Why it such a BFD for Republicans to mask (Idaho Edition)

We are not in the 15th Century. We are in the 21st.

We are most definitely in the 15th Century. Welcome to the Bonfire of the Vanities. Only, this time, Savonarola and his army of boys are The Democrats, BLM, and ANTIFA.

View attachment 470317

He got cooked for his idiocy, I seem to recall.

Explain why you people have to politicize everything? Explain why everything horrible is "he Democrats, BLM, and ANTIFA"? We only have two major political parties, BLM is a social movement to end corruption in law enforcement, and I seriously doubt that "Antifa" involves only a handful of people. Moreover, the republicans appear to have gone completely off the rails. they appear to have gone totally radical right. Junk politics, junk science, junk religion, unqualified candidates, idiotic attention-getting theatrics, inability to communicate what that want to do and why they want to do it, screaming at people. They are a total mess. I remember when they were respectable.
Explain why you people have to politicize everything? ... the republicans appear to have gone completely off the rails. they appear to have gone totally radical right. Junk politics, junk science, junk religion, unqualified candidates, idiotic attention-getting theatrics, inability to communicate what that want to do and why they want to do it, screaming at people.

I believe you left the irony on.
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

What a fag

Why do you primitives insist on politicizing what is basically a public-health problem that requires preventive measures by taken?

Of course the states that are densely populated and have extensive contact with the outside world will have higher infections rates than those sparsely populated states with little contact with people from other states and countries. Just go stand in the arrivals terminal at JFK.

That certainly sounds more dangerous than standing in the middle of a corn field in Iowa. ;)
Not "overwhelming" at all. Only the primitive tribalists deny the role that masks have to play in restricting the spread of this disease, which is a new one to humans and many are busy researching it to better understand how it works.

Once again, for your individual benefit since you seem resolved to remain ignorant.

There is no research to understand how cloth masks, used by the vast majority of citizens. They already know it is impossible for a cloth mask to be effective in halting the spread of a virus, specifically, COVID-19.

What part is not clear to you or will you simply parrot what the far-left tells you to parrot?

Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work

Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19

The top medical experts in the world can’t decide if masks are helpful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 or just make things worse.
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.


CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
OCTOBER 12, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

A study conducted in the United States in July found that when they compared 154 “case-patients,” who tested positive for COVID-19, to a control group of 160 participants from health care facilities who were symptomatic but tested negative, over 70 percent of the case-patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.


Difference between a virus and bacteria


1/25/2021 Masking the Science


In truth, we wish masks worked. If they did, it would be a cheap, and easy way to control the spread of Covid. The idea that they protect not only their wearer, but also those people around them seems noble. We wished masks worked because citizens are spending billions of dollars on them.

We wish masks worked because most Americans wear them now. Telling them it was unnecessary will not make them happy. We wish masks worked because they have become a symbol for virtue and social responsibility. Anyone who doubts their utility is personally attacked; as though they don’t believe the viral pandemic is real, or don’t care about those who die from it.


Post | efmproject


Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing
Whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci says today may be different from what he says tomorrow, but he might come back to what he said yesterday in a day or two if he feels like it.
by Carl Durrek February 1, 2021 in Healthcare

If there’s one thing that’s certain about the coronavirus, it’s that Dr. Anthony Fauci reserves the right to change whatever he’s said in the past to fit whatever narrative he needs to push forward in the present. His reversals have become so common that it’s almost impossible to keep up with his current agenda at any given moment.

Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing


Many Studies Find That Cloth Masks Do Not Stop Viruses Like COVID
By Lisa Mair
NOVEMBER 23, 2020

A thorough marketing campaign for the use of low-quality masks has convinced millions of people that masks will reduce COVID-19 spread, but do they really?

Much Recent Pro-Mask Research Is Deeply Flawed
The only statistically significant data on preventing viral spread is for N95 masks worn indoors when one can’t socially distance, which is not the type of mask required nor typically worn by the general public.


CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don’t Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All – Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks
By Joe Hoft
Published March 7, 2021 at 8:15am

The CDC recommends wearing masks after their study showed that related to COVID, the results of wearing masks were statistically the same as the results when not wearing masks.

CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don't Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All - Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks
Last edited:
Too many drunks and fights for me. Thats not my crowd. I was up in your neck of the woods flyfishing last summer, 8-10 miles on a trailhead in the bitterroot mountains and saw two hikers with masks on. This is the level of stupidity happening today.

Brownie - I completely agree with you for once. Miami is a freaking mess. No way in hell I'd let my daughter go to spring break right now in TX, FL, San Diego or Mexico. She's an adult now and my influence would be limited, but thankfully she knows better.

As for outdoors on a trail, masking is really stupid unless you're with a large crowd that isn't part of your family or inner circle. When I walk on the beach, about one in 100 people are masking and I'm not one of them. They look ridiculous and it's just unnecessary. We have a statewide mask mandate on indoor public spaces, but thankfully Governor Kate knows that outdoors is a different animal.

