Why is there no national Conservative Party in the US?

Answer: Conservatives adopted extreme positions on wedge issues:

    • Gun control
    • Immigration
    • Gay & Lesbian equal rights
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Minimum wage
    • Voting Rights
    • Abortion
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.
Additionally, fiscal conservatives have evolved into being fiscally irresponsible, and the Republican Leadership has put their jobs first and caved by supporting the extremism which has taken over the GOP.

Both major parties, in the past, have taken the high road in terms of human rights. Today the Crazy New Right has shown nothing but contempt in their callous disregard for human rights.

Ask yourself if their ideology incorporates human rights into each of the bullet points above? Maybe they feel human rights need to be respected by China, Iran, Russia, etc. but not in the United States of America. Moral Relativism seems alive and well in the Right Wing in America.
I'm more interested in your definition of 'extreme positions' than I am in your characterization of conservatives. Just because they disagree with you doesn't necessarily make them 'extreme'.

Perhaps you could expand on that?

I can, and I will sense you are the first polite conservative I've run into recently.

Gun Control - There is no willingness on the right (I'll use 'right' to include all those who will not consider any aspect of gun control) to consider the consequences of the NRA's position on gun control. This position advocates more guns in the hands of more citizens (and as a consequence, more non citizens) including those convicted of crimes of crimes of violence. There should (IMO) be an open debate on gun control, the right absolutely refuses to do so and always falls back on the wording of the Second Amendment, without, apparently, any thought to the victims of gun violence

Immigration - The Senate passed a comprehensive bill over 500 days ago and the Boehner lead house has refused to take any action on the bill.

Gay & Lesbian Rights - essentially the right to marry. A full court press has been the policy of the GOP/social conservatives to deprive these citizens of the benefits of marriage.

Equal Pay for equal work - the GOP opposed the equal rights amendment; every Republican Senator vote NO; only 4 members of the H. of Rep. voted yes on the Lilly Ledbetter Bill.

Minimum wage - There is no support by member of the GOP in Congress to raise the MW.

Voting Rights - Why is the GOP interested in proper ID's and have not funded by an act the money and the proper form of ID? Why have GOP Governors limited access to the polls by changing hours, reducing the numbers and moving polling places from likely Democratic voters away from the community where they live?

Abortion - Members of state legislatures and Republican Governors have moved to make women who seek abortion to submit to unreasonable and unnecessary medical procedures, and closed clinics offering family planning.

Elected officials in the GOP rarely speak out on the growing racism in America. The last person in the GOP to do so, I recall, was Sen. McCain during the 2008 campaign ("He's an Arab").

I've used the GOP and Conservative to describe the right wing, since those I describe above would call those Republicans who are not extreme conservatives to be RINO's.

PS Those so called conservatives who posted above have answered the question. Yes, that type of conservative is dumb. Not less smart, DUMB! A shoutout to Lumpy and CrusaderFrank.

Being diametrically opposed to what you claim to believe does not make one an extremist. It merely makes him someone who disagrees with you.

With that in mind, I will counter-address your comments.

Gun Control - You can be assured that conservatives consider " the consequences of the NRA's position on gun control". They also consider the alternative - as prposed by the left and find it to be more abhorrent that the other. Too many people die because they don't have sufficient self protection. The police are 15 minutes away ... you can bleed to death in 15 seconds. In addition, we recognize the gun control proposals to be a direct attack on our personal freedoms, and resist mightily. Do we believe that the Second Amendment plays a significant part in controlling our government, rather than being controlled by your government? Damn right we do.

Immigration - You're absolutely right. Dems passed a 'comprehensive immigration bill' 500 days ago, and it has not passed through the House. Last time I checked, that was how the system worked.

Have you seriously looked at this supposedly 'comprehensive' immigration bill? You know ... the one with little or no strengthening of security on the border, the one that rewarded those who willingly broke our laws, the one that would allow criminals (keep in mind they are all criminals - they broke our laws) to remain in the country despite the catastrophic impacts on our healthcare, welfare, and education systems.

The bill, and most liberals, tend to treat immigration as an all-or-nothing problem. THEY are all alike, and we should treat them all the same! One answer fits all. Well, the fact is, they AREN'T all alike. There are murderers, thieves, rapists, and gang bangers in that group, and we have a responsibility to our citizenry to weed those people out and not allow them to bring their problem to our shores. And, as we begrudgingly learned with Reagan's amnesty effort, we can't trust the Dems to keep their word. He believed the Dem congress when they said they would handle the border security issue in subsequent laws. They didn't - and today, we have another 12 million illegal immigrants. Fix the border, and we'll talk. Don't fix the border, and we've fixed nothing.

Gay & Lesbian Rights - We have no desire to "deprive these citizens of the benefits of" marriage. This is an overt attempt of the liberal left to disenfranchise Christians and to chip away at the sanctity of the familial unit. Marriage is not a legal right - marriage is a religious ritual. When I got married, i had to sign two forms - one recognizing our union in the eyes of the church, and a second recognizing our union in the eyes of the state. Our 'marriage' - for purposes of the state - was a civil union, not a religious one. The same still applies today. If you want the 'benefits of marriage', join in a civil union. If there are laws that need to be amended to recognize same-sex civil unions, change them. The state has tried to co-opt the role of the church. Stay out of my church.

Equal pay for equal work - absolute nonsense. It is a fabricated issue intended to create a political advantage for one party over the other. There is no study that legitimately has proven otherwise in the past 10 years. The 77% supposed disparity has been proven to be a political lie. Are there women who get paid less for doing the same job? Of course - but, when you consider things like experience level, these disparities are quickly explained. Let me give you a hint - at one time, i had 89 women working in professional positions for me. Each and every one of them got exactly what it took for me to get them to join my company - not one cent more, and not one cent less. That's how it works ... When is the last time you saw an hourly or union job that dictated different pay scales for different sexes? It's nonsense - and it's a political ploy.

Minimum Wage Increase - I do not support minimum wage because I have yet to see a study that claims that the lower elements of our national salary structure get an increased lifestyle without a concordant increase up the scale, which, in turn, negates (and actually damages) the supposed gain of the increase. A sixth grade student can prove that a minimum wage increase penalizes the lower incomes more than any other group.

Voting Rights - I think you will agree that most cases of voter fraud have benefited Democrats, whether they be the voting of the dead in Chicago or Franken's solicitation of voter-ineligible convicts in Minnesota. The Republicans have proposed fixing the system in order to create a fair, and honest, system. It is naive to say no voter fraud has occurred. I wonder why the left doesn't WANT to create a foolproof system. You and I both know this supposed 'disenfranchising' of voters because they need an ID is a red herring. You need an ID to cash a check, buy beer, get gas, and a myriad of other things. Why you would be more concerned about my identity when I cash a check than you are when I vote completely mystifies me.

