Why is the left so happy about abortions?

In my world, there are potentially valid reasons for abortion, and a lot of dishonest, uninformed dimwits trying to hide behind them.

Do YOU acknowledge that the vast majority of abortions have nothing to do with rape or incest, or are you one of the dishonest dimwits trying to deflect the topic?
It appears that 1.5% of abortions are due to rape or incest. It seems like we both are, at least in these cases, pro-choice. I am perfectly willing to explore what other cases we might both fall into the pro-choice camp. I'd guess there are also cases where we'd both agree that abortions should NOT be allowed.

As you see, abortion is not a black and white issue and good and reasonable people can disagree without being vilified.
Removing life without consent is....well... Murder.

So you're a pacifist who is against capital punishment?

The person in the chair or on the gourney
Gave consent to be judged when they decided to live in society.

What are ones options if they don't want to live in any society? Is there anywhere on earth that is not under some jurisdiction?

How many Iraqis agreed to be bombed by the US when we invaded? Are American airmen guilty of murder when they kill either 'enemy' soldier or civilian?

Are you actually trying to make an argument that murder is okay because the killer can't go live somewhere without other people?
My point was that no one ever "Gave consent to be judged when they decided to live in society" if they are born into that society. Yet they can be legitimately and legally killed.

The key to understanding how that can be justified is by understanding the differences and the relationship between a human right being acknowledged and or or deprived vs. Acknowledged and or denied.

You would be wise to pay close attention to how and when the word "deprived" is used in the Constitution.

You might also want to fully comprehend its meaning.
[QUOTE="alang1216, post: 21757871, member: 49658]
In my world there are valid reasons for allowing an abortion and rape and incest are such valid reasons. Do you agree or do you propose no abortions for anyone, ever, for any reason?
Does that include incest when the sex is consented to by adult family members?[/QUOTE]
If both are adults, incest would not be a valid reason for an abortion.
If both are adults, incest would not be a valid reason for an abortion.

Why then do you indicate incest along with rape and the life of the mother, in your list?

If there was no consent to the incest, wouldn't that also fall under rape?

Why the need to list it separately?

Why be redundant?
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Removing life without consent is....well... Murder.

So you're a pacifist who is against capital punishment?

The person in the chair or on the gourney
Gave consent to be judged when they decided to live in society.

What are ones options if they don't want to live in any society? Is there anywhere on earth that is not under some jurisdiction?

How many Iraqis agreed to be bombed by the US when we invaded? Are American airmen guilty of murder when they kill either 'enemy' soldier or civilian?

Are you actually trying to make an argument that murder is okay because the killer can't go live somewhere without other people?
My point was that no one ever "Gave consent to be judged when they decided to live in society" if they are born into that society. Yet they can be legitimately and legally killed.

Let me put it this way. (Jo is on his own with his position.) People who receive capital punishment have been convicted of committing heinous acts against other people. Babies who receive capital punishment haven't done anything accept exist in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they had no control over that.

I have no problem telling the difference, and squaring my support for capital punishment with my opposition to abortion.
In my world, there are potentially valid reasons for abortion, and a lot of dishonest, uninformed dimwits trying to hide behind them.

Do YOU acknowledge that the vast majority of abortions have nothing to do with rape or incest, or are you one of the dishonest dimwits trying to deflect the topic?
It appears that 1.5% of abortions are due to rape or incest. It seems like we both are, at least in these cases, pro-choice. I am perfectly willing to explore what other cases we might both fall into the pro-choice camp. I'd guess there are also cases where we'd both agree that abortions should NOT be allowed.

As you see, abortion is not a black and white issue and good and reasonable people can disagree without being vilified.

Actually, I am not the least bit pro-abortion in the case of rape or incest, because in neither case is it the baby who committed a crime/immoral act. Please do not make assumptions and project amorality onto me.

The point is that incest and rape are, and have been for a very long time, utterly irrelevant to any discussion of abortion laws in this country, and anyone who tries to talk about abortion laws by running to "rape and incest!" is either dishonest, or so woefully ignorant and out-of-date that they don't deserve to be speaking at all.
In my world, there are potentially valid reasons for abortion, and a lot of dishonest, uninformed dimwits trying to hide behind them.

