Why is the USA defending UKRAINE?

Ukraine is not NATO.

Why is the US meddling in the business of other soverign nations?

Why, specifically, is this good for US citizens?
I can't see you have an issue with it. You said nothing when you invaded Vietnam and were beaten.
Not a word from Iraq and Kuwait and now you become all soppy eyed and caring.
Dont make me vomit.
Stalin exported Russians to populate all of the Soviet occupied territories.

He was playing the long game of breeding out the existin population.

Considering how many of the "white will be a minority in 2030" threads I have seen, he didn't do too well in his long game.
They got rid of 3k+ nuclear weapons in return for a promise to help them if they were invaded. Sounds like a bargain to me.

The question was raised in Brett Baier’s interview with the Ukrainian foreign minister yesterday on TV.

# This diplomatic activity manifested in security assurances for Ukraine embedded in what has become known as the Budapest Memorandum. With the entrance of Ukraine into the international order as a non-nuclear state, Russia, the U.S. and the U.K. pledged to “respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.” The memo reaffirmed their obligation to “refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine.” The signatories also reaffirmed their commitment to “seek immediate” UN Security Council action “to provide assistance to Ukraine … if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression.” These assurances upheld obligations contained in the U.N. charter and the 1975 Helsinki Final Act.
Ukraine, in turn, gave up the nuclear weapons within its borders, sending them to Russia for dismantling.

In light of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its current threat to Ukrainian sovereignty, it’s fair to ask: What is the significance now of the Budapest Memorandum?

^ But.......

# Ukrainian regrets:

The memorandum, signed in 1994, is not legally binding.

Nonetheless, it embeds and reaffirms the solemn assurances that are the hallmark of the international system. These include respect for state sovereignty, the inviolability of international borders and abstention from the threat or use of force.

Ukraine’s decision to give up nuclear weapons signaled its desire to be seen as a member in good standing of the international community, rather than an outlier.

The decision was not just symbolic. While Ukraine did not inherit a fully fledged nuclear capacity – Russia still held important parts of the nuclear infrastructure – Ukraine had the necessary technological and industrial ability to close the gaps.

Many in Ukraine feel that the country’s 1994 decision to give up its nuclear arms was a mistake.
Considering how many of the "white will be a minority in 2030" threads I have seen, he didn't do too well in his long game.
While you are playing exterminating white people eugenics, the Asian people are moving in to dominate. They make some damn good products. And if you want a car, it is reported that a vehicle of the same nameplate made there may be better than made here.
While you are playing exterminating white people eugenics, the Asian people are moving in to dominate. They make some damn good products. And if you want a car, it is reported that a vehicle of the same nameplate made there may be better than made here.

I am not playing at anything.
The question was raised in Brett Baier’s interview with the Ukrainian foreign minister yesterday on TV.

# This diplomatic activity manifested in security assurances for Ukraine embedded in what has become known as the Budapest Memorandum. With the entrance of Ukraine into the international order as a non-nuclear state, Russia, the U.S. and the U.K. pledged to “respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.” The memo reaffirmed their obligation to “refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine.” The signatories also reaffirmed their commitment to “seek immediate” UN Security Council action “to provide assistance to Ukraine … if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression.” These assurances upheld obligations contained in the U.N. charter and the 1975 Helsinki Final Act.
Ukraine, in turn, gave up the nuclear weapons within its borders, sending them to Russia for dismantling.

In light of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its current threat to Ukrainian sovereignty, it’s fair to ask: What is the significance now of the Budapest Memorandum?

UN and and US HAVE been assisting Ukraine with weapons and billions upon billions in aid.

Russians are the ones grossly breaching the promises (surprise!)

I don't see anything in the agreement in terms of us fighting their war for them.
Considering how many of the "white will be a minority in 2030" threads I have seen, he didn't do too well in his long game.

Not in Soviet satellite nations like Latvia.

He was breeding Russians to push out other caucasians in those nations.

There are not BIPOCs to a significant extent in Soviet Bloc nations.
Back after the USSR disbanded, the Ukraine had a large number of nuclear weapons. They were something like the 5 largest nuclear power.

We wanted them to get rid of the nukes. They did so, asking only one concession of us. That we would help them if they were invaded.

They got rid of 3k+ nuclear weapons in return for a promise to help them if they were invaded. Sounds like a bargain to me.

And now that they need us, you want us to forget the promise? Decide we didn't make the promise? Treat that agreement like we did the treaties with Native Americans?
Link to the official pact between the US and Ukraine please
We didnt defend Crimea.

Why defend the rest of Ukraine now?

It has a huge population of ethnic Russians in its borders.

Most of you ill informed fucks have no idea.
Bill Clinton said we would defend Ukraine

Bush Jr did

Obama didn't

Trump did

Biden didnt
We are involved to distract from the shitshow at home and also because Ukraine pays the Biden family.
Obama in office….Putin takes Crimea.
Trump in office…Putin takes nothing.
Biden in office…Putin takes more of Ukraine.

Yet Trump is Putin’s puppet according to the left?


You lefies and your lies.

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