Why is trump so quiet about Stormy Daniels?

Why is trump being so quiet about the Stormy Daniels affair?

  • He is listening to his lawyers....for a change.

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • He is afraid of what she has.

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Because he knows there are many more like her out there.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he doesn't think it is important.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he didn't have the affair.....cough....hack....

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Other...please specify.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters
Because he has a wife? IDK
Who gives a shit? Be glad he isnt embarrassing us by talking even more.
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People that sell will say anything if you pay them enough. The left loves this crap.
He is being very quiet....WHY?

Remember when wee lad Eminem was going on and on attacking Trump, and Trump wouldn't respond. It made the wee lad angry, and he would increase his rage, hoping for a response. Trump didn't feed the troll, and Eminem looked like an idiot.

He is doing the same with the biggest troll on the block, CNN. "Your ratings are falling, you have an obvious agenda, why should I help you market your BS?"

He could play it both ways, but for this one being quiet and letting the lawyers deal with it isn't a bad idea. The world sees what is going on and what lengths they will go. The best news in all of this? It's going to be much tougher for the media to control elections going forward. There is a great amount of distrust, people are starting to listen to real policies again. They want answers, not tabloid.
He can only dig the hole deeper on this one. Maybe if his lawyer hadn't admitted to paying Daniels, and he hadn't threatened to sue over an NDA he claims doesn't exist...
The dems hope he will lie and get caught so they can impeach him like Clinton was. The difference here is this is about something that supposedly happened at least 10 years ago, outside of politics. Clinton was up to it in the Oval Office.
He is being very quiet....WHY?

Remember when wee lad Eminem was going on and on attacking Trump, and Trump wouldn't respond. It made the wee lad angry, and he would increase his rage, hoping for a response. Trump didn't feed the troll, and Eminem looked like an idiot.

He is doing the same with the biggest troll on the block, CNN. "Your ratings are falling, you have an obvious agenda, why should I help you market your BS?"

He could play it both ways, but for this one being quiet and letting the lawyers deal with it isn't a bad idea. The world sees what is going on and what lengths they will go. The best news in all of this? It's going to be much tougher for the media to control elections going forward. There is a great amount of distrust, people are starting to listen to real policies again. They want answers, not tabloid.
Both Trump and his son responded to Eminem
The Press attacked Obama's secret lover Larry Sinclair.
They didn't make him a victim like they are with Daniels.
This is an obvious left wing smear campaign.
Democrats are attempting a coup against Trump.
Democrats are against democracy.

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