Abortion - It is inconceivable to me that the state feels it must cancel a parent's rights when their minor child is seeking a major medical procedure. Look - we'll agree to disagree. I believe life begins at conception - you don't. I believe God bestows that child with a life and a soul at that instant - you don't. You aren't going to change your mind - and neither am I.

Racism - We all recognize that some level of racism exists today, but we adamantly disagree at the level. In fact, we believe that the race baiting going on today is more divisive than the dying embers of racism in our society. We have laws that prevent racism - enforce them.

Liberals think in terms of emotion - 'it's only right', 'they deserve', 'we owe them' - Conservatives think in facts 'it will cost', 'right is right, and wrong is wrong' - the twain shall never meet.

As usual, the right answer is probably somewhere in the middle. The left, marching under the Obama banner, has shown no willingness to move to a compromise position. Their intransigence of the left can only be met with total resistance from the right. Show a willingness to compromise, and we'll talk.

Again, just because I disagree with you doesn't make me an extremist - in fact, from where I stand, it looks to me that you are the one taking extremist positions. But, you don't hear me attacking the left ... I believe in their sincerity, I just don't believe in their logic. We only ask that we are afforded the same respect for our sincerity.
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Why do people act like the opinions and talking points they post are facts?

If you don't want a sarcastic answer ... well, you know the drill. What part of the bullet points are opinions? Come on, you can do it, refute them if they are only opinions.
  • Gun control
  • Immigration
  • Gay & Lesbian equal rights
  • Equal pay for equal work
  • Minimum wage
  • Voting Rights
  • Abortion
  • Failure to stand up to growing racism
  • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.
  • Lets take these one at a time with the liberal opinion of a Republicans view in the issues and then the real one.
  • Gun control - The liberal opinion Republicans don't want any form of gun control the truth Republicans have no issue with background checks but want to see more focus on the mental health of the gun violence issue especially with the mass shootings.
  • Immigration- The liberal opinion Republicans hate immigrants the truth Republicans want to see our border secured and want those who have entered the country illegally not be given preferential treatment over those who have followed the immigration laws and have our current laws enforced.
  • Gay and lesbian equal rights- The liberal opinion Republicans hate gays the truth most Republicans don't really care about gay marriage.
  • Equal pay for equal work- The liberal opinion Republicans want to hold people down the truth Republicans understand that people do not all do the same job the same way therefore trying to two people the same simply for doing the same job is unrealistic.
  • Minimum wage- The liberal opinion Republicans don't want to pay people a fair wage the truth Republicans are fine with raising the minimum wage but not doubling it to $15.00 dollars a hour.
  • Voting rights - The liberal opinion Republicans are trying suppress the minority vote the truth there is not a single law out there including voter I.D. laws that prevent minorities from voting nor are there different rules or standards for minorities who don't have a photo I.D. to follow to get one.
  • Abortion- The liberal opinion Republicans want to take women back to the 1950s the truth while most Republicans do oppose abortion for religious reasons and want some restrictions there is no desire to overturn Roe V Wade and make abortion illegal.
  • Failure to stand up to growing racism- Liberal opinion Republicans are racist the truth Republicans oppose all forms and all acts true racism what we oppose is using the claim racism to further a political agenda.
  • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.- The Liberal opinion Republicans should not challenge those who disagree with them and take a more liberal view on these issues the truth there are some people who are Republican in name only if the shoe fits sometimes you have to wear it.
Is there no one who was/is offended by post #22 and the OP smart enough to post a rebuttal? Seems as if the usual members of the echo chamber have the ability to write one sentence, not a substantive sentence and not one bit of evidence to even suggest I'm not spot on.

I'm sorry if some (well, one moron) believes I'm a faux intellectual, I make no claim to being the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, since it seems I'm in the spoon slot, I must be sharper then the others.

I failed to see anything offensive about post #22.

Like so many liberals you are tolerant until someone has a different point of view.

The GOP and any other group has every right to fight for what they want in the public arena. If that means not allowing gays to marry...that is their perogative. It makes them neither smart nor dumb, tolerant or not. They could oppose it for any number of reasons....

Point is....that is their choice. You simply chose to post and say that because they feel different from you....they are somehow bad or wrong.

Real liberal of you.

You made an interesting point, I'm surprised. The fact is I understand that there are bigots and racists in both parties and on both sides of the aisle. It seems only one side shouts down such intolerance, and that is the side I support.

Shouting down intolerance......???

Do you realize how stupid that sounds ?

Being against gay marriage can be for a host of reasons. You simply call everyone intolerant because they don't agree with you. Once again....I commend your tolerance.

BWT: The American people don't seem so enamored with your tolerant side. Seems they keep firing more of you withe each election cycle.
Is there no one who was/is offended by post #22 and the OP smart enough to post a rebuttal? Seems as if the usual members of the echo chamber have the ability to write one sentence, not a substantive sentence and not one bit of evidence to even suggest I'm not spot on.

I'm sorry if some (well, one moron) believes I'm a faux intellectual, I make no claim to being the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, since it seems I'm in the spoon slot, I must be sharper then the others.

I failed to see anything offensive about post #22.

Like so many liberals you are tolerant until someone has a different point of view.

The GOP and any other group has every right to fight for what they want in the public arena. If that means not allowing gays to marry...that is their perogative. It makes them neither smart nor dumb, tolerant or not. They could oppose it for any number of reasons....

Point is....that is their choice. You simply chose to post and say that because they feel different from you....they are somehow bad or wrong.

Real liberal of you.

You made an interesting point, I'm surprised. The fact is I understand that there are bigots and racists in both parties and on both sides of the aisle. It seems only one side shouts down such intolerance, and that is the side I support.
Really? You protested when Harry Reid used the word "Negro" about Obama? You protest at all the black leaders spoewing racist and anti semitic hate speech? You must do it elsewhere because no one has ever seen a peep out of you on here.
Is there no one who was/is offended by post #22 and the OP smart enough to post a rebuttal? Seems as if the usual members of the echo chamber have the ability to write one sentence, not a substantive sentence and not one bit of evidence to even suggest I'm not spot on.

I'm sorry if some (well, one moron) believes I'm a faux intellectual, I make no claim to being the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, since it seems I'm in the spoon slot, I must be sharper then the others.

I failed to see anything offensive about post #22.

Like so many liberals you are tolerant until someone has a different point of view.

The GOP and any other group has every right to fight for what they want in the public arena. If that means not allowing gays to marry...that is their perogative. It makes them neither smart nor dumb, tolerant or not. They could oppose it for any number of reasons....

Point is....that is their choice. You simply chose to post and say that because they feel different from you....they are somehow bad or wrong.

Real liberal of you.

