why mental health checks for guns can't pass muster....

Easy fix, no guns.

You mean no guns for citizens, right? Only the government should have gun, right?
Nope. Only people who need to kill things. You know, why guns were invented and that's not most people.

That is a great image...gets right to the point....
What can be used as a weapon is not the same is what is designed as a weapon. I'm okay with banning swords as well, they just don't kill 30,000 people a year here...
vehicles do.
Again, not weapons.
so, I answered your question. Why does it matter its purpose if it achieves the same outcome?
The purpose of a gun is to kill. Like a biological weapon you don't need that to go to the Walmart, especially when no one else has one either.

No...wrong again...the purpose of the gun is to save the life of the user. And many times it is never even fired to save the life....
Just drop that lie, it's nonsense.
Criminals will be criminals that's why they are called criminals no Amount of new laws will change that.dumbass

So....why do you lock your doors?
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

So trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.....is like Hitler?

So you want criminals and the mentally ill to have guns?

Because what I'm advocating is simply to check.
Gun control laws don't work, criminal control now that's the ticket...
Criminals will be criminals that's why they are called criminals no Amount of new laws will change that.dumbass

So....why do you lock your doors?
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

So trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.....is like Hitler?

So you want criminals and the mentally ill to have guns?

Because what I'm advocating is simply to check.

Nope....because you guys aren't trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mentally ill and we know this because not one of the laws you propose actually does this.....background checks, licensing gun owners, registering guns do not keep guns from criminals or the mentally ill...they do however make it harder for normal people to get guns and carry them....and the registration of guns...your end all be all of gun control....would allow you to confiscate them at a later date...just like it has happened all over the world....
Easy fix, no guns.

You guys had the same solution to free blacks....no votes. that wasn't acceptable either.
The Founders wrote All Men Were Created Equal, an obvious lie. I'm much more honest.
They also wrote the second amendment
If you want to change it there is a process so you'd better get started
Just a matter of time, especially with you dicks shooting up cops and schools...
There you go again, deflecting
That's not a deflection, that's the reason you will eventually have strict gun control here.
vehicles do.
Again, not weapons.
so, I answered your question. Why does it matter its purpose if it achieves the same outcome?
The purpose of a gun is to kill. Like a biological weapon you don't need that to go to the Walmart, especially when no one else has one either.

No...wrong again...the purpose of the gun is to save the life of the user. And many times it is never even fired to save the life....
Just drop that lie, it's nonsense.
The truth hurts... Huh?
So rather than speed up the mental health background checks.....you insist that we have none?

Same with criminal background checks I suppose?

And do you even bother with locks on your doors? Even bother to lock the doors on your car? Because you know those can be circumvented.
Criminals will be criminals that's why they are called criminals no Amount of new laws will change that.dumbass

So....why do you lock your doors?
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

And like the old South you would have been one of the guys determining how blacks should be allowed to vote...how much they paid in Poll Taxes and what kind of Literacy test they had to take...then people like you would determine where on a bus a black could sit...

We know how you nuts feel about basic human Rights and that is why they had to spell them out for you in the Bill of Rights.......twit.

What does any of your babble have to do with just checking to see if someone is a criminal or mentally ill.

This is the part I don't get. No one wants either group with access to fire arms. A majority of NRA members support background checks. The public overwhelming supports them.

And yet the gun fanatics oppose even this. Just checking to see if someone is legally allowed to buy a gun is an 'undue burden' to them. That's how ludicriously skewed they've become.

Merely *checking* if the person trying to buy a gun is violent felon.....is too much to ask of them.
So....why do you lock your doors?
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

So trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.....is like Hitler?

So you want criminals and the mentally ill to have guns?

Because what I'm advocating is simply to check.
Gun control laws don't work, criminal control now that's the ticket...
Yes, thank God we have no criminals here. Oh wait...
Criminals will be criminals that's why they are called criminals no Amount of new laws will change that.dumbass

So....why do you lock your doors?
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

So trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.....is like Hitler?

So you want criminals and the mentally ill to have guns?

Because what I'm advocating is simply to check.

Nope.....what you are advocating is a way to go after normal gun owners...since any mental health check will be used by you guys to target all gun owners...especially the non criminal.....that is what you are after.....you could not care less about actual criminals getting guns...since none of your laws would stop them...
Again, not weapons.
so, I answered your question. Why does it matter its purpose if it achieves the same outcome?
The purpose of a gun is to kill. Like a biological weapon you don't need that to go to the Walmart, especially when no one else has one either.

No...wrong again...the purpose of the gun is to save the life of the user. And many times it is never even fired to save the life....
Just drop that lie, it's nonsense.
The truth hurts... Huh?
His lie is old, and boring, and of course, dead wrong.
So....why do you lock your doors?
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

So trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.....is like Hitler?

So you want criminals and the mentally ill to have guns?

Because what I'm advocating is simply to check.

Nope....because you guys aren't trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mentally ill and we know this because not one of the laws you propose actually does this.....background checks, licensing gun owners, registering guns do not keep guns from criminals or the mentally ill...they do however make it harder for normal people to get guns and carry them....and the registration of guns...your end all be all of gun control....would allow you to confiscate them at a later date...just like it has happened all over the world....

