why mental health checks for guns can't pass muster....

Criminals will be criminals that's why they are called criminals no Amount of new laws will change that.dumbass

So....why do you lock your doors?
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

And like the old South you would have been one of the guys determining how blacks should be allowed to vote...how much they paid in Poll Taxes and what kind of Literacy test they had to take...then people like you would determine where on a bus a black could sit...

We know how you nuts feel about basic human Rights and that is why they had to spell them out for you in the Bill of Rights.......twit.

What does any of your babble have to do with just checking to see if someone is a criminal or mentally ill.

This is the part I don't get. No one wants either group with access to fire arms. A majority of NRA members support background checks. The public overwhelming supports them.

And yet the gun fanatics oppose even this. Just checking to see if someone is legally allowed to buy a gun is an 'undue burden' to them. That's how ludicriously skewed they've become.

Merely *checking* if the person trying to buy a gun is violent felon.....is too much to ask of them.
it doesn't stop someone from getting a gun. What can't you understand about that?
Must have been why we dismissed the Iraqi army, and took their weapons away. Common sense, really.

And that kept guns out of the hands of the terrorists...right....how did that work out?
How is allowing them have guns working out? Oh, not so well you say. Imagine that...

isis...we aren't allowing them to have guns...they are getting them despite what we want...just like criminals.....
So, using your logic again, we should have no laws and nothing banned, criminals will do whatever they please regardless. Again, gonna run with that, yes or no?
so, I answered your question. Why does it matter its purpose if it achieves the same outcome?
The purpose of a gun is to kill. Like a biological weapon you don't need that to go to the Walmart, especially when no one else has one either.

No...wrong again...the purpose of the gun is to save the life of the user. And many times it is never even fired to save the life....
Just drop that lie, it's nonsense.
it's spot on.
It's total nonsense, to try and deny why the gun, a weapon of war, was invented.
Because it works better than a stick dumbass
Not true, even there. Hitler liked guns, repealed gun control laws, for all but his enemies of course. Do you want your enemies well-armed, yes or no? Gee, Hitler had the same answer...
I do know that I don't want anyone, I don't care what purpose in life, to have something I am not allowed. I'm kinda funny that way, so if someone can have a gun, so can I. A human is a human, power equals distrust, and with the distrust is the presence of death. And, we have that and losing that isn't ever going to happen without some kind of struggle. So, we'll see right? Your way or our way. Who do you think will win?

BTW, evil is most often in the minds of leaders.
No one has guns, you have no guns. Welcome to equal.

BTW, they have drones, bombers, tanks, guns you can only dream of, and nuclear weapons. Fear is what makes you who you are. Grow up and let fear go. It's childish.
yep, you're exactly right, why don't they want to even the playing field with citizens? Cause they want control. it's a very simple basic philosophy. Every leader wants control. I don't care who they are. CONTROL. The only way to equal out the playing field is to be ready with weapons in the event of a hitler type. It's that simple Ted.
Your guns versus their tanks and drones? Good luck with that...

You guys always say that......and you can't even remember current history...where the greatest military power on Earth, with tanks, drones, Navy SEALs, satellites, Marines and Airborne....are leaving two countries whose fighting forces consisted of terrorists armed with rifles and improvised explosives.....

And yet you think that our country with over 357 million guns in private hands, better resources, education and training would fare worse........? Right?
so, I answered your question. Why does it matter its purpose if it achieves the same outcome?
The purpose of a gun is to kill. Like a biological weapon you don't need that to go to the Walmart, especially when no one else has one either.

No...wrong again...the purpose of the gun is to save the life of the user. And many times it is never even fired to save the life....
Just drop that lie, it's nonsense.
it's spot on.
It's total nonsense, to try and deny why the gun, a weapon of war, was invented.
no..............it's spot on and dude you can post your shit over and over and I'll just hit reply. so?
So....why do you lock your doors?
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

And like the old South you would have been one of the guys determining how blacks should be allowed to vote...how much they paid in Poll Taxes and what kind of Literacy test they had to take...then people like you would determine where on a bus a black could sit...

We know how you nuts feel about basic human Rights and that is why they had to spell them out for you in the Bill of Rights.......twit.

What does any of your babble have to do with just checking to see if someone is a criminal or mentally ill.

This is the part I don't get. No one wants either group with access to fire arms. A majority of NRA members support background checks. The public overwhelming supports them.