You made an interesting point, I'm surprised. The fact is I understand that there are bigots and racists in both parties and on both sides of the aisle. It seems only one side shouts down such intolerance, and that is the side I support.
Really? You protested when Harry Reid used the word "Negro" about Obama? You protest at all the black leaders spoewing racist and anti semitic hate speech? You must do it elsewhere because no one has ever seen a peep out of you on here.

Why don't you start a thread on why there is no longer a Progressive Party in America? Why can't you post anything of substance - you must have opinions on the issues of the day? Or are you as shallow as your posts suggest?
Is there no one who was/is offended by post #22 and the OP smart enough to post a rebuttal? Seems as if the usual members of the echo chamber have the ability to write one sentence, not a substantive sentence and not one bit of evidence to even suggest I'm not spot on.

I'm sorry if some (well, one moron) believes I'm a faux intellectual, I make no claim to being the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, since it seems I'm in the spoon slot, I must be sharper then the others.

I failed to see anything offensive about post #22.

Like so many liberals you are tolerant until someone has a different point of view.

The GOP and any other group has every right to fight for what they want in the public arena. If that means not allowing gays to marry...that is their perogative. It makes them neither smart nor dumb, tolerant or not. They could oppose it for any number of reasons....

Point is....that is their choice. You simply chose to post and say that because they feel different from you....they are somehow bad or wrong.

Real liberal of you.

You made an interesting point, I'm surprised. The fact is I understand that there are bigots and racists in both parties and on both sides of the aisle. It seems only one side shouts down such intolerance, and that is the side I support.
Really? You protested when Harry Reid used the word "Negro" about Obama? You protest at all the black leaders spoewing racist and anti semitic hate speech? You must do it elsewhere because no one has ever seen a peep out of you on here.

Why don't you start a thread on why there is no longer a Progressive Party in America? ...

Because if he created such a thread, he'd readily be recognized as a braying fool and that's something he's likely not interested in being associated with.
Is there no one who was/is offended by post #22 and the OP smart enough to post a rebuttal? Seems as if the usual members of the echo chamber have the ability to write one sentence, not a substantive sentence and not one bit of evidence to even suggest I'm not spot on.

I'm sorry if some (well, one moron) believes I'm a faux intellectual, I make no claim to being the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, since it seems I'm in the spoon slot, I must be sharper then the others.

I failed to see anything offensive about post #22.

Like so many liberals you are tolerant until someone has a different point of view.

The GOP and any other group has every right to fight for what they want in the public arena. If that means not allowing gays to marry...that is their perogative. It makes them neither smart nor dumb, tolerant or not. They could oppose it for any number of reasons....

Point is....that is their choice. You simply chose to post and say that because they feel different from you....they are somehow bad or wrong.

Real liberal of you.

You made an interesting point, I'm surprised. The fact is I understand that there are bigots and racists in both parties and on both sides of the aisle. It seems only one side shouts down such intolerance, and that is the side I support.
Really? You protested when Harry Reid used the word "Negro" about Obama? You protest at all the black leaders spoewing racist and anti semitic hate speech? You must do it elsewhere because no one has ever seen a peep out of you on here.

Why don't you start a thread on why there is no longer a Progressive Party in America? ...

Because if he created such a thread, he'd readily be recognized as a braying fool and that's something he's likely not interested in being associated with.

Obviously you and others on your far side of the aisle can't come up with bullet points, easy for people to identify with the liberal/progressives in the Democratic Party.

Take on the bullet points I posted, and without lying or deflecting refute them. That you won't or can't demonstrates how weak you are and why attacking the person is the only tool you have.
... Take on the bullet points I posted, and without lying or deflecting refute them. That you won't or can't demonstrates how weak you are and why attacking the person is the only tool you have.

LOL! My response to your 'points' in the "Are Americans Smarter than Anti-Americans?" thread is what drove you to start THIS thread.

My guess is that you were hoping to get some support from the comrades. The problem is that sound principle doesn't become less effective when more than one idiot rejects them. If you don't believe that, you should ask the buffalo who ran off the mesa by the thousands.

Same answers...

Answer: Conservatives adopted extreme positions on wedge issues:

    • Gun control
    • Immigration
    • Gay & Lesbian equal rights
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Minimum wage
    • Voting Rights
    • Abortion
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.
Additionally, fiscal conservatives have evolved into being fiscally irresponsible, and the Republican Leadership has put their jobs first and caved by supporting the extremism which has taken over the GOP.

Both major parties, in the past, have taken the high road in terms of human rights. Today the Crazy New Right has shown nothing but contempt in their callous disregard for human rights.

Ask yourself if their ideology incorporates human rights into each of the bullet points above? Maybe they feel human rights need to be respected by China, Iran, Russia, etc. but not in the United States of America. Moral Relativism seems alive and well in the Right Wing in America.

  • Gun control

Gun control is a Leftist scam designed to provide them the means to acquire power.

  • Immigration

You're speaking of the legalization of ILLEGAL entry into the US; fraudulently using a term that speaks to LEGAL ENTRY into the US, as a deceitful means to influence the ignorant.

  • Gay & Lesbian equal rights

The Sexually Abnormal have the same rights as everyone else. You need to project that there are rights which they have which they are unable to exercise, and that they're unable to do so because of some prejudice against them.

There are no rights which the sexually abnormal have that they cannot exercise. As with all of the above issues, the 'Gay Rights' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Equal pay for equal work

No Conservative anywhere is advocating for anyone to be paid less than the individual is worth. As with all of the above issues, the 'Equal pay for work' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Minimum wage

Minimum Wage is zero... for the minimal work, which is zero. You're advocating that someone should be paid more than zero for zero work. You're advocating that people of zero to no skills be paid more for their time than their time is worth. This produces the official policy of payment for zero production. Placing value upon nothing. establishes that that which was paid for nothing, equals nothing. Therefore payment for zero production inflates (Devalues) the currency common to the official state which set the values of the currency through its policy to trade value for no value.

As with all of the above issues, the 'Minimum wage' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Voting Rights

No Conservative anywhere is attempting to usurp the means of anyone to vote their conscience. Conservatives are however defending the process from the Ideological Left's incessant attempt to corrupt the process, as a means to acquire power, rationalized that such is justified by virtue of their subjective needs.

As with all of the above issues, the 'Voting Rights' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

Abortion is the taking of the human life, which was conceived as a direct result of the Mother's willful actions. It is justified by invalid, irrational reasoning which seeks to avoid responsibility for one's actions, on several levels or false choices, resulting in the claim of a false right. In TRUTH, there is no potential for a right, which in the exercise thereof, the exercise itself deprives another of the means to exercise their own rights.

As with all of the above issues, the 'Abortion' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Failure to stand up to growing racism

The Ideological Left is wholly responsible for the 'growing racism'. it is being generated intentionally, the basis for such is absolutely false and it is false on every conceivable level and you, of the Ideological Left KNOW that it false and they are intentionally promoting AS TRUTH, that which they know to be false.

