Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

littledebfascist is a moonbat wing nut. No other way to describe her. She can't argue logically, and much of the time the screen drips with her spittle. She is only one step about the Guatamas here.

Jokey hate's women because he will use the female term as a way of insulting a man.
You are full of shit. Proof? You call me a Liberal but dodge or Cut & Run like the little b1tch you are, when it comes to backing up your bullsh1t. That's the problem with being a little b1tch.
Whats with this cut and run shit? I have not left this thread, I'm still here? Do you have a point to your little rant?

As for you being a liberal you attack this thread like a well trained talking point liberal.

Now what exactly was your point?

Okay let me dumb this down SO much, that even you can get it.

1. You have claimed I am a Liberal - a "talking point Liberal" even.
2. You have not back up your claims.
3. You just throw little tantrums and stomp your whackjob feeties like a little b1tch, every time you are challenged to back up you bullshit with anything.

So let's make it even simpler! Just yes or no questions. Think you can handle those? (We know you can't so put on your little ballet slippers and prepare do dance around).

1. Is it a person's views on various political issues that determines whether they are Liberal or Conservative? (the only other option would be "just cuz you say so, dammit! :cuckoo:)? Yes or No?
2. Is my position on Obama, that he is a good president?
3. Is my position on ObamaCare that it is a good thing?
4. Is my position on unions that they are necessary to protect the working class of our nation?
5. Is my position on taxes that raising them on the rich would help solve our problems?
6. Is my position on guns that people should not be able to own them or that more laws on CCW etc... would reduce gun violence?
7. Is my position on Libya, Yemen, Iraq or Afghanistan, that Obama is doing the right thing?
8. Is my position on Harsh Interrogation that it should never be used?
9. Is my position on abortion that it should be illegal?
10. Is my position on religion that Christians are treated more than fair and equitibly in this country?
11. Is my position on federal government that it is fine how it is and should not be cut drastically?
12. Is my position on ACORN that it was performing a public service and too much was made of it?
13. Is my position on Git-Mo and its prisoners that it should be closed and the prisoners given the same rights accorded others per the Constitution?
14. Is my position on Affirmative Action that it is necessary to insure equal opportunites for all?
15. Is my position on Global Warming that it is a fact?
16. Is my position on nuclear power that we should end it?
17. Is my position that our current problems are all Bush's fault?

So okay Sweetheart! C'mon Rebbie! here's your chance! What are my positons on all those "Talking Point Liberal" issues? (Hint, there are both Yes's and No's). Time to prove that you're not full of shit! Or of course, time to dodge around the questions and come up with more bullshit excuses....
Joke, I put the odds at 5:1 he won't just answer :lol:
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Okay let me dumb this down SO much, that even you can get it.

1. You have claimed I am a Liberal - a "talking point Liberal" even.
2. You have not back up your claims.
3. You just throw little tantrums and stomp your whackjob feeties like a little b1tch, every time you are challenged to back up you bullshit with anything.

So let's make it even simpler! Just yes or no questions. Think you can handle those? (We know you can't so put on your little ballet slippers and prepare do dance around).

1. Is it a person's views on various political issues that determines whether they are Liberal or Conservative? (the only other option would be "just cuz you say so, dammit! :cuckoo:)? Yes or No?
2. Is my position on Obama, that he is a good president?
3. Is my position on ObamaCare that it is a good thing?
4. Is my position on unions that they are necessary to protect the working class of our nation?
5. Is my position on taxes that raising them on the rich would help solve our problems?
6. Is my position on guns that people should not be able to own them or that more laws on CCW etc... would reduce gun violence?
7. Is my position on Libya, Yemen, Iraq or Afghanistan, that Obama is doing the right thing?
8. Is my position on Harsh Interrogation that it should never be used?
9. Is my position on abortion that it should be illegal?
10. Is my position on religion that Christians are treated more than fair and equitibly in this country?
11. Is my position on federal government that it is fine how it is and should not be cut drastically?
12. Is my position on ACORN that it was performing a public service and too much was made of it?
13. Is my position on Git-Mo and its prisoners that it should be closed and the prisoners given the same rights accorded others per the Constitution?
14. Is my position on Affirmative Action that it is necessary to insure equal opportunites for all?
15. Is my position on Global Warming that it is a fact?
16. Is my position on nuclear power that we should end it?
17. Is my position that our current problems are all Bush's fault?

So okay Sweetheart! C'mon Rebbie! here's your chance! What are my positons on all those "Talking Point Liberal" issues? (Hint, there are both Yes's and No's). Time to prove that you're not full of shit! Or of course, time to dodge around the questions and come up with more bullshit excuses....
Joke, I put the odds at 5:1 he won't just answer :lol:

Dear I really don't give a shit what your position is, you can say any thing on a discussion board, but what get's me is that you have tried evewrything to side track this thread just like any good liberal would do.

