Why is the left and Democrats have such visceral hatred with Trump?

That she does. She has so much I doubt she could get through the damned door.

Of course Grumass won't let all that baggage deter him from voting for that POS if she does get the nod.

After all. In his eyes she's the best of the lot. His expectations are pretty low if she's the best in his eyes.

When you've got somebody like Trump polling the way he is, EVERYBODY'S expectations are low....
I would venture to say that if one of your relatives was one of the dead at Benghazi you'd be singing a completely different tune. You'd be screaming for her head on a platter. But since you lost no one you could care less about four dead men.

and you wouldn't care about them either, just like you didn't care about those 4500 guys who died in Iraq for no good reason. But you can use it politically, that's all you care about.

Benghazi was preventable and if you can't see that then you have no credibility.

I agree. Benghazi was preventable. Chris Stevens CHOSE to go to Benghazi instead of holding a meeting in Tripoli where he was safe. He did this despite reports of growing unrest due to the video, reports that there was Al Qaeda activity in the city, and on the anniversary of 9/11.

But no one wants to say bad things about the dead guy, who is only dead because he locked himself into a smoke filled room.
The guy is basically the only way Hillary could win. If he actually was nominated...she will win.
Rubio or Cruz, take your pick would beat her.
If I was a Democrat I would be singing praises for Trump
Why do Republicans voting in a primary care what we think? Just vote for who you like and stfu. If Trump doesn't win the GOP nomination, the question will first be why does the right have so much visceral hatred with trump. Until we figure that out, there is no telling what would happen in a general election. So stop blaming the media and liberals for you not running trump, because you won't.

And we will kick the living fucking shit out of Rubio or Cruz. If they were so great, how come they are so far down in the polls? Of course as soon as the time is right those fake ass polls will show Cruz and Rubio's poll numbers rising and you'll actually believe you picked your own nominee. Fucking dope.
]That's funny. You are pretending that liberals can think past their genitals.

No, I'm thinking normal people want somebody with half a brain office, not some spoiled idiot who has the IQ of an amoeba.

We had that for the past 7 years

Are you Rip Van winkle? Wake up!! Bush left office in 2008...

2009, actually.......in a hail of well deserved jeers....


Anyone on the right can beat her. Your bravado is comical. She was passed over 8 years ago and has many more problems now. The fact that's the best the left has won't be masked with your cheers of pre-victory.

I asked you to name anyone on the right who could beat her. She has the female, gay, black and hispanic vote. Throw in the normal white men and what is left for the right? not a lot....
WOW!!! And that's before she's indicted for lying to Congress!! She'll pick up the criminal vote after that!!
]That's funny. You are pretending that liberals can think past their genitals.

No, I'm thinking normal people want somebody with half a brain office, not some spoiled idiot who has the IQ of an amoeba.

Yet you would vote for Hildebeast??

Bet the amoeba has a higher IQ than that POS.


Did you cast more than one vote for Babs' Mutant?

Go staple yourself to a coral somewhere.....
Oh you mean in the wars that were approved by Congress. Wars that Hildebeast approved.

I get het up over Benghazi because it was totally preventable.

They had months of warnings. Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously. They pulled out because of those warnings. Hildebeasts State Department did nothing.

I would venture to say that if one of your relatives was one of the dead at Benghazi you'd be singing a completely different tune. You'd be screaming for her head on a platter. But since you lost no one you could care less about four dead men.

Benghazi was preventable and if you can't see that then you have no credibility.

America would be totally unlucky to have that POS as POTUS. It would be an even bigger disaster than Barry,.

She only approved because of the intel Bush told her about. That aside, want to count up how many GOoPers approved of the war and how many Dems didn't?

I would venture to say that if you were the relatives of the almost 7000 servicemen or women killed in the ME you'd want Bush's head on a platter. Well, do you? And no, I wouldn't. I would want those who killed my loved ones locked up. Only in the US would the blame be placed on a politician in order to score cheap political points.

The biggest disaster in the WH you have ever had, and hopefully will ever have, is Dumbya. Under Obama your ground troops have left Iraq and Afghanistan, your economy is no longer in the shitter and you had MORE job growth in November. Poor US!! <sarcasm>
And the Easter Bunny told you so.

No, just common sense.
People with common sense don't declare victories with a weak candidate like Hillary. That's not exactly "moving forward", the mantra of the left.
Look at her polling. Then call her weak....
As opposed to Bernie or "the other guy"? Republicans don't have a pick yet, only a fool would believe any polling pitting her against one.
I would venture to say that if one of your relatives was one of the dead at Benghazi you'd be singing a completely different tune. You'd be screaming for her head on a platter. But since you lost no one you could care less about four dead men.

and you wouldn't care about them either, just like you didn't care about those 4500 guys who died in Iraq for no good reason. But you can use it politically, that's all you care about.

Benghazi was preventable and if you can't see that then you have no credibility.

I agree. Benghazi was preventable. Chris Stevens CHOSE to go to Benghazi instead of holding a meeting in Tripoli where he was safe. He did this despite reports of growing unrest due to the video, reports that there was Al Qaeda activity in the city, and on the anniversary of 9/11.

But no one wants to say bad things about the dead guy, who is only dead because he locked himself into a smoke filled room.

To bad the incompetent State Department didn't pull them all out of Libya then there would have been no Benghazi.