As with all of the above issues, the 'growing racism' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.

There is no end to the open and honest debates within the GOP on all of the host of issues, some noted above, that are before all of us living in this nation.

Where Republicans come to advocate for irrational ideas, deceitfully promoting ideas which they should know better than to even consider, and they do so through fraudulence, as a means to influence the ignorant, we know them by their rotten fruit and, by that rotten fruit, we know that they ARE, IN TRUTH: 'Republicans' in name only.

Additionally, fiscal conservatives have evolved into being fiscally irresponsible, and the Republican Leadership has put their jobs first and caved by supporting the extremism which has taken over the GOP.

So you should define the term: Irresponsible. Take the term 'fiscal conservative', define it.

From there take the policies advocated by fiscal conservatives, state the reasons why 'fiscal conservatives' say they advocate for such, then demonstrate how the reason is false and show the inevitable or otherwise predictable results of that policy and how such cannot result in what the 'fiscal conservatives' claim that they are seeking. THEN, through that exercise you would ESTABLISH THE FISCAL CONSERVATIVES AS IRRESPONSIBLE.

Of course, you cannot do that. And you cannot do it, because given the nature of the fiscal conservative and the science of economics resting in the natural laws of mathematics, and given that objective truth is intrinsic to natural law, there is no means to show that the goals which the "fiscal conservatives' claim to promote, will not be reached through their policy advocacies.

So instead, as a relativist, you're only option is to lie through your rotten rhetorical teeth.

But hey... such is the nature of evil, now isn't. So that serves reason ... doesn't it?

Answer: Conservatives adopted extreme positions on wedge issues:

    • Gun control
    • Immigration
    • Gay & Lesbian equal rights
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Minimum wage
    • Voting Rights
    • Abortion
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.
Additionally, fiscal conservatives have evolved into being fiscally irresponsible, and the Republican Leadership has put their jobs first and caved by supporting the extremism which has taken over the GOP.

Both major parties, in the past, have taken the high road in terms of human rights. Today the Crazy New Right has shown nothing but contempt in their callous disregard for human rights.

Ask yourself if their ideology incorporates human rights into each of the bullet points above? Maybe they feel human rights need to be respected by China, Iran, Russia, etc. but not in the United States of America. Moral Relativism seems alive and well in the Right Wing in America.

  • Gun control

Gun control is a Leftist scam designed to provide them the means to acquire power.

  • Immigration

You're speaking of the legalization of ILLEGAL entry into the US; fraudulently using a term that speaks to LEGAL ENTRY into the US, as a deceitful means to influence the ignorant.

  • Gay & Lesbian equal rights

The Sexually Abnormal have the same rights as everyone else. You need to project that there are rights which they have which they are unable to exercise, and that they're unable to do so because of some prejudice against them.

There are no rights which the sexually abnormal have that they cannot exercise. As with all of the above issues, the 'Gay Rights' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Equal pay for equal work

No Conservative anywhere is advocating for anyone to be paid less than the individual is worth. As with all of the above issues, the 'Equal pay for work' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Minimum wage

Minimum Wage is zero... for the minimal work, which is zero. You're advocating that someone should be paid more than zero for zero work. You're advocating that people of zero to no skills be paid more for their time than their time is worth. This produces the official policy of payment for zero production. Placing value upon nothing. establishes that that which was paid for nothing, equals nothing. Therefore payment for zero production inflates (Devalues) the currency common to the official state which set the values of the currency through its policy to trade value for no value.

As with all of the above issues, the 'Minimum wage' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Voting Rights

No Conservative anywhere is attempting to usurp the means of anyone to vote their conscience. Conservatives are however defending the process from the Ideological Left's incessant attempt to corrupt the process, as a means to acquire power, rationalized that such is justified by virtue of their subjective needs.

As with all of the above issues, the 'Voting Rights' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

Abortion is the taking of the human life, which was conceived as a direct result of the Mother's willful actions. It is justified by invalid, irrational reasoning which seeks to avoid responsibility for one's actions, on several levels or false choices, resulting in the claim of a false right. In TRUTH, there is no potential for a right, which in the exercise thereof, the exercise itself deprives another of the means to exercise their own rights.

As with all of the above issues, the 'Abortion' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Failure to stand up to growing racism

The Ideological Left is wholly responsible for the 'growing racism'. it is being generated intentionally, the basis for such is absolutely false and it is false on every conceivable level and you, of the Ideological Left KNOW that it false and they are intentionally promoting AS TRUTH, that which they know to be false.

As with all of the above issues, the 'growing racism' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.

There is no end to the open and honest debates within the GOP on all of the host of issues, some noted above, that are before all of us living in this nation.

Where Republicans come to advocate for irrational ideas, deceitfully promoting ideas which they should know better than to even consider, and they do so through fraudulence, as a means to influence the ignorant, we know them by their rotten fruit and, by that rotten fruit, we know that they ARE, IN TRUTH: 'Republicans' in name only.

Additionally, fiscal conservatives have evolved into being fiscally irresponsible, and the Republican Leadership has put their jobs first and caved by supporting the extremism which has taken over the GOP.

So you should define the term: Irresponsible. Take the term 'fiscal conservative', define it.

From there take the policies advocated by fiscal conservatives, state the reasons why 'fiscal conservatives' say they advocate for such, then demonstrate how the reason is false and show the inevitable or otherwise predictable results of that policy and how such cannot result in what the 'fiscal conservatives' claim that they are seeking. THEN, through that exercise you would ESTABLISH THE FISCAL CONSERVATIVES AS IRRESPONSIBLE.

Of course, you cannot do that. And you cannot do it, because given the nature of the fiscal conservative and the science of economics resting in the natural laws of mathematics, and given that objective truth is intrinsic to natural law, there is no means to show that the goals which the "fiscal conservatives' claim to promote, will not be reached through their policy advocacies.

So instead, as a relativist, you're only option is to lie through your rotten rhetorical teeth.

But hey... such is the nature of evil, now isn't. So that serves reason ... doesn't it?
Why do people act like the opinions and talking points they post are facts?

If you don't want a sarcastic answer ... well, you know the drill. What part of the bullet points are opinions? Come on, you can do it, refute them if they are only opinions.

