Why Isn't The GOP Reaching Out To The Black & Minority Community?


The GOP can never turn this around unless and until they go on the offensive and stop being worried about being called racists.

Yes, on one hand they should reach out and try to get a clear message out to as many minorities as they possibly can. But the message should be the exact opposite of the Dems' message. Something like:
  1. The Democrats want you to stay isolated from the rest of the American populace to keep you angry. We want you with everyone else, and thriving. When you thrive, everyone thrives.
  2. Lowering expectations to avoid hurting your feelings hurts you, it doesn't help you. We know you don't need expectations to be lowered.
  3. We know you're as capable of success and happiness as anyone else, and that you deserve better than what you've gotten from those who want to keep you set apart.
  4. We want everyone to be treated as Americans, and not little tribes kept separated by something as trivial as the color of their skin.
What the hell does the GOP have to lose at this point? Votes? The party has been afraid to speak up and now they're pretty much in the shitter with minorities. Challenge minorities, especially blacks, shock them, they can take it. Expose the damage that has been done directly to them by identity politics and political correctness. No one has been hurt more than blacks by this. Deliver a clear and consistent message.

Don't see it happening any time soon, of course.

You are not that bright if you believe that demonizing "the other side" should be part of the message of reaching out the black and minority communities.

It adds nothing to the conversation. It just doesn't help.

WHY NOT? That is ALL Obama does in his hateful speeches he flies around the country to give EVERY WEEK
and you must be a joker or something, what do you lefties accuse Republicans of having
a war women
a war on black people
a war on brown people
a war on homosexuals
a war on bums sucking off taxpayers
A WAR ON everything and EVERYONE who isn't from the saintly party, Democrats.

so you all shouldn't be talking and accusing others of, DEMONIZING...
you Democrats wrote the book on that

Whether or not Republicans are having a war on those groups, their problem is that large percentages of those groups refuse to vote Republican

A logical reaction would be to find out why they won't vote republican and alter your approach to those groups

Instead, Republicans go on the attack. Those who won't vote for us are lazy, looking for hand outs, stupid, corrupt.....endless blame the victim

Not a wise way to win their hearts and minds
You are not that bright if you believe that demonizing "the other side" should be part of the message of reaching out the black and minority communities.

It adds nothing to the conversation. It just doesn't help.

WHY NOT? That is ALL Obama does in his hateful speeches he flies around the country to give EVERY WEEK
and you must be a joker or something, what do you lefties accuse Republicans of having
a war women
a war on black people
a war on brown people
a war on homosexuals
a war on bums sucking off taxpayers
A WAR ON everything and EVERYONE who isn't from the saintly party, Democrats.

so you all shouldn't be talking and accusing others of, DEMONIZING...
you Democrats wrote the book on that

Whether or not Republicans are having a war on those groups, their problem is that large percentages of those groups refuse to vote Republican

A logical reaction would be to find out why they won't vote republican and alter your approach to those groups

Instead, Republicans go on the attack. Those who won't vote for us are lazy, looking for hand outs, stupid, corrupt.....endless blame the victim

Not a wise way to win their hearts and minds

that is a LIE...No Republican in office is ATTACKING these people....and this is what the Republicans are up against...The dishonest LIARS from the Democrat party
And if I'm wrong on that, please list what they are doing to reach out to them...to us.

Why are they waging a war to disenfranchise us and stop us from voting?

Is that going to help them get more votes?

USMB RWers, Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives...this means you.

I'd really like to know.

Tea-Party folk and self-proclaimed Independents please feel free to chip in as well.

Why do 70% of Black men who father children choose to abandon their responsibilities? How did we get into a situation in the 21st century where Black people still consider themselves to be oppressed and still depend on LBJ's "great society" for salvation? How do poverty pimp democrats get away with the insulting racist implication that Black people are incapable of obtaining a photo I.D.? Blame the GOP? Only a fool would play the victim in the greatest Country in the world where the poorest immigrants prosper through hard work and independent thinking.

