Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

IndependentLogic, excellent excellent job.

littledebfascist just validated all of your points. She doesn't think for herself.

I just proved him wrong when he said he was 10 for 10 but nothing new one liberal pating another liberal on the back.

See the thing is, you're such a drone it's almost too easy. I even predicted you would dodge, change the subject or Cut & Run.

Well uh... er.... I'm didn't say I'm against raising taxes! I uh, er,... sh1t. Uh, Oh Yeah! I got it now! I'm not against taxes WHEN I feel they are spending the money um, they way I think they should! (i.e. NEVER!) in other words, he's owned and he knows it but like any little mindless drone, he comes up with bullsh1t dodges to try to wiggle out of the obvious.

Now, want to se ol' Reb Cut & Run? Watch!

Okay Reb. Pick a dozen issues and tell me MY stance on them! Since I am this "Liberal" you claim I am, it should be easy! Go ahead. Tell me my "Liberal" views on teh same issues.

(Time for Reb to Dodge or Cut & Run)...

See the thing is, you're such a drone it's almost too easy. I even predicted you would dodge, change the subject or Cut & Run.

Who's fucking dodgeing? The only one you were a 100% correct on was the pro Gun and that's only because of my signature.

I also asked you why you thought someone who was prolife couldn't think for themself? I also gave you me personal exprience to why I don't like unions, and that for some reason makes you think a person can't think for themself, because of their personal exprience? And about the states, The states created the Fedearal government. The states aren't given anything. It was the states who gave the power to the fed and now it's time to take it back.

Who's fucking running? Not me nor have I changed the subject.

Okay Reb. Pick a dozen issues and tell me MY stance on them! Since I am this "Liberal" you claim I am, it should be easy! Go ahead. Tell me my "Liberal" views on teh same issues.

I really don't care what your stance is but just from this discussion and the way you have been tap dancing and not reading what has been posted to your question, you have all the traits of a die hard liberals.
Okay Reb. Pick a dozen issues and tell me MY stance on them! Since I am this "Liberal" you claim I am, it should be easy! Go ahead. Tell me my "Liberal" views on teh same issues.

(Time for Reb to Dodge or Cut & Run)...

See the thing is, you're such a drone it's almost too easy. I even predicted you would dodge, change the subject or Cut & Run.

Who's fucking dodgeing? The only one you were a 100% correct on was the pro Gun and that's only because of my signature.

I also asked you why you thought someone who was prolife couldn't think for themself? I also gave you me personal exprience to why I don't like unions, and that for some reason makes you think a person can't think for themself, because of their personal exprience? And about the states, The states created the Fedearal government. The states aren't given anything. It was the states who gave the power to the fed and now it's time to take it back.

Who's fucking running? Not me nor have I changed the subject.

Okay Reb. Pick a dozen issues and tell me MY stance on them! Since I am this "Liberal" you claim I am, it should be easy! Go ahead. Tell me my "Liberal" views on teh same issues.

you have all the traits of a die hard liberals.

LOL! This little weakling is SO owned! I am enjoying the sh1t out of his attempts at dodging the obvious! It's not that I was right about every issue, it's that uh, er, not EXACTLY right in the way Reb says is uh, right enough. So let's see...
* He admitted he is pro-gun, anti gun laws of just about any kind.
* He admitted he thinks Obama and the Dems are the primary (and almost exclusive) cause of our current debt crisis.
* He admitted favors the Ryan Plan over the Dem plan.
* He admitted he is for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way (um unless Congress magically starts spending money exactly how he thinks they should).
* He admitted he is are pro-life.
* He admitted he feels we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.
* He admitted he is anti-union.
* He admitted he feels that Iraq was justified but that Libya is illegal.
* He admitted he thinks ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.
* He admitted he thinks more power should be given to the states.
* He admitted he thinks easing taxes and regulations would help create more jobs.

10 for 10 People! Mindless drone :eek:

Then he writes "you have all the traits of a die hard liberals"
But can he back up his bullsh1t? Of course not. I have invited him to take a guess on my stance on any issues because if it isn't your positions on issues that make you Liberal or Conservative, what is it?
So I'm a diehard Liberal um "just because". You know, because um, well let's see um... Ooops! full-of-sh1t-o-meter flying in the red folks!

