Why Isn't The GOP Reaching Out To The Black & Minority Community?

No one is stopping blacks from voting.
So let's get this lie out of the way before we continue.

The GOP is trying their damn hardest.

Requiring picture IDs.

reducing early voting.

reducing voting hours.

reducing absentee ballots.

No one is stopping anyone from voting.....

It really is a simple as that...

It hasn't stopped them from trying.

Even Republican Former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman said this:

"I don't know what went on in Florida, but I do have to say that in this day and age, it's inexcusable that in this country, we have anything like this going on." she said. "I've led delegations around the world to watch voting and this is the kind of thing you expect in a third-world country, not in the United States of America."

Some Florida voters have reported waiting as long as nine hours to vote, and one did not get to vote until 1 a.m. Sunday, six hours after the polls closed. A polling location in Miami-Dade County opened Sunday to allow voters to cast in-person absentee ballots, but shut its doors because of overcrowding, and because Miami Mayor Carols Gimenez (R) had not OK'd the move. It later reopened.

Christine Todd Whitman: Florida Voting Fiasco 'Inexcusable,' Similar To 'Third-World Country'

This is not "oh, let's make it fair with ID". Fuck the ID. Those 9 hour lines had NOTHING to do with ID.

This was clearly a Republican plot to undermine American democracy. And they haven't stopped. That is one shitstain of a party.
No one is stopping blacks from voting.
So let's get this lie out of the way before we continue.

The GOP is trying their damn hardest.

Requiring picture IDs.

reducing early voting.

reducing voting hours.

reducing absentee ballots.

oh dear, they are making rules for voting....how dare they:eusa_boohoo:
you can't live by them, too bad how sad
The GOP has nothing to offer anyone except fat, old, rich, racist, narcissistic, white dudes.

Where is the change in the black community? Why are they living like they were back in the 80's

Because they live under democratic policies. Most blacks live within the inner-city where democrats give them free shit not to advance...

How sad....The rats are the ones holding them down....

What is this "free s***" that you and some others here are always talking about?
I would like to see more republicans reaching out to the black community. Most republicans don't reach out because over 90 % of the black community votes democrat. It would be a bit like democrats showing up at a Tea Party rally. They see it as a waste of time.
It would be great to see republicans talk to the black community about school choice (which most black parents are for). Many blacks believe that hispanics are taking their jobs so a republican advocating tighter border security would probably be politically advantageous in the black community.
If republicans would focus on God (many in the black community have close ties to their churches), individual liberty and how to stop liberal conclaves like Chicago and detroit from spreading AND reiterating the importance of school choice, I believe this would at least be a step in the right direction.
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The GOP is trying their damn hardest.

Requiring picture IDs.

reducing early voting.

reducing voting hours.

reducing absentee ballots.

No one is stopping anyone from voting.....

It really is a simple as that...

It hasn't stopped them from trying.

Even Republican Former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman said this:

"I don't know what went on in Florida, but I do have to say that in this day and age, it's inexcusable that in this country, we have anything like this going on." she said. "I've led delegations around the world to watch voting and this is the kind of thing you expect in a third-world country, not in the United States of America."

Some Florida voters have reported waiting as long as nine hours to vote, and one did not get to vote until 1 a.m. Sunday, six hours after the polls closed. A polling location in Miami-Dade County opened Sunday to allow voters to cast in-person absentee ballots, but shut its doors because of overcrowding, and because Miami Mayor Carols Gimenez (R) had not OK'd the move. It later reopened.

Christine Todd Whitman: Florida Voting Fiasco 'Inexcusable,' Similar To 'Third-World Country'

This is not "oh, let's make it fair with ID". Fuck the ID. Those 9 hour lines had NOTHING to do with ID.

This was clearly a Republican plot to undermine American democracy. And they haven't stopped. That is one shitstain of a party.

Republicans aren’t so stupid as to contrive an actual ‘conspiracy’ to keep certain voters from voting.

But thy can achieve similar results by dragging their feet with regard to enforcing voting regulations, by lacking a sense of urgency with regard to addressing barriers to voting, and by not accommodating the needs of voters by implementing extended voting hours and days.
No one is stopping anyone from voting.....

It really is a simple as that...

It hasn't stopped them from trying.

Even Republican Former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman said this:

"I don't know what went on in Florida, but I do have to say that in this day and age, it's inexcusable that in this country, we have anything like this going on." she said. "I've led delegations around the world to watch voting and this is the kind of thing you expect in a third-world country, not in the United States of America."

Some Florida voters have reported waiting as long as nine hours to vote, and one did not get to vote until 1 a.m. Sunday, six hours after the polls closed. A polling location in Miami-Dade County opened Sunday to allow voters to cast in-person absentee ballots, but shut its doors because of overcrowding, and because Miami Mayor Carols Gimenez (R) had not OK'd the move. It later reopened.

Christine Todd Whitman: Florida Voting Fiasco 'Inexcusable,' Similar To 'Third-World Country'

This is not "oh, let's make it fair with ID". Fuck the ID. Those 9 hour lines had NOTHING to do with ID.