Did you catch any fish?

Hey, we're in agreement for once!! Yeah, I caught several browns, 10-12 inches, and some rainbows, same size. You been doing any fishing lately?

Yeah, took my yak out on Devil's Lake and tossed a spinner in a few spots when we had a super nice day a couple of weeks ago. Caught a couple of nice fat spring Rainbows - one 16 incher.

Halibut season opens May 1 and that's when the Spring Chinook can be found as well so I'm all over that. Last time out I caught a 55 lb flattie!

I'm envious of your fly fishing. It's something I've always wanted to learn. Love watching those guys - It's a beautiful art form.

Not "overwhelming" at all. Only the primitive tribalists deny the role that masks have to play in restricting the spread of this disease, which is a new one to humans and many are busy researching it to better understand how it works.

Once again, for your individual benefit since you seem resolved to remain ignorant.

Once again, Gateway Pundit and Federalist. Only the BEST sources for you loons. :rolleyes-41:
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Why would you be embarrassed, there are only 9 States with lower covid death rates than Idaho.

Also from your link:

Many lawmakers frequently don't wear masks, including some Democrats.

Why is it you commies never criticize your fellow commies? Hypocrite.


Per capita? BS or link me butthole

New York then New Jersey later led the WORLD in Per Capita deaths for many months. For a while the top three long running Democrat states led the world in Per Capita deaths.

New Jersey
New York

Why do you primitives insist on politicizing what is basically a public-health problem that requires preventive measures by taken?

Of course the states that are densely populated and have extensive contact with the outside world will have higher infections rates than those sparsely populated states with little contact with people from other states and countries. Just go stand in the arrivals terminal at JFK.

Supposedly everyone at the arrivals terminal at JFK has been recently tested, the departure bus terminals at SW border towns would be a much better example, xiden is putting hundreds of covid positive illegals on buses everyday. And he's giving them more than a thousand dollars each to go forth and infect the nation. Evidently the xiden regime doesn't see it as much of a public health problem.

Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Why would you be embarrassed, there are only 9 States with lower covid death rates than Idaho.

Also from your link:

Many lawmakers frequently don't wear masks, including some Democrats.

Why is it you commies never criticize your fellow commies? Hypocrite.


Per capita? BS or link me butthole

New York then New Jersey later led the WORLD in Per Capita deaths for many months. For a while the top three long running Democrat states led the world in Per Capita deaths.

New Jersey
New York

Why do you primitives insist on politicizing what is basically a public-health problem that requires preventive measures by taken?

Of course the states that are densely populated and have extensive contact with the outside world will have higher infections rates than those sparsely populated states with little contact with people from other states and countries. Just go stand in the arrivals terminal at JFK.

Supposedly everyone at the arrivals terminal at JFK has been recently tested, the departure bus terminals at SW border towns would be a much better example, xiden is putting hundreds of covid positive illegals on buses everyday. And he's giving them more than a thousand dollars each to go forth and infect the nation. Evidently the xiden regime doesn't see it as much of a public health problem.


Biden has been a Covid denier for a while now. In the meantime, nearly 200,000 Americans have died from Covid under his watch while he plays Mario Kart and sleeps.

Biden has NO PLAN for dealing with Covid. He's a super-spreader.
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Why would you be embarrassed, there are only 9 States with lower covid death rates than Idaho.

Also from your link:

Many lawmakers frequently don't wear masks, including some Democrats.

Why is it you commies never criticize your fellow commies? Hypocrite.


Per capita? BS or link me butthole

New York then New Jersey later led the WORLD in Per Capita deaths for many months. For a while the top three long running Democrat states led the world in Per Capita deaths.

New Jersey
New York

Why do you primitives insist on politicizing what is basically a public-health problem that requires preventive measures by taken?

Of course the states that are densely populated and have extensive contact with the outside world will have higher infections rates than those sparsely populated states with little contact with people from other states and countries. Just go stand in the arrivals terminal at JFK.

Supposedly everyone at the arrivals terminal at JFK has been recently tested, the departure bus terminals at SW border towns would be a much better example, xiden is putting hundreds of covid positive illegals on buses everyday. And he's giving them more than a thousand dollars each to go forth and infect the nation. Evidently the xiden regime doesn't see it as much of a public health problem.


Link on the thousand dollar plus payments please :link:
I will never understand today's republicans. They want more disease. They want more orphaned babies. They want more abortions. They want more violence. Issue after issue, they want to make every problem worse rather than embracing solutions and they want to hold the rest of us back from solving problems. Republicans are into some sort of primitive tribal culture that they want to force the rest of us into. They want to spread disease in Idaho. I guess sickness and death are desirable there.

You should have made it a lot easier and posted 'I don't understand common sense.'.