An argument that might have some merit if you were arguing to speed up the checks. But you're not demanding they be faster or delay gun purchases less.....

......you're insisting that no background checks be done *at all*. And that reveals the fallacy of your argument.
You guys had the same solution to free blacks....no votes. that wasn't acceptable either.
The Founders wrote All Men Were Created Equal, an obvious lie. I'm much more honest.
They also wrote the second amendment
If you want to change it there is a process so you'd better get started
Just a matter of time, especially with you dicks shooting up cops and schools...
There you go again, deflecting
That's not a deflection, that's the reason you will eventually have strict gun control here.
He says different...

I'm not afraid of gun control. It ain't gonna happen. So no need to be afraid.
Then stop wetting the bed trying desperately to defend you deadly toys. According to you, you have nothing to worry about...
I don't, and you don't have a chance in hell getting what you want, see, you don't have the numbers.
I do have the numbers, which is what scares both you and the NRA. What's lacking, the will to undermine the powers that be. Just a matter of time.
no you don't, cause if you did, it would have been done already. Doh!!!!!
Nope. There's a little political machine known as the NRA standing in our way. That, and American tradition.
sure. LOL:lmao:
Don't need to, I live in north western South Dakota. I don't even know if I have a key to my home doors haven't locked them in years...

That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

So trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.....is like Hitler?

So you want criminals and the mentally ill to have guns?

Because what I'm advocating is simply to check.

Nope....because you guys aren't trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mentally ill and we know this because not one of the laws you propose actually does this.....background checks, licensing gun owners, registering guns do not keep guns from criminals or the mentally ill...they do however make it harder for normal people to get guns and carry them....and the registration of guns...your end all be all of gun control....would allow you to confiscate them at a later date...just like it has happened all over the world....

An argument that might have some merit if you were arguing to speed up the checks. But you're not demanding they be faster or delay gun purchases less.....

......you're insisting that no background checks be done *at all*. And that reveals the fallacy of your argument.
There should be absolutely zero delay on guns and ammo sales, with all the high-tech and all going on.

Then stop wetting the bed trying desperately to defend you deadly toys. According to you, you have nothing to worry about...
I don't, and you don't have a chance in hell getting what you want, see, you don't have the numbers.
I do have the numbers, which is what scares both you and the NRA. What's lacking, the will to undermine the powers that be. Just a matter of time.
no you don't, cause if you did, it would have been done already. Doh!!!!!
Nope. There's a little political machine known as the NRA standing in our way. That, and American tradition.
sure. LOL:lmao:
never said that, I said, as long as I have choices I have a chance.
So you believe, wrongly. You have no choice on nuclear or biological weapons and you seem to be going about your day just fine.

And hey, look at that. You don't want your enemies well-armed, just like Hitler.
i've never denied anyone the ability to achieve weapons. Sorry.
I'll make it easy for ya. Do you want criminals and ISIS well-armed, yes or no?
I don't care as long as i have resources. hmmmm, thought I made that claim already. I want and equal chance against them and today I have that available to me and I'll fight you and yours harder to maintain that. Again, you don't have the numbers.
It's a yes or no question, that an honest man can answer. Be a man, for once.
no it isn't. It's what you want to hear, but it isn't a yes or no question. It comes with qualifiers and always will.
That's great, S. Dakota residents don't need guns if what you say is true. Sadly, S. Dakota isn't NY or CA or any other state in our nation. Thus, let's toss out Heller and allow we the people in each state and each city / county to decide on who can and who cannot own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun, how it must be stored and the type of firearm legally possessed.

So trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.....is like Hitler?

So you want criminals and the mentally ill to have guns?

Because what I'm advocating is simply to check.

Nope....because you guys aren't trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mentally ill and we know this because not one of the laws you propose actually does this.....background checks, licensing gun owners, registering guns do not keep guns from criminals or the mentally ill...they do however make it harder for normal people to get guns and carry them....and the registration of guns...your end all be all of gun control....would allow you to confiscate them at a later date...just like it has happened all over the world....

An argument that might have some merit if you were arguing to speed up the checks. But you're not demanding they be faster or delay gun purchases less.....

......you're insisting that no background checks be done *at all*. And that reveals the fallacy of your argument.
There should be absolutely zero delay on guns and ammo sales, with all the high-tech and all going on.

We could chip you up like dogs? Works for me.
Easy fix, no guns.

You mean no guns for citizens, right? Only the government should have gun, right?
Nope. Only people who need to kill things. You know, why guns were invented and that's not most people.

That is a great image...gets right to the point....
Except, it's a flat-out lie...
Yeah, the socialist regime that was the Nazis didn't kill people...
i've never denied anyone the ability to achieve weapons. Sorry.
I'll make it easy for ya. Do you want criminals and ISIS well-armed, yes or no?
I don't care as long as i have resources. hmmmm, thought I made that claim already. I want and equal chance against them and today I have that available to me and I'll fight you and yours harder to maintain that. Again, you don't have the numbers.
It's a yes or no question, that an honest man can answer. Be a man, for once.
Or women...

So you want ISIS and criminals to be well-armed, therefore equal. Got it.
again, dude it's so far over your head even a jetliner flying between Boston and San Fran is too low.

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