Joke, I put the odds at 5:1 he won't just answer

The joke is in your hand when you jack off and in the mirror when you sneek up on it.

littledebfascist simply is too predictable, can't answer without the Rush crib sheets, and he is a stain on the far right. Of course, better off for the rest of America that we all know exactly where he is positioned politically.
Dear I really don't give a shit what your position is, you can say any thing on a discussion board, but what get's me is that you have tried evewrything to side track this thread just like any good liberal would do.

LOL! I TOLD you he would Cut & Run! And people wonder why the whackjobs on the net are not taken seriously.
So let's see, Reb says I'm a Liberal -
& not because of my stance on political issues - all of which I can prove from posts that were up before this thread started
* Nope. I'm a liberal because I didn't completely agree with Reb in every possible way, on one single issue.
* See definition of whackjob below.
Many laughs on the net. :lol:
Very few posters worth taking seriously though. Mostly entertainment (Although I have learned some things from the non-whackjobs like Joe Six Pack).

Okay so all Reb is going to do is throw his little tantrums, label anyone disagreeing with him on anything and dodge any direct questions or facts. We're done here. Whackjobbery idisputably proven. Buh bye now... :bye1:

Oops - almost forgot. Reb, even though you're a bit "extreme" when it comes to anyone disagreeing with you, I do admire your passion for your country and that you actually give a shit. Most Americans don't even care. Cheers & God Bless.
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littledebfascist simply is too predictable, can't answer without the Rush crib sheets, and he is a stain on the far right. Of course, better off for the rest of America that we all know exactly where he is positioned politically.
jokey when the fall comes I will laugh my ass off at shit stains like you. I'm prepared, and if it doesn't come I will never go hungry.:lol:
LOL! I TOLD you he would Cut & Run! And people wonder why the whackjobs on the net are not taken seriously.
So let's see, Reb says I'm a Liberal -
& not because of my stance on political issues - all of which I can prove from posts that were up before this thread started
* Nope. I'm a liberal because I didn't completely agree with Reb in every possible way, on one single issue.
* See definition of whackjob below.
Many laughs on the net. :lol:
Very few posters worth taking seriously though. Mostly entertainment (Although I have learned some things from the non-whackjobs like Joe Six Pack).

Okay so all Reb is going to do is throw his little tantrums, label anyone disagreeing with him on anything and dodge any direct questions or facts. We're done here. Whackjobbery idisputably proven. Buh bye now... :bye1:

Oops - almost forgot. Reb, even though you're a bit "extreme" when it comes to anyone disagreeing with you, I do admire your passion for your country and that you actually give a shit. Most Americans don't even care. Cheers & God Bless.

Nope. I'm a liberal because I didn't completely agree with Reb in every possible way, on one single issue.

OK let's clear this up, just because you disagreed with me does not make you a liberal, it's how you went about it. You used liberal tatics.

I've disagreed with a few conservatives here.

And as far as being an extremeist. I am a God fearing gun toting card carry right wing extremeist.
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littledebfascist simply is too predictable, can't answer without the Rush crib sheets, and he is a stain on the far right. Of course, better off for the rest of America that we all know exactly where he is positioned politically.
jokey when the fall comes I will laugh my ass off at shit stains like you. I'm prepared, and if it doesn't come I will never go hungry.:lol:

Son, credit and money and no debt are king, queen, and crown prince.

Sonny, I am royalty in times of economic disaster. Be nice and I will let you stay in your trailer.
littledebfascist simply is too predictable, can't answer without the Rush crib sheets, and he is a stain on the far right. Of course, better off for the rest of America that we all know exactly where he is positioned politically.
jokey when the fall comes I will laugh my ass off at shit stains like you. I'm prepared, and if it doesn't come I will never go hungry.:lol:

Son, credit and money and no debt are king, queen, and crown prince.

Sonny, I am royalty in times of economic disaster. Be nice and I will let you stay in your trailer.

Sure jokey, remember i'LL BE LAUGHING.:lol:
I don't want to marry you, Full-Auto, or the reactionaries of the far right. The laughter of the fools of the far right matters not at all to me. Obama will now veto for sure a bill that does not do what is best for the country, then take it to the voters. The far right will be shattered for this generation, and we start over without your nonsense.
I don't want to marry you, Full-Auto, or the reactionaries of the far right. The laughter of the fools of the far right matters not at all to me. Obama will now veto for sure a bill that does not do what is best for the country, then take it to the voters. The far right will be shattered for this generation, and we start over without your nonsense.

Thats good because I find you........ Well I wont go there. I am just pointing out your rhetoric doesnt match your alleged beliefs.
Tea Party rhetoric does not match constitutional values or American fair play or Christian duty.

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