Why no apology from FOX about Benghazi lies?

If he knew it was terrorism the day after, as he suggests, then why would he push the video story for two weeks after that?

Obama did not push the video story over the 'act of terror' story. Rice said what the CIA told the White House and Congress to say publicly. And that was that there was a small demonstration related to the video that was escalated by extremists that brought heavy weapons. It was the extremists that came with the intent to kill and destroy. They obviously did not come to demonstrate against the video.
Obama pushed the video story on TV and made a very public arrest of its producer even though the arresting charges were already months old.
Rosh 10244956
The video as the reason for the attack was pushed for two weeks

I have shown that 'the video as the reason for the attack' was never actually pushed by the Administration. You are confused by listening only to right wing buzzword talking points that did not quite what Ambassador Rice actually said or credit what she said as coming from the CIA's original assessment.
Obama and his minions pushed the video as the impetus for the attack on several TV shows, news and otherwise. All in an attempt to downplay the possibility of terrorism since he single-handedly defeated al Gayda and all terrorists himself.
Rosh 10245572
Obama and his minions pushed the video as the impetus for the attack on several TV shows, news and otherwise.

Where did anyone in the Obama Administration including Obama himself push the video as the impetus for the attack in Benghazi on TV shows and otherwise? I've shown you what Susan Rice said early on. Why can't you produce a transcript to back up what you are claiming in your post 10245572? The Administration correctly portrayed the protests and demonstrations around the Muslim world as sparked by the video. It is right-winger unbridled dishonesty that defined Administration discussions about the broad violent anti-video protests across the Muslim world as limited and focused solely upon the tragic events at Benghazi. I am not saying right-wingers were not successful in what they set out to portray. I'm saying they were dishonest in what they were doing. And the House investigation could not overcome that dishonesty when they Republican House members were forced to put their names and integrity on the dotted line. They had to tell the truth. Trey Gowdey and Lindsay Graham will have to face that reality some day and hopefully that some day will be soon.
Rosh 10245572
Obama and his minions pushed the video as the impetus for the attack on several TV shows, news and otherwise.

Where did anyone in the Obama Administration including Obama himself push the video as the impetus for the attack in Benghazi on TV shows and otherwise? I've shown you what Susan Rice said early on. Why can't you produce a transcript to back up what you are claiming in your post 10245572? The Administration correctly portrayed the protests and demonstrations around the Muslim world as sparked by the video. It is right-winger unbridled dishonesty that defined Administration discussions about the broad violent anti-video protests across the Muslim world as limited and focused solely upon the tragic events at Benghazi. I am not saying right-wingers were not successful in what they set out to portray. I'm saying they were dishonest in what they were doing. And the House investigation could not overcome that dishonesty when they Republican House members were forced to put their names and integrity on the dotted line. They had to tell the truth. Trey Gowdey and Lindsay Graham will have to face that reality some day and hopefully that some day will be soon.
Are you out of your mind? Rice went on every sunday news show and blamed the video. Obama weeks later pretended he knew it was terrorism on 9-12. Those can't jibe. Are you nuts?
Bull shit

What is Bull shit? Those are exact transcripts of the Sunday Shows that Rice went on. She blamed the heavily armed extremists not the video. You cannot refute that reality.

This is all bull shit The video was the first thing rice wanted to blame.

"The problem with the truth that you, and all Benghazi crazed right wingers have, is that there was no 'blaming a video' by the White House .The right wing propaganda machine took early control of the narrative about the attacks and response by the White House - and they certainly distorted it drastically to get the theme they wanted.... BLAME THE VIDEO.

The trouble with that is, Ambassador Susan Rice, as you can see in the following direct quotes, did not 'blame the movie' or 'blame a crowd' or 'blame a protest' or 'blame a video' for the attacks on Benghazi. On every show she went on she blamed "extremists'. She very clearly stated with the best information we have at the time we 'BLAME':

Rosh 10244956
The video as the reason for the attack was pushed for two weeks

I have shown that 'the video as the reason for the attack' was never actually pushed by the Administration. You are confused by listening only to right wing buzzword talking points that did not quite what Ambassador Rice actually said or credit what she said as coming from the CIA's original assessment.
I can't see what the argument is here.
On one hand you have a committee that spent millions of taxpayers money and searched, dug, pestered, pilloried and willed for a smoking gun to be found and ultimately declared there is none.
On the other hand you have low-information haters sitting in their bedrooms with a keyboard and Google declaring that they know better.

There is a third option, a dumb ass foreigner that has not stake in America talking about shit that he has even less knowledge of.
I pick number 3 Johnny.
Bridgegate, bridgegate, bridgegate

Lol what a terrible comparison.
Yeah from your perspective, a lane is closed on a bridge. You piss yourself, 4 America's die, and lies were made to cover incompetence. Nothing to see here.

