Why is the left so happy about abortions?

Well, abortion isn't exactly a quick, painless procedure, so I guess the left has it covered in all ways, hmm?
I wouldn't know about that. I'd guess the "morning after" pill is a bit simpler though.

And yet, here we are watching leftists cheer a bill to allow children to be delivered alive and then left to die. It's almost like the "morning after" pill ISN'T FIXING THE PROBLEM AND ISN'T THE TOPIC OF CONVERSATION.
Honestly it's a mystery to me. The cheering and clapping that takes place at these events is beyond morbid. Nothing seems to be enough for them. Now we have the growing popularity of Partial birth abortion and it's no longer connected to life threatening medical conditions now it's just....mom changed her mind!???? Um.WTF?

So let's project a little here. How long will it be before mom changes her mind when the baby is an hour old? A day old? A week old...cuz you have to know this is coming!

And what's with the ghoulish freaking victory cheer? What the hell are they winning?

Maybe it is not a celebration of abortion but a celebration of the freedom to make your own decisions and not have gov't intrude on your personal life. You'd think conservatives would understand.
And why can't "progressives" understand that almost all women availing themselves of abortions DID already decide to open their legs and conceive the child in the first place. They always have a choice not to screw anything with a dick.
In your world there is no rape or incest? Must be nice.

In your world, the fact that there's rape and incest requires a universal right to abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason?

Or are you laboring under the delusion that most abortions are done on women who were raped or screwed by family members?

Or how about the wife who cosents then later decided she didn't consent? Abortion?

If the right is so anti-abortion why do they keep making birth control harder to get?

If the right keeps making birth control harder to get, why can't lying shits like you ever prove it?

Oh, wait, I get it. When you say "harder to get", what you mean is "How DARE you expect me to pay for things myself? If you don't give it to me, that means you're keeping me from having it!"

Forgot I was talking to a lazy, irresponsible leech who can barely breathe for himself.
Oh My God. You are unbelievable.

Who fought the Obamacare mandates for birth control? You assfucks.

It is called INSURANCE. People were buying INSURANCE. Some were paying along with their employer to get INSURANCE. People earn their benefits including INSURANCE.

Buying it outside your policy is expensive hence HARDER TO GET.

It is assfucks ,like you &u Hobby Lobby that say they will not provide birth control as part of the health benefits packsge,. They & You are too fucking stupid to know that will lead to more unwanted pregnancies.

This is why you are a joke.
Honestly it's a mystery to me. The cheering and clapping that takes place at these events is beyond morbid. Nothing seems to be enough for them. Now we have the growing popularity of Partial birth abortion and it's no longer connected to life threatening medical conditions now it's just....mom changed her mind!???? Um.WTF?

So let's project a little here. How long will it be before mom changes her mind when the baby is an hour old? A day old? A week old...cuz you have to know this is coming!

And what's with the ghoulish freaking victory cheer? What the hell are they winning?


You assfuck, it is about the right to choose.

My God you Trumpettes are morons.

"You're an assfuck because you refuse to USE MY EUPHEMISMS! Speaking honestly is being a moron!"
You lied & twisted the right to choose into cheering for abortions & that makes you an ass,.

Oh, gosh, a dirtbag who defends killing babies doesn't like me. I'll have to remember to sob myself to sleep tonight.

Again,assfuck,. I defend the right to choose. And they are fetuses, not babies.

Again, "assfuck", you defend abortion, and expect me to be as ignorant as you and think A) giving it a new name changes something, and B) medical science stopped developing in the mid-20th century just because your education did.

You want to be an illiterate? Go for it. Don't try to impose your primitive lack of knowledge onto me.
Well, abortion isn't exactly a quick, painless procedure, so I guess the left has it covered in all ways, hmm?
I wouldn't know about that. I'd guess the "morning after" pill is a bit simpler though.

And yet, here we are watching leftists cheer a bill to allow children to be delivered alive and then left to die. It's almost like the "morning after" pill ISN'T FIXING THE PROBLEM AND ISN'T THE TOPIC OF CONVERSATION.
GET AN EDUCATION. You are lying about that VA bill.

You fight the morning after pill.
You can't eliminate victimhood completely
but you don't have to legislate it. People are executed who are wrongly convicted, children are born to neglectful parents completely without their consent....and preborn people have their lives ended long before are able to speak for theit own rights.

You're right, you can't eliminate victimhood completely. The question is who gets to decide when the taking of a life is justified? My answer would be generals, judges, and mothers.
No one is happy about abortion. Just like no one is happy about war. Sometimes it is necessary. That does not mean one is happy.

Really? No one is happy about abortion? WHY is "no one happy about abortion"? I mean, I know why I'M not happy about it, but since you categorically deny the validity of my beliefs and insist that reality is the exact opposite, what reason would YOU have for being "unhappy" about it?