See the definition of whackjob below :lol:
Last edited:
Who's fucking dodgeing? The only one you were a 100% correct on was the pro Gun and that's only because of my signature.

I also asked you why you thought someone who was prolife couldn't think for themself? I also gave you me personal exprience to why I don't like unions, and that for some reason makes you think a person can't think for themself, because of their personal exprience? And about the states, The states created the Fedearal government. The states aren't given anything. It was the states who gave the power to the fed and now it's time to take it back.

Who's fucking running? Not me nor have I changed the subject.

you have all the traits of a die hard liberals.

LOL! This little weakling is SO owned! I am enjoying the sh1t out of his attempts at dodging the obvious! It's not that I was right about every issue, it's that uh, er, not EXACTLY right in the way Reb says is uh, right enough. So let's see...
* He admitted he is pro-gun, anti gun laws of just about any kind.
* He admitted he thinks Obama and the Dems are the primary (and almost exclusive) cause of our current debt crisis.
* He admitted favors the Ryan Plan over the Dem plan.
* He admitted he is for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way (um unless Congress magically starts spending money exactly how he thinks they should).
* He admitted he is are pro-life.
* He admitted he feels we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.
* He admitted he is anti-union.
* He admitted he feels that Iraq was justified but that Libya is illegal.
* He admitted he thinks ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.
* He admitted he thinks more power should be given to the states.
* He admitted he thinks easing taxes and regulations would help create more jobs.

10 for 10 People! Mindless drone :eek:

Then he writes "you have all the traits of a die hard liberals"
But can he back up his bullsh1t? Of course not. I have invited him to take a guess on my stance on any issues because if it isn't your positions on issues that make you Liberal or Conservative, what is it?
So I'm a diehard Liberal um "just because". You know, because um, well let's see um... Ooops! full-of-sh1t-o-meter flying in the red folks!

See the definition of whackjob below :lol:

Well blowhard list all of my views. This should be fun.
Who's fucking dodgeing? The only one you were a 100% correct on was the pro Gun and that's only because of my signature.

I also asked you why you thought someone who was prolife couldn't think for themself? I also gave you me personal exprience to why I don't like unions, and that for some reason makes you think a person can't think for themself, because of their personal exprience? And about the states, The states created the Fedearal government. The states aren't given anything. It was the states who gave the power to the fed and now it's time to take it back.

Who's fucking running? Not me nor have I changed the subject.

you have all the traits of a die hard liberals.

LOL! This little weakling is SO owned! I am enjoying the sh1t out of his attempts at dodging the obvious! It's not that I was right about every issue, it's that uh, er, not EXACTLY right in the way Reb says is uh, right enough. So let's see...
* He admitted he is pro-gun, anti gun laws of just about any kind.
* He admitted he thinks Obama and the Dems are the primary (and almost exclusive) cause of our current debt crisis.
* He admitted favors the Ryan Plan over the Dem plan.
* He admitted he is for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way (um unless Congress magically starts spending money exactly how he thinks they should).
* He admitted he is are pro-life.
* He admitted he feels we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.
* He admitted he is anti-union.
* He admitted he feels that Iraq was justified but that Libya is illegal.
* He admitted he thinks ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.
* He admitted he thinks more power should be given to the states.
* He admitted he thinks easing taxes and regulations would help create more jobs.

10 for 10 People! Mindless drone :eek:

Then he writes "you have all the traits of a die hard liberals"
But can he back up his bullsh1t? Of course not. I have invited him to take a guess on my stance on any issues because if it isn't your positions on issues that make you Liberal or Conservative, what is it?
So I'm a diehard Liberal um "just because". You know, because um, well let's see um... Ooops! full-of-sh1t-o-meter flying in the red folks!

See the definition of whackjob below :lol:

You're fucking lying or you can't read.

He admitted he is pro-gun, anti gun laws of just about any kind.

Thats no secert read my signature.

He admitted he thinks Obama and the Dems are the primary (and almost exclusive) cause of our current debt crisis.

Freddie and Fannie are pet projects of the democrats freddie and fannie was what got the economy on the down turn. No secert there either unless you can't think for yourself.