This was clearly a Republican plot to undermine American democracy. And they haven't stopped. That is one shitstain of a party.

Republicans aren’t so stupid as to contrive an actual ‘conspiracy’ to keep certain voters from voting.

But thy can achieve similar results by dragging their feet with regard to enforcing voting regulations, by lacking a sense of urgency with regard to addressing barriers to voting, and by not accommodating the needs of voters by implementing extended voting hours and days.

there should be a uniform rules for voting, if people don't find it important enough to find a way to vote, like they do when they know the liquor stores is getting ready to close, then THAT is on them...it's their right TO VOTE OR NOT...it's not our problem to go hold them by the hand so they can..this has gotten so pathetic
The GOP is between a rock and a hard place

While they are not necessarily a racist party, they are the party of racists. They cringe at what some members say and the rantings of rightwing media but they are afraid to disavow them

They have essentially written off the minority vote and as Mitt said.......they aren't going to vote for us anyway. So they continue to craft legislation that is red meat to their radical fringe as the minority vote makes them an irrelevant party
The GOP is between a rock and a hard place

While they are not necessarily a racist party, they are the party of racists. They cringe at what some members say and the rantings of rightwing media but they are afraid to disavow them

They have essentially written off the minority vote and as Mitt said.......they aren't going to vote for us anyway. So they continue to craft legislation that is red meat to their radical fringe as the minority vote makes them an irrelevant party

the only radical is your stupid garbage you spew...the states HAVE a RIGHT to craft what they want for voting...you radicals don't get to make it for them

that is so frikken dumb, red meat to their radical fringe...
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The GOP is between a rock and a hard place

While they are not necessarily a racist party, they are the party of racists. They cringe at what some members say and the rantings of rightwing media but they are afraid to disavow them

They have essentially written off the minority vote and as Mitt said.......they aren't going to vote for us anyway. So they continue to craft legislation that is red meat to their radical fringe as the minority vote makes them an irrelevant party

the only radical is your stupid garbage you spew...the states HAVE a RIGHT to craft what they want for voting...you radicals don't get to make it for them

that is so frikken dumb, red meat to their radical fringe...

Off your meds this morning Steff?

What died what I posted have to do with states rights? Republicans are even more fucked up at the state level
The GOP is between a rock and a hard place

While they are not necessarily a racist party, they are the party of racists. They cringe at what some members say and the rantings of rightwing media but they are afraid to disavow them

They have essentially written off the minority vote and as Mitt said.......they aren't going to vote for us anyway. So they continue to craft legislation that is red meat to their radical fringe as the minority vote makes them an irrelevant party

the only radical is your stupid garbage you spew...the states HAVE a RIGHT to craft what they want for voting...you radicals don't get to make it for them

that is so frikken dumb, red meat to their radical fringe...

Off your meds this morning Steff?

What died what I posted have to do with states rights? Republicans are even more fucked up at the state level

really, show me a city or state run by Republican that looks like, DETROIT? or the fine job they did with hurricane like KATRINA.... right there (Detroit, Louisiana) Blacks should be running from the Democrat party as fast as they can...will the wakeup, up to them
but all you on the left can whine over is rules for voting and make seem blacks are too simple minded to follow rules made to vote..
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The lower down the food chain you go with Republican politicians the creepier they get. As bad as Republican congressmen seem those at the local level are batshit crazy

Sherriff Joe anyone?
The lower down the food chain you go with Republican politicians the creepier they get. As bad as Republican congressmen seem those at the local level are batshit crazy

Sherriff Joe anyone?

listening to you spew can drive people bat shit stupid

that's why they should just

The main reason Republicans are not reaching out to the black community?

They don't want them
The lower down the food chain you go with Republican politicians the creepier they get. As bad as Republican congressmen seem those at the local level are batshit crazy

Sherriff Joe anyone?

Is that why he keeps being overwhelmingly reelected?

How does it feel to be the minority, dumbass?

Here's your DEMOCRAT food chain... such a FINE, UPSTANDING public servant... pfft... :lol:

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90% of blacks live under democrat mayors...They're the ones that don't give a damn.
The lower down the food chain you go with Republican politicians the creepier they get. As bad as Republican congressmen seem those at the local level are batshit crazy

Sherriff Joe anyone?

Mayor Ray Nagin anyone? I can play this game all day long.
The main reason Republicans are not reaching out to the black community?

They don't want them

Republicans don't want them because blacks don't vote for them. Unfortunately, democrats take the black community for granted so this is why putting all your eggs in one basket is usually a mistake. Even though more hispanics vote democrat, there is still a large enough minority of hispanics that vote republican to make both parties try to reach out to the hispanic community. This is why our southern border is still more porous than it has to be. This is why neither party wants to prosecute businesses that hire illegals. This should be a lesson to every community who wants to be helped. If you want politicians to fight for your causes, then you pit republican and democratic politicians against each other in an attempt to get your vote. Otherwise, the hispanic community will be forced to live in substandard crime ridden neighborhoods surrounded by inferior schools as job employment opportunities dry up as the democratic party pretends that it's the other parties fault.

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