    • Gun control
    • Immigration
    • Gay & Lesbian equal rights
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Minimum wage
    • Voting Rights
    • Abortion
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.
    • Lets take these one at a time with the liberal opinion of a Republicans view in the issues and then the real one.
    • Gun control - The liberal opinion Republicans don't want any form of gun control the truth Republicans have no issue with background checks but want to see more focus on the mental health of the gun violence issue especially with the mass shootings.
    • Immigration- The liberal opinion Republicans hate immigrants the truth Republicans want to see our border secured and want those who have entered the country illegally not be given preferential treatment over those who have followed the immigration laws and have our current laws enforced.
    • Gay and lesbian equal rights- The liberal opinion Republicans hate gays the truth most Republicans don't really care about gay marriage.
    • Equal pay for equal work- The liberal opinion Republicans want to hold people down the truth Republicans understand that people do not all do the same job the same way therefore trying to two people the same simply for doing the same job is unrealistic.
    • Minimum wage- The liberal opinion Republicans don't want to pay people a fair wage the truth Republicans are fine with raising the minimum wage but not doubling it to $15.00 dollars a hour.
    • Voting rights - The liberal opinion Republicans are trying suppress the minority vote the truth there is not a single law out there including voter I.D. laws that prevent minorities from voting nor are there different rules or standards for minorities who don't have a photo I.D. to follow to get one.
    • Abortion- The liberal opinion Republicans want to take women back to the 1950s the truth while most Republicans do oppose abortion for religious reasons and want some restrictions there is no desire to overturn Roe V Wade and make abortion illegal.
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism- Liberal opinion Republicans are racist the truth Republicans oppose all forms and all acts true racism what we oppose is using the claim racism to further a political agenda.
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.- The Liberal opinion Republicans should not challenge those who disagree with them and take a more liberal view on these issues the truth there are some people who are Republican in name only if the shoe fits sometimes you have to wear it.

"The liberal opinion"? You have it all wrong. Point by point you build a straw man, then parrot the GOP spin on most issues.

Take gun control: You claim the R's support what exists - background checks - but they are not universal nor done in private transactions.

On Immigration: The Senate passed a bill over 500 days ago, why hasn't the H. of Rep. submitted their own version and sent it to conference committee? Methinks the R's like the status quo, business can exploit labor not legally able to work for greater profit.

Gay & Lesbian Marriage; Your comment is not worth responding too. The evidence is obvious that R's & Cons support the suppression of this right to that community, no difference than the Jim Crow laws which denied whites and blacks from marriage in the past.

Equal pay for equal work: another weak response, the GOP and Cons went all in to prevent the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

Voting Rights: Once again, most agree with the need for ID's, but how can you defend closing polling places, reducing the hours they are open and moving them far away from solid Democratic communities? Today the Congress ought to pass a bill defining what constitutes legal Identification and provide money to make sure every citizen has the proper ID to vote in every election. The Congress won't, for once again they take advantage of wedge issues and the GOP/conservatives know they cannot win on ideas and must suppress the vote.
Is there no one who was/is offended by post #22 and the OP smart enough to post a rebuttal? Seems as if the usual members of the echo chamber have the ability to write one sentence, not a substantive sentence and not one bit of evidence to even suggest I'm not spot on.

I'm sorry if some (well, one moron) believes I'm a faux intellectual, I make no claim to being the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, since it seems I'm in the spoon slot, I must be sharper then the others.

I failed to see anything offensive about post #22.

Like so many liberals you are tolerant until someone has a different point of view.

The GOP and any other group has every right to fight for what they want in the public arena. If that means not allowing gays to marry...that is their perogative. It makes them neither smart nor dumb, tolerant or not. They could oppose it for any number of reasons....

Point is....that is their choice. You simply chose to post and say that because they feel different from you....they are somehow bad or wrong.

Real liberal of you.

You made an interesting point, I'm surprised. The fact is I understand that there are bigots and racists in both parties and on both sides of the aisle. It seems only one side shouts down such intolerance, and that is the side I support.
Really? You protested when Harry Reid used the word "Negro" about Obama? You protest at all the black leaders spoewing racist and anti semitic hate speech? You must do it elsewhere because no one has ever seen a peep out of you on here.

Why don't you start a thread on why there is no longer a Progressive Party in America? Why can't you post anything of substance - you must have opinions on the issues of the day? Or are you as shallow as your posts suggest?
I point out your gross hypocrisy and you respond with ad homs.
Why do people act like the opinions and talking points they post are facts?

If you don't want a sarcastic answer ... well, you know the drill. What part of the bullet points are opinions? Come on, you can do it, refute them if they are only opinions.

    • Gun control
    • Immigration
    • Gay & Lesbian equal rights
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Minimum wage
    • Voting Rights
    • Abortion
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.
    • Lets take these one at a time with the liberal opinion of a Republicans view in the issues and then the real one.
    • Gun control - The liberal opinion Republicans don't want any form of gun control the truth Republicans have no issue with background checks but want to see more focus on the mental health of the gun violence issue especially with the mass shootings.
    • Immigration- The liberal opinion Republicans hate immigrants the truth Republicans want to see our border secured and want those who have entered the country illegally not be given preferential treatment over those who have followed the immigration laws and have our current laws enforced.
    • Gay and lesbian equal rights- The liberal opinion Republicans hate gays the truth most Republicans don't really care about gay marriage.
    • Equal pay for equal work- The liberal opinion Republicans want to hold people down the truth Republicans understand that people do not all do the same job the same way therefore trying to two people the same simply for doing the same job is unrealistic.
    • Minimum wage- The liberal opinion Republicans don't want to pay people a fair wage the truth Republicans are fine with raising the minimum wage but not doubling it to $15.00 dollars a hour.
    • Voting rights - The liberal opinion Republicans are trying suppress the minority vote the truth there is not a single law out there including voter I.D. laws that prevent minorities from voting nor are there different rules or standards for minorities who don't have a photo I.D. to follow to get one.
    • Abortion- The liberal opinion Republicans want to take women back to the 1950s the truth while most Republicans do oppose abortion for religious reasons and want some restrictions there is no desire to overturn Roe V Wade and make abortion illegal.
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism- Liberal opinion Republicans are racist the truth Republicans oppose all forms and all acts true racism what we oppose is using the claim racism to further a political agenda.
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.- The Liberal opinion Republicans should not challenge those who disagree with them and take a more liberal view on these issues the truth there are some people who are Republican in name only if the shoe fits sometimes you have to wear it.

"The liberal opinion"? You have it all wrong. Point by point you build a straw man, then parrot the GOP spin on most issues.

Take gun control: You claim the R's support what exists - background checks - but they are not universal nor done in private transactions.

On Immigration: The Senate passed a bill over 500 days ago, why hasn't the H. of Rep. submitted their own version and sent it to conference committee? Methinks the R's like the status quo, business can exploit labor not legally able to work for greater profit.

Gay & Lesbian Marriage; Your comment is not worth responding too. The evidence is obvious that R's & Cons support the suppression of this right to that community, no difference than the Jim Crow laws which denied whites and blacks from marriage in the past.