He admitted favors the Ryan Plan over the Dem plan.

Yoiu need to re-read my comment to this statement either you can't read or willingly lying.

He admitted he is for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way (um unless Congress magically starts spending money exactly how he thinks they should).

Who in their right mind wants to pay more taxes? Liberals are big fans of taxes unless they're paying them.

He admitted he feels we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.

We have to much government way to much federal government control. Do you like big government?

He admitted he is are pro-life.

Lucky for you your mother was also.

He admitted he feels we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.

Only a liberal would view the current government as a good thing.

He admitted he is anti-union.

Since I doubt you have never worked with union people on a non union job you would be clueless. I gave my reason for being anti union p[eronal reasons. That would mean I can think for myself.

He admitted he feels that Iraq was justified but that Libya is illegal.

I said at firest most Americans even a large portion of congressional democrats thought going to Iraq was a good thing.

What was obama's reason for going to libya?

He admitted he thinks ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.

You must think it is or you would not mention obamacare. So are you pro obamacare?

Do you think the government should force people to buy something they don't want nor need? Who you complain if the government forced anyone over the age of 18 to buy a gun go to firearm training every 6 months at a set government price, buy and keep a minum of 1000 rounds of ammo at a set government price.

He admitted he thinks more power should be given to the states.

Who created the federal government? I'll answer for you. The states did. Now how can the fed's give something which they have no power to give? The states already have the power to do it. All they have to do is show some back bone and take it back.

He admitted he thinks easing taxes and regulations would help create more jobs.

It's nothing new it worked when Reagan was president I was a working tax payer when Reagan was president so I should know. Just how old are you?

10 for 10 People! Mindless drone
But can he back up his bullsh1t? Of course not. I have invited him to take a guess on my stance on any issues because if it isn't your positions on issues that make you Liberal or Conservative, what is it?
No you weren';tr asshat. This post of your's shows just how liberal you are.

So I'm a diehard Liberal um "just because". You know, because um, well let's see um... Ooops! full-of-sh1t-o-meter flying in the red folks!

Yes you are maybe you're just to stupid to relize it. Then again you maybe a statist. They have them in both parties.
LOL! This little weakling is SO owned! I am enjoying the sh1t out of his attempts at dodging the obvious! It's not that I was right about every issue, it's that uh, er, not EXACTLY right in the way Reb says is uh, right enough. So let's see...
* He admitted he is pro-gun, anti gun laws of just about any kind.
* He admitted he thinks Obama and the Dems are the primary (and almost exclusive) cause of our current debt crisis.
* He admitted favors the Ryan Plan over the Dem plan.
* He admitted he is for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way (um unless Congress magically starts spending money exactly how he thinks they should).
* He admitted he is are pro-life.
* He admitted he feels we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.
* He admitted he is anti-union.
* He admitted he feels that Iraq was justified but that Libya is illegal.
* He admitted he thinks ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.
* He admitted he thinks more power should be given to the states.
* He admitted he thinks easing taxes and regulations would help create more jobs.

10 for 10 People! Mindless drone :eek:

Then he writes "you have all the traits of a die hard liberals"
But can he back up his bullsh1t? Of course not. I have invited him to take a guess on my stance on any issues because if it isn't your positions on issues that make you Liberal or Conservative, what is it?
So I'm a diehard Liberal um "just because". You know, because um, well let's see um... Ooops! full-of-sh1t-o-meter flying in the red folks!

See the definition of whackjob below :lol:

Well blowhard list all of my views. This should be fun.

Why bother? He was wrong when he tried mine.
littledebfascist is one of the biggest racists on the board and uses the c-word to describe people he does not like.

Worthless, worthless attitude.
You are a fucking god damn liar. when you die I hope you suffer to the very last breath.

