Why is the left and Democrats have such visceral hatred with Trump?

]That's funny. You are pretending that liberals can think past their genitals.

No, I'm thinking normal people want somebody with half a brain office, not some spoiled idiot who has the IQ of an amoeba.

We had that for the past 7 years

Are you Rip Van winkle? Wake up!! Bush left office in 2008...

2009, actually.......in a hail of well deserved jeers....


So? Jeering is what the left does. Like the little fat kid disrupting class in 5th grade. Blaming the meltdown on Bush is stupid. Look who was in charge of the national purse strings. Along with the many other factors.

Yeah.. yeah, yeah.....what was NOT to jeer?

By the metrics, Scrub was indisputably the worst POTUS of the modern era.....

I'm betting you are one of those suckers furiously revising your voting record of 2000 and 2004....
No, I'm thinking normal people want somebody with half a brain office, not some spoiled idiot who has the IQ of an amoeba.

Yet you would vote for Hildebeast??

Bet the amoeba has a higher IQ than that POS.


Did you cast more than one vote for Babs' Mutant?

Go staple yourself to a coral somewhere.....

Go staple yourself to a wall. Its where a mutant like you belongs.

Oh and you can kiss my ass. Mutant.

I'll take that as a "Yes, Slim.........direct hit.......hmmmmmmmm, krill.......my favorite!"

How bout fuck off?? Direct hit on a mutant like you. How's the wall holding up???


Take your well deserved asskicking with some grace, would ya?

It can't be the first and it sure won't be the last......

By the way, tell me you didn't breed......please....
Yet you would vote for Hildebeast??

Bet the amoeba has a higher IQ than that POS.


Did you cast more than one vote for Babs' Mutant?

Go staple yourself to a coral somewhere.....

Go staple yourself to a wall. Its where a mutant like you belongs.

Oh and you can kiss my ass. Mutant.

I'll take that as a "Yes, Slim.........direct hit.......hmmmmmmmm, krill.......my favorite!"

How bout fuck off?? Direct hit on a mutant like you. How's the wall holding up???


Take your well deserved asskicking with some grace, would ya?

It can't be the first and it sure won't be the last......

By the way, tell me you didn't breed......please....

Ass kicking? Sorry pal. You couldn't kick anyone ass and I'm surprised a loser like you would even try.

Oh and I sure hope your not breeding. The world has enough mutants. Stick to your wall sparky. Ta Ta
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Oh you mean in the wars that were approved by Congress. Wars that Hildebeast approved.

I get het up over Benghazi because it was totally preventable.

They had months of warnings. Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously. They pulled out because of those warnings. Hildebeasts State Department did nothing.

I would venture to say that if one of your relatives was one of the dead at Benghazi you'd be singing a completely different tune. You'd be screaming for her head on a platter. But since you lost no one you could care less about four dead men.

Benghazi was preventable and if you can't see that then you have no credibility.

America would be totally unlucky to have that POS as POTUS. It would be an even bigger disaster than Barry,.

She only approved because of the intel Bush told her about. That aside, want to count up how many GOoPers approved of the war and how many Dems didn't?

I would venture to say that if you were the relatives of the almost 7000 servicemen or women killed in the ME you'd want Bush's head on a platter. Well, do you? And no, I wouldn't. I would want those who killed my loved ones locked up. Only in the US would the blame be placed on a politician in order to score cheap political points.

The biggest disaster in the WH you have ever had, and hopefully will ever have, is Dumbya. Under Obama your ground troops have left Iraq and Afghanistan, your economy is no longer in the shitter and you had MORE job growth in November. Poor US!! <sarcasm>
Same exact idiot libtard talking points. Over and over. No, Einstein, she was not denied intel and hasn't made the claim. Certainly she would have and the Democrats would have been all over it. Peddle your shit to some kindergarden class.

so she claims she was denied intelligence and still voted for a war. but now they want to make her the President because she couldn't take the time to find out the intelligence BEFORE she voted. I mean SERIOUSLY.

the Iraq vote was the reason they gave for NOT VOTING for her the last time around when they kicked her to the curb for that nobody community Agitator Obama. so I guess all is FORGIVEN now. good gawd the left shouldn't be allowed to vote for the rest of our lives. they just twist in the wind

To bad the incompetent State Department didn't pull them all out of Libya then there would have been no Benghazi.