As for the Iraq dead?? Only a sanctimonious idiot like you would accuse someone of not caring about the dead in Iraq.
Oh you mean in the wars that were approved by Congress. Wars that Hildebeast approved.

I get het up over Benghazi because it was totally preventable.

They had months of warnings. Warnings that the Brits and the Red Cross took seriously. They pulled out because of those warnings. Hildebeasts State Department did nothing.

I would venture to say that if one of your relatives was one of the dead at Benghazi you'd be singing a completely different tune. You'd be screaming for her head on a platter. But since you lost no one you could care less about four dead men.

Benghazi was preventable and if you can't see that then you have no credibility.

America would be totally unlucky to have that POS as POTUS. It would be an even bigger disaster than Barry,.

She only approved because of the intel Bush told her about. That aside, want to count up how many GOoPers approved of the war and how many Dems didn't?

I would venture to say that if you were the relatives of the almost 7000 servicemen or women killed in the ME you'd want Bush's head on a platter. Well, do you? And no, I wouldn't. I would want those who killed my loved ones locked up. Only in the US would the blame be placed on a politician in order to score cheap political points.

The biggest disaster in the WH you have ever had, and hopefully will ever have, is Dumbya. Under Obama your ground troops have left Iraq and Afghanistan, your economy is no longer in the shitter and you had MORE job growth in November. Poor US!! <sarcasm>
Same exact idiot libtard talking points. Over and over. No, Einstein, she was not denied intel and hasn't made the claim. Certainly she would have and the Democrats would have been all over it. Peddle your shit to some kindergarden class.
]That's funny. You are pretending that liberals can think past their genitals.

No, I'm thinking normal people want somebody with half a brain office, not some spoiled idiot who has the IQ of an amoeba.

Yet you would vote for Hildebeast??

Bet the amoeba has a higher IQ than that POS.


Did you cast more than one vote for Babs' Mutant?

Go staple yourself to a coral somewhere.....

Go staple yourself to a wall. Its where a mutant like you belongs.

Oh and you can kiss my ass. Mutant.
Same exact idiot libtard talking points. Over and over. No, Einstein, she was not denied intel and hasn't made the claim. Certainly she would have and the Democrats would have been all over it. Peddle your shit to some kindergarden class.

That's not even the point your moron. Your hatred of Hillary and the left is so great you give a free pass to the scum who actually did the killing. You have no idea what really happened or what went through her mind over the incident. All you know is that she was in charge, therefore it must be her fault. You're beyond ridiculous...no surprises there.
]That's funny. You are pretending that liberals can think past their genitals.

No, I'm thinking normal people want somebody with half a brain office, not some spoiled idiot who has the IQ of an amoeba.

We had that for the past 7 years

Are you Rip Van winkle? Wake up!! Bush left office in 2008...

2009, actually.......in a hail of well deserved jeers....


So? Jeering is what the left does. Like the little fat kid disrupting class in 5th grade. Blaming the meltdown on Bush is stupid. Look who was in charge of the national purse strings. Along with the many other factors.
Well the bucks stops at her desk sparky.

Oh and who the hell would waste time hating Hildebeast?? She's not worth hating. She's just an incompetent old bag who has no business in the White House.
Last edited:
]That's funny. You are pretending that liberals can think past their genitals.

No, I'm thinking normal people want somebody with half a brain office, not some spoiled idiot who has the IQ of an amoeba.

Yet you would vote for Hildebeast??

Bet the amoeba has a higher IQ than that POS.


Did you cast more than one vote for Babs' Mutant?

Go staple yourself to a coral somewhere.....

Go staple yourself to a wall. Its where a mutant like you belongs.

Oh and you can kiss my ass. Mutant.

I'll take that as a "Yes, Slim.........direct hit.......hmmmmmmmm, krill.......my favorite!"
The guy is basically the only way Hillary could win. If he actually was nominated...she will win.
Rubio or Cruz, take your pick would beat her.
If I was a Democrat I would be singing praises for Trump

Have you paid attention to this board....at all?
Same exact idiot libtard talking points. Over and over. No, Einstein, she was not denied intel and hasn't made the claim. Certainly she would have and the Democrats would have been all over it. Peddle your shit to some kindergarden class.

That's not even the point your moron. Your hatred of Hillary and the left is so great you give a free pass to the scum who actually did the killing. You have no idea what really happened or what went through her mind over the incident. All you know is that she was in charge, therefore it must be her fault. You're beyond ridiculous...no surprises there.
"Your moron"? LOL, that's signature material!

What was she in charge of during the Bush Administration besides being a senator. Your bullshit excuse about Bush lied is what I was responding to, not Benghazi. Which IS another serious problem, people in charge aren't accountable if they are liberals?
]That's funny. You are pretending that liberals can think past their genitals.

No, I'm thinking normal people want somebody with half a brain office, not some spoiled idiot who has the IQ of an amoeba.

Yet you would vote for Hildebeast??

Bet the amoeba has a higher IQ than that POS.


Did you cast more than one vote for Babs' Mutant?

Go staple yourself to a coral somewhere.....

Go staple yourself to a wall. Its where a mutant like you belongs.

Oh and you can kiss my ass. Mutant.

I'll take that as a "Yes, Slim.........direct hit.......hmmmmmmmm, krill.......my favorite!"

How bout fuck off?? Direct hit on a mutant like you. How's the wall holding up???

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