Many Black men who grow up in poverty think that they will either be dead or in prison before they are out of their 20s. They do not think of the future.
WHY NOT? That is ALL Obama does in his hateful speeches he flies around the country to give EVERY WEEK
and you must be a joker or something, what do you lefties accuse Republicans of having
a war women
a war on black people
a war on brown people
a war on homosexuals
a war on bums sucking off taxpayers
A WAR ON everything and EVERYONE who isn't from the saintly party, Democrats.

so you all shouldn't be talking and accusing others of, DEMONIZING...
you Democrats wrote the book on that

Whether or not Republicans are having a war on those groups, their problem is that large percentages of those groups refuse to vote Republican

A logical reaction would be to find out why they won't vote republican and alter your approach to those groups

Instead, Republicans go on the attack. Those who won't vote for us are lazy, looking for hand outs, stupid, corrupt.....endless blame the victim

Not a wise way to win their hearts and minds

that is a LIE...No Republican in office is ATTACKING these people....and this is what the Republicans are up against...The dishonest LIARS from the Democrat party

All Democrats do is record and replay what the Republicans are saying
Can't lose
Whether or not Republicans are having a war on those groups, their problem is that large percentages of those groups refuse to vote Republican

A logical reaction would be to find out why they won't vote republican and alter your approach to those groups

Instead, Republicans go on the attack. Those who won't vote for us are lazy, looking for hand outs, stupid, corrupt.....endless blame the victim

Not a wise way to win their hearts and minds

that is a LIE...No Republican in office is ATTACKING these people....and this is what the Republicans are up against...The dishonest LIARS from the Democrat party

All Democrats do is record and replay what the Republicans are saying
Can't lose

keep on lying it's what Democrats do best...the wouldn't win if they had to sell their Socialist VISIONS outright
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Republicans keep shrugging off their poor support among minorities with child-like taunts of.....They only want free stuff or they should get a job

Of course Republicans aim their taunts at blacks and hispanics but the Republican message also fails among the asian and Indian populations. Thes are highly educated groups with strong family and work ethics. Groups you would think naturally would support a conservative agenda

Yet they resoundingly vote Democrat

What is wrong with your message Republicans?
Republicans keep shrugging off their poor support among minorities with child-like taunts of.....They only want free stuff or they should get a job

Of course Republicans aim their taunts at blacks and hispanics but the Republican message also fails among the asian and Indian populations. Thes are highly educated groups with strong family and work ethics. Groups you would think naturally would support a conservative agenda

Yet they resoundingly vote Democrat

What is wrong with your message Republicans?

you see, paint ALL REPUBLICAN with your broad brush and then lie to the people with it..

again, Democrats wrote the book on dirty politics and probably wouldn't win if they didn't use that...
It's a disgusting tactic but it seems most in the Democrat base don't mind it being used...Instead they pass it on for the masters in the Democrat party
Republicans keep shrugging off their poor support among minorities with child-like taunts of.....They only want free stuff or they should get a job

Of course Republicans aim their taunts at blacks and hispanics but the Republican message also fails among the asian and Indian populations. Thes are highly educated groups with strong family and work ethics. Groups you would think naturally would support a conservative agenda

Yet they resoundingly vote Democrat

What is wrong with your message Republicans?

you see, paint ALL REPUBLICAN with your broad brush and then lie to the people with it..

again, Democrats wrote the book on dirty politics and probably wouldn't win if they didn't use that...
It's a disgusting tactic but it seems most in the Democrat base don't mind it being used...Instead they pass it on for the masters in the Democrat party

The voters are painting Republicans with a broad brush

Republicans don't win the minority vote. That is a fact, Democrats are not making it up

What are Republicans doing about it?
that is a LIE...No Republican in office is ATTACKING these people....and this is what the Republicans are up against...The dishonest LIARS from the Democrat party

All Democrats do is record and replay what the Republicans are saying
Can't lose

keep on lying it's what Democrats do best...the wouldn't win if they had to sell their Socialist VISIONS outright
You'd be surprised by how many people are willing to violate others to their own benefit. Authoritarians run both parties. The Dems fashion themselves as lions but are mostly hyenas. The pubs fashion themselves as eagles but are mostly vultures.
Demographics are starting to work against Republicans

There was a time when catering to the white male vote was a sure way to win elections. Now, the old tried and true is working against them

A bigger problem for Republicans is the electoral college. The imballance of solid blue states is making the Presidency unattainable for Republicans. Add in the rise of hispanic votes and Florida becomes permanantly blue. When that happens, Republicans will never win in our lifetime
What are Republicans doing about it?

Declaring it's because minorities are stupid, lazy and criminal.

And it's not racist to call an entire race stupid, lazy and criminal, you know. Because they say it's not racist. And that settles it. The fact that minorities don't agree that they're stupid, lazy and criminal obviously makes minorities the racist ones.
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the GOP doesn't reach out to minorities because doing so would piss off its racist white ignorant base.

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