Why is the Party of "Tolerance" Always Violent?

Who believes the Democrat Party is the 'Party of Tolerance?' I've never believed that. That's just old stale propaganda. No group in this country is more hateful than Left Wing Democrats.

Remember, these are despicable folks who even attacked Sarah Palin's child who suffers with Down Syndrome. You can't go any lower. There is no tolerance. It is not a 'Party of Tolerance.'
In your OP you refer to Clinton supporters as ‘fascists,’ in post 4 you refer to liberals as ‘socialists’ – hence your ignorance, as they can’t be both.

There are elements of fascism that are inherent to clinton's support base, and can also be accorded to extremist socialists, whose power base is centrally controlled - like fascism. The two philosophies do not differ substantially in method, only slightly so in their end result.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

We ONLY see the behavior from the Left. So no, it's not a "generalization." It's acceptable and encouraged behavior of the left
In your OP you refer to Clinton supporters as ‘fascists,’ in post 4 you refer to liberals as ‘socialists’ – hence your ignorance, as they can’t be both.

And needless to say liberals are neither ‘socialists’ nor ‘fascists,’ which serves as further confirmation of the fact that both you and far too many on the right are liars.

Of course they can be both you idjit. Fascism is simply a tool that can be used by any radical ideological strain. Make no mistake both Hitlery and Obama are fascist to their cores.

Simple Definition of fascism

    • : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
    • : very harsh control or authority

Cited and quoted for truth. This point cannot be said enough; it exactly defines the 'Neo-Liberals' that took over the Democratic Party in the 1980's and now panders to, and its astro-turfing, lying, vermin supporters here.
Who believes the Democrat Party is the 'Party of Tolerance?' I've never believed that. That's just old stale propaganda. No group in this country is more hateful than Left Wing Democrats.

Remember, these are despicable folks who even attacked Sarah Palin's child who suffers with Down Syndrome. You can't go any lower. There is no tolerance. It is not a 'Party of Tolerance.'
They runvas the "tolerant" ones. They don't need you to agree. B it the leftists here do
I went to a t-party rally and we were all just standing around minding our own business when someone pulls up in a car and gives us the bird. These people wern't hurting anyone and they get the bird from some guy.
This is fundamentally false - conservatism is the protection of what one has BUILT and CREATED, and to prevent it from being lost/destroyed by those unwilling/incapable of valuing and sustaining it.

True as far as it goes, but AMERICAN Conservatism is about the relationship between the INDIVIDUAL and the State.

Does the Government fear the Individual? You have freedom.
Does the Individual fear the State? You have TYRANNY.
I went to a t-party rally and we were all just standing around minding our own business when someone pulls up in a car and gives us the bird. These people wern't hurting anyone and they get the bird from some guy.

That's because the far left trash that supports the national democratic party cannot bring anything of substance to the table.

Their entire argument is: you're a racist!....it's Bush's fault....stop watching Fox news. Typical low IQ response from the brain dead, who are usually dedicated readers of the NY Times.
Hey let's all pretend we didn't see protesters being punched out at Trump rallies !
In your OP you refer to Clinton supporters as ‘fascists,’...

And he is right, you are nothing but a collection of violent racist brownshirts, and ...

in post 4 you refer to liberals as ‘socialists’ – hence your ignorance, as they can’t be both.

... and Democrats are no longer liberals, so he's right again.

And needless to say liberals are neither ‘socialists’ nor ‘fascists,’ which serves as further confirmation of the fact that both you and far too many on the right are liars.

Correct; Democrats aren't liberals, they are nasty degenerate brownshirts and fascists, and you of course aren't a liberal, either, speaking of liars.
In your OP you refer to Clinton supporters as ‘fascists,’ in post 4 you refer to liberals as ‘socialists’ – hence your ignorance, as they can’t be both.

There are elements of fascism that are inherent to clinton's support base, and can also be accorded to extremist socialists, whose power base is centrally controlled - like fascism. The two philosophies do not differ substantially in method, only slightly so in their end result.

Yes. For the average prole and small businessman, they are distinctions without a difference in real life. Their 'differences' are only in choice of rhetoric and spin, not in practices.
Hey let's all pretend we didn't see protesters being punched out at Trump rallies !

Hey let's all pretend the little neo-nazi vermin didn't deserve far worse and were trying to deny people their rights to assembly and free speech, and you and your ilk have less than zero room to snivel given your record of violence and vandalism, support for murdering police, egging on violent racist hate crimes, and all the rest of your slimey fascist pastimes.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

We ONLY see the behavior from the Left. So no, it's not a "generalization." It's acceptable and encouraged behavior of the left
In your OP you refer to Clinton supporters as ‘fascists,’ in post 4 you refer to liberals as ‘socialists’ – hence your ignorance, as they can’t be both.

And needless to say liberals are neither ‘socialists’ nor ‘fascists,’ which serves as further confirmation of the fact that both you and far too many on the right are liars.
Actually they're both. But this thread is about their violence toward anyone who disagrees with them.

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