Equal pay for equal work: another weak response, the GOP and Cons went all in to prevent the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

Voting Rights: Once again, most agree with the need for ID's, but how can you defend closing polling places, reducing the hours they are open and moving them far away from solid Democratic communities? Today the Congress ought to pass a bill defining what constitutes legal Identification and provide money to make sure every citizen has the proper ID to vote in every election. The Congress won't, for once again they take advantage of wedge issues and the GOP/conservatives know they cannot win on ideas and must suppress the vote.
Is there no one who was/is offended by post #22 and the OP smart enough to post a rebuttal? Seems as if the usual members of the echo chamber have the ability to write one sentence, not a substantive sentence and not one bit of evidence to even suggest I'm not spot on.

I'm sorry if some (well, one moron) believes I'm a faux intellectual, I make no claim to being the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, since it seems I'm in the spoon slot, I must be sharper then the others.

I failed to see anything offensive about post #22.

Like so many liberals you are tolerant until someone has a different point of view.

The GOP and any other group has every right to fight for what they want in the public arena. If that means not allowing gays to marry...that is their perogative. It makes them neither smart nor dumb, tolerant or not. They could oppose it for any number of reasons....

Point is....that is their choice. You simply chose to post and say that because they feel different from you....they are somehow bad or wrong.

Real liberal of you.

You made an interesting point, I'm surprised. The fact is I understand that there are bigots and racists in both parties and on both sides of the aisle. It seems only one side shouts down such intolerance, and that is the side I support.
Really? You protested when Harry Reid used the word "Negro" about Obama? You protest at all the black leaders spoewing racist and anti semitic hate speech? You must do it elsewhere because no one has ever seen a peep out of you on here.

Why don't you start a thread on why there is no longer a Progressive Party in America? Why can't you post anything of substance - you must have opinions on the issues of the day? Or are you as shallow as your posts suggest?
I point out your gross hypocrisy and you respond with ad homs.

Such is the nature of evil... .

Answer: Conservatives adopted extreme positions on wedge issues:

    • Gun control
    • Immigration
    • Gay & Lesbian equal rights
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Minimum wage
    • Voting Rights
    • Abortion
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.
Additionally, fiscal conservatives have evolved into being fiscally irresponsible, and the Republican Leadership has put their jobs first and caved by supporting the extremism which has taken over the GOP.

Both major parties, in the past, have taken the high road in terms of human rights. Today the Crazy New Right has shown nothing but contempt in their callous disregard for human rights.

Ask yourself if their ideology incorporates human rights into each of the bullet points above? Maybe they feel human rights need to be respected by China, Iran, Russia, etc. but not in the United States of America. Moral Relativism seems alive and well in the Right Wing in America.

Interesting list.......because the same case can be made that liberals adopted extreme positions on the same issues. It's all in the eye of the beholder.
CrusaderFrank is well known as someone who will post an idiot-gram in place of anything of substance. If he had the intelligence he might have tried to offer a rebuttal to the question and answers posted in the OP; that he does not is well known too.

He used to have an ounce of mental competence.
Why do people act like the opinions and talking points they post are facts?

If you don't want a sarcastic answer ... well, you know the drill. What part of the bullet points are opinions? Come on, you can do it, refute them if they are only opinions.

    • Gun control
    • Immigration
    • Gay & Lesbian equal rights
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Minimum wage
    • Voting Rights
    • Abortion
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.
    • Lets take these one at a time with the liberal opinion of a Republicans view in the issues and then the real one.
    • Gun control - The liberal opinion Republicans don't want any form of gun control the truth Republicans have no issue with background checks but want to see more focus on the mental health of the gun violence issue especially with the mass shootings.
    • Immigration- The liberal opinion Republicans hate immigrants the truth Republicans want to see our border secured and want those who have entered the country illegally not be given preferential treatment over those who have followed the immigration laws and have our current laws enforced.
    • Gay and lesbian equal rights- The liberal opinion Republicans hate gays the truth most Republicans don't really care about gay marriage.
    • Equal pay for equal work- The liberal opinion Republicans want to hold people down the truth Republicans understand that people do not all do the same job the same way therefore trying to two people the same simply for doing the same job is unrealistic.
    • Minimum wage- The liberal opinion Republicans don't want to pay people a fair wage the truth Republicans are fine with raising the minimum wage but not doubling it to $15.00 dollars a hour.
    • Voting rights - The liberal opinion Republicans are trying suppress the minority vote the truth there is not a single law out there including voter I.D. laws that prevent minorities from voting nor are there different rules or standards for minorities who don't have a photo I.D. to follow to get one.
    • Abortion- The liberal opinion Republicans want to take women back to the 1950s the truth while most Republicans do oppose abortion for religious reasons and want some restrictions there is no desire to overturn Roe V Wade and make abortion illegal.
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism- Liberal opinion Republicans are racist the truth Republicans oppose all forms and all acts true racism what we oppose is using the claim racism to further a political agenda.
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.- The Liberal opinion Republicans should not challenge those who disagree with them and take a more liberal view on these issues the truth there are some people who are Republican in name only if the shoe fits sometimes you have to wear it.

"The liberal opinion"? You have it all wrong. Point by point you build a straw man, then parrot the GOP spin on most issues.

Take gun control: You claim the R's support what exists - background checks - but they are not universal nor done in private transactions.

On Immigration: The Senate passed a bill over 500 days ago, why hasn't the H. of Rep. submitted their own version and sent it to conference committee? Methinks the R's like the status quo, business can exploit labor not legally able to work for greater profit.

Gay & Lesbian Marriage; Your comment is not worth responding too. The evidence is obvious that R's & Cons support the suppression of this right to that community, no difference than the Jim Crow laws which denied whites and blacks from marriage in the past.

Equal pay for equal work: another weak response, the GOP and Cons went all in to prevent the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

Voting Rights: Once again, most agree with the need for ID's, but how can you defend closing polling places, reducing the hours they are open and moving them far away from solid Democratic communities? Today the Congress ought to pass a bill defining what constitutes legal Identification and provide money to make sure every citizen has the proper ID to vote in every election. The Congress won't, for once again they take advantage of wedge issues and the GOP/conservatives know they cannot win on ideas and must suppress the vote.
All you did was quote the same liberal talking we see here and in the left wing press on a daily basis proving again you use opinion and talking points as facts. A little reminder on immigration since it's the hot story right now Obama promised to do immigration reform during his first year as President the time when Democrats controlled both the House and Senate with huge numbers advantage yet he didn't.

Answer: Conservatives adopted extreme positions on wedge issues:

    • Gun control
    • Immigration
    • Gay & Lesbian equal rights
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Minimum wage
    • Voting Rights
    • Abortion
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.
Additionally, fiscal conservatives have evolved into being fiscally irresponsible, and the Republican Leadership has put their jobs first and caved by supporting the extremism which has taken over the GOP.

Both major parties, in the past, have taken the high road in terms of human rights. Today the Crazy New Right has shown nothing but contempt in their callous disregard for human rights.