And yet the gun fanatics oppose even this. Just checking to see if someone is legally allowed to buy a gun is an 'undue burden' to them. That's how ludicriously skewed they've become.

Merely *checking* if the person trying to buy a gun is violent felon.....is too much to ask of them.

Merely *checking* if the person trying to buy a gun is violent felon.....is too much to ask of them

Yeah...that isn't what you guys want......that is how you lie about background checks...you want registration of all guns and owners and background checks is how you will do it......since they changed background checks for all "Sales" to background checks for all "transfers".....and therefore you will need to register all guns to achieve that....

Laughing......says who? Who says that not what I want? Can you quote me saying otherwise?

Of course not.

You're offering us a conspiracy theory, ignoring the actual laws being proposed and imagining laws that aren't.

And given that you oppose ANY background check....criminal or for mental health, your entire argument is disingenuous. And also utterly out of step with the overwhelming majority of Americans.

As no one wants violent felons of the mentally ill to have guns. And all that is being proposed...is to check if a gun purchaser is to check. And you oppose even that. You're simply an unreasonable, conspiracy addled fanatic on this issue. And unreasonable, conspiracy addled fanaticism shouldn't be the basis of sound law or regulation.
Must have been why we dismissed the Iraqi army, and took their weapons away. Common sense, really.

And that kept guns out of the hands of the terrorists...right....how did that work out?
How is allowing them have guns working out? Oh, not so well you say. Imagine that...

isis...we aren't allowing them to have guns...they are getting them despite what we want...just like criminals.....
So, using your logic again, we should have no laws and nothing banned, criminals will do whatever they please regardless. Again, gonna run with that, yes or no?
Banning allows the criminals the only ones to have whatever. Dumbass
The purpose of a gun is to kill. Like a biological weapon you don't need that to go to the Walmart, especially when no one else has one either.

No...wrong again...the purpose of the gun is to save the life of the user. And many times it is never even fired to save the life....
Just drop that lie, it's nonsense.
it's spot on.
It's total nonsense, to try and deny why the gun, a weapon of war, was invented.
no..............it's spot on and dude you can post your shit over and over and I'll just hit reply. so?
It's total nonsense, to try and deny why the gun, a weapon of war, was invented.
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

So trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.....is like Hitler?

So you want criminals and the mentally ill to have guns?

Because what I'm advocating is simply to check.

Nope....because you guys aren't trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mentally ill and we know this because not one of the laws you propose actually does this.....background checks, licensing gun owners, registering guns do not keep guns from criminals or the mentally ill...they do however make it harder for normal people to get guns and carry them....and the registration of guns...your end all be all of gun control....would allow you to confiscate them at a later date...just like it has happened all over the world....

An argument that might have some merit if you were arguing to speed up the checks. But you're not demanding they be faster or delay gun purchases less.....

......you're insisting that no background checks be done *at all*. And that reveals the fallacy of your argument.
you still don't get it. Too funny
Must have been why we dismissed the Iraqi army, and took their weapons away. Common sense, really.

And that kept guns out of the hands of the terrorists...right....how did that work out?
How is allowing them have guns working out? Oh, not so well you say. Imagine that...

isis...we aren't allowing them to have guns...they are getting them despite what we want...just like criminals.....
So, using your logic again, we should have no laws and nothing banned, criminals will do whatever they please regardless. Again, gonna run with that, yes or no?

Why do you twits always say that......like you are saying something clever? Laws exist to define behavior that is allowed....when you break a law you get punished......I know it is hard for you to grasp.....

The speed limit is 30, if you go 35 you get a ticket......you don't get the ticket before you break the law....

Gun crime.....you own and carry a gun...you are fine...you use that gun to break the law...you go to jail....you are not a criminal until you break the law...twit...
No...wrong again...the purpose of the gun is to save the life of the user. And many times it is never even fired to save the life....
Just drop that lie, it's nonsense.
it's spot on.
It's total nonsense, to try and deny why the gun, a weapon of war, was invented.
no..............it's spot on and dude you can post your shit over and over and I'll just hit reply. so?
It's total nonsense, to try and deny why the gun, a weapon of war, was invented.

I don't deny it...it was invented to preserve the life of the user....
I don't, and you don't have a chance in hell getting what you want, see, you don't have the numbers.
I do have the numbers, which is what scares both you and the NRA. What's lacking, the will to undermine the powers that be. Just a matter of time.
no you don't, cause if you did, it would have been done already. Doh!!!!!
Nope. There's a little political machine known as the NRA standing in our way. That, and American tradition.
sure. LOL:lmao:
then go for it dude!
Must have been why we dismissed the Iraqi army, and took their weapons away. Common sense, really.