As for the Iraq dead?? Only a sanctimonious idiot like you would accuse someone of not caring about the dead in Iraq.

You didn't care enough to hold Bush accountable.
so she claims she was denied intelligence and still voted for a war. but now they want to make her the President because she couldn't take the time to find out the intelligence BEFORE she voted. I mean SERIOUSLY.

Or maybe she had a reasonable expectation that the President of the United States wouldn't take us to war without a damned good reason.

the Iraq vote was the reason they gave for NOT VOTING for her the last time around when they kicked her to the curb for that nobody community Agitator Obama. so I guess all is FORGIVEN now. good gawd the left shouldn't be allowed to vote for the rest of our lives. they just twist in the wind

Staph, you voted for Bush twice. I think maybe you should be kept from voting for the rest o your life.

I think some Democrats didn't vote for her because of her Iraq vote. I think a lot of Democrats thought, "Geez, I like Hillary, but do I really want to go through 8 more years of RIght Wing Craziness about stained dresses and who killed Vince Foster". Then they figured out you guys will be batshit crazy no matter who the Democrats nominate, so might as well go with what they want.
"Why is the left and Democrats have such visceral hatred with Trump?"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, another ridiculous lie from the right.

It's Trump's ignorance, hate, and bigotry they appropriately denounce; his politics of fear and division, and his contempt for sound, responsible governance.

To bad the incompetent State Department didn't pull them all out of Libya then there would have been no Benghazi.

As for the Iraq dead?? Only a sanctimonious idiot like you would accuse someone of not caring about the dead in Iraq.

You didn't care enough to hold Bush accountable.

Accountable for a war Congress approved??

Jesus your a partisan idiot. All you can bring up is Buuuusssshhh. Good God. Grow the fuck up.
Accountable for a war Congress approved??

Jesus your a partisan idiot. All you can bring up is Buuuusssshhh. Good God. Grow the fuck up.

Congress didn't make the decision to go. Bush did.

I will agree Congress was absolutely cowardly leading up to and during the war. Both Parties.

BUt at the end of the day, Bush was the guy who used 9/11 to manipulate the country into going to war with Iraq so he could avenge his daddy. Bush is the one who lied about WMD's. Bush is the one who ignored his own generals again and again and got us in a quagmire.
Accountable for a war Congress approved??

Jesus your a partisan idiot. All you can bring up is Buuuusssshhh. Good God. Grow the fuck up.

Congress didn't make the decision to go. Bush did.

I will agree Congress was absolutely cowardly leading up to and during the war. Both Parties.

BUt at the end of the day, Bush was the guy who used 9/11 to manipulate the country into going to war with Iraq so he could avenge his daddy. Bush is the one who lied about WMD's. Bush is the one who ignored his own generals again and again and got us in a quagmire.

Congress approved it. Dems and Reps alike.
If Congress hadn't approved then there would have been no Iraq war.

Bush went with the intelligence every intelligence community in the world thought was true.

Did I agree? Hell no. But it is what it is and nothing will change it.
Congress approved it. Dems and Reps alike.
If Congress hadn't approved then there would have been no Iraq war.

Bush went with the intelligence every intelligence community in the world thought was true.

Did I agree? Hell no. But it is what it is and nothing will change it.

except every intelligence community DIDN'T think that. a lot of them had serious doubts that Saddam had WMD's, including people like Hans Blix and Scott Ritter, who had been on the ground in Iraq and had conducted the inspections.

More to the point, Saddam had agreed to allow inspections to resume. There was NO NEED to invade. We won the point. But Bush wanted his war.

Congress shouldn't have waited four years to stand up to him, but from a MORAL point of view, the war was his fault. Not Congress, not people who listened to the talking heads, not the intelligence agencies who signed off on dubious reports because they thought that's what people wanted to hear.

Bush lied. 4500 Americans died.

He has a lot more moral culpability for that than Hillary has for Chris Stevens' bad judgement to go to Benghazi when a riot was brewing.
Congress approved it. Dems and Reps alike.
If Congress hadn't approved then there would have been no Iraq war.

