Why is the left so happy about abortions?

Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Lying fuck. This has been debunked a gazilion times. Why are you people such assholes?
You might be right, but you can’t deny that blacks murder their unborn at high rates and PP facilitates the murder.
How is it murder?
Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Lying fuck. This has been debunked a gazilion times. Why are you people such assholes?
You might be right, but you can’t deny that blacks murder their unborn at high rates and PP facilitates the murder.
How is it murder?

To turn a live fetus into a dead fetus you must remove life. Removing life without consent is....well... Murder.

Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Lying fuck. This has been debunked a gazilion times. Why are you people such assholes?
You might be right, but you can’t deny that blacks murder their unborn at high rates and PP facilitates the murder.
How is it murder?

To turn a live fetus into a dead fetus you must remove life. Removing life without consent is....well... Murder.

That is a very logical post. Somehow those who think abortion acceptable, can’t see this pure logic.

I suspect they are brainwashed, but I could be wrong.
Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Lying fuck. This has been debunked a gazilion times. Why are you people such assholes?
You might be right, but you can’t deny that blacks murder their unborn at high rates and PP facilitates the murder.
How is it murder?
Think. Can you think?
Honestly it's a mystery to me. The cheering and clapping that takes place at these events is beyond morbid. Nothing seems to be enough for them. Now we have the growing popularity of Partial birth abortion and it's no longer connected to life threatening medical conditions now it's just....mom changed her mind!???? Um.WTF?

So let's project a little here. How long will it be before mom changes her mind when the baby is an hour old? A day old? A week old...cuz you have to know this is coming!

And what's with the ghoulish freaking victory cheer? What the hell are they winning?


I tried to read your post but couldn't get past the lie in the first paragraph. That's on top of the lie in the title of the thread.

For your information partial birth abortions have been illegal since 1972 when Roe V. Wade made it illegal with the exception of the life and health of the woman or there's a serious problem with the fetus. Then in 2005 the bush boy signed legislation making it illegal with the exception of the life or health of the woman or a serious problem with the fetus.

The only exception to that is for the life or health of the woman or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

On top of it being illegal according to Roe V,. Wade.

On top of the new written laws in states that make partial birth abortion illegal with the same exceptions as the life and health of the woman and there being a serious problem with the fetus.

Bush Signs Ban on Partial-Birth Abortions

If you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to what you post?
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Honestly it's a mystery to me. The cheering and clapping that takes place at these events is beyond morbid. Nothing seems to be enough for them. Now we have the growing popularity of Partial birth abortion and it's no longer connected to life threatening medical conditions now it's just....mom changed her mind!???? Um.WTF?

So let's project a little here. How long will it be before mom changes her mind when the baby is an hour old? A day old? A week old...cuz you have to know this is coming!

And what's with the ghoulish freaking victory cheer? What the hell are they winning?

The direct quote where the Left said they were "happy about abortions"?

In New York State they gave Abortion a standing O, and lit up the World Trade Center in pink to celebrate the Atrocity.

You don't have to say it in words, when your actions are so crystal clear.
“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” - Governor Northam, VA

“Newborn human babies have no sense of their own existence over time. So killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person, that is, a being who wants to go on living. That doesn’t mean that it is not almost always a terrible thing to do. It is, but that is because most infants are loved and cherished by their parents, and to kill an infant is usually to do a great wrong to its parents." - Peter Singer, Princeton University Professor of Bioethics, on his faculty page

What makes you think they're safe in the hospital nursery NOW?

The Fauxphere has perfected the art of deliberately slicing up a sentence and taking the remaining part out of context to make a tangential attack. Without contrary evidence their sheep naturally "Bahhh" in unison.

“This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved. When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians — more than one physician, by the way — and it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non-viable.

So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

-Governor Northam, VA

Looks to me as if it is a question of euthanasia to me, not abortion.

There are babies born with deformities so severe that doctors recommend no heroic measures.

For one, the bill in question did not specify such conditions.

The omitted part of the quote by the governor did. They have to disingenuously to break up his sentence in the middle to get the sound bite they desired.

I wasn't talking about his quote, but the bill, which had it passed would have been law.

His quote was a mass of flat-out lies, where it wasn't brutal sociopathy.
There are babies born with deformities so severe that doctors recommend no heroic measures.

