Why is the left so happy about abortions?

Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
How long before the babies aren't safe in the hospital nursery?


“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” - Governor Northam, VA

“Newborn human babies have no sense of their own existence over time. So killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person, that is, a being who wants to go on living. That doesn’t mean that it is not almost always a terrible thing to do. It is, but that is because most infants are loved and cherished by their parents, and to kill an infant is usually to do a great wrong to its parents." - Peter Singer, Princeton University Professor of Bioethics, on his faculty page

What makes you think they're safe in the hospital nursery NOW?

The Fauxphere has perfected the art of deliberately slicing up a sentence and taking the remaining part out of context to make a tangential attack. Without contrary evidence their sheep naturally "Bahhh" in unison.

“This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved. When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians — more than one physician, by the way — and it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non-viable.

So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

-Governor Northam, VA

Looks to me as if it is a question of euthanasia to me, not abortion.

There are babies born with deformities so severe that doctors recommend no heroic measures.

For one, the bill in question did not specify such conditions.

Why did you assume that people were having healthy babies & watching them die.

This isn't about the past. It's about the new parameters for the future.

Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

They never do. Rather than make it illegal, make it rare. Make it easy for women to choose life because we as a society value life and will support it. The problem is, we as a society do not. How can we claim to value life when we abandon mothers once the child is born? When she becomes just another statistic in a society that labels her a slut, irresponsible, lazy and a welfare leach? We don’t. The so called pro life movement no more values life than the pro choice movement they criticize.
No one is happy about abortion. Just like no one is happy about war. Sometimes it is necessary. That does not mean one is happy.
If the right is so anti-abortion why do they keep making birth control harder to get?
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

While your at it maybe you can offer the infant a better option also.


Sure....let’s do it

Make sure the mother gets to keep her job
Get her low cost or free child care
Help her with the expenses of having a child
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Sorry...don’t feel like engaging a racist
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Sorry...don’t feel like engaging a racist

So you're gonna stop being a Democrat?
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

Tell me why I should care more about HER life when she obviously doesn't have any regard for her own child's life or rights.

Notice that was not put forth as a question. There is a reason for that.

Human beings (including the moms AND their children) have RIGHTS and those rights are not contingent upon whether or not ANYONE cares about anything. So, the "caring" shit is nothing more than a diversion attempt and a red herring.
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Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Sorry...don’t feel like engaging a racist

So you're gonna stop being a Democrat?

Sorry, not playing
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

Tell me why I should care more about HER life when she obviously doesn't have any regard gor her child's life or rights.

Notice that was not put forth as a question. There is a reason for that.

Human beings (including the moms AND their children) have RIGHTS and those rights are not contingent upon whether or not ANYONE cares about anything. So, the "caring" shit is nothing more than a diversion attempt and a red herring.
It’s her choice.......make that decision more difficult

Don’t complain if she chooses abortion as her only option
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

Why are you dodging my question?

You just don’t like the answer
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

Tell me why I should care more about HER life when she obviously doesn't have any regard gor her child's life or rights.

Notice that was not put forth as a question. There is a reason for that.

Human beings (including the moms AND their children) have RIGHTS and those rights are not contingent upon whether or not ANYONE cares about anything. So, the "caring" shit is nothing more than a diversion attempt and a red herring.
It’s her choice.......make that decision more difficult

Don’t complain if she chooses abortion as her only option

Children have a right to the equal protections of our laws.

The choice to violate a child deserves to be punishable.

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