Bush went with the intelligence every intelligence community in the world thought was true.

Did I agree? Hell no. But it is what it is and nothing will change it.

except every intelligence community DIDN'T think that. a lot of them had serious doubts that Saddam had WMD's, including people like Hans Blix and Scott Ritter, who had been on the ground in Iraq and had conducted the inspections.

More to the point, Saddam had agreed to allow inspections to resume. There was NO NEED to invade. We won the point. But Bush wanted his war.

Congress shouldn't have waited four years to stand up to him, but from a MORAL point of view, the war was his fault. Not Congress, not people who listened to the talking heads, not the intelligence agencies who signed off on dubious reports because they thought that's what people wanted to hear.

Bush lied. 4500 Americans died.

He has a lot more moral culpability for that than Hillary has for Chris Stevens' bad judgement to go to Benghazi when a riot was brewing.

Congress is at fault for approving of the war.

And HC is to blame for Benghazi. If her State Department had done what the Brits and red cross did then there would have been no Benghazi.

If Congress hadn't approved the war than there would have been no Iraq war.

You can say Bush lied all you want but that war was approved by Congress.

Moral my ass.
Watch CNN this morning while I ate breakfast...the entire 15-20 minutes there was 3 stories.
They were all about Trump.
The left media cannot stop talking about him, they don't say a word about Hillary.
Watch CNN this morning while I ate breakfast...the entire 15-20 minutes there was 3 stories.
They were all about Trump.
The left media cannot stop talking about him, they don't say a word about Hillary.

CNN is hardly left. They're like FOX from 20 years ago while FOX has gone totally off the rails.
Why does the right and far right accuse the left and far left of "visceral hatred" for a guy they clearly enjoy making fun of for being such a douchebag?
Watch CNN this morning while I ate breakfast...the entire 15-20 minutes there was 3 stories.
They were all about Trump.
The left media cannot stop talking about him, they don't say a word about Hillary.

CNN is hardly left. They're like FOX from 20 years ago while FOX has gone totally off the rails.
CNN is very left. Equally left as Fox is right.
CNN is less left than MSNBC or ABC/CBS - but that is not saying anything since they are almost rabid-left.
Congress is at fault for approving of the war.

And HC is to blame for Benghazi. If her State Department had done what the Brits and red cross did then there would have been no Benghazi.

If Congress hadn't approved the war than there would have been no Iraq war.

You can say Bush lied all you want but that war was approved by Congress.

Moral my ass.

Congress approved it because Bush and Cheney lied to them. Because they threatened to fire anyone at the CIA that wasn't totally on board with "Saddam has WMD's".

So let's review. Hillary is culpable for not predicting that the security situation in Benghazi would collapse even though the CIA was telling State everything was fine and Stevens himself felt secure enough to go to Benghazi.

Again- I want to emphasize this last part because you Wingnuts keep ignoring it. Stevens wasn't based in Benghazi. He had to get into a car and DRIVE to Benghazi to have a meeting with a Turkish diplomat. But Hillary was supposed to know that this was a bad idea because a video was about to come out that was going to piss a lot of people off.

BUt Bush isn't the least bit responsible for his administration engaging in a YEAR LONG effort to drum up support for War with Iraq, including political campaigns that compared a triple-amputee war veteran to Osama Bin Laden.

Interesting how you lay out moral responsibility.
I wonder why you always bring up Bush?? This thread was about Trump. Not Bush.

Deflect much? Why yes you do.
I wonder why you always bring up Bush?? This thread was about Trump. Not Bush.

Deflect much? Why yes you do.

Why did you bring up Clinton? Deflect much.

Hey, if you guys want to nominate a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, have at it. I never interfere with the enemy when he's making a mistake.
I wonder why you always bring up Bush?? This thread was about Trump. Not Bush.

Deflect much? Why yes you do.

Why did you bring up Clinton? Deflect much.

Hey, if you guys want to nominate a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, have at it. I never interfere with the enemy when he's making a mistake.

You seem to think I'm a Rep. The more fool you.

You brought up Benghazi dumbass. Not me.

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