You lie even before God. Oh, my. Anyone can search the board and find your language, over and over and over. The worst sexist and racist is the one who denies it in the face of the truth, such as you. May God have mercy on you, because you sure aren't.
LOL! This little weakling is SO owned! I am enjoying the sh1t out of his attempts at dodging the obvious! It's not that I was right about every issue, it's that uh, er, not EXACTLY right in the way Reb says is uh, right enough. So let's see...
* He admitted he is pro-gun, anti gun laws of just about any kind.
* He admitted he thinks Obama and the Dems are the primary (and almost exclusive) cause of our current debt crisis.
* He admitted favors the Ryan Plan over the Dem plan.
* He admitted he is for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way (um unless Congress magically starts spending money exactly how he thinks they should).
* He admitted he is are pro-life.
* He admitted he feels we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.
* He admitted he is anti-union.
* He admitted he feels that Iraq was justified but that Libya is illegal.
* He admitted he thinks ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.
* He admitted he thinks more power should be given to the states.
* He admitted he thinks easing taxes and regulations would help create more jobs.

10 for 10 People! Mindless drone :eek:

Then he writes "you have all the traits of a die hard liberals"
But can he back up his bullsh1t? Of course not. I have invited him to take a guess on my stance on any issues because if it isn't your positions on issues that make you Liberal or Conservative, what is it?
So I'm a diehard Liberal um "just because". You know, because um, well let's see um... Ooops! full-of-sh1t-o-meter flying in the red folks!

See the definition of whackjob below :lol:

You're fucking lying or you can't read.

Thats no secert read my signature.

Freddie and Fannie are pet projects of the democrats freddie and fannie was what got the economy on the down turn. No secert there either unless you can't think for yourself.

Yoiu need to re-read my comment to this statement either you can't read or willingly lying.

Who in their right mind wants to pay more taxes? Liberals are big fans of taxes unless they're paying them.

We have to much government way to much federal government control. Do you like big government?

Lucky for you your mother was also.

Only a liberal would view the current government as a good thing.

Since I doubt you have never worked with union people on a non union job you would be clueless. I gave my reason for being anti union p[eronal reasons. That would mean I can think for myself.

I said at firest most Americans even a large portion of congressional democrats thought going to Iraq was a good thing.

What was obama's reason for going to libya?

You must think it is or you would not mention obamacare. So are you pro obamacare?

Do you think the government should force people to buy something they don't want nor need? Who you complain if the government forced anyone over the age of 18 to buy a gun go to firearm training every 6 months at a set government price, buy and keep a minum of 1000 rounds of ammo at a set government price.

Who created the federal government? I'll answer for you. The states did. Now how can the fed's give something which they have no power to give? The states already have the power to do it. All they have to do is show some back bone and take it back.

It's nothing new it worked when Reagan was president I was a working tax payer when Reagan was president so I should know. Just how old are you?

No you weren';tr asshat. This post of your's shows just how liberal you are.

So I'm a diehard Liberal um "just because". You know, because um, well let's see um... Ooops! full-of-sh1t-o-meter flying in the red folks!

Yes you are maybe you're just to stupid to relize it. Then again you maybe a statist. They have them in both parties.

Well now see. That was fun. You just admitted I was at least 9 out of 10 again with one being disputable.
Then you called me a Liberal again and again, dodged and Cut & Ran i.e. you call me a Liberal without having a fucking clue as to my position on the issues above. See defintion of whackjob below :lol:
LOL! This little weakling is SO owned! I am enjoying the sh1t out of his attempts at dodging the obvious! It's not that I was right about every issue, it's that uh, er, not EXACTLY right in the way Reb says is uh, right enough. So let's see...
* He admitted he is pro-gun, anti gun laws of just about any kind.
* He admitted he thinks Obama and the Dems are the primary (and almost exclusive) cause of our current debt crisis.
* He admitted favors the Ryan Plan over the Dem plan.
* He admitted he is for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way (um unless Congress magically starts spending money exactly how he thinks they should).
* He admitted he is are pro-life.
* He admitted he feels we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.
* He admitted he is anti-union.
* He admitted he feels that Iraq was justified but that Libya is illegal.
* He admitted he thinks ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.
* He admitted he thinks more power should be given to the states.
* He admitted he thinks easing taxes and regulations would help create more jobs.

10 for 10 People! Mindless drone :eek:

Then he writes "you have all the traits of a die hard liberals"
But can he back up his bullsh1t? Of course not. I have invited him to take a guess on my stance on any issues because if it isn't your positions on issues that make you Liberal or Conservative, what is it?
So I'm a diehard Liberal um "just because". You know, because um, well let's see um... Ooops! full-of-sh1t-o-meter flying in the red folks!

