Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

Cannot impeach the President just because he is black and you are a racist.:cuckoo::eusa_hand::confused:
Don't you know if they could they would have long ago.:cuckoo:

What exactly does a half black obama have to do with anything? I have black relatives who don't like him.

Oh well, then. That settles it, doesn't it?
Cannot impeach the President just because he is black and you are a racist.:cuckoo::eusa_hand::confused:
Don't you know if they could they would have long ago.:cuckoo:

What exactly does a half black obama have to do with anything? I have black relatives who don't like him.

Oh well, then. That settles it, doesn't it?

I don't know I wasn't the one who mentioned his race. No I guess not as long as you liberals hang onto that raism they you live on.
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littledebfascist is one of the biggest racists on the board and uses the c-word to describe people he does not like.

Worthless, worthless attitude.
You do not know me you're speaking of your opinion on those issues.

Um no. I was just letting you know all your opinions as fed to you by the Pundits. With whackjobs of either the Lib or Conserv persuasion, it's easy to run about 85 - 90% right as the below demonstrates. :eusa_angel:

Very pro gun and everybody whould own one and open carry. Cops are not legally bound to protect anyone

1 out of 1

Freddy mac and fannie mae enough said.

2 for 2

No I don't I don’t even favor Boehner plan. Since the cut's will not take affect immediately the will start after the next election and no congress is bound by the previous congress when it comes to spending

Ah but if it were bound? We'll table this until we know.

I'm against raising taxes because you don't raise taxes when you have a failed economy
And when congress stop spend my money like it's theirs no new taxes.

3 for 3

I've always been pro life long before talk radio became a name brand. From the days of my youth and I'm 49

4 for 4

I don't depend on the government I am self sufficient and self-reliant I'm a prepper TGhe government is way to big and should kill most of it's departments

5 for 5

I've worked with union members and have lost jobs because of a mandate union clause, so hell yes I am very anti union. they are full of lazy people

6 for 6

Most even most democrats said Iraq was justified. Shall I name names of those democrats who were for going to Iraq?

7 for 7

The government works for us not the other way around It can not mandate that ANYONE BUY A PRODUCT IF THEY DON'T WANT NOR NEED IT. Would you object if the government made a law that stated everyone over the age of 18 must own a gun and have to buy a certain type at a certain store and maintain at least 5000 rounds for that gun and also have mandated firearm training at the governments set price.

8 for 8

Correct me if I'm wrong didn't the staes create the fedral government? The states government had a check on the federal government until the 17th amendment.

9 for 9!

It has worked in the past But it works better when more conservative government is in control. Oh and Bush wasn't a conservative.

10 for 10!!!

I really don't care what faggots do as long as it doesn't effect me

Well, I would say the use of the word faggots would at least be at least an indicator of your um, well nm.
Your openning post is where you were defending ob ama

My opening post was only a question. It neither defended not attacked Obama. It was the whackjob mentality that made it such (see definition in other post).

So basically, I've been able to tell you all your opinions in advance. The only reason you can't do that with me is because I actually think for myself. Like I said.
China is a right to union nation, everyone has a union, yet they are kickin' our azz.
now you want slave labor????libtards would love that.it seems they aren't satisfied with 50% of your work earnings being paid out IE....state,local,federal taxes. I mean 50% of working peoples labor is slave labor to the gubment massa.you think the unions in China are like the Unions here????ohh the unions here would love that kind of power.:confused: FUNNY HOW PEOPLE THAT DON"T PAY WANT OTHERS TO.....THE SHAMELESS ADOLESCENT NERVE LIBBS HAVE IS ASTOUNDING TO SAY THE LEAST!!!!:cuckoo::eek:
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My opening post was only a question. It neither defended not attacked Obama. It was the whackjob mentality that made it such (see definition in other post).

So basically, I've been able to tell you all your opinions in advance. The only reason you can't do that with me is because I actually think for myself. Like I said.

10 for 10!!!


I said No I don't

You favor the Ryan Plan.
No I don't I don’t even favor Boehner plan. Since the cut's will not take affect immediately the will start after the next election and no congress is bound by the previous congress when it comes to spending.

Ah but if it were bound? We'll table this until we know.

Don't you remember what happen right after the 2010 elections? The dems tried to do a budget that would go through 2011 instead of doing one for 2010

You are for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way.

I'm against raising taxes because you don't raise taxes when you have a failed economy
And when congress stop spend my money like it's theirs no new taxes.

Wrong I did not say I was aginst rasing taxes, I said
And when congress stop spend my money like it's theirs no new taxes

So actually thats not saying I am against taxes

1 out of 1

Freddy mac and fannie mae enough said.

You take off thoise liberal blinders and you will see I'm correct

I've always been pro life long before talk radio became a name brand. From the days of my youth and I'm 49

OH so being pro life all my life means I can't think for myself?

You're getting real close to that liberal identifier.

You are anti-union.
5 for 5
I gave my reasons why I'm anti union My reason would mean I think for myself.

You think more power should be given to the states.

9 for 9!

Liberal know thyself So my comment make you feel I can't think for myself? My comment was from the founding of America, It's part of America's history
Correct me if I'm wrong didn't the staes create the fedral government? The states government had a check on the federal government until the 17th amendment.

So far you have proven yourself to be a liberal.
You think ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.

7 for 7

So thius comment makes you feel that I can't think for myself?
The government works for us not the other way around It can not mandate that ANYONE BUY A PRODUCT IF THEY DON'T WANT NOR NEED IT. Would you object if the government made a law that stated everyone over the age of 18 must own a gun and have to buy a certain type at a certain store and maintain at least 5000 rounds for that gun and also have mandated firearm training at the governments set price.

Being correct is a signe that a person can think for themself and that you are getting very close to identifing as a liberal.

You got the pro gun part because of my signature.

So you will have to recorrect your score You missed most.

The only reason you can't do that with me is because I actually think for myself. Like I said.

I bet you like using the word critical thinking?
littledebfascist is one of the biggest racists on the board and uses the c-word to describe people he does not like.

Worthless, worthless attitude.

Jaker you are a worn out whore, I have a new play toy. Later

:lol: You are what you are, littledebfascist, the whole board knows it. Go service your new interest. :lol:

They know it because I don't play with wordsa like you do. But here's a hint, most here know what you are even though you wear a painted face thatv you think will hide your liberalism
IndependentLogic, excellent excellent job.

littledebfascist just validated all of your points. She doesn't think for herself.
IndependentLogic, excellent excellent job.

littledebfascist just validated all of your points. She doesn't think for herself.

I just proved him wrong when he said he was 10 for 10 but nothing new one liberal pating another liberal on the back.
IndependentLogic, excellent excellent job.

littledebfascist just validated all of your points. She doesn't think for herself.

I just proved him wrong when he said he was 10 for 10 but nothing new one liberal pating another liberal on the back.

See the thing is, you're such a drone it's almost too easy. I even predicted you would dodge, change the subject or Cut & Run.

Well uh... er.... I'm didn't say I'm against raising taxes! I uh, er,... sh1t. Uh, Oh Yeah! I got it now! I'm not against taxes WHEN I feel they are spending the money um, they way I think they should! (i.e. NEVER!) in other words, he's owned and he knows it but like any little mindless drone, he comes up with bullsh1t dodges to try to wiggle out of the obvious.

Now, want to se ol' Reb Cut & Run? Watch!

Okay Reb. Pick a dozen issues and tell me MY stance on them! Since I am this "Liberal" you claim I am, it should be easy! Go ahead. Tell me my "Liberal" views on teh same issues.

(Time for Reb to Dodge or Cut & Run)...

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