Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

If you support obama you are the one that hates America. You arew the one filled with hatred for America, but you must project your hate onto someone else. I ain't buying you shit.

You've really descended into the abyss haven't you?

Take care of New Zeland and I will take care of America.

I have no doubt you're very informed as to why Rush is Right. And I don't doubt that you have done all the research necessary to prove that all the thoughts fed to you by FOX etc... are absolutely correct.
So why don't you pick a dozen political issues and tell me my position on each one of them.
You can't. I can. It's that simple. You are informed exactly the way those who tell you what to think, want you to be informed.

I work I don't listen to limbaugh. You see that actualy gives your liberal views away. You think people don't workl and they can sit around listening to limbaugh.

Again I think for myself, I don't need fat man to tell me what to say or think.

You can't. I can. It's that simple

You do not know me. I think you project to much hidding that insecurity.

So why don't you pick a dozen political issues and tell me my position on each one of them.

I don't know you but from your defending of obama I would say your a die hard liberal. I really don't care where you stand maybe if your middle of the road the obama bus will run your ass over.
Bush never used the military without congressional approval…

Neither has Obama*, and after all these posts you’ve still provided no evidence to the contrary.

Bush never gave a excutive order just because his aganda did not pass in congress.

And if he had he’d not be subject to impeachment.

Take care of New Zeland and I will take care of America.

I’d rather he’d ‘take care’ of America than you.


*for the record, in my opinion Obama’s action in Libya is un-Constitutional – in my opinion. That means I have the evidence to come to that conclusion but the evidence is lacking in that I can’t prove it in court. Indeed, I can’t even get it into court because per Dellums v Bush the courts refuse to hear a case concerning a conflict between the Legislative and Executive.

That’s what our little friend the OP fails to understand: you can’t impeach a president for something the courts haven’t determined to be a crime.

And that’s why, among other reasons, there are no – and will never be – impeachment proceedings.

Maybe you should know more about your case work.
Denied Dellums' request for an injunction against presidential military action by ruling that the dispute over massive U.S. troop build-up in the Persian Gulf region was not ready for judicial attention

Dellums v. Bush: Great American Court Cases
One more time Bush Sr. went to congress before invading Iraq and got it.
littledebfascist and auto continue to show they have nothing to offer, typical of far right reactionaries pretending to be conservatives. They, along with Yidnar, Frank, Lars, and the rest of the usual suspects are good only for grins and chuckles. :lol:
littledebfascist and auto continue to show they have nothing to offer, typical of far right reactionaries pretending to be conservatives. They, along with Yidnar, Frank, Lars, and the rest of the usual suspects are good only for grins and chuckles. :lol:


Weve seen the pinnacles of your intellect. Making the low spots absolutely frightening.

Stalin would be very proud of you.
Auto, that is so pathetically weak, only good for grins and chuckles. Come back when you have something worthwhile.
Auto, that is so pathetically weak, only good for grins and chuckles. Come back when you have something worthwhile.

You havent posted up all day. Look dont be embarrassed. if you need help, your a leftie its obvious to everyone else.
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

The sad thing is that impeachment was talked about among the American citizens concerning our last three presidents. What's even sadder than that is that it doesn't ever get done, though its the will of the people.
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

The sad thing is that impeachment was talked about among the American citizens concerning our last three presidents. What's even sadder than that is that it doesn't ever get done, though its the will of the people.
Clinton was impeached, he wasn't removed from office though.
Bush should have been impeached; he wasn't.

Obama won't be impeached.

littledebfascist impeaches himself every time he posts.
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

Cannot impeach the President just because he is black and you are a racist.:cuckoo::eusa_hand::confused:
Don't you know if they could they would have long ago.:cuckoo:
I work I don't listen to limbaugh. You see that actualy gives your liberal views away. You think people don't workl and they can sit around listening to limbaugh.

Again I think for myself, I don't need fat man to tell me what to say or think.

You do not know me. I think you project to much hidding that insecurity.

I don't know you but from your defending of obama I would say your a die hard liberal. I really don't care where you stand maybe if your middle of the road the obama bus will run your ass over.

As far as your thoughts being fed to you by RW Pundits - I own you, or rather they do.

Here are your opinions as they have been fed to you:

* You are pro-gun, anti gun laws of just about any kind.
* You think Obama and the Dems are the primary (and almost exclusive) cause of our current debt crisis.
* You favor the Ryan Plan.
* You are for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way.
* You are pro-life.
* You feel we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.
* You are anti-union.
* You feel that Iraq was justified but that Libya is illegal.
* You think ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.
* You think more power should be given to the states.
* You think easing taxes and regulations would help create more jobs.
* The odds are 3:1 in favor that you would be against gay marriage and possibly even gays serving openly in the military.
* Shall I continue?

