Why Isn't The GOP Reaching Out To The Black & Minority Community?

This might be a good reason why the GOP does not target blacks for votes.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyvqhdllXgU]Harlem voters - YouTube[/ame]
And if I'm wrong on that, please list what they are doing to reach out to them...to us.

Why are they waging a war to disenfranchise us and stop us from voting?

Is that going to help them get more votes?

USMB RWers, Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives...this means you.

I'd really like to know.

Tea-Party folk and self-proclaimed Independents please feel free to chip in as well.

Why do 70% of Black men who father children choose to abandon their responsibilities? How did we get into a situation in the 21st century where Black people still consider themselves to be oppressed and still depend on LBJ's "great society" for salvation? How do poverty pimp democrats get away with the insulting racist implication that Black people are incapable of obtaining a photo I.D.? Blame the GOP? Only a fool would play the victim in the greatest Country in the world where the poorest immigrants prosper through hard work and independent thinking.

The victim thing goes both ways. The poor banks that got bailed out by the GOP.
So 50% of all murders...
This is just a fact.
Of course, YOUR "facts" are never facts.

Of the 14,548 murders committed in 2011, 5,486 were committed by blacks according to the FBI homicide database Table 3. Hardly 50% except to a racist.
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No one needs to reach out to anyone. You whitey hatin' Leftytoon trolls need to quit your whining.
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Our 'Conservatives' seem to believe they are still in the 1920's. And that the white male bigot is still the majority. They are simply unable to accept this is the 21st Century, and that a black man won the majority of the vote twice in a row. They cannot realize that what he offered the voters was more acceptable to them than what McCain or Romney offered.

So, they think the solution is to disenfranchise the American Voter that they disaprove of. However, too many people remember how that was done prior to the Civil Rights Laws. So, again, they are losing voters, and will lose even more until they become, once again, the Republican Party of Eisenhower and Tom McCall. Or they will go the way of the Whigs.

Good points. The Republican Party (collectively) appears to be oblivious to the fact that their losses in the last two elections was not because of lack of black votes, but also the female vote, the Hispanic vote, and the Asian vote, we're all votes that they did not capture the majority of.
Good points. The Republican Party (collectively) appears to be oblivious to the fact that their losses in the last two elections was not because of lack of black votes, but also the female vote, the Hispanic vote, and the Asian vote, we're all votes that they did not capture the majority of.
All these groups had nothing to with the rise of America, but they will everything to do with Americas fall.
Good points. The Republican Party (collectively) appears to be oblivious to the fact that their losses in the last two elections was not because of lack of black votes, but also the female vote, the Hispanic vote, and the Asian vote, we're all votes that they did not capture the majority of.

All these groups had nothing to with the rise of America, but they will everything to do with Americas fall.

Every one of those so called "groups" are currently here in America and have the right to vote.

if you cannot accept that, maybe you should leave.
Good points. The Republican Party (collectively) appears to be oblivious to the fact that their losses in the last two elections was not because of lack of black votes, but also the female vote, the Hispanic vote, and the Asian vote, we're all votes that they did not capture the majority of.

All these groups had nothing to with the rise of America, but they will everything to do with Americas fall.

Every one of those so called "groups" are currently here in America and have the right to vote.

if you cannot accept that, maybe you should leave.
Vote as many times as you want, I don't care. Point is the more blacks and Hispanics America has, the more America will fall into a third world status.
All these groups had nothing to with the rise of America, but they will everything to do with Americas fall.

Every one of those so called "groups" are currently here in America and have the right to vote.

if you cannot accept that, maybe you should leave

Vote as many times as you want, I don't care. Point is the more blacks and Hispanics America has, the more America will fall into a third world status.

Lol! You might want to educate yourself(if you can) on the term "third world status". There are different types of third world countries.
Our 'Conservatives' seem to believe they are still in the 1920's. And that the white male bigot is still the majority. They are simply unable to accept this is the 21st Century, and that a black man won the majority of the vote twice in a row. They cannot realize that what he offered the voters was more acceptable to them than what McCain or Romney offered.

So, they think the solution is to disenfranchise the American Voter that they disaprove of. However, too many people remember how that was done prior to the Civil Rights Laws. So, again, they are losing voters, and will lose even more until they become, once again, the Republican Party of Eisenhower and Tom McCall. Or they will go the way of the Whigs.

Democrats care so much for blacks they want to keep them down by keeping them on the welfare plan. democrats use race like a woman uses tampons when it a very bad time of the month.
What is the unemployment numbers for blacks?
Why hasn't things changed for the blacks in the last 30 years?
There are so many government programs catering to blacks things should be brighter for them.
The GOP has nothing to offer anyone except fat, old, rich, racist, narcissistic, white dudes.
The GOP has nothing to offer anyone except fat, old, rich, racist, narcissistic, white dudes.

Where is the change in the black community? Why are they living like they were back in the 80's

Because they live under democratic policies. Most blacks live within the inner-city where democrats give them free shit not to advance...

How sad....The rats are the ones holding them down....
Where is the change in the black community? Why are they living like they were back in the 80's

Where's the change in you?

I'm not the one in need of change, obama wasn't talking to me about change. I worked hard to get where I am, I earned everything I have.
Again why is the black community still living like they were in the 80's?

Why don't you address the problem and not try to deflect by insinuating something else?
The GOP has nothing to offer anyone except fat, old, rich, racist, narcissistic, white dudes.

Where is the change in the black community? Why are they living like they were back in the 80's

Because they live under democratic policies. Most blacks live within the inner-city where democrats give them free shit not to advance...

How sad....The rats are the ones holding them down....

True free isn't always the best thing.
I'm not the one in need of change, obama wasn't talking to me about change. I worked hard to get where I am, I earned everything I have.
Again why is the black community still living like they were in the 80's?

Why don't you address the problem and not try to deflect by insinuating something else?
I am addressing the problem!

White folk who don't think they are the problem.

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