Why it such a BFD for Republicans to mask (Idaho Edition)

Not "overwhelming" at all. Only the primitive tribalists deny the role that masks have to play in restricting the spread of this disease, which is a new one to humans and many are busy researching it to better understand how it works.

Once again, for your individual benefit since you seem resolved to remain ignorant.

Once again, Gateway Pundit and Federalist. Only the BEST sources for you loons. :rolleyes-41:

Show us all where the information contained in those posts is a lie. You cannot, all you can do is make a feeble attempt to discredit the sources.

This is the article from the Federalist. They did not originate the article they cite, just as I did not.
CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks

and one from Gateway Pundit, another site that simply reports stories from other sources which are of interest.

CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don’t Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All – Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks

Step up my son, did the Gateway Pundit or The Federalist say that THEY found the overwhelming majority of people getting COVID-19 wore masks or did they say it is the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) made those statements?

He will ignore it as he ignored others who posted contrary information that damages his position.

He is trolling his own thread, what a loon.
Common sense is wearing a fucking mask while in a room with people ... and staying 6 feet away from them. At least.

No, as you know, common sense is NOT wearing a mask inside or outside since they are proven to be ineffective in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Common sense would be taking measures that have actually proven to be effective. Washing your hands, not touching your face, you know, common sense things.

You have swallowed one of the oldest ploys of the far-left. Results, effectiveness, evaluation, are irrelevant, immaterial, and unimportant, all that matters is whether or not, the plan/policy makes folks FEEL GOOD, you know like they're doing something.
Not "overwhelming" at all. Only the primitive tribalists deny the role that masks have to play in restricting the spread of this disease, which is a new one to humans and many are busy researching it to better understand how it works.

Once again, for your individual benefit since you seem resolved to remain ignorant.

Once again, Gateway Pundit and Federalist. Only the BEST sources for you loons. :rolleyes-41:

Show us all where the information contained in those posts is a lie. You cannot, all you can do is make a feeble attempt to discredit the sources.

This is the article from the Federalist. They did not originate the article they cite, just as I did not.
CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks

and one from Gateway Pundit, another site that simply reports stories from other sources which are of interest.

CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don’t Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All – Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks

Step up my son, did the Gateway Pundit or The Federalist say that THEY found the overwhelming majority of people getting COVID-19 wore masks or did they say it is the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) made those statements?

He will ignore it as he ignored others who posted contrary information that damages his position.

He is trolling his own thread, what a loon.

PLEASE, step up and show us the contrary information that results from studies proving that the masks being used by the public are effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

You cannot, so you will dodge and call names...again.



You asking me?

I have been attacking HIM about it, not you.
Not "overwhelming" at all. Only the primitive tribalists deny the role that masks have to play in restricting the spread of this disease, which is a new one to humans and many are busy researching it to better understand how it works.

Once again, for your individual benefit since you seem resolved to remain ignorant.

Once again, Gateway Pundit and Federalist. Only the BEST sources for you loons. :rolleyes-41:
Well there’s common sense but you obviously don’t have any.
Common sense is wearing a fucking mask while in a room with people ... and staying 6 feet away from them. At least.

Really? Why did your Chinese cock-holster "president" do this on his inauguration day?

And you in your idiocy started a "covid spreading on the border" so take your hypocrisy and shove it up your fat ass, Hoss.

You didn't answer the question. Why did your Chinese cock-holster "president" and his entire dumbass family go maskless at the inauguration?

You know they're laughing at you, right?
Not "overwhelming" at all. Only the primitive tribalists deny the role that masks have to play in restricting the spread of this disease, which is a new one to humans and many are busy researching it to better understand how it works.

Once again, for your individual benefit since you seem resolved to remain ignorant.

Once again, Gateway Pundit and Federalist. Only the BEST sources for you loons. :rolleyes-41:

Show us all where the information contained in those posts is a lie. You cannot, all you can do is make a feeble attempt to discredit the sources.