First, I don't believe life begins at conception. We all know (well at least the better informed) that when the fertilized egg makes the trip down to the womb that it fails to attscherd something like 50-60% of the time. A natural occurring abortion .

So why aren't you fighting for research to correct that & have fewer natural abortions?

Most women getting abortions struggle with that decision. It is not a decision they make lightly & cheer about.
Honestly it's a mystery to me. The cheering and clapping that takes place at these events is beyond morbid. Nothing seems to be enough for them. Now we have the growing popularity of Partial birth abortion and it's no longer connected to life threatening medical conditions now it's just....mom changed her mind!???? Um.WTF?

So let's project a little here. How long will it be before mom changes her mind when the baby is an hour old? A day old? A week old...cuz you have to know this is coming!

And what's with the ghoulish freaking victory cheer? What the hell are they winning?


You assfuck, it is about the right to choose.

My God you Trumpettes are morons.

"You're an assfuck because you refuse to USE MY EUPHEMISMS! Speaking honestly is being a moron!"
You lied & twisted the right to choose into cheering for abortions & that makes you an ass,.

Oh, gosh, a dirtbag who defends killing babies doesn't like me. I'll have to remember to sob myself to sleep tonight.

Again,assfuck,. I defend the right to choose. And they are fetuses, not babies.

You seem so sure of that.

Please give a detailed explanation of the physiological differences between a human fetus and a child who is in the fetal stage of their own development?
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You can't eliminate victimhood completely
but you don't have to legislate it. People are executed who are wrongly convicted, children are born to neglectful parents completely without their consent....and preborn people have their lives ended long before are able to speak for theit own rights.

You're right, you can't eliminate victimhood completely. The question is who gets to decide when the taking of a life is justified? My answer would be generals, judges, and mothers.

Mothers will always have that ability right or wrong.

In your world, the fact that there's rape and incest requires a universal right to abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason?

Or are you laboring under the delusion that most abortions are done on women who were raped or screwed by family members?
In my world there are valid reasons for allowing an abortion and rape and incest are such valid reasons. Do you agree or do you propose no abortions for anyone, ever, for any reason?
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Lying fuck. This has been debunked a gazilion times. Why are you people such assholes?

The definition of "debunked" isn't "I've said it isn't true a million times, so that means it's not true!" Likewise, the definition of "lying" is not "saying things that AssfuckDave doesn't want to hear".

Do you deny that Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the country? Or that just over 3/4 of their clinics are in minority neighborhoods? Or that over a third of all pregnancies in the black community end in abortion? Because if you do, you're actually the only one denying those statistics. Even pro-abortion groups don't deny them.
Removing life without consent is....well... Murder.

So you're a pacifist who is against capital punishment?

The person in the chair or on the gourney
Gave consent to be judged when they decided to live in society.

What are ones options if they don't want to live in any society? Is there anywhere on earth that is not under some jurisdiction?

How many Iraqis agreed to be bombed by the US when we invaded? Are American airmen guilty of murder when they kill either 'enemy' soldier or civilian?

Are you actually trying to make an argument that murder is okay because the killer can't go live somewhere without other people?
Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

Tell me why I should care more about HER life when she obviously doesn't have any regard for her own child's life or rights.

Notice that was not put forth as a question. There is a reason for that.

Human beings (including the moms AND their children) have RIGHTS and those rights are not contingent upon whether or not ANYONE cares about anything. So, the "caring" shit is nothing more than a diversion attempt and a red herring.
The one thing they do not have is the right to another human beings body.

Ahh, yes. Here we have the crux of the issue: leftist women hate being women, and hate and resent children for "invading" their bodies to remind them they're women.

Soooo what do they see in sex then?


You're asking me? Do I look like an abnormal psychiatrist?
Honestly it's a mystery to me. The cheering and clapping that takes place at these events is beyond morbid. Nothing seems to be enough for them. Now we have the growing popularity of Partial birth abortion and it's no longer connected to life threatening medical conditions now it's just....mom changed her mind!???? Um.WTF?

So let's project a little here. How long will it be before mom changes her mind when the baby is an hour old? A day old? A week old...cuz you have to know this is coming!

And what's with the ghoulish freaking victory cheer? What the hell are they winning?

Maybe it is not a celebration of abortion but a celebration of the freedom to make your own decisions and not have gov't intrude on your personal life. You'd think conservatives would understand.
And why can't "progressives" understand that almost all women availing themselves of abortions DID already decide to open their legs and conceive the child in the first place. They always have a choice not to screw anything with a dick.
In your world there is no rape or incest? Must be nice.

In your world, the fact that there's rape and incest requires a universal right to abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason?