When did the current crop of republicans ever embrace common sense? When you are faced with a problem, you come up with a solution. republicans haven't figured this out yet. You folks probably haven't figured out what a seatbelt is for. When I was a kid, I got the Salk vaccine. And I didn't get polio. Why are you people so against taking preventive measures? If it starts raining, don't just stand there and get soaked. Somebody invented the umbrella, and you can always get inside. Why be a dumbshit?

I notice you and thread starter trolling coward dr love ignored post 70 and post 37 It is because you have to hurt your head to conjure up a mature factual counterpoint, but was too hard for that to happen.

I also notice you are doing the same thing thread starter and troll dr love make a lot of personal and partisan based attacks on people who actually try to discuss the topic.

It is clear to me you KNOW you have no cogent counterpoint to offer, just a bunch of empty immature partisan based baloney, it is BORING and self defeating.
Do all Democrats mask up? Do all Republicans reject the mask?

Your broad brush is painting outside the lines again.

Watch the metric, Idaho will soon be infected along with FL, TX and AZ along with the rest of the deep south - something lacking in brain power.

You might want to check into reality occasionally.


Why? I'm very well grounded: I've respected the guidance of science and wear a mask; I keep my distance in the public; I wash my hands when I've been in public and when I return home.

I carry hand sanitizer in my car and have already been vaccinated with both shots [PFIZER]. And no, never did I ever feel my liberty and freedom was

How about those governors in FL and Texas, sending their residents out to become infected, and to infect others? Dirt bags for sure!

Not really, if you check the link I posted, TX, FL and CA have seen very similar numbers, well except in their economies. CAs draconian shut downs have killed more businesses and harmed more children than either of the others by keeping their schools closed. Also the vast majority of the people I see at the stores and other place are wearing masks, they just don't need the nanny state to tell them how to be personally responsible. BTW, neither do I.


Screw you, CA has the largest population and the most diverse geography in the nation. Texas and Florida have the largest population of QANON kooks and extremists in the nation. Governors and Presidents have a duty to protect the population from pandemics, and idiots like you want others to believe mask wearing and social distancing are an abridgment to their liberty and freedom.

BTW, it is past time for the U.S. Code to have a new law to provide for Domestic Terrorism! Maybe such a code with severe penalties - 20 years or more and capital punishment - might make the Anarchists, Racists, Agent Provocateurs / Extremists to think before they respond with violence, i.e. Homicide, Arson and Vandalism.
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Mississippi learned the hard way last summer.
Mask up: Mississippi lawmakers return amid virus outbreak (yahoo.com)

Masks were required in the 2021 session.
Face masks will be required for 2021 Mississippi Legislative Session | WJTV
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

I finally looked it up to discover that you and your link are full of shit since the State of Idaho has one of the LOWEST per capita death rate in the entire country, it is in 42nd place with 1086 per capita death rate, plus D.C. also a higher rate than Idaho. The national average is 1676 per capita.

For the math challenged liberal peasants, this means only 9 states are lower than Idaho.

You link babbles over a few dozen people in a state of 1.75 million people. :cuckoo:

hmmm, who's full of shit?

Idaho Legislature halts session until April due to Covid-19 outbreak - CNNPolitics
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

I finally looked it up to discover that you and your link are full of shit since the State of Idaho has one of the LOWEST per capita death rate in the entire country, it is in 42nd place with 1086 per capita death rate, plus D.C. also a higher rate than Idaho. The national average is 1676 per capita.

For the math challenged liberal peasants, this means only 9 states are lower than Idaho.

You link babbles over a few dozen people in a state of 1.75 million people. :cuckoo:

hmmm, who's full of shit?

Idaho Legislature halts session until April due to Covid-19 outbreak - CNNPolitics

You missed the obvious point since a tiny number of people in a specific place gets positive of the virus, over which the thread starter says:

Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing

He is making a mountain out of an ant hill. This in a state of 1.75 million with one of the lowest per capita death rate in the nation.
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

I finally looked it up to discover that you and your link are full of shit since the State of Idaho has one of the LOWEST per capita death rate in the entire country, it is in 42nd place with 1086 per capita death rate, plus D.C. also a higher rate than Idaho. The national average is 1676 per capita.

For the math challenged liberal peasants, this means only 9 states are lower than Idaho.

You link babbles over a few dozen people in a state of 1.75 million people. :cuckoo:

hmmm, who's full of shit?

Idaho Legislature halts session until April due to Covid-19 outbreak - CNNPolitics

You missed the obvious point since a tiny number of people in a specific place gets positive of the virus, over which the thread starter says:

Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing

He is making a mountain out of an ant hill. This in a state of 1.75 million with one of the lowest per capita death rate in the nation.
So he's embarrased his dip shit legislature is incompetent to meet without infecting itself? I think you're just being a dipshit. LOL

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