Seriously, I watch FOX news. It's not like I don't already know all your opinions. LOL! Dude, you're a whackjob! You're not quite a HatGuy but you're definitely a whackjob - as per the definitions on another post, anyway.

Show me where I "defended Obama"! LOL!!! Go ahead, show me. Oops.... Like I said, as per the definition on another post: whackjob.
As far as your thoughts being fed to you by RW Pundits - I own you, or rather they do.

Here are your opinions as they have been fed to you:

* You are pro-gun, anti gun laws of just about any kind.
* You think Obama and the Dems are the primary (and almost exclusive) cause of our current debt crisis.
* You favor the Ryan Plan.
* You are for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way.
* You are pro-life.
* You feel we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.
* You are anti-union.
* You feel that Iraq was justified but that Libya is illegal.
* You think ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.
* You think more power should be given to the states.
* You think easing taxes and regulations would help create more jobs.
* The odds are 3:1 in favor that you would be against gay marriage and possibly even gays serving openly in the military.
* Shall I continue?

Seriously, I watch FOX news. It's not like I don't already know all your opinions. LOL! Dude, you're a whackjob! You're not quite a HatGuy but you're definitely a whackjob - as per the definitions on another post, anyway.

Show me where I "defended Obama"! LOL!!! Go ahead, show me. Oops.... Like I said, as per the definition on another post: whackjob.

As far as your thoughts being fed to you by RW Pundits - I own you, or rather they do.

I told you I WORK I do not get the chance to listen to rush limbaugh glen beck

Here are your opinions as they have been fed to you:
You do not know me you're speaking of your opinion on those issues.

You are pro-gun, anti gun laws of just about any kind.
Very pro gun and everybody whould own one and open carry. Cops are not legally bound to protect anyone

You think Obama and the Dems are the primary (and almost exclusive) cause of our current debt crisis.
Freddy mac and fannie mae enough said.

You favor the Ryan Plan.

No I don't I don’t even favor Boehner plan. Since the cut's will not take affect immediately the will start after the next election and no congress is bound by the previous congress when it comes to spending

You are for Cut Cap & Trade and against raising taxes on anyone in any way.

I'm against raising taxes because you don't raise taxes when you have a failed economy
And when congress stop spend my money like it's theirs no new taxes.

You are pro-life.
I've always been pro life long before talk radio became a name brand. From the days of my youth and I'm 49

You feel we have too much government and that many parts of it are downright unconstitutional.

I don't depend on the government I am self sufficient and self-reliant I'm a prepper TGhe government is way to big and should kill most of it's departments

You are anti-union

I've worked with union members and have lost jobs because of a mandate union clause, so hell yes I am very anti union. they are full of lazy people

You feel that Iraq was justified but that Libya is illegal.

Most even most democrats said Iraq was justified. Shall I name names of those democrats who were for going to Iraq?

You think ObamaCare is awful and UnConstitutional.

The government works for us not the other way around It can not mandate that ANYONE BUY A PRODUCT IF THEY DON'T WANT NOR NEED IT. Would you object if the government made a law that stated everyone over the age of 18 must own a gun and have to buy a certain type at a certain store and maintain at least 5000 rounds for that gun and also have mandated firearm training at the governments set price.

You think more power should be given to the states.

Correct me if I'm wrong didn't the staes create the fedral government? The states government had a check on the federal government until the 17th amendment.

You think easing taxes and regulations would help create more jobs.

It has worked in the past But it works better when more conservative government is in control. Oh and Bush wasn't a conservative.

The odds are 3:1 in favor that you would be against gay marriage and possibly even gays serving openly in the military.

I really don't care what faggots do as long as it doesn't effect me

Your openning post is where you were defending ob ama
Come on people why is congress sitting on their ass and dong nothing? obama tried to get cap and trade passed in 2009 that was a fail, so he get's his EPA thugs to create rules that will work as good as passing cap and trade.

Next he by-passes congress and uses the military in Libya with out congressional approval.

Next last year the dream act was not passed by congress but obama issues a presidential order by-passes congress again and passes the dream act.

Why is he being allowed to misuse the "presidential order"
Isn't this how dictators begin?

Cannot impeach the President just because he is black and you are a racist.:cuckoo::eusa_hand::confused:
Don't you know if they could they would have long ago.:cuckoo:

What exactly does a half black obama have to do with anything? I have black relatives who don't like him.

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