Why it such a BFD for Republicans to mask (Idaho Edition)

Since it is well documented that the masks being used by the vast majority of the public do nothing to prevent the spread and transfer of the COVID-19 virus, how does my wearing a mask, help you?
Only too well documented since the surges continue and disease transmission continues despite all the masking. It doesn't work. If it did, we wouldn't have a spreading pandemic. Duh.

Also, a lot of leftists clearly want to go on and on and on and on masking, for years, I guess: why is that? :dunno:
99.7 percent recovery. Haven't worn one nor will I start. Get back to us when 3/10 start falling over dead and I'll pull out the O2 suit.

ANOTHER loon lie? 1.9% is the mortality rate. Granted, younger people and those with no comorbitities fall outside that range.
Go lick a few public door handles and infect granny for all I care. Just stay the fuck away from me!

Since we know that masks do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 if you're afraid that I might have the virus, it would seem that it would behoove you to keep away from anyone, anyone at all.
Yeah....right. Of course the pharmaceuticals are going to say the vaccine they created had nothing to do with the person dying 10 minutes after they took the vaccine or the patient developed blue bumps and brain thrombosis three hours later. Naw.....nothing to see here. Get that jab. New technology....never before tested, two months of clinicals trials as opposed to 8-12 years of normal vaccine trials. Naw, nothing could go wrong. Lol.

Your ignorance of the subject is not surprising. As you know, a new vaccine usually takes TWO to ten years to develop. RED TAPE was cut, NOT CORNERS! Do you not know that every single medicine, regardless of testing, has side effects. Given that millions of the various vaccines have been delivered and you cite one fatality, that's pretty great!

Vaccines for a flu-type virus is do not require re-inventing the wheel. In addition to cutting the red tape, manufacturers were allowed to begin manufacturing the drug for use WHILE it was still being tested. The government-guaranteed the drug companies losses if the vaccine was proven to not work or be dangerous. That's why, once it was proven effective and safe, they had millions of doses ready to roll. Thank you President Trump!
Dumbshittery seems to be the order of the day in post-Rump, anti-science America Lysi.
Time will tell whether we come to our senses, or descend into idiocracy.

Since I have provided concrete evidence that the use of masks is ineffective in stopping the transmission of COVID-19, a virus, not a bacteria. Sooo...I have provided the science and you have provided...nothing. But you're calling others names. Got it!
Nothing has been debunked stop lying.....of wait the ONLY was a Prog can communicate is through lies. Take your "vax", wear 2 masks and shut up.

Learn something for once - Choose your source

no deaths due to covid vaccines

You just keeping digging deeper. You've been bitch slapped. Again. People are dying because people like you feel the absolute NEED to follow the Gov right off the cliff. I've provided MANY sources and all you can do is say "Nuh-Uh". It is not a "vaccine" kid, time to grow up.
Masks don't work.

Sure they do....look at Joe.


He is protecting us all by wearing a mask. This is our President...pulling his mask down to cough in his hand.

80 million votes for this dumb fuck.
Just think, Trump could have won the 2020 election had not so many conservatives Herman Cained themselves.
Dumbshittery seems to be the order of the day in post-Rump, anti-science America Lysi.
Time will tell whether we come to our senses, or descend into idiocracy.

Since I have provided concrete evidence that the use of masks is ineffective in stopping the transmission of COVID-19, a virus, not a bacteria. Sooo...I have provided the science and you have provided...nothing. But you're calling others names. Got it!
It'll be ten years later and DrLove will still be wearing three masks at once and ordering everyone he sees to "Wear your mask! Wear your mask!"

I guess it's the pleasure of ordering people around AND virtue signaling that turns him on. A lot of these types will never give up this little thrill. However unproductive it is.
Nothing has been debunked stop lying.....of wait the ONLY was a Prog can communicate is through lies. Take your "vax", wear 2 masks and shut up.

Learn something for once - Choose your source

no deaths due to covid vaccines

You just keeping digging deeper. You've been bitch slapped. Again. People are dying because people like you feel the absolute NEED to follow the Gov right off the cliff. I've provided MANY sources and all you can do is say "Nuh-Uh". It is not a "vaccine" kid, time to grow up.