Or are you laboring under the delusion that most abortions are done on women who were raped or screwed by family members?

Or how about the wife who cosents then later decided she didn't consent? Abortion?


These days, she'd charge him with spousal rape and join the #MeToo movement.
If the right is so anti-abortion why do they keep making birth control harder to get?

If the right keeps making birth control harder to get, why can't lying shits like you ever prove it?

Oh, wait, I get it. When you say "harder to get", what you mean is "How DARE you expect me to pay for things myself? If you don't give it to me, that means you're keeping me from having it!"

Forgot I was talking to a lazy, irresponsible leech who can barely breathe for himself.
Oh My God. You are unbelievable.

Who fought the Obamacare mandates for birth control? You assfucks.

It is called INSURANCE. People were buying INSURANCE. Some were paying along with their employer to get INSURANCE. People earn their benefits including INSURANCE.

Buying it outside your policy is expensive hence HARDER TO GET.

It is assfucks ,like you &u Hobby Lobby that say they will not provide birth control as part of the health benefits packsge,. They & You are too fucking stupid to know that will lead to more unwanted pregnancies.

This is why you are a joke.

So I was right. If you have to buy it yourself, that means you can't get it at all. Thanks for clarifying, "AssfuckDave".

Whine to me when condoms aren't available in every supermarket, WalMart, drug store, and convenience store in America for a couple of bucks, you cheap parasite.
Well, abortion isn't exactly a quick, painless procedure, so I guess the left has it covered in all ways, hmm?
I wouldn't know about that. I'd guess the "morning after" pill is a bit simpler though.

And yet, here we are watching leftists cheer a bill to allow children to be delivered alive and then left to die. It's almost like the "morning after" pill ISN'T FIXING THE PROBLEM AND ISN'T THE TOPIC OF CONVERSATION.
GET AN EDUCATION. You are lying about that VA bill.

You fight the morning after pill.

Get an education. Telling me I'm lying without proving I'm lying is the same as saying, "You're telling the truth, but I'm too dickless to admit it."

And telling me I fight for something I haven't even addressed is called "projection".

I accept your surrender, "AssfuckDave". Move along to your therapy session.
In your world, the fact that there's rape and incest requires a universal right to abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason?

Or are you laboring under the delusion that most abortions are done on women who were raped or screwed by family members?
In my world there are valid reasons for allowing an abortion and rape and incest are such valid reasons. Do you agree or do you propose no abortions for anyone, ever, for any reason?

Does that include incest when the sex is consented to by adult family members?
No one is happy about abortion. Just like no one is happy about war. Sometimes it is necessary. That does not mean one is happy.

Really? No one is happy about abortion? WHY is "no one happy about abortion"? I mean, I know why I'M not happy about it, but since you categorically deny the validity of my beliefs and insist that reality is the exact opposite, what reason would YOU have for being "unhappy" about it?

First, I don't believe life begins at conception. We all know (well at least the better informed) that when the fertilized egg makes the trip down to the womb that it fails to attscherd something like 50-60% of the time. A natural occurring abortion .

So why aren't you fighting for research to correct that & have fewer natural abortions?

Most women getting abortions struggle with that decision. It is not a decision they make lightly & cheer about.

When I want guidance on what I should believe and how I should enact those beliefs, I will get it from someone who a) shares my beliefs, and b) has enough brain power to come in out of the rain. In other words, from anyone who isn't "AssfuckDave".

If I need advice on how to look like a deranged homeless person shouting at the sky, I'll come to you for your expertise.
In your world, the fact that there's rape and incest requires a universal right to abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason?

Or are you laboring under the delusion that most abortions are done on women who were raped or screwed by family members?
In my world there are valid reasons for allowing an abortion and rape and incest are such valid reasons. Do you agree or do you propose no abortions for anyone, ever, for any reason?

In my world, there are potentially valid reasons for abortion, and a lot of dishonest, uninformed dimwits trying to hide behind them.

Do YOU acknowledge that the vast majority of abortions have nothing to do with rape or incest, or are you one of the dishonest dimwits trying to deflect the topic?
Removing life without consent is....well... Murder.

So you're a pacifist who is against capital punishment?

The person in the chair or on the gourney
Gave consent to be judged when they decided to live in society.

What are ones options if they don't want to live in any society? Is there anywhere on earth that is not under some jurisdiction?

How many Iraqis agreed to be bombed by the US when we invaded? Are American airmen guilty of murder when they kill either 'enemy' soldier or civilian?

Are you actually trying to make an argument that murder is okay because the killer can't go live somewhere without other people?
My point was that no one ever "Gave consent to be judged when they decided to live in society" if they are born into that society. Yet they can be legitimately and legally killed.

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