This is the article from the Federalist. They did not originate the article they cite, just as I did not.
CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks

and one from Gateway Pundit, another site that simply reports stories from other sources which are of interest.

CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don’t Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All – Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks

Step up my son, did the Gateway Pundit or The Federalist say that THEY found the overwhelming majority of people getting COVID-19 wore masks or did they say it is the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) made those statements?

He will ignore it as he ignored others who posted contrary information that damages his position.

He is trolling his own thread, what a loon.

PLEASE, step up and show us the contrary information that results from studies proving that the masks being used by the public are effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

You cannot, so you will dodge and call names...again.



You asking me?

I have been attacking HIM about it, not you.

My mistake, I apologize. I deleted the post when I realized my mistake.
Masks don't work.
Not unless you wear them. Funny how my mask wearing sister who's a nurse in the covid ward of Tampa General Hospital never contracted covid. She was covid tested almost daily while at work.

Yep, I bet she's making cloth masks online and wearing them in the hospital. At nursing school, they were all taught the proper way to fit and wear a mask.
Do all Democrats mask up? Do all Republicans reject the mask?

Your broad brush is painting outside the lines again.

Watch the metric, Idaho will soon be infected along with FL, TX and AZ along with the rest of the deep south - something lacking in brain power.

You might want to check into reality occasionally.


Why? I'm very well grounded: I've respected the guidance of science and wear a mask; I keep my distance in the public; I wash my hands when I've been in public and when I return home.

I carry hand sanitizer in my car and have already been vaccinated with both shots [PFIZER]. And no, never did I ever feel my liberty and freedom was

How about those governors in FL and Texas, sending their residents out to become infected, and to infect others? Dirt bags for sure!

Not really, if you check the link I posted, TX, FL and CA have seen very similar numbers, well except in their economies. CAs draconian shut downs have killed more businesses and harmed more children than either of the others by keeping their schools closed. Also the vast majority of the people I see at the stores and other place are wearing masks, they just don't need the nanny state to tell them how to be personally responsible. BTW, neither do I.


Screw you, CA has the largest population and the most diverse geography in the nation. Texas and Florida have the largest population of QANON kooks and extremists in the nation. Governors and Presidents have a duty to protect the population from pandemics, and idiots like you want others to believe mask wearing and social distancing are an abridgment to their liberty and freedom.

BTW, it is past time for the U.S. Code to have a new law to provide for Domestic Terrorism! Maybe such a code with severe penalties - 20 years or more and capital punishment - might make the Anarchists, Racists, Agent Provocateurs / Extremists to think before they respond with violence, i.e. Homicide, Arson and Vandalism.

ROFLMFAO, Were you looking in the mirror while typing that propaganda?

BTW the only sheep I ever see bringing up this qanon, what ever that is, are you ignorant assed commies. Care to tell me what that's all about?

And where was your concern for new laws while American cities were actually burning last year and even now in the NW? More than 30 people died in your commie violence.

You fucking commies have less integrity than an ameba.


What is a "fucking" commie? Idiots like you seem fixated by Communism which has never once existed in any nation-state; something educated people understand. As for my ideology it is based on the Golden Rule and the Democratic Party and its policies reflect that. My excuse for calling you an asshole and an idiot is that you're both, and you bullshit is inexcusable.
Not "overwhelming" at all. Only the primitive tribalists deny the role that masks have to play in restricting the spread of this disease, which is a new one to humans and many are busy researching it to better understand how it works.

Once again, for your individual benefit since you seem resolved to remain ignorant.

Once again, Gateway Pundit and Federalist. Only the BEST sources for you loons. :rolleyes-41:
Well there’s common sense but you obviously don’t have any.
Common sense is wearing a fucking mask while in a room with people ... and staying 6 feet away from them. At least.
We’re down to three feet now. If you’re closer than theee feet to someone you’re on a fucking date. So now what? One mask? Two? Six feet or three? Let me clue you in on how this shit works. Faucci doesn’t know jack squat about anything. That asshole has been on every side of every possibility since day one. And you’re a fucking moron for hanging on his every word. Wear a mask, I don’t care. If you think I need one to keep you safe then stay home. I also don’t give a shit about that. Wear a fucking bunny suit with air tanks. I don’t care what you do. Just leave me the fuck alone and go pray to faucci for your next ridiculous set of orders.
Do all Democrats mask up? Do all Republicans reject the mask?