Do YOU acknowledge that the vast majority of abortions have nothing to do with rape or incest, or are you one of the dishonest dimwits trying to deflect the topic?
It appears that 1.5% of abortions are due to rape or incest. It seems like we both are, at least in these cases, pro-choice. I am perfectly willing to explore what other cases we might both fall into the pro-choice camp. I'd guess there are also cases where we'd both agree that abortions should NOT be allowed.

As you see, abortion is not a black and white issue and good and reasonable people can disagree without being vilified.

Actually, I am not the least bit pro-abortion in the case of rape or incest, because in neither case is it the baby who committed a crime/immoral act. Please do not make assumptions and project amorality onto me.

The point is that incest and rape are, and have been for a very long time, utterly irrelevant to any discussion of abortion laws in this country, and anyone who tries to talk about abortion laws by running to "rape and incest!" is either dishonest, or so woefully ignorant and out-of-date that they don't deserve to be speaking at all.

We are pro- JUSTICE.

That, in the vast majority of cases comes down to the side of LIFE and opposing the abortions.

It is telling about how desperate leftardz are, when they have to use that and twist it, to try and claim that means we are also "pro-aborts" like they are.
If both are adults, incest would not be a valid reason for an abortion.

Why then do you indicate incest along with rape and the life of the mother, in your list?

If there was no consent to the incest, wouldn't that also fall under rape?

Why the need to list it separately?

Why be redundant?
Honestly, not a subject I've thought much about... If the mother had not intended to get pregnant and then did not want to keep the baby, the incest should be a factor in whether she is allowed to have an abortion.
Actually, I am not the least bit pro-abortion in the case of rape or incest, because in neither case is it the baby who committed a crime/immoral act. Please do not make assumptions and project amorality onto me.

My apologies, but when you said "In my world, there are potentially valid reasons for abortion" in a discussion of rape and incest I misunderstood you. Would you please tell what those potentially valid reasons might be?

The point is that incest and rape are, and have been for a very long time, utterly irrelevant to any discussion of abortion laws in this country, and anyone who tries to talk about abortion laws by running to "rape and incest!" is either dishonest, or so woefully ignorant and out-of-date that they don't deserve to be speaking at all.
So long as rape and incest happens they are relevant to me. The millions of results in Google tell me I'm not alone.
We are pro- JUSTICE.

That, in the vast majority of cases comes down to the side of LIFE and opposing the abortions.

It is telling about how desperate leftardz are, when they have to use that and twist it, to try and claim that means we are also "pro-aborts" like they are.
Only 18% of Americans believe abortions should be illegal in ALL cases. Are 82% of Americans "leftardz" or are the vast majority of American in favor of choice in some cases?
If the right is so anti-abortion why do they keep making birth control harder to get?

If the right keeps making birth control harder to get, why can't lying shits like you ever prove it?

Oh, wait, I get it. When you say "harder to get", what you mean is "How DARE you expect me to pay for things myself? If you don't give it to me, that means you're keeping me from having it!"

Forgot I was talking to a lazy, irresponsible leech who can barely breathe for himself.
Oh My God. You are unbelievable.

Who fought the Obamacare mandates for birth control? You assfucks.

It is called INSURANCE. People were buying INSURANCE. Some were paying along with their employer to get INSURANCE. People earn their benefits including INSURANCE.

Buying it outside your policy is expensive hence HARDER TO GET.

It is assfucks ,like you &u Hobby Lobby that say they will not provide birth control as part of the health benefits packsge,. They & You are too fucking stupid to know that will lead to more unwanted pregnancies.

This is why you are a joke.

It's never been about stopping abortion with those people.

If it has, all of them would make sure birth control was handed out free on street corners.

Anyone who says they're against abortion should loudly and forcefully support birth control and never put up any sort of barriers for anyone to obtain contraceptives.

Yet they do the opposite. They do all they can to close clinics that provide reliable contraception. They demand that contraceptives be removed from any insurance benefit. They do all they can to make it impossible for people to obtain contraception.