See the definition of whackjob below :lol:

Well blowhard list all of my views. This should be fun.

With Reb it was easy - Just turn on Glenn Beck and you'll see what he thinks. I mean if it comes down to a simple yes or no answer, I was 100% with him. Unless he would say "No" to being pro-life, pro-gun etc... Which we know he wouldn't. And really, the only reason I played with him a bit, was because he came out guns blazing, apply labels like a complete @ssh0le, so I put him in his place. Generally, I'm just fine with differing views but I'm not a doormat when people give me shit. Are you? I doubt it.
I haven't seen enough of your posts to venture a guess and I suspect you're not as two-dimensional as Reb...
Well blowhard list all of my views. This should be fun.

With Reb it was easy - Just turn on Glenn Beck and you'll see what he thinks. I mean if it comes down to a simple yes or no answer, I was 100% with him. Unless he would say "No" to being pro-life, pro-gun etc... Which we know he wouldn't. And really, the only reason I played with him a bit, was because he came out guns blazing, apply labels like a complete @ssh0le, so I put him in his place. Generally, I'm just fine with differing views but I'm not a doormat when people give me shit. Are you? I doubt it.
I haven't seen enough of your posts to venture a guess and I suspect you're not as two-dimensional as Reb...
With Reb it was easy - Just turn on Glenn Beck and you'll see what he thinks. I mean if it comes down to a simple yes or no answer, I was 100% with him. Unless he would say "No" to being pro-life, pro-gun etc... Which we know he wouldn't. And really, the only reason I played with him a bit, was because he came out guns blazing, apply labels like a complete @ssh0le, so I put him in his place. Generally, I'm just fine with differing views but I'm not a doormat when people give me shit. Are you? I doubt it.
I haven't seen enough of your posts to venture a guess and I suspect you're not as two-dimensional as Reb...

Yid, gently but firmly, this makes no sense. Do you have something you want to say.

You're fucking lying or you can't read.

Thats no secert read my signature.

Freddie and Fannie are pet projects of the democrats freddie and fannie was what got the economy on the down turn. No secert there either unless you can't think for yourself.

Yoiu need to re-read my comment to this statement either you can't read or willingly lying.

Who in their right mind wants to pay more taxes? Liberals are big fans of taxes unless they're paying them.

We have to much government way to much federal government control. Do you like big government?

Lucky for you your mother was also.

Only a liberal would view the current government as a good thing.

Since I doubt you have never worked with union people on a non union job you would be clueless. I gave my reason for being anti union p[eronal reasons. That would mean I can think for myself.

I said at firest most Americans even a large portion of congressional democrats thought going to Iraq was a good thing.

What was obama's reason for going to libya?

You must think it is or you would not mention obamacare. So are you pro obamacare?

Do you think the government should force people to buy something they don't want nor need? Who you complain if the government forced anyone over the age of 18 to buy a gun go to firearm training every 6 months at a set government price, buy and keep a minum of 1000 rounds of ammo at a set government price.

Who created the federal government? I'll answer for you. The states did. Now how can the fed's give something which they have no power to give? The states already have the power to do it. All they have to do is show some back bone and take it back.

It's nothing new it worked when Reagan was president I was a working tax payer when Reagan was president so I should know. Just how old are you?

No you weren';tr asshat. This post of your's shows just how liberal you are.

Yes you are maybe you're just to stupid to relize it. Then again you maybe a statist. They have them in both parties.

Well now see. That was fun. You just admitted I was at least 9 out of 10 again with one being disputable.
Then you called me a Liberal again and again, dodged and Cut & Ran i.e. you call me a Liberal without having a fucking clue as to my position on the issues above. See defintion of whackjob below :lol:

Yes I call it as I see you're either a liberal or statist.

And again wasn't it a good thing your mother was pro life?
Liberals are so fucking transparent

Then you called me a Liberal again and again, dodged and Cut & Ran i.e. you call me a Liberal without having a fucking clue as to my position on the issues above. See defintion of whackjob below

One fucking things for sure kido you like to spike the ball and say you won long before the game starts.

