Why is the left so happy about abortions?

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

Tell me why I should care more about HER life when she obviously doesn't have any regard for her own child's life or rights.

Notice that was not put forth as a question. There is a reason for that.

Human beings (including the moms AND their children) have RIGHTS and those rights are not contingent upon whether or not ANYONE cares about anything. So, the "caring" shit is nothing more than a diversion attempt and a red herring.
The one thing they do not have is the right to another human beings body.

If someone (anyone really) were to grab you and then connect your body to theirs in such a way that YOU would die if the connection is severed before the time of 7-9 months. . . .

You don't think you would have a right to expect that connection to be maintained?

You don't need to answer because the fact is you WOULD. Whether you think you would or not.
I heard that before and it is irrelevent. That has never happened. It is an excuse to legitimize control over another's body.

If it so irrelevant, why didn't supreme court justice Potter Stewart say otherwise when he said that once personhood is established for children in the womb, the case FOR abortion is near IMPOSSIBLE to make.

To which, the pro abort lawyer (Sarah Weddington) agreed.


Imagine that.

Feel free to tell me why I should ignore their take on it and adopt yours instead.
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Maybe it is not a celebration of abortion but a celebration of the freedom to make your own decisions and not have gov't intrude on your personal life. You'd think conservatives would understand.
And why can't "progressives" understand that almost all women availing themselves of abortions DID already decide to open their legs and conceive the child in the first place. They always have a choice not to screw anything with a dick.
In your world there is no rape or incest? Must be nice.

In your world, the fact that there's rape and incest requires a universal right to abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason?

Or are you laboring under the delusion that most abortions are done on women who were raped or screwed by family members?

Or how about the wife who cosents then later decided she didn't consent? Abortion?


These days, she'd charge him with spousal rape and join the #MeToo movement.

That's a fair bet.

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

Tell me why I should care more about HER life when she obviously doesn't have any regard for her own child's life or rights.

Notice that was not put forth as a question. There is a reason for that.

Human beings (including the moms AND their children) have RIGHTS and those rights are not contingent upon whether or not ANYONE cares about anything. So, the "caring" shit is nothing more than a diversion attempt and a red herring.
The one thing they do not have is the right to another human beings body.

If someone (anyone really) were to grab you and then connect your body to theirs in such a way that YOU would die if the connection is severed before the time of 7-9 months. . . .

You don't think you would have a right to expect that connection to be maintained?

You don't need to answer because the fact is you WOULD. Whether you think you would or not.
I heard that before and it is irrelevent. That has never happened. It is an excuse to legitimize control over another's body.

That that person is describing is a crime. It's illegal to kidnap anyone. It's further illegal to hook that person up to another person against their will.

Anyone who ever did such a thing would end up in prison for a very long time.

The person you're replying to really is very mentally disturbed.
Honestly, not a subject I've thought much about... If the mother had not intended to get pregnant and then did not want to keep the baby, the incest should be a factor in whether she is allowed to have an abortion.
Because. .

To be the product of incest indicates an abnormal family dynamic and that may have a negative effect on the baby.

How does consent change that biological fact?

You said earlier that you opposed abortions for situations where the incest was consented to by adults.
Disingenuous. You forgot to mention that only 29% of those polled (rather a different proposition) believe that abortion should be LEGAL in all cases. 50% of those polled believe it should be legal only in certain cases, which generally means the blessedly rare hard cases of rape, incest, and danger to the mother's life.

So you can interpret that as "most Americans approve of abortion", or you can interpret it as "most American disapprove of abortion".
Spin it any way you want, it means that the vast majority of Americans believe there are cases when abortion is justified. I'm sure there are a full range of opinions on exactly what is a justification.
Disingenuous. You forgot to mention that only 29% of those polled (rather a different proposition) believe that abortion should be LEGAL in all cases. 50% of those polled believe it should be legal only in certain cases, which generally means the blessedly rare hard cases of rape, incest, and danger to the mother's life.

So you can interpret that as "most Americans approve of abortion", or you can interpret it as "most American disapprove of abortion".
Spin it any way you want, it means that the vast majority of Americans believe there are cases when abortion is justified. I'm sure there are a full range of opinions on exactly what is a justification.

So your foundation for this position is actually euthanasia.....

Honestly, not a subject I've thought much about... If the mother had not intended to get pregnant and then did not want to keep the baby, the incest should be a factor in whether she is allowed to have an abortion.
Because. .

To be the product of incest indicates an abnormal family dynamic and that may have a negative effect on the baby.

How does consent change that biological fact?

You said earlier that you opposed abortions for situations where the incest was consented to by adults.
What I said was that the incest should be a factor. I also believe a negative effect on the baby should be a factor.

I think the final call, if an abortion to be allowed, must be based on ALL the factors not just a single one, the life of the embryo or fetus.
Honestly, not a subject I've thought much about... If the mother had not intended to get pregnant and then did not want to keep the baby, the incest should be a factor in whether she is allowed to have an abortion.
Because. .

To be the product of incest indicates an abnormal family dynamic and that may have a negative effect on the baby.

So it's better to kill the baby rather than to, for example, send him to live with a better family?

Because otherwise, what does that say about children who live in any sort of dysfunctional family?
Disingenuous. You forgot to mention that only 29% of those polled (rather a different proposition) believe that abortion should be LEGAL in all cases. 50% of those polled believe it should be legal only in certain cases, which generally means the blessedly rare hard cases of rape, incest, and danger to the mother's life.

So you can interpret that as "most Americans approve of abortion", or you can interpret it as "most American disapprove of abortion".
Spin it any way you want, it means that the vast majority of Americans believe there are cases when abortion is justified. I'm sure there are a full range of opinions on exactly what is a justification.

I'm not spinning it any more than you are. The truth is that the largest majority of Americans don't like abortion and view it as a bad thing which shouldn't happen. Of that group, a small number hold to that no matter what, and the majority think it should be stringently allowed under narrow circumstances.

That's a long way from supporting it.

And if you can find any sort of "full range of opinions" about justification, I'd love to hear them.
Honestly, not a subject I've thought much about... If the mother had not intended to get pregnant and then did not want to keep the baby, the incest should be a factor in whether she is allowed to have an abortion.
Because. .

To be the product of incest indicates an abnormal family dynamic and that may have a negative effect on the baby.

How does consent change that biological fact?

You said earlier that you opposed abortions for situations where the incest was consented to by adults.
What I said was that the incest should be a factor. I also believe a negative effect on the baby should be a factor.

I think the final call, if an abortion to be allowed, must be based on ALL the factors not just a single one, the life of the embryo or fetus.

Why don't you ever call it a child?
So it's better to kill the baby rather than to, for example, send him to live with a better family?
Kill a baby? No. Prevent a fertilized egg from developing into a baby? Yes, rather than force a woman to carry it.

Because otherwise, what does that say about children who live in any sort of dysfunctional family?
They likely suffer more than others. Is it more humane to prevent a fertilized egg from developing into a baby that will suffer more than usual? Yes, if the mother agrees.

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