Your broad brush is painting outside the lines again.

Watch the metric, Idaho will soon be infected along with FL, TX and AZ along with the rest of the deep south - something lacking in brain power.

You might want to check into reality occasionally.


Why? I'm very well grounded: I've respected the guidance of science and wear a mask; I keep my distance in the public; I wash my hands when I've been in public and when I return home.

I carry hand sanitizer in my car and have already been vaccinated with both shots [PFIZER]. And no, never did I ever feel my liberty and freedom was

How about those governors in FL and Texas, sending their residents out to become infected, and to infect others? Dirt bags for sure!

Not really, if you check the link I posted, TX, FL and CA have seen very similar numbers, well except in their economies. CAs draconian shut downs have killed more businesses and harmed more children than either of the others by keeping their schools closed. Also the vast majority of the people I see at the stores and other place are wearing masks, they just don't need the nanny state to tell them how to be personally responsible. BTW, neither do I.


Screw you, CA has the largest population and the most diverse geography in the nation. Texas and Florida have the largest population of QANON kooks and extremists in the nation. Governors and Presidents have a duty to protect the population from pandemics, and idiots like you want others to believe mask wearing and social distancing are an abridgment to their liberty and freedom.

BTW, it is past time for the U.S. Code to have a new law to provide for Domestic Terrorism! Maybe such a code with severe penalties - 20 years or more and capital punishment - might make the Anarchists, Racists, Agent Provocateurs / Extremists to think before they respond with violence, i.e. Homicide, Arson and Vandalism.

ROFLMFAO, Were you looking in the mirror while typing that propaganda?

BTW the only sheep I ever see bringing up this qanon, what ever that is, are you ignorant assed commies. Care to tell me what that's all about?

And where was your concern for new laws while American cities were actually burning last year and even now in the NW? More than 30 people died in your commie violence.

You fucking commies have less integrity than an ameba.


What is a "fucking" commie? Idiots like you seem fixated by Communism which has never once existed in any nation-state; something educated people understand. As for my ideology it is based on the Golden Rule and the Democratic Party and its policies reflect that. My excuse for calling you an asshole and an idiot is that you're both, and you bullshit is inexcusable.

Well I sure appreciate your admission that you're not educated. Of course most people already knew that. And it was very apparent when you shoot off on theses tangents and failed to address any point I made or answer a single question. Perhaps you should post earlier in the day, before the sundowners gets so bad.

ixated by Communism which has never once existed in any nation-state

These guys might disagree with you ...

View attachment 471129

The fucker is just trying to play word games. He wants to discuss the theoretical instead of the practical. Commies get points for making themselves look like an ass.

He’s the poindexter in high school who just got popular and it will end the moment this crap is over. He doesn’t want that.
Masks don't work.
Not unless you wear them. Funny how my mask wearing sister who's a nurse in the covid ward of Tampa General Hospital never contracted covid.

And yet, my sister who is a mask Nazi and is an RN at a nursing home did contract it.

Bet your sis was exposed to an unmasked Rump Humper. Masking protects others, not you. How many times must we explain it?
Why would you bet that? That means the masks don’t work.
Masks don't work.
Not unless you wear them. Funny how my mask wearing sister who's a nurse in the covid ward of Tampa General Hospital never contracted covid.

And yet, my sister who is a mask Nazi and is an RN at a nursing home did contract it.

Bet your sis was exposed to an unmasked Rump Humper. Masking protects others, not you. How many times must we explain it?
Why would you bet that? That means the masks don’t work.

Amazingly, people really ARE this ^ stoopid

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