Why no apology from FOX about Benghazi lies?

It's OK, I can understand a little derp - you're coming through loud and clear...Little Derp.
Yawn, still waiting on the derp translator.
No need Little Derp, I think I follow you.
Damn still no drep translator
You just carry on Little Derp, I'll let you know if your derp gets too hard for me to follow.

Clever you!!!!!
You are indeed very special.
jkno 10242778.
and since he stated before bengazi. Al-Qaida was decimated. He had to lie about bengazi being a terrorist attack, because of the election that was coming up.

But Obama didnt lie about Benghazi. Romney had to learn the hard way. "Please proceed Governor". Obama called it an act of terror the morning after the Benghazi attacks. That you are clinging to that famously debunked lie tells us all we need to know about you.
Your so full of shit, he called the original 911 attack a terrorist attack. Not bengazi, get Obama's pecker out of your mouth and you might see the truth.
Where did anyone in the Obama Administration including Obama himself push the video as the impetus for the attack in Benghazi on TV shows and otherwise?

Watch it and weep.

Video Montage Shows Obama Hillary Susan Rice and Jay Carney All Blaming Benghazi on the Video Video TheBlaze.com

Susan Rice said and acknowledged on September 16, 2012 after being directly asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine.

So your montage fails to prove your point after Susan Rice pointedly and with all kinds of clarity stated that 'extremist elements' were the ones that escalated the violence and the investigation underway would determine if those extremists were al Qaeda or linked to al Qaeda.

In that same transcript Face the Nation transcripts September 16 2012 Libyan Pres. Magariaf Amb. Rice and Sen. McCain - Page 2 - CBS News Senator McCain followed Rice's appearance and asked the most ignorant question of the day:

SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: How-- how spontaneous is a demonstration when people bring rocket-propelled grenades and heavy weapons and-- and have a very tactically successful military operation, but there are so many things that we need to cover but the fact is that the United States is weakened.

Susan Rice had already answered McCain's politically charged question when she said, I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence.

I can't stomp out all the right wing ignorance and refusals to comprehend simple English. The protesters did not bring the heavy weapons. Rice explained that it was extremist elements with possible ties to al Qaeda that brought the heavy weapons.

It would have been nice if we had journalists that could spot these ignorance based political lies and confront the ones who tell them. But they don't, so ignorance prevails in our politics.

Also it was the CIA's assessment that there was a spontaneous demonstration which extremist elements used as an excuse to bring heavy weapons and launch a deadly attack.
Rosh 10244956
The video as the reason for the attack was pushed for two weeks

I have shown that 'the video as the reason for the attack' was never actually pushed by the Administration. You are confused by listening only to right wing buzzword talking points that did not quite what Ambassador Rice actually said or credit what she said as coming from the CIA's original assessment.
She said the attack was because of a video that only about a handful of people saw.
jkno 10246783
She said the attack was because of a video that only about a handful of people saw.

Show me in an actual transcript where Susan Rice actually said that the 'attack was because of a video'. In every appearance Susan Rice made she said very clearly that that attack that ended in the deaths of two Americans at the Consulate including Ambassador Stevens was the result of extremists that brought heavy weapons to an existing demonstration In Susan Rice's clear words, It is the 'extremists' that committed the deadly attack - not the demonstrators that the CIA first reported were present.

Woods and Dougherty were never claimed to have been killed because of a video. They were killed by extremists using a mortar fire.
Bull shit

What is Bull shit? Those are exact transcripts of the Sunday Shows that Rice went on. She blamed the heavily armed extremists not the video. You cannot refute that reality.

This is all bull shit The video was the first thing rice wanted to blame.

"The problem with the truth that you, and all Benghazi crazed right wingers have, is that there was no 'blaming a video' by the White House .The right wing propaganda machine took early control of the narrative about the attacks and response by the White House - and they certainly distorted it drastically to get the theme they wanted.... BLAME THE VIDEO.

