"Why my state will not refuse refugees." (Delaware Governor)

Why my state won't turn refugees away - CNN.com

Boy, the true colors of the GOP are coming to the surface on this one. If these people are vetted with the latest data and technology, and they are found to be innocent of crimes and not covertly affiliated with any terrorist group, why should they be denied entry.

The term "compassionate American" cannot be more important than at this very moment. And yes, a Syrian family could locate next to me, it they have been vetted thoroughly.

How do you vet someone like that? Make them pinky promise to tell the truth??? Put them on a polygraph?

It's impossible to vet Muslims. The terror is in their mind and heart....or its not....but until they act on it...it's impossible to vet.
How do you truly vet anyone unless you develop a mind reading device. Timothy McVeigh was vetted at one point in his life, look what happened there, terror in his mind and heart. Terrorism can come from anywhere at anytime.

As for vetting and how well it works, Aldrich Ames, Hanson, Walls, (just a few) were vetted but ended up working for the Soviets. Wen Ho Lee, Greg Chung, Chi Mak and others for the Chinese.
Again, unless someone develops a mind reading device there's no way to truly vet anyone but by claiming it's only "all" Muslims with terror in their hears and minds shows nothing but stereotypical ignorance or out and out racism.
And here is a link for you, that isn't anywhere near complete
Global Terrorism Database
Man you just dwell on him, how many Christian nuts have gone crazy? How about all the abortion bombings and killing of doctors.

There are crazies all over that are on a tight rope, that is why the US is called Prozac nation.

How many "Christian nuts" have went crazy? How many abortion clinics have been bombed? Be specific

Heres a link , read it yourself.

Violence Statistics & History
Why my state won't turn refugees away - CNN.com

Boy, the true colors of the GOP are coming to the surface on this one. If these people are vetted with the latest data and technology, and they are found to be innocent of crimes and not covertly affiliated with any terrorist group, why should they be denied entry.

The term "compassionate American" cannot be more important than at this very moment. And yes, a Syrian family could locate next to me, it they have been vetted thoroughly.
As for refugees coming here to Texas...I am telling our governor to immediately buy them a ticket to NYC...with an introductory letter to Cuomo...vouching for their allegiance to America.
You really think this just a gop issue? You are only fooling yourself.
Why my state won't turn refugees away - CNN.com

Boy, the true colors of the GOP are coming to the surface on this one. If these people are vetted with the latest data and technology, and they are found to be innocent of crimes and not covertly affiliated with any terrorist group, why should they be denied entry.

The term "compassionate American" cannot be more important than at this very moment. And yes, a Syrian family could locate next to me, it they have been vetted thoroughly.
I say we send them all to Jim's state.
Why my state won't turn refugees away - CNN.com

Boy, the true colors of the GOP are coming to the surface on this one. If these people are vetted with the latest data and technology, and they are found to be innocent of crimes and not covertly affiliated with any terrorist group, why should they be denied entry.

The term "compassionate American" cannot be more important than at this very moment. And yes, a Syrian family could locate next to me, it they have been vetted thoroughly.
As for refugees coming here to Texas...I am telling our governor to immediately buy them a ticket to NYC...with an introductory letter to Cuomo...vouching for their allegiance to America.
Man you just dwell on him, how many Christian nuts have gone crazy? How about all the abortion bombings and killing of doctors.

There are crazies all over that are on a tight rope, that is why the US is called Prozac nation.

How many "Christian nuts" have went crazy? How many abortion clinics have been bombed? Be specific

Heres a link , read it yourself.

Violence Statistics & History
Thank you. By the way! How many people died in all those incidents?
Perhaps you've heard of 9/11??????
Well what a mess we have made of Syria now,
And here is a link for you, that isn't anywhere near complete
Global Terrorism Database
Man you just dwell on him, how many Christian nuts have gone crazy? How about all the abortion bombings and killing of doctors.

There are crazies all over that are on a tight rope, that is why the US is called Prozac nation.

How many "Christian nuts" have went crazy? How many abortion clinics have been bombed? Be specific

Heres a link , read it yourself.

Violence Statistics & History

I'm not searching through that crap.
Man you just dwell on him, how many Christian nuts have gone crazy? How about all the abortion bombings and killing of doctors.

There are crazies all over that are on a tight rope, that is why the US is called Prozac nation.

How many "Christian nuts" have went crazy? How many abortion clinics have been bombed? Be specific

Heres a link , read it yourself.