Listen up junior I don't run I don't dodge stop spiking the ball and calling yourself the winner. Now let me be very clear I am not a whackjob liberals such as you and jokey are.
Well now see. That was fun. You just admitted I was at least 9 out of 10 again with one being disputable.
Then you called me a Liberal again and again, dodged and Cut & Ran i.e. you call me a Liberal without having a fucking clue as to my position on the issues above. See defintion of whackjob below :lol:

Yes I call it as I see you're either a liberal or statist.

And again wasn't it a good thing your mother was pro life?
Liberals are so fucking transparent

Then you called me a Liberal again and again, dodged and Cut & Ran i.e. you call me a Liberal without having a fucking clue as to my position on the issues above. See defintion of whackjob below

One fucking things for sure kido you like to spike the ball and say you won long before the game starts.

Listen up junior I don't run I don't dodge stop spiking the ball and calling yourself the winner. Now let me be very clear I am not a whackjob liberals such as you and jokey are.

"I am not...you are!!!"
littledebfascist is a moonbat wing nut. No other way to describe her. She can't argue logically, and much of the time the screen drips with her spittle. She is only one step about the Guatamas here.
Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

He is a "Dick Tater"
Well now see. That was fun. You just admitted I was at least 9 out of 10 again with one being disputable.
Then you called me a Liberal again and again, dodged and Cut & Ran i.e. you call me a Liberal without having a fucking clue as to my position on the issues above. See defintion of whackjob below :lol:

Yes I call it as I see you're either a liberal or statist.

And again wasn't it a good thing your mother was pro life?
Liberals are so fucking transparent

Then you called me a Liberal again and again, dodged and Cut & Ran i.e. you call me a Liberal without having a fucking clue as to my position on the issues above. See defintion of whackjob below

One fucking things for sure kido you like to spike the ball and say you won long before the game starts.

Listen up junior I don't run I don't dodge stop spiking the ball and calling yourself the winner. Now let me be very clear I am not a whackjob liberals such as you and jokey are.

LOL - Dude, it's like playing chess with a 4 year old. I almost feel guilt here - you're SO easy! And so funny :lol:

You are full of shit. Proof? You call me a Liberal but dodge or Cut & Run like the little b1tch you are, when it comes to backing up your bullsh1t. That's the problem with being a little b1tch. People call you on your bs and you're a deer in the headlights, not knowing what to say :eek:
So why am I a Liberal? What are the views I have that make me a Liberal?

(LOL - it is now time for the weak little b1tch to try to dodge out of his bs claims with excuses again :lol:)
Yes I call it as I see you're either a liberal or statist.

And again wasn't it a good thing your mother was pro life?
Liberals are so fucking transparent

One fucking things for sure kido you like to spike the ball and say you won long before the game starts.

Listen up junior I don't run I don't dodge stop spiking the ball and calling yourself the winner. Now let me be very clear I am not a whackjob liberals such as you and jokey are.

LOL - Dude, it's like playing chess with a 4 year old. I almost feel guilt here - you're SO easy! And so funny :lol:

You are full of shit. Proof? You call me a Liberal but dodge or Cut & Run like the little b1tch you are, when it comes to backing up your bullsh1t. That's the problem with being a little b1tch. People call you on your bs and you're a deer in the headlights, not knowing what to say :eek:
So why am I a Liberal? What are the views I have that make me a Liberal?

(LOL - it is now time for the weak little b1tch to try to dodge out of his bs claims with excuses again :lol:)

Dude, it's like playing chess with a 4 year old. I almost feel guilt here - you're SO easy! And so funny

Spiking the football and declaring a victory when the game hasn't even started is kind of childish if you ask me. What are you going to do next take your ball and go home if you don't get your way?

You are full of shit. Proof? You call me a Liberal but dodge or Cut & Run like the little b1tch you are, when it comes to backing up your bullsh1t. That's the problem with being a little b1tch.
Whats with this cut and run shit? I have not left this thread, I'm still here? Do you have a point to your little rant?

As for you being a liberal you attack this thread like a well trained talking point liberal.

Now what exactly was your point?

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