Why Jail for Kim Davis But Not for Sanctuary City Officials?

False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.
And I am happy to see her parents using the courts to try to get that changed.

Why isn't a judge putting the mayor in prison for refusing to obey the law? Why aren't all you liberal hypocrites all howling for these scum to obey the law?
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.

She could have been killed by anyone....it happens every day in America

Of 11 million illegal immigrants, a tiny percentage kill. You have a weak correlation

But she was killed by an illegal alien, and that wouldn't have happened if SF enforced out immigration laws. It's not a "correlation." It's an irrefutable fact.
It also wouldn't have happened if a government agent hadn't left his gun lying around.
You watch too much rightwing propaganda

Less than half of Planned Parenthood is abortion related services. The rest is birth control, counseling, women's health, mammograms, Pap smears and the like....that is what you want to cut since no federal funds go for abortion

Now your rightwing smears against Sanger are nonsense. She was generations ahead in her fight for reproductive rights. Her views on race were no different than her contemporaries
Hey they gotta have some good out in front in order to hide the bad going on in the back room..
Name a single law they are breaking

Selling human body parts is against the law in every state.
As it should be

There is no evidence body parts were sold in violation of any law. All you have is some highly doctored videos

What part of "they admitted it on video tape" didn't you understand?
What part of "doctored tape" don't you understand?
These RWnuts want the state and local governments to be able to ignore same sex marriage law,

but not immigration law.


Wrong, the clerk violated law and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Question for you: Why was she denied bail? Is she a danger to society? Is she a flight risk? That is simply absurd.
She didn't jaywalk, she's being held on Contempt, and can be, in this case, as long as she holds her elected position. Were she to be reelected, she could continue to be held, as long as she refuses to do her job or interferes with others doing it for her.

Reelect Kim Davis, so she stays in jail. Could get interesting but she won't hold out that long, not a chance.
Been to a chic-filet lately? Ummm standing up for your beliefs has definitely been proven by them. Getting in to that place for a simple chicken sandwich is almost impossible.. Their prophets must be fanominal...
How about a reality check. The boycott was started because the owner was making financial contributions to some pretty hateful anti gay groups with company profits. Within a week of the beginning of the boycott the owner had met with leaders of the gay community, halted his contributions to the anti gay groups, agreed to have sensitivity training implemented throughout the company and welcomed the gay community into his restaurants. Chic-fil-a restaurants are now known as gay friendly establishments and the whole Chic-fil-a boycott incident is viewed as a text book case of how businesses should handle boycotts.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.
And I am happy to see her parents using the courts to try to get that changed.

Why isn't a judge putting the mayor in prison for refusing to obey the law? Why aren't all you liberal hypocrites all howling for these scum to obey the law?
Sanctuary cities aren't breaking the law, they just are spending their time and money on a Federal issue.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.
And I am happy to see her parents using the courts to try to get that changed.

Why isn't a judge putting the mayor in prison for refusing to obey the law? Why aren't all you liberal hypocrites all howling for these scum to obey the law?
A judge can't just swoop down and put someone in prison...a court case has to go thru the process, appeals etc. JUST LIKE IT DID in Kentucky. Why do you support dictatorship and fascism?
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.

She could have been killed by anyone....it happens every day in America

Of 11 million illegal immigrants, a tiny percentage kill. You have a weak correlation

But she was killed by an illegal alien, and that wouldn't have happened if SF enforced out immigration laws. It's not a "correlation." It's an irrefutable fact.
It also wouldn't have happened if a government agent hadn't left his gun lying around.

The government agent didn't pull the trigger. The illegal alien is the only one being charged with a crime.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.
And I am happy to see her parents using the courts to try to get that changed.

Why isn't a judge putting the mayor in prison for refusing to obey the law? Why aren't all you liberal hypocrites all howling for these scum to obey the law?
Sanctuary cities aren't breaking the law, they just are spending their time and money on a Federal issue.

Wrong. They are actively breaking the law.
Selling human body parts is against the law in every state.
Yet no state investigation has found that to be the case on the part of PP.

They admitted it on video.
You know that video was doctored, right?

You know even PP's own expert conceded the audio wasn't manipulated, right?
They did not. But you are free to prove that they did admit such a thing.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.
And I am happy to see her parents using the courts to try to get that changed.

Why isn't a judge putting the mayor in prison for refusing to obey the law? Why aren't all you liberal hypocrites all howling for these scum to obey the law?
Sanctuary cities aren't breaking the law, they just are spending their time and money on a Federal issue.

Wrong. They are actively breaking the law.
No, they are not.