Ask yourself if their ideology incorporates human rights into each of the bullet points above? Maybe they feel human rights need to be respected by China, Iran, Russia, etc. but not in the United States of America. Moral Relativism seems alive and well in the Right Wing in America.
I'm more interested in your definition of 'extreme positions' than I am in your characterization of conservatives. Just because they disagree with you doesn't necessarily make them 'extreme'.

Perhaps you could expand on that?

I can, and I will sense you are the first polite conservative I've run into recently.

Gun Control - There is no willingness on the right (I'll use 'right' to include all those who will not consider any aspect of gun control) to consider the consequences of the NRA's position on gun control. This position advocates more guns in the hands of more citizens (and as a consequence, more non citizens) including those convicted of crimes of crimes of violence. There should (IMO) be an open debate on gun control, the right absolutely refuses to do so and always falls back on the wording of the Second Amendment, without, apparently, any thought to the victims of gun violence

Immigration - The Senate passed a comprehensive bill over 500 days ago and the Boehner lead house has refused to take any action on the bill.

Gay & Lesbian Rights - essentially the right to marry. A full court press has been the policy of the GOP/social conservatives to deprive these citizens of the benefits of marriage.

Equal Pay for equal work - the GOP opposed the equal rights amendment; every Republican Senator vote NO; only 4 members of the H. of Rep. voted yes on the Lilly Ledbetter Bill.

Minimum wage - There is no support by member of the GOP in Congress to raise the MW.

Voting Rights - Why is the GOP interested in proper ID's and have not funded by an act the money and the proper form of ID? Why have GOP Governors limited access to the polls by changing hours, reducing the numbers and moving polling places from likely Democratic voters away from the community where they live?

Abortion - Members of state legislatures and Republican Governors have moved to make women who seek abortion to submit to unreasonable and unnecessary medical procedures, and closed clinics offering family planning.

Elected officials in the GOP rarely speak out on the growing racism in America. The last person in the GOP to do so, I recall, was Sen. McCain during the 2008 campaign ("He's an Arab").

I've used the GOP and Conservative to describe the right wing, since those I describe above would call those Republicans who are not extreme conservatives to be RINO's.

PS Those so called conservatives who posted above have answered the question. Yes, that type of conservative is dumb. Not less smart, DUMB! A shoutout to Lumpy and CrusaderFrank.

Being diametrically opposed to what you claim to believe does not make one an extremist. It merely makes him someone who disagrees with you.

With that in mind, I will counter-address your comments.

Gun Control - You can be assured that conservatives consider " the consequences of the NRA's position on gun control". They also consider the alternative - as prposed by the left and find it to be more abhorrent that the other. Too many people die because they don't have sufficient self protection. The police are 15 minutes away ... you can bleed to death in 15 seconds. In addition, we recognize the gun control proposals to be a direct attack on our personal freedoms, and resist mightily. Do we believe that the Second Amendment plays a significant part in controlling our government, rather than being controlled by your government? Damn right we do.

Immigration - You're absolutely right. Dems passed a 'comprehensive immigration bill' 500 days ago, and it has not passed through the House. Last time I checked, that was how the system worked.

Have you seriously looked at this supposedly 'comprehensive' immigration bill? You know ... the one with little or no strengthening of security on the border, the one that rewarded those who willingly broke our laws, the one that would allow criminals (keep in mind they are all criminals - they broke our laws) to remain in the country despite the catastrophic impacts on our healthcare, welfare, and education systems.

The bill, and most liberals, tend to treat immigration as an all-or-nothing problem. THEY are all alike, and we should treat them all the same! One answer fits all. Well, the fact is, they AREN'T all alike. There are murderers, thieves, rapists, and gang bangers in that group, and we have a responsibility to our citizenry to weed those people out and not allow them to bring their problem to our shores. And, as we begrudgingly learned with Reagan's amnesty effort, we can't trust the Dems to keep their word. He believed the Dem congress when they said they would handle the border security issue in subsequent laws. They didn't - and today, we have another 12 million illegal immigrants. Fix the border, and we'll talk. Don't fix the border, and we've fixed nothing.

Gay & Lesbian Rights - We have no desire to "deprive these citizens of the benefits of" marriage. This is an overt attempt of the liberal left to disenfranchise Christians and to chip away at the sanctity of the familial unit. Marriage is not a legal right - marriage is a religious ritual. When I got married, i had to sign two forms - one recognizing our union in the eyes of the church, and a second recognizing our union in the eyes of the state. Our 'marriage' - for purposes of the state - was a civil union, not a religious one. The same still applies today. If you want the 'benefits of marriage', join in a civil union. If there are laws that need to be amended to recognize same-sex civil unions, change them. The state has tried to co-opt the role of the church. Stay out of my church.

Equal pay for equal work - absolute nonsense. It is a fabricated issue intended to create a political advantage for one party over the other. There is no study that legitimately has proven otherwise in the past 10 years. The 77% supposed disparity has been proven to be a political lie. Are there women who get paid less for doing the same job? Of course - but, when you consider things like experience level, these disparities are quickly explained. Let me give you a hint - at one time, i had 89 women working in professional positions for me. Each and every one of them got exactly what it took for me to get them to join my company - not one cent more, and not one cent less. That's how it works ... When is the last time you saw an hourly or union job that dictated different pay scales for different sexes? It's nonsense - and it's a political ploy.

Minimum Wage Increase - I do not support minimum wage because I have yet to see a study that claims that the lower elements of our national salary structure get an increased lifestyle without a concordant increase up the scale, which, in turn, negates (and actually damages) the supposed gain of the increase. A sixth grade student can prove that a minimum wage increase penalizes the lower incomes more than any other group.

Voting Rights - I think you will agree that most cases of voter fraud have benefited Democrats, whether they be the voting of the dead in Chicago or Franken's solicitation of voter-ineligible convicts in Minnesota. The Republicans have proposed fixing the system in order to create a fair, and honest, system. It is naive to say no voter fraud has occurred. I wonder why the left doesn't WANT to create a foolproof system. You and I both know this supposed 'disenfranchising' of voters because they need an ID is a red herring. You need an ID to cash a check, buy beer, get gas, and a myriad of other things. Why you would be more concerned about my identity when I cash a check than you are when I vote completely mystifies me.

Abortion - It is inconceivable to me that the state feels it must cancel a parent's rights when their minor child is seeking a major medical procedure. Look - we'll agree to disagree. I believe life begins at conception - you don't. I believe God bestows that child with a life and a soul at that instant - you don't. You aren't going to change your mind - and neither am I.

Racism - We all recognize that some level of racism exists today, but we adamantly disagree at the level. In fact, we believe that the race baiting going on today is more divisive than the dying embers of racism in our society. We have laws that prevent racism - enforce them.