For one, the bill in question did not specify such conditions.

The omitted part of the quote by the governor did. They have to disingenuously to break up his sentence in the middle to get the sound bite they desired.

I wasn't talking about his quote, but the bill, which had it passed would have been law.

The sponsor of the bill openly admitted
That a healthy baby at the point of birth control fall victim to a last minute decision
By a distraught mother.


Not without a doctor. The mother couldn't just walk in to clinic and demand an abortion in the 9th month because she was having a bad day.

The bill is not my concern, the use of partial sentences to push a false narrative is my point.

We'll be certain to quote ALL of his lies at once in the future, if that makes you feel better.
How long before the babies aren't safe in the hospital nursery?


“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” - Governor Northam, VA

“Newborn human babies have no sense of their own existence over time. So killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person, that is, a being who wants to go on living. That doesn’t mean that it is not almost always a terrible thing to do. It is, but that is because most infants are loved and cherished by their parents, and to kill an infant is usually to do a great wrong to its parents." - Peter Singer, Princeton University Professor of Bioethics, on his faculty page

What makes you think they're safe in the hospital nursery NOW?

The Fauxphere has perfected the art of deliberately slicing up a sentence and taking the remaining part out of context to make a tangential attack. Without contrary evidence their sheep naturally "Bahhh" in unison.

“This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved. When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians — more than one physician, by the way — and it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non-viable.

So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

-Governor Northam, VA

Looks to me as if it is a question of euthanasia to me, not abortion.

There are babies born with deformities so severe that doctors recommend no heroic measures.

For one, the bill in question did not specify such conditions.

Why did you assume that people were having healthy babies & watching them die.

Well, mostly because that's what the bill says, and pro-aborts have proven that they will run straight to "choosing" the most depraved interpretation every time.

Basically, we know you're all sick and amoral, so we count on you being yourselves.
How long before the babies aren't safe in the hospital nursery?


“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” - Governor Northam, VA

“Newborn human babies have no sense of their own existence over time. So killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person, that is, a being who wants to go on living. That doesn’t mean that it is not almost always a terrible thing to do. It is, but that is because most infants are loved and cherished by their parents, and to kill an infant is usually to do a great wrong to its parents." - Peter Singer, Princeton University Professor of Bioethics, on his faculty page

What makes you think they're safe in the hospital nursery NOW?

The Fauxphere has perfected the art of deliberately slicing up a sentence and taking the remaining part out of context to make a tangential attack. Without contrary evidence their sheep naturally "Bahhh" in unison.

“This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved. When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physicians — more than one physician, by the way — and it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non-viable.

So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

-Governor Northam, VA

Looks to me as if it is a question of euthanasia to me, not abortion.

There are babies born with deformities so severe that doctors recommend no heroic measures.

You assfucks would keep resuscitating them over & overt & over even though there is zero chance to survive.

How the fuck did you get this stupid.

Lokks to me ,ike you're a fool.

"The same doctor who would have happily dismembered him last week recommends that you let him die this week, so that makes it okay! Doctors are gods, right?!"

And while we're on the subject, stop hiding behind "babies with severe deformities! My god, it's all about the deformities!!!!" Does the bill your sainted Governor Northam was talking about SPECIFY babies too deformed to live? Does it?! No, it damned well does not, so do NOT try to run back to that old saw of pretending that we're only talking about that. I didn't believe YOU "assfucks" the last time you tried that line, and you proved that I was right not to, so I'm not going to believe you now, either.

You assume it doesn't.

No, I READ that it doesn't. If you'd like to cite me a quote from the bill specifying a limitation to babies with deformities, I'll be happy to read it.
Honestly it's a mystery to me. The cheering and clapping that takes place at these events is beyond morbid. Nothing seems to be enough for them. Now we have the growing popularity of Partial birth abortion and it's no longer connected to life threatening medical conditions now it's just....mom changed her mind!???? Um.WTF?

So let's project a little here. How long will it be before mom changes her mind when the baby is an hour old? A day old? A week old...cuz you have to know this is coming!

And what's with the ghoulish freaking victory cheer? What the hell are they winning?


You assfuck, it is about the right to choose.

My God you Trumpettes are morons.