"Sanctuary city is a term that is applied by some to cities in the United States or Canada that have policies designed to not persecute undocumented immigrants. These practices can be by law (de jure) or they can be by habit (de facto). The term generally applies to cities that do not allow municipal funds or resources to be used to enforce federal immigration laws, usually by not allowing police or municipal employees to inquire about an individual's immigration status. The designation has no legal meaning.[1]"
Sanctuary city - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. Not asking about immigration status is not against the law.
2. Telling the local Barney Fifes not to ask is also not against the law, immigration is a Federal issue.
3. Holding an illegal (for deportation) after a criminal sentence has been completed is currently unconstitutional.
4. In this particular case, the Feds had him before they turned him over to the city, which they did not have to do. They could have deported him, and didn't.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.

She could have been killed by anyone....it happens every day in America

Of 11 million illegal immigrants, a tiny percentage kill. You have a weak correlation

But she was killed by an illegal alien, and that wouldn't have happened if SF enforced out immigration laws. It's not a "correlation." It's an irrefutable fact.
We can play the same "what if" games with every murder. She was killed by a murderer with easy access to guns.
All murderers have some background story that contributed to their crime.
These RWnuts want the state and local governments to be able to ignore same sex marriage law,

but not immigration law.


Wrong, the clerk violated law and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Question for you: Why was she denied bail? Is she a danger to society? Is she a flight risk? That is simply absurd.
She didn't jaywalk, she's being held on Contempt, and can be, in this case, as long as she holds her elected position. Were she to be reelected, she could continue to be held, as long as she refuses to do her job or interferes with others doing it for her.

Reelect Kim Davis, so she stays in jail. Could get interesting but she won't hold out that long, not a chance.
Been to a chic-filet lately? Ummm standing up for your beliefs has definitely been proven by them. Getting in to that place for a simple chicken sandwich is almost impossible.. Their prophets must be fanominal...
How about a reality check. The boycott was stated because the owner was making financial contributions to some pretty hateful anti gay groups with company profits. Within a week of the beginning of the boycott the owner had met with leaders of the gay community, halted his contributions to the anti gay groups, agreed to have sensitivity training implemented throughout the company and welcomed the gay community to into his restaurants. Chic-fil-a restaurants are now known as gay friendly establishments and the whole Chic-fil-a boycott incident is viewed as a text book case of how businesses should handle boycotts.
Well you know....some people have their own version of history..............:eusa_whistle:
Hey they gotta have some good out in front in order to hide the bad going on in the back room..
Name a single law they are breaking

Selling human body parts is against the law in every state.
As it should be

There is no evidence body parts were sold in violation of any law. All you have is some highly doctored videos

What part of "they admitted it on video tape" didn't you understand?
What part of "doctored tape" don't you understand?

I don't understand the part why anyone is stupid enough to claim it's "doctored" when you can view the entire uncut tape online. "Doctored tape" is the standard liberal weasel whenever they get caught on video doing something they shouldn't be doing.
Selling human body parts is against the law in every state.
Yet no state investigation has found that to be the case on the part of PP.

They admitted it on video.
You know that video was doctored, right?

You know even PP's own expert conceded the audio wasn't manipulated, right?
Their expert says it was highly manipulated

Same bullshit we saw with the attack on Acorn
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.

She could have been killed by anyone....it happens every day in America

Of 11 million illegal immigrants, a tiny percentage kill. You have a weak correlation

But she was killed by an illegal alien, and that wouldn't have happened if SF enforced out immigration laws. It's not a "correlation." It's an irrefutable fact.
It also wouldn't have happened if a government agent hadn't left his gun lying around.

The government agent didn't pull the trigger. The illegal alien is the only one being charged with a crime.
You are right, he did not...but he was irresponsible with his gun. And the illegal is now in jail and will be tried for the murder, is he not?
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.
And I am happy to see her parents using the courts to try to get that changed.

Why isn't a judge putting the mayor in prison for refusing to obey the law? Why aren't all you liberal hypocrites all howling for these scum to obey the law?
Sanctuary cities aren't breaking the law, they just are spending their time and money on a Federal issue.

Wrong. They are actively breaking the law.
Then file a lawsuit if it is that obvious. Do something instead of whining here.
Name a single law they are breaking

Selling human body parts is against the law in every state.
As it should be

There is no evidence body parts were sold in violation of any law. All you have is some highly doctored videos

What part of "they admitted it on video tape" didn't you understand?
What part of "doctored tape" don't you understand?

I don't understand the part why anyone is stupid enough to claim it's "doctored" when you can view the entire uncut tape online. "Doctored tape" is the standard liberal weasel whenever they get caught on video doing something they shouldn't be doing.

They received their excuses and talking points from their media masters. Let them spew their lies, PP's own experts conceded the audio wasn't manipulated.

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