Well Dummy, you followed THE Worst POTUS in US history off a cliff and into Hell.
Give our regards to Lucifer! :auiqs.jpg:
Dumbshittery seems to be the order of the day in post-Rump, anti-science America Lysi.
Time will tell whether we come to our senses, or descend into idiocracy.

Since I have provided concrete evidence that the use of masks is ineffective in stopping the transmission of COVID-19, a virus, not a bacteria. Sooo...I have provided the science and you have provided...nothing. But you're calling others names. Got it!

Go away dumbshit. Far FAAAR Away ;)
Do all Democrats mask up? Do all Republicans reject the mask?

Your broad brush is painting outside the lines again.

Watch the metric, Idaho will soon be infected along with FL, TX and AZ along with the rest of the deep south - something lacking in brain power.

You might want to check into reality occasionally.


Why? I'm very well grounded: I've respected the guidance of science and wear a mask; I keep my distance in the public; I wash my hands when I've been in public and when I return home.

I carry hand sanitizer in my car and have already been vaccinated with both shots [PFIZER]. And no, never did I ever feel my liberty and freedom was

How about those governors in FL and Texas, sending their residents out to become infected, and to infect others? Dirt bags for sure!
Do all Democrats mask up? Do all Republicans reject the mask?

Your broad brush is painting outside the lines again.

Watch the metric, Idaho will soon be infected along with FL, TX and AZ along with the rest of the deep south - something lacking in brain power.

You might want to check into reality occasionally.


Why? I'm very well grounded: I've respected the guidance of science and wear a mask; I keep my distance in the public; I wash my hands when I've been in public and when I return home.

I carry hand sanitizer in my car and have already been vaccinated with both shots [PFIZER]. And no, never did I ever feel my liberty and freedom was

How about those governors in FL and Texas, sending their residents out to become infected, and to infect others? Dirt bags for sure!

Not really, if you check the link I posted, TX, FL and CA have seen very similar numbers, well except in their economies. CAs draconian shut downs have killed more businesses and harmed more children than either of the others by keeping their schools closed. Also the vast majority of the people I see at the stores and other place are wearing masks, they just don't need the nanny state to tell them how to be personally responsible. BTW, neither do I.

Been doing what the medical profession suggests, plus common sense. Its inconvenient but better than being sick or dead. Am grateful that for the majority it is like a flu or cold. Over half a million dead keeps me staying as safe as possible.

I got my first Moderna last week. 2nd in 3 weeks.
It’s a relief to know that if enough people do the same we should be able to have a semi-normal summer/fall & start socializing again.
Everyone is sick of this shit and lemme tell ya, for a single guy it’s hell. :rolleyes-41:
I will never understand today's republicans. They want more disease. They want more orphaned babies. They want more abortions. They want more violence. Issue after issue, they want to make every problem worse rather than embracing solutions and they want to hold the rest of us back from solving problems. Republicans are into some sort of primitive tribal culture that they want to force the rest of us into. They want to spread disease in Idaho. I guess sickness and death are desirable there.

Another science illiterate speaks up, you simply can't grasp the overwhelming evidence that Masks DO NOT STOP transmission of virus..

Your partisan babble is embarrassing.

Not "overwhelming" at all. Only the primitive tribalists deny the role that masks have to play in restricting the spread of this disease, which is a new one to humans and many are busy researching it to better understand how it works.
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Why would you be embarrassed, there are only 9 States with lower covid death rates than Idaho.

Also from your link:

Many lawmakers frequently don't wear masks, including some Democrats.

Why is it you commies never criticize your fellow commies? Hypocrite.


Per capita? BS or link me butthole

New York then New Jersey later led the WORLD in Per Capita deaths for many months. For a while the top three long running Democrat states led the world in Per Capita deaths.

New Jersey
New York

Why do you primitives insist on politicizing what is basically a public-health problem that requires preventive measures by taken?

Of course the states that are densely populated and have extensive contact with the outside world will have higher infections rates than those sparsely populated states with little contact with people from other states and countries. Just go stand in the arrivals terminal at JFK.

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