Why Isn't The GOP Reaching Out To The Black & Minority Community?

And if I'm wrong on that, please list what they are doing to reach out to them...to us.

Why are they waging a war to disenfranchise us and stop us from voting?

Is that going to help them get more votes?

USMB RWers, Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives...this means you.

I'd really like to know.

Tea-Party folk and self-proclaimed Independents please feel free to chip in as well.

I think your premise is flawed, at least I hope so. :)

Platforms should be rooted in Values and Principles, not Free Stuff, not Bribes. I advocate 1 Legal Vote per 1 Legal Voter, no more, no less. Corrupting that process serves what end? It really is that plain to me. Anyone that has issues obtaining Valid Legal ID, should get special help in obtaining it. Short of that, there is no excuse for not possessing Legal ID. To me it is a Non Issue. Further, those who facilitate in and participate in, Voter Fraud, should face Federal Conviction. ! Person, 1 Voice, 1 Vote.
M o o n spells Moon. It is that plain.
Because when the black community constantly calls you racist and accuses you of hating black people whenever you take any position on any issue other than the liberal one you realize that reaching out to the black community is a waste of your time and resources and they are better spent trying to win over Hispanic voters who are not locked into the Democratic party. A good question for the black community to ponder is why do you continue to follow the Democratic ideology considering it has not done all that well for you? Detroit with 50 years of Democratic leadership and policies being the most glaring example of this.
This coming from a party member that currently LOVES to call our current President the "greatest divider of our time."

You are spewing the most divisive rhetoric.

Nothing you stated gives the impression on solving real or perceived divisions, so that tells me that when and if Republicans get in power again, it's going to be more of the same and worse of the same.

Isn't that the logical conclusion to your rhetoric?

If you're currently going to COMPLAIN about divisiveness, then LEAD in bringing an end to it. Not lead out in continuing and encouraging it.
You just proved my point with that idiot response why would any conservative waste their time trying to reach out to you or anyone with your type of mindset? The truth which you know but will never admit is you and the majority of the black community have no interest in listening to or even considering a conservative viewpoint or idea you simply pretend to so you can put out the false idea the right just needs to try harder. What is really pissing you off though is the right is finally catching on and is quitting playing this game and leaving the black community with the reality they have no party Republicans don't reach out because they know your locked in with the Democratic party the Democratic party knows it does not have to follow through on any promises made to the black community because your not going anywhere else. You have managed to screw yourself with both parties well done.
Why Isn't The GOP Reaching Out To The Black & Minority Community?
That's simple, they don't want to offend their base. The base Republican can only tolerate a token number of minorities, just enough to point to and claim they are not racist. Any more than that and they would leave the GOP and form a third party, The RepubliKlan Party.
Instead of EXPECTING some politician to do something for you why don't you get off your lazy ass and DO IT YOURSELF.
Gee, it couldn't be stereotyping like that that keeps blacks away from the GOP!!!

How is responding TO the tc stereotyping others? He is responsible for this stupid thread not the black community.

Individual responsibility, get it?

Of course not, stupid me
So 50% of all murders
twice as many whites killed then the other way around
10 times per capita more likely to kill a white
Stupid socialist policies

All this doesn't fucking matter too you....Whites sure don't want to live around it and won't until some of these things charge.

This is just a fact.
Why Isn't The GOP Reaching Out To The Black & Minority Community?
That's simple, they don't want to offend their base. The base Republican can only tolerate a token number of minorities, just enough to point to and claim they are not racist. Any more than that and they would leave the GOP and form a third party, The RepubliKlan Party.

Maybe we don't want to live around failure? I have nothing but respect for the Asian and successful of each of these groups....
And if I'm wrong on that, please list what they are doing to reach out to them...to us.

Why are they waging a war to disenfranchise us and stop us from voting?

Is that going to help them get more votes?

USMB RWers, Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives...this means you.

I'd really like to know.

Tea-Party folk and self-proclaimed Independents please feel free to chip in as well.

Why do 70% of Black men who father children choose to abandon their responsibilities? How did we get into a situation in the 21st century where Black people still consider themselves to be oppressed and still depend on LBJ's "great society" for salvation? How do poverty pimp democrats get away with the insulting racist implication that Black people are incapable of obtaining a photo I.D.? Blame the GOP? Only a fool would play the victim in the greatest Country in the world where the poorest immigrants prosper through hard work and independent thinking.
And if I'm wrong on that, please list what they are doing to reach out to them...to us.

Why are they waging a war to disenfranchise us and stop us from voting?

Is that going to help them get more votes?

USMB RWers, Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives...this means you.

I'd really like to know.

Tea-Party folk and self-proclaimed Independents please feel free to chip in as well.

A better question might be, why does the DNC only reach out to certain special interest groups rather than America in general?

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