Liberals think in terms of emotion - 'it's only right', 'they deserve', 'we owe them' - Conservatives think in facts 'it will cost', 'right is right, and wrong is wrong' - the twain shall never meet.

As usual, the right answer is probably somewhere in the middle. The left, marching under the Obama banner, has shown no willingness to move to a compromise position. Their intransigence of the left can only be met with total resistance from the right. Show a willingness to compromise, and we'll talk.

Again, just because I disagree with you doesn't make me an extremist - in fact, from where I stand, it looks to me that you are the one taking extremist positions. But, you don't hear me attacking the left ... I believe in their sincerity, I just don't believe in their logic. We only ask that we are afforded the same respect for our sincerity.

WOW, one of the best posts I've ever read at the USMB. My view is that both the Democratic Party and their trained puppets far prefer to have their well worn and tattered cards (ie. race card, gay card, rich vs poor card..etc.) rather than a legislated solution to the issues, natural whiners have to whine.


Why do Democrats refuse to acknowledge this?????
Last edited:

Answer: Conservatives adopted extreme positions on wedge issues:

    • Gun control
    • Immigration
    • Gay & Lesbian equal rights
    • Equal pay for equal work
    • Minimum wage
    • Voting Rights
    • Abortion
    • Failure to stand up to growing racism
    • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.
Additionally, fiscal conservatives have evolved into being fiscally irresponsible, and the Republican Leadership has put their jobs first and caved by supporting the extremism which has taken over the GOP.

Both major parties, in the past, have taken the high road in terms of human rights. Today the Crazy New Right has shown nothing but contempt in their callous disregard for human rights.

Ask yourself if their ideology incorporates human rights into each of the bullet points above? Maybe they feel human rights need to be respected by China, Iran, Russia, etc. but not in the United States of America. Moral Relativism seems alive and well in the Right Wing in America.

  • Gun control

Gun control is a Leftist scam designed to provide them the means to acquire power.

  • Immigration

You're speaking of the legalization of ILLEGAL entry into the US; fraudulently using a term that speaks to LEGAL ENTRY into the US, as a deceitful means to influence the ignorant.

  • Gay & Lesbian equal rights

The Sexually Abnormal have the same rights as everyone else. You need to project that there are rights which they have which they are unable to exercise, and that they're unable to do so because of some prejudice against them.

There are no rights which the sexually abnormal have that they cannot exercise. As with all of the above issues, the 'Gay Rights' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Equal pay for equal work

No Conservative anywhere is advocating for anyone to be paid less than the individual is worth. As with all of the above issues, the 'Equal pay for work' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Minimum wage

Minimum Wage is zero... for the minimal work, which is zero. You're advocating that someone should be paid more than zero for zero work. You're advocating that people of zero to no skills be paid more for their time than their time is worth. This produces the official policy of payment for zero production. Placing value upon nothing. establishes that that which was paid for nothing, equals nothing. Therefore payment for zero production inflates (Devalues) the currency common to the official state which set the values of the currency through its policy to trade value for no value.

As with all of the above issues, the 'Minimum wage' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Voting Rights

No Conservative anywhere is attempting to usurp the means of anyone to vote their conscience. Conservatives are however defending the process from the Ideological Left's incessant attempt to corrupt the process, as a means to acquire power, rationalized that such is justified by virtue of their subjective needs.

As with all of the above issues, the 'Voting Rights' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

Abortion is the taking of the human life, which was conceived as a direct result of the Mother's willful actions. It is justified by invalid, irrational reasoning which seeks to avoid responsibility for one's actions, on several levels or false choices, resulting in the claim of a false right. In TRUTH, there is no potential for a right, which in the exercise thereof, the exercise itself deprives another of the means to exercise their own rights.

As with all of the above issues, the 'Abortion' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Failure to stand up to growing racism

The Ideological Left is wholly responsible for the 'growing racism'. it is being generated intentionally, the basis for such is absolutely false and it is false on every conceivable level and you, of the Ideological Left KNOW that it false and they are intentionally promoting AS TRUTH, that which they know to be false.

As with all of the above issues, the 'growing racism' issue is a scam of deceits, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

  • Calling all Republicans who challenge them on the above issues RINO's.

There is no end to the open and honest debates within the GOP on all of the host of issues, some noted above, that are before all of us living in this nation.

Where Republicans come to advocate for irrational ideas, deceitfully promoting ideas which they should know better than to even consider, and they do so through fraudulence, as a means to influence the ignorant, we know them by their rotten fruit and, by that rotten fruit, we know that they ARE, IN TRUTH: 'Republicans' in name only.

Additionally, fiscal conservatives have evolved into being fiscally irresponsible, and the Republican Leadership has put their jobs first and caved by supporting the extremism which has taken over the GOP.

So you should define the term: Irresponsible. Take the term 'fiscal conservative', define it.

From there take the policies advocated by fiscal conservatives, state the reasons why 'fiscal conservatives' say they advocate for such, then demonstrate how the reason is false and show the inevitable or otherwise predictable results of that policy and how such cannot result in what the 'fiscal conservatives' claim that they are seeking. THEN, through that exercise you would ESTABLISH THE FISCAL CONSERVATIVES AS IRRESPONSIBLE.

Of course, you cannot do that. And you cannot do it, because given the nature of the fiscal conservative and the science of economics resting in the natural laws of mathematics, and given that objective truth is intrinsic to natural law, there is no means to show that the goals which the "fiscal conservatives' claim to promote, will not be reached through their policy advocacies.

So instead, as a relativist, you're only option is to lie through your rotten rhetorical teeth.

But hey... such is the nature of evil, now isn't. So that serves reason ... doesn't it?

Another great post within this thread .. thank You.
Is there no one who was/is offended by post #22 and the OP smart enough to post a rebuttal? Seems as if the usual members of the echo chamber have the ability to write one sentence, not a substantive sentence and not one bit of evidence to even suggest I'm not spot on.

I'm sorry if some (well, one moron) believes I'm a faux intellectual, I make no claim to being the sharpest knife in the drawer. But, since it seems I'm in the spoon slot, I must be sharper then the others.

I failed to see anything offensive about post #22.

Like so many liberals you are tolerant until someone has a different point of view.

The GOP and any other group has every right to fight for what they want in the public arena. If that means not allowing gays to marry...that is their perogative. It makes them neither smart nor dumb, tolerant or not. They could oppose it for any number of reasons....

Point is....that is their choice. You simply chose to post and say that because they feel different from you....they are somehow bad or wrong.

Real liberal of you.

You made an interesting point, I'm surprised. The fact is I understand that there are bigots and racists in both parties and on both sides of the aisle. It seems only one side shouts down such intolerance, and that is the side I support.
Bullshit, Democrats have milked these issues dry and it seems the voters have finally caught on to their complete lack of acceptable results. The once proud Democratic Party.. RIP

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