That's not the actions of anyone who wants to prevent abortions. It's not the actions of anyone who supports children. It's not the actions of anyone who claims to be "pro life."

If they didn't support abortion they would be leading the charge to make sure contraception was easily available to everyone.
Actually, I am not the least bit pro-abortion in the case of rape or incest, because in neither case is it the baby who committed a crime/immoral act. Please do not make assumptions and project amorality onto me.

My apologies, but when you said "In my world, there are potentially valid reasons for abortion" in a discussion of rape and incest I misunderstood you. Would you please tell what those potentially valid reasons might be?

The point is that incest and rape are, and have been for a very long time, utterly irrelevant to any discussion of abortion laws in this country, and anyone who tries to talk about abortion laws by running to "rape and incest!" is either dishonest, or so woefully ignorant and out-of-date that they don't deserve to be speaking at all.
So long as rape and incest happens they are relevant to me. The millions of results in Google tell me I'm not alone.

Note the word "potentially". I can at least sympathize with a woman who has been raped and gotten pregnant. That is an undeniably shitty position to be in, completely not of her making, and I wouldn't lose a second of sleep if someone strung her rapist up by fish hooks through his genitals. That being said, I still do not agree with aborting the child because of it, for any number of reasons, not least of which is that the baby didn't do anything wrong, and is as much a victim in his own way as she is. I would much prefer that she put the child up for adoption and receive buttloads of therapy to help her deal with the whole situation. But I can agree that illegalizing abortion in such cases is not the most effective way to make this happen.

Likewise, I have the utmost sympathy for a woman whose health becomes endangered while she's pregnant. I personally would not opt for an abortion in order to begin chemotherapy (for example), but that is once again not an occasion where I think illegalizing that treatment choice is useful or effective.

Once again, since those occasions make up at most 1% of all abortions, and have been accounted for in every abortion law since I was in diapers, they are NOT relevant. They are a dodge. They have nothing to do with any abortion law, proposed or in force, anywhere in this country. They are simply a way of avoiding talking about the 99% of abortions that take place for no other reason than that the pregnant woman simply does not feel like having a baby in her life at this moment in time.
We are pro- JUSTICE.

That, in the vast majority of cases comes down to the side of LIFE and opposing the abortions.

It is telling about how desperate leftardz are, when they have to use that and twist it, to try and claim that means we are also "pro-aborts" like they are.
Only 18% of Americans believe abortions should be illegal in ALL cases. Are 82% of Americans "leftardz" or are the vast majority of American in favor of choice in some cases?

Disingenuous. You forgot to mention that only 29% of those polled (rather a different proposition) believe that abortion should be LEGAL in all cases. 50% of those polled believe it should be legal only in certain cases, which generally means the blessedly rare hard cases of rape, incest, and danger to the mother's life.

So you can interpret that as "most Americans approve of abortion", or you can interpret it as "most American disapprove of abortion".
If both are adults, incest would not be a valid reason for an abortion.

Why then do you indicate incest along with rape and the life of the mother, in your list?

If there was no consent to the incest, wouldn't that also fall under rape?

Why the need to list it separately?

Why be redundant?
Honestly, not a subject I've thought much about... If the mother had not intended to get pregnant and then did not want to keep the baby, the incest should be a factor in whether she is allowed to have an abortion.

Because. .

Honestly it's a mystery to me. The cheering and clapping that takes place at these events is beyond morbid. Nothing seems to be enough for them. Now we have the growing popularity of Partial birth abortion and it's no longer connected to life threatening medical conditions now it's just....mom changed her mind!???? Um.WTF?

So let's project a little here. How long will it be before mom changes her mind when the baby is an hour old? A day old? A week old...cuz you have to know this is coming!

And what's with the ghoulish freaking victory cheer? What the hell are they winning?

Happy? Perhaps we are happy that women have a choice. Perhaps we are happy that fossilized patriarchal religions fail to control women's bodies.
We are pro- JUSTICE.

That, in the vast majority of cases comes down to the side of LIFE and opposing the abortions.