Why cant republicans find those lies? Are they secret lies that only republicans can see but cannot present?
Bengazi happened, because of a protest. That is a lie, just like the one that was told saying. Fort hood shooting, by a muslim with terrorists ties is considered work place violence. I'm seeing a pattern of stupidity from the left.

Prove its a lie...thats all you have to do. Then tell the republicans you have some ground breaking information they should know about
At least they finally admit at least one protest happened. The reality is that protests happened all over the Arab world with hundreds being injured and over 50 deaths. In fact, Arab leaders tell us the reason for protests in every major Muslim city was because of that damn video. The one Republicans say didn't cause any protests. How can Republicans be so fucking stupid? I don't get it. Just a determined ignorance.
I can't see what the argument is here.
On one hand you have a committee that spent millions of taxpayers money and searched, dug, pestered, pilloried and willed for a smoking gun to be found and ultimately declared there is none.
On the other hand you have low-information haters sitting in their bedrooms with a keyboard and Google declaring that they know better.

There is a third option, a dumb ass foreigner that has not stake in America talking about shit that he has even less knowledge of.
I pick number 3 Johnny.
I had no doubt at all you would confirm yourself as being 'on the other hand'.
You're easier to read than a Donald Duck comic book.
I can't see what the argument is here.
On one hand you have a committee that spent millions of taxpayers money and searched, dug, pestered, pilloried and willed for a smoking gun to be found and ultimately declared there is none.
On the other hand you have low-information haters sitting in their bedrooms with a keyboard and Google declaring that they know better.

There is a third option, a dumb ass foreigner that has not stake in America talking about shit that he has even less knowledge of.
I pick number 3 Johnny.
I had no doubt at all you would confirm yourself as being 'on the other hand'.
You're easier to read than a Donald Duck comic book.
I need a derp translator
I can't see what the argument is here.
On one hand you have a committee that spent millions of taxpayers money and searched, dug, pestered, pilloried and willed for a smoking gun to be found and ultimately declared there is none.
On the other hand you have low-information haters sitting in their bedrooms with a keyboard and Google declaring that they know better.

There is a third option, a dumb ass foreigner that has not stake in America talking about shit that he has even less knowledge of.
I pick number 3 Johnny.
I had no doubt at all you would confirm yourself as being 'on the other hand'.
You're easier to read than a Donald Duck comic book.
I need a derp translator
It's OK, I can understand a little derp - you're coming through loud and clear...Little Derp.
I can't see what the argument is here.
On one hand you have a committee that spent millions of taxpayers money and searched, dug, pestered, pilloried and willed for a smoking gun to be found and ultimately declared there is none.
On the other hand you have low-information haters sitting in their bedrooms with a keyboard and Google declaring that they know better.

There is a third option, a dumb ass foreigner that has not stake in America talking about shit that he has even less knowledge of.
I pick number 3 Johnny.
I had no doubt at all you would confirm yourself as being 'on the other hand'.
You're easier to read than a Donald Duck comic book.
I need a derp translator
It's OK, I can understand a little derp - you're coming through loud and clear...Little Derp.
Yawn, still waiting on the derp translator.
I can't see what the argument is here.
On one hand you have a committee that spent millions of taxpayers money and searched, dug, pestered, pilloried and willed for a smoking gun to be found and ultimately declared there is none.
On the other hand you have low-information haters sitting in their bedrooms with a keyboard and Google declaring that they know better.

There is a third option, a dumb ass foreigner that has not stake in America talking about shit that he has even less knowledge of.
I pick number 3 Johnny.
I had no doubt at all you would confirm yourself as being 'on the other hand'.
You're easier to read than a Donald Duck comic book.
I need a derp translator
It's OK, I can understand a little derp - you're coming through loud and clear...Little Derp.
Yawn, still waiting on the derp translator.
No need Little Derp, I think I follow you.
There is a third option, a dumb ass foreigner that has not stake in America talking about shit that he has even less knowledge of.
I pick number 3 Johnny.
I had no doubt at all you would confirm yourself as being 'on the other hand'.
You're easier to read than a Donald Duck comic book.
I need a derp translator
It's OK, I can understand a little derp - you're coming through loud and clear...Little Derp.
Yawn, still waiting on the derp translator.
No need Little Derp, I think I follow you.
Damn still no drep translator
I had no doubt at all you would confirm yourself as being 'on the other hand'.
You're easier to read than a Donald Duck comic book.
I need a derp translator
It's OK, I can understand a little derp - you're coming through loud and clear...Little Derp.
Yawn, still waiting on the derp translator.
No need Little Derp, I think I follow you.
Damn still no drep translator
You just carry on Little Derp, I'll let you know if your derp gets too hard for me to follow.
I need a derp translator
It's OK, I can understand a little derp - you're coming through loud and clear...Little Derp.
Yawn, still waiting on the derp translator.
No need Little Derp, I think I follow you.
Damn still no drep translator
You just carry on Little Derp, I'll let you know if your derp gets too hard for me to follow.

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