And that kept guns out of the hands of the terrorists...right....how did that work out?
How is allowing them have guns working out? Oh, not so well you say. Imagine that...

isis...we aren't allowing them to have guns...they are getting them despite what we want...just like criminals.....
So, using your logic again, we should have no laws and nothing banned, criminals will do whatever they please regardless. Again, gonna run with that, yes or no?
Banning allows the criminals the only ones to have whatever. Dumbass
And I'm perfectly fine with when having a gun makes you a criminal. Off to prison you go. In countries with very strict gun control, that is how it works.
Not true, even there. Hitler liked guns, repealed gun control laws, for all but his enemies of course. Do you want your enemies well-armed, yes or no? Gee, Hitler had the same answer...
I do know that I don't want anyone, I don't care what purpose in life, to have something I am not allowed. I'm kinda funny that way, so if someone can have a gun, so can I. A human is a human, power equals distrust, and with the distrust is the presence of death. And, we have that and losing that isn't ever going to happen without some kind of struggle. So, we'll see right? Your way or our way. Who do you think will win?

BTW, evil is most often in the minds of leaders.
No one has guns, you have no guns. Welcome to equal.

BTW, they have drones, bombers, tanks, guns you can only dream of, and nuclear weapons. Fear is what makes you who you are. Grow up and let fear go. It's childish.
no one is equal, see that's your mental illness. No such thing. a three hundred pound man is not equal to a 75 pound woman. It's too bad you allow stupid to take over your body.
Putting a gun in their hands doesn't make them equal either.

Sure does......do some research twit.
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

And like the old South you would have been one of the guys determining how blacks should be allowed to vote...how much they paid in Poll Taxes and what kind of Literacy test they had to take...then people like you would determine where on a bus a black could sit...

We know how you nuts feel about basic human Rights and that is why they had to spell them out for you in the Bill of Rights.......twit.

What does any of your babble have to do with just checking to see if someone is a criminal or mentally ill.

This is the part I don't get. No one wants either group with access to fire arms. A majority of NRA members support background checks. The public overwhelming supports them.

And yet the gun fanatics oppose even this. Just checking to see if someone is legally allowed to buy a gun is an 'undue burden' to them. That's how ludicriously skewed they've become.

Merely *checking* if the person trying to buy a gun is violent felon.....is too much to ask of them.

Merely *checking* if the person trying to buy a gun is violent felon.....is too much to ask of them

Yeah...that isn't what you guys want......that is how you lie about background checks...you want registration of all guns and owners and background checks is how you will do it......since they changed background checks for all "Sales" to background checks for all "transfers".....and therefore you will need to register all guns to achieve that....

Laughing......says who? Who says that not what I want? Can you quote me saying otherwise?

Of course not.

You're offering us a conspiracy theory, ignoring the actual laws being proposed and imagining laws that aren't.

And given that you oppose ANY background check....criminal or for mental health, your entire argument is disingenuous. And also utterly out of step with the overwhelming majority of Americans.

As no one wants violent felons of the mentally ill to have guns. And all that is being proposed...is to check if a gun purchaser is to check. And you oppose even that. You're simply an unreasonable, conspiracy addled fanatic on this issue. And unreasonable, conspiracy addled fanaticism shouldn't be the basis of sound law or regulation.
Depends on who's giving the background check, federal government certainly is not qualified. Next
As no one wants violent felons of the mentally ill to have guns.
it is already illegal for felons and people adjudicated as mentally infirm to have guns.
You plan to make it more illegal?
And all that is being proposed...is to check if a gun purchaser is to check.
We already have background checks for felons and those adjudicated as mentally infirm.
We can fix that too, and mostly have it seems since it hasn't happened again eh?
yeah, instead they used kettles.
Easily fixed. And you can't fit the above in a pressure cooker now can you?
no, and why it doesn't matter, someone will move to another resource. so killers will find solutions to achieve their conclusions, and you will never stop them. I already know this, you haven't a clue.
So let's follow your "reasoning", since criminals might find a way there should be no laws and nothing should be banned? Gonna run with that?

Nope......when someone uses a gun to commit a crime you arrest them.....you don't do it before they commit the crime and you don't create a law that makes a clerical error a felony....

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