The trouble with that is, Ambassador Susan Rice, as you can see in the following direct quotes, did not 'blame the movie' or 'blame a crowd' or 'blame a protest' or 'blame a video' for the attacks on Benghazi. On every show she went on she blamed "extremists'. She very clearly stated with the best information we have at the time we 'BLAME':

Here you are fooled by Obama.
jkno 10242778.
and since he stated before bengazi. Al-Qaida was decimated. He had to lie about bengazi being a terrorist attack, because of the election that was coming up.

But Obama didnt lie about Benghazi. Romney had to learn the hard way. "Please proceed Governor". Obama called it an act of terror the morning after the Benghazi attacks. That you are clinging to that famously debunked lie tells us all we need to know about you.
Your so full of shit, he called the original 911 attack a terrorist attack. Not bengazi, get Obama's pecker out of your mouth and you might see the truth.
Please refrain from trashing up this thread with your gay fantasies. Thank you.
jkno 10242778.
and since he stated before bengazi. Al-Qaida was decimated. He had to lie about bengazi being a terrorist attack, because of the election that was coming up.

But Obama didnt lie about Benghazi. Romney had to learn the hard way. "Please proceed Governor". Obama called it an act of terror the morning after the Benghazi attacks. That you are clinging to that famously debunked lie tells us all we need to know about you.
Your so full of shit, he called the original 911 attack a terrorist attack. Not bengazi, get Obama's pecker out of your mouth and you might see the truth.
Please refrain from trashing up this thread with your gay fantasies. Thank you.
Your the one that swallows Obama on a daily basis. True story.
Bull shit

What is Bull shit? Those are exact transcripts of the Sunday Shows that Rice went on. She blamed the heavily armed extremists not the video. You cannot refute that reality.

This is all bull shit The video was the first thing rice wanted to blame.

"The problem with the truth that you, and all Benghazi crazed right wingers have, is that there was no 'blaming a video' by the White House .The right wing propaganda machine took early control of the narrative about the attacks and response by the White House - and they certainly distorted it drastically to get the theme they wanted.... BLAME THE VIDEO.

The trouble with that is, Ambassador Susan Rice, as you can see in the following direct quotes, did not 'blame the movie' or 'blame a crowd' or 'blame a protest' or 'blame a video' for the attacks on Benghazi. On every show she went on she blamed "extremists'. She very clearly stated with the best information we have at the time we 'BLAME':

Here you are fooled by Obama.

You cannot explain how I might be fooled by Obama. So apparently I am not. And all your videos show exactly what the transcripts I am citing show. Rice blamed extremists that came with heavy weapons to the demonstration for the death of our ambassador and one other American in Benghazi. She did not 'blame' the video for the deadly attack. That is a right wing lie.
Bull shit

What is Bull shit? Those are exact transcripts of the Sunday Shows that Rice went on. She blamed the heavily armed extremists not the video. You cannot refute that reality.

This is all bull shit The video was the first thing rice wanted to blame.

"The problem with the truth that you, and all Benghazi crazed right wingers have, is that there was no 'blaming a video' by the White House .The right wing propaganda machine took early control of the narrative about the attacks and response by the White House - and they certainly distorted it drastically to get the theme they wanted.... BLAME THE VIDEO.

The trouble with that is, Ambassador Susan Rice, as you can see in the following direct quotes, did not 'blame the movie' or 'blame a crowd' or 'blame a protest' or 'blame a video' for the attacks on Benghazi. On every show she went on she blamed "extremists'. She very clearly stated with the best information we have at the time we 'BLAME':

Here you are fooled by Obama.

You cannot explain how I might be fooled by Obama. So apparently I am not. And all your videos show exactly what the transcripts I am citing show. Rice blamed extremists that came with heavy weapons to the demonstration for the death of our ambassador and one other American in Benghazi. She did not 'blame' the video for the deadly attack. That is a right wing lie.

Okay, think what you want but she plainly says the attacks were caused by as video.
Your the one that swallows Obama on a daily basis.

Your only argument at this point is to make personal insults. You have no argument. That is why the Republicans have failed to turn Benghazi into an actual scandal. Too many lies by Republicans to start with.
Your the one that swallows Obama on a daily basis.

Your only argument at this point is to make personal insults. You have no argument. That is why the Republicans have failed to turn Benghazi into an actual scandal. Too many lies by Republicans to start with.