Violence Statistics & History
Thank you. By the way! How many people died in all those incidents?
Perhaps you've heard of 9/11??????

Gee not really sure since most of the hospitals by the twin towers treated mainly rescuers and were waiting and waiting for patients. If you think for one minute that 19 SA hijackers took the twin towers down then why is SA still on the map??

Also tell me how WTC building 7 came down.

Now crazies nut come out daily, that is just the way it is. Serial killers and inner city gangs kill more than any Arabs. Also check out Dearborn, the Catholic mayor has to continually tell people there is no sharia law there.

Take a look at the Haredi community in Brooklyn, they still do the sucking circumcision or the Mormon community and their total disregard for the law.
Look at Waco and Jimmy Jones.

We made the mess, so we can help out some of the Syrians till they can move back to their country.
And those to do the vetting have already said it can't be done.
Why my state won't turn refugees away - CNN.com

Boy, the true colors of the GOP are coming to the surface on this one. If these people are vetted with the latest data and technology, and they are found to be innocent of crimes and not covertly affiliated with any terrorist group, why should they be denied entry.

The term "compassionate American" cannot be more important than at this very moment. And yes, a Syrian family could locate next to me, it they have been vetted thoroughly.

Well of course no one cares who relocates here if they are innocent of crimes and not affiliated with any terrorist group. The point is the process to vet these people is highly questionable. Obama thinks ISIS is contained. Clearly they are not. It's about trust in the system and government to do their job. So you saying it's not a problem if these people are properly vetted is useless. It misses the entire point.

Link from something other than a right wing rag......
Why my state won't turn refugees away - CNN.com

Boy, the true colors of the GOP are coming to the surface on this one. If these people are vetted with the latest data and technology, and they are found to be innocent of crimes and not covertly affiliated with any terrorist group, why should they be denied entry.

The term "compassionate American" cannot be more important than at this very moment. And yes, a Syrian family could locate next to me, it they have been vetted thoroughly.
C'mon....let's be honest. There is no such thing as a "compassionate American".

Well, there certainly doesn't seem to be any "compassionate republican americans"
Gee we just had a white power guy go into a black church and take out how many in S. Carolina? Or was he a Muslim in disguise.

Was he vetted? Gee, they forgot to count the confederate flag?
Man you just dwell on him, how many Christian nuts have gone crazy? How about all the abortion bombings and killing of doctors.

There are crazies all over that are on a tight rope, that is why the US is called Prozac nation.

How many "Christian nuts" have went crazy? How many abortion clinics have been bombed? Be specific

Heres a link , read it yourself.

Violence Statistics & History
Thank you. By the way! How many people died in all those incidents?
Perhaps you've heard of 9/11??????

Gee not really sure since most of the hospitals by the twin towers treated mainly rescuers and were waiting and waiting for patients. If you think for one minute that 19 SA hijackers took the twin towers down then why is SA still on the map??

Also tell me how WTC building 7 came down.

Now crazies nut come out daily, that is just the way it is. Serial killers and inner city gangs kill more than any Arabs. Also check out Dearborn, the Catholic mayor has to continually tell people there is no sharia law there.

Take a look at the Haredi community in Brooklyn, they still do the sucking circumcision or the Mormon community and their total disregard for the law.
Look at Waco and Jimmy Jones.

We made the mess, so we can help out some of the Syrians till they can move back to their country.
You're dismissed
Man you just dwell on him, how many Christian nuts have gone crazy? How about all the abortion bombings and killing of doctors.

There are crazies all over that are on a tight rope, that is why the US is called Prozac nation.

How many "Christian nuts" have went crazy? How many abortion clinics have been bombed? Be specific

Heres a link , read it yourself.

Violence Statistics & History
Thank you. By the way! How many people died in all those incidents?
Perhaps you've heard of 9/11??????

Gee not really sure since most of the hospitals by the twin towers treated mainly rescuers and were waiting and waiting for patients. If you think for one minute that 19 SA hijackers took the twin towers down then why is SA still on the map??

Also tell me how WTC building 7 came down.

Now crazies nut come out daily, that is just the way it is. Serial killers and inner city gangs kill more than any Arabs. Also check out Dearborn, the Catholic mayor has to continually tell people there is no sharia law there.

Take a look at the Haredi community in Brooklyn, they still do the sucking circumcision or the Mormon community and their total disregard for the law.
Look at Waco and Jimmy Jones.