"You're an assfuck because you refuse to USE MY EUPHEMISMS! Speaking honestly is being a moron!"

It's all in the vocabulary. They are Baby killers and there's no way they can escape that.
But it's ok if the mom is depressed.


Never mind the fact that depression is a common symptom during pregnancy. Obviously, the time to be acting on a person's every emotional whim is when they're more hormonal and emotional than any other in their lives.
No one is happy about abortion. Just like no one is happy about war. Sometimes it is necessary. That does not mean one is happy.

Really? No one is happy about abortion? WHY is "no one happy about abortion"? I mean, I know why I'M not happy about it, but since you categorically deny the validity of my beliefs and insist that reality is the exact opposite, what reason would YOU have for being "unhappy" about it?
Removing life without consent is....well... Murder.

So you're a pacifist who is against capital punishment?

The person in the chair or on the gourney
Gave consent to be judged when they decided to live in society.

What are ones options if they don't want to live in any society? Is there anywhere on earth that is not under some jurisdiction?

How many Iraqis agreed to be bombed by the US when we invaded? Are American airmen guilty of murder when they kill either 'enemy' soldier or civilian?
If the right is so anti-abortion why do they keep making birth control harder to get?

If the right keeps making birth control harder to get, why can't lying shits like you ever prove it?

Oh, wait, I get it. When you say "harder to get", what you mean is "How DARE you expect me to pay for things myself? If you don't give it to me, that means you're keeping me from having it!"

Forgot I was talking to a lazy, irresponsible leech who can barely breathe for himself.
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

Tell me why I should care more about HER life when she obviously doesn't have any regard for her own child's life or rights.

Notice that was not put forth as a question. There is a reason for that.

Human beings (including the moms AND their children) have RIGHTS and those rights are not contingent upon whether or not ANYONE cares about anything. So, the "caring" shit is nothing more than a diversion attempt and a red herring.
The one thing they do not have is the right to another human beings body.

Ahh, yes. Here we have the crux of the issue: leftist women hate being women, and hate and resent children for "invading" their bodies to remind them they're women.
Removing life without consent is....well... Murder.

So you're a pacifist who is against capital punishment?

The person in the chair or on the gourney
Gave consent to be judged when they decided to live in society.

What are ones options if they don't want to live in any society? Is there anywhere on earth that is not under some jurisdiction?

How many Iraqis agreed to be bombed by the US when we invaded? Are American airmen guilty of murder when they kill either 'enemy' soldier or civilian?

You can't eliminate victimhood completely
but you don't have to legislate it. People are executed who are wrongly convicted, children are born to neglectful parents completely without their consent....and preborn people have their lives ended long before are able to speak for theit own rights.

Honestly it's a mystery to me. The cheering and clapping that takes place at these events is beyond morbid. Nothing seems to be enough for them. Now we have the growing popularity of Partial birth abortion and it's no longer connected to life threatening medical conditions now it's just....mom changed her mind!???? Um.WTF?

So let's project a little here. How long will it be before mom changes her mind when the baby is an hour old? A day old? A week old...cuz you have to know this is coming!

And what's with the ghoulish freaking victory cheer? What the hell are they winning?

Maybe it is not a celebration of abortion but a celebration of the freedom to make your own decisions and not have gov't intrude on your personal life. You'd think conservatives would understand.
And why can't "progressives" understand that almost all women availing themselves of abortions DID already decide to open their legs and conceive the child in the first place. They always have a choice not to screw anything with a dick.
In your world there is no rape or incest? Must be nice.

In your world, the fact that there's rape and incest requires a universal right to abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason?

Or are you laboring under the delusion that most abortions are done on women who were raped or screwed by family members?
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

Tell me why I should care more about HER life when she obviously doesn't have any regard for her own child's life or rights.

Notice that was not put forth as a question. There is a reason for that.

Human beings (including the moms AND their children) have RIGHTS and those rights are not contingent upon whether or not ANYONE cares about anything. So, the "caring" shit is nothing more than a diversion attempt and a red herring.
The one thing they do not have is the right to another human beings body.

Ahh, yes. Here we have the crux of the issue: leftist women hate being women, and hate and resent children for "invading" their bodies to remind them they're women.

Soooo what do they see in sex then?


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