISA documents.

Schiff doesn't know anything at all.

However, the Biden Family certainly knows all about Ukraine and its leading businesses. Hunter and Sleepy Joe definitely need to be put on the stand.
Schiff is the father of all the lies. Put him under oath and let’s go thru everything he’s ever said about Trump.
That's fine, if he has no defense.... then don't give one, and don't complain the trial was unfair because you were not able to present your own defense and or, get due process.

But that should not stop prosecutors from presenting all of their evidence.

What evidence do you think the prosecutors need to present?
What ever they need, to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt.... which is a higher burden than probable cause... to make their case,

As long as their evidence is related to the charges, they should be able to bring it forth..... if it is not related to the charges, they should not be able to bring that evidence or witness forward.

Do you not understand that it was the job of the House to bring forward evidence to make that case and then send that evidence over to the Senate to deliberate on? It's not the job of the Senate to provide evidence...it's their job to rule on the evidence the House provides!

The House was like rthe Grand Jury.

If you assfucks are afraid to provide any witnesses then the Senate will decide based on the evidence provided. That evidence says guilty.

And Trump will need to rely on party loyalty for Republicans to support him & fuck the country.

None of the evidence I've seen says "guilty" at all. Most of the so-called witnesses that appeared before the Pencil Necked Geek didn't witness a dam thing. They just gave their opinions, and obviously felt snubbed by the Trumpster who kept them out of the loop. Since they weren't in the loop, their opinions are worth no more than the man on the street.
It's hard to see much from your vantage point being up Trump's ass.
Democrats Are Daring Mitch McConnell to Call Impeachment Witnesses

Less than a couple of months ago -- Trump's BFF at Fox & Friends said this....

"If the president said, I'll give you the money, but you've got to investigate Joe Biden, that'd be off the rails wrong" --- and thru the UNDER OATH TESTIMONIES of Trump's own officials, they proved that is exactly what happened....and what did Steve Doocy do?? Pretend that he never said what he said, why?? Because he and most other Trumpers are full of shit.....

View attachment 295699

And in the spirit of being full of shit, Mitch McConnell doesn't want to call any witnesses..even tho Trump wants to have a long drawn out trial with lots of witnesses, even tho Democrats wants to call witnesses who Trump claims will exonerate him -- it is the GOP who is refusing to call any witnesses, why??

"Chuck Schumer on Thursday tore into Mitch McConnell for “breaking precedent” in announcing he will be in lock step with Donald Trump’s legal team throughout an impeachment trial, accusing him of helping the president skirt accountability. “We ask: Is the president’s case so weak that none of the president’s men can defend him under oath?” Schumer said on the Senate floor, after McConnell dismissed the historic vote to impeach Trump as a “partisan crusade.” “If the House case is so weak, why is Leader McConnell so afraid of witnesses and documents?”

For months, all I have seen from you trumpers was "just wait until it gets to the Senate, then Trump can present his case" …"just wait until Trump presents his secret evidence that will totally own the Dems" --

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...
Schiff will be called as a witness as will everyone involved in the bogus FISA documents.

Investigate your little hearts out.

The IG already said you are full of shit.
STFU you stupid Obamanzee. Your utter ignorance of how things work isn’t astounding it’s expected. See stupid, YOU have to prove guilt. Trump does not have to prove his innocence no matter how many times you repeat your Dim masters talking points. May you be miserable with 5 more years of Trump.
That's fine, if he has no defense.... then don't give one, and don't complain the trial was unfair because you were not able to present your own defense and or, get due process.

But that should not stop prosecutors from presenting all of their evidence.

What evidence do you think the prosecutors need to present?
What ever they need, to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt.... which is a higher burden than probable cause... to make their case,

As long as their evidence is related to the charges, they should be able to bring it forth..... if it is not related to the charges, they should not be able to bring that evidence or witness forward.

Do you not understand that it was the job of the House to bring forward evidence to make that case and then send that evidence over to the Senate to deliberate on? It's not the job of the Senate to provide evidence...it's their job to rule on the evidence the House provides!

The House was like rthe Grand Jury.

If you assfucks are afraid to provide any witnesses then the Senate will decide based on the evidence provided. That evidence says guilty.

And Trump will need to rely on party loyalty for Republicans to support him & fuck the country.

Grand Juries are secret...they aren't show trials like Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler put on.

If the only evidence you've got is what the House provided then this whole thing was a joke from the start.

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