We made the mess, so we can help out some of the Syrians till they can move back to their country.
You're dismissed
I must of hit a nerve.
Man you just dwell on him, how many Christian nuts have gone crazy? How about all the abortion bombings and killing of doctors.

There are crazies all over that are on a tight rope, that is why the US is called Prozac nation.

How many "Christian nuts" have went crazy? How many abortion clinics have been bombed? Be specific

Heres a link , read it yourself.

Violence Statistics & History
Thank you. By the way! How many people died in all those incidents?
Perhaps you've heard of 9/11??????

Gee not really sure since most of the hospitals by the twin towers treated mainly rescuers and were waiting and waiting for patients. If you think for one minute that 19 SA hijackers took the twin towers down then why is SA still on the map??

Also tell me how WTC building 7 came down.

Now crazies nut come out daily, that is just the way it is. Serial killers and inner city gangs kill more than any Arabs. Also check out Dearborn, the Catholic mayor has to continually tell people there is no sharia law there.

Take a look at the Haredi community in Brooklyn, they still do the sucking circumcision or the Mormon community and their total disregard for the law.
Look at Waco and Jimmy Jones.

We made the mess, so we can help out some of the Syrians till they can move back to their country.
You're dismissed

Too bad we couldn't say that to W before he invaded the wrong country.....that is when Daesh began.
And those to do the vetting have already said it can't be done.
Why my state won't turn refugees away - CNN.com

Boy, the true colors of the GOP are coming to the surface on this one. If these people are vetted with the latest data and technology, and they are found to be innocent of crimes and not covertly affiliated with any terrorist group, why should they be denied entry.

The term "compassionate American" cannot be more important than at this very moment. And yes, a Syrian family could locate next to me, it they have been vetted thoroughly.

Well of course no one cares who relocates here if they are innocent of crimes and not affiliated with any terrorist group. The point is the process to vet these people is highly questionable. Obama thinks ISIS is contained. Clearly they are not. It's about trust in the system and government to do their job. So you saying it's not a problem if these people are properly vetted is useless. It misses the entire point.

Link from something other than a right wing rag......

Typical attack the source when it doesn't say what you want it to say.
How many "Christian nuts" have went crazy? How many abortion clinics have been bombed? Be specific

Heres a link , read it yourself.

Violence Statistics & History
Thank you. By the way! How many people died in all those incidents?
Perhaps you've heard of 9/11??????

Gee not really sure since most of the hospitals by the twin towers treated mainly rescuers and were waiting and waiting for patients. If you think for one minute that 19 SA hijackers took the twin towers down then why is SA still on the map??

Also tell me how WTC building 7 came down.

Now crazies nut come out daily, that is just the way it is. Serial killers and inner city gangs kill more than any Arabs. Also check out Dearborn, the Catholic mayor has to continually tell people there is no sharia law there.

Take a look at the Haredi community in Brooklyn, they still do the sucking circumcision or the Mormon community and their total disregard for the law.
Look at Waco and Jimmy Jones.

We made the mess, so we can help out some of the Syrians till they can move back to their country.
You're dismissed

Too bad we couldn't say that to W before he invaded the wrong country.....that is when Daesh began.
Oh no, they love Bush and Cheney, the Fathers of ISIS...
How many "Christian nuts" have went crazy? How many abortion clinics have been bombed? Be specific

Heres a link , read it yourself.

Violence Statistics & History
Thank you. By the way! How many people died in all those incidents?
Perhaps you've heard of 9/11??????

Gee not really sure since most of the hospitals by the twin towers treated mainly rescuers and were waiting and waiting for patients. If you think for one minute that 19 SA hijackers took the twin towers down then why is SA still on the map??

Also tell me how WTC building 7 came down.

Now crazies nut come out daily, that is just the way it is. Serial killers and inner city gangs kill more than any Arabs. Also check out Dearborn, the Catholic mayor has to continually tell people there is no sharia law there.

Take a look at the Haredi community in Brooklyn, they still do the sucking circumcision or the Mormon community and their total disregard for the law.
Look at Waco and Jimmy Jones.

We made the mess, so we can help out some of the Syrians till they can move back to their country.
You're dismissed

Too bad we couldn't say that to W before he invaded the wrong country.....that is when Daesh began.

You mean the same country and dictator that even many Democrats said had WMDs and said so before Bush was President? You want to blame Bush yet before he was ever President, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Madeline Albright, etc. said exactly what Bush was willing to do something about. However, when Bush says it, you call it a lie.

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