why many believe Trump was one of the best POTUS in modern history !

the Trump admin also orchestrated the destruction of the isis caliphate in a few months while the Obama Briben admin could do nothing to stop the caliphates reign of terror that lasted several yrs !
Apart from that whole anti-COTUS coup thing
are you referring to the illegal fisa warrant obtained using a fake dossier obtained with Russian collusion to go after a duly elected POTUS ! if so then you are right ! it was an attempted coup the dims tried to pull off .
are you referring to the illegal fisa warrant obtained using a fake dossier obtained with Russian collusion .
"Everybody else saw the election being stolen."

Well, poster LennyPartiv (one of my MAGA favs along with EMH)........not everybody.

For example, remember how you fanboy'd and went all 'Squeaky Fromme' over the CyberNinjas?
They were gonna prove your allegation that the election was stolen for Biden.
Instead, they found that more votes were given to Trump than should have been, and less to Biden than should have been.

So, my advice to you, mi amigo, is be careful when you use 'everybody'.

Good luck.

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