It is telling about how desperate leftardz are, when they have to use that and twist it, to try and claim that means we are also "pro-aborts" like they are.
Only 18% of Americans believe abortions should be illegal in ALL cases. Are 82% of Americans "leftardz" or are the vast majority of American in favor of choice in some cases?

For the most part

Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Again. If you truly believe it is not achild. . . Then what is there not to be happy about if the woman wants or gets an abortion?
A woman has a choice to make that will affect her life........offer her a better option

Tell me why I should care more about HER life when she obviously doesn't have any regard for her own child's life or rights.

Notice that was not put forth as a question. There is a reason for that.

Human beings (including the moms AND their children) have RIGHTS and those rights are not contingent upon whether or not ANYONE cares about anything. So, the "caring" shit is nothing more than a diversion attempt and a red herring.
The one thing they do not have is the right to another human beings body.

If someone (anyone really) were to grab you and then connect your body to theirs in such a way that YOU would die if the connection is severed before the time of 7-9 months. . . .

You don't think you would have a right to expect that connection to be maintained?

You don't need to answer because the fact is you WOULD. Whether you think you would or not.
I heard that before and it is irrelevent. That has never happened. It is an excuse to legitimize control over another's body.
Nobody is happy about abortion

Just offer expectant mothers a better choice

How hard can it be?

Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Lying fuck. This has been debunked a gazilion times. Why are you people such assholes?

The definition of "debunked" isn't "I've said it isn't true a million times, so that means it's not true!" Likewise, the definition of "lying" is not "saying things that AssfuckDave doesn't want to hear".

Do you deny that Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the country? Or that just over 3/4 of their clinics are in minority neighborhoods? Or that over a third of all pregnancies in the black community end in abortion? Because if you do, you're actually the only one denying those statistics. Even pro-abortion groups don't deny them.

Those statrstics have nothing to do with the lie you told.

Planned Parenthood is in poor districts to prodive health care to women like cancer screenings, & family planning including birth control.
Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Lying fuck. This has been debunked a gazilion times. Why are you people such assholes?

The definition of "debunked" isn't "I've said it isn't true a million times, so that means it's not true!" Likewise, the definition of "lying" is not "saying things that AssfuckDave doesn't want to hear".

Do you deny that Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the country? Or that just over 3/4 of their clinics are in minority neighborhoods? Or that over a third of all pregnancies in the black community end in abortion? Because if you do, you're actually the only one denying those statistics. Even pro-abortion groups don't deny them.

Those statrstics have nothing to do with the lie you told.

Planned Parenthood is in poor districts to prodive health care to women like cancer screenings, & family planning including birth control.

Their own statistics prove they do very little of any of that. They primarily exist to perform abortions.

The fact that you can't just admit that proves that you know there is something wrong with how many abortions they perform.
Start with personal responsibility.

Why is that so difficult in today's choices of birth control?

Don't give me that shit it's not accessible either....that's a lie the left loves to spew.
Personal responsibility........

If birth control is your answer....why oppose Planned Parenthood which has historically been the leading proponent of birth control

Why do Conservatives oppose birth control being covered by health insurance?

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of getting blacks to murder their progeny. I say we up double how much tax payer money they get each year.

Lying fuck. This has been debunked a gazilion times. Why are you people such assholes?

The definition of "debunked" isn't "I've said it isn't true a million times, so that means it's not true!" Likewise, the definition of "lying" is not "saying things that AssfuckDave doesn't want to hear".

Do you deny that Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the country? Or that just over 3/4 of their clinics are in minority neighborhoods? Or that over a third of all pregnancies in the black community end in abortion? Because if you do, you're actually the only one denying those statistics. Even pro-abortion groups don't deny them.

Those statrstics have nothing to do with the lie you told.

Planned Parenthood is in poor districts to prodive health care to women like cancer screenings, & family planning including birth control.

Planned Parenthood doesn't do cancer screenings. They refer women who need cancer screenings to other clinics.

They're in those neighborhoods to do business. And their primary business is abortions.

So yeah, Planned Parenthood is far and away the leading culprit in the fact that black pregnancies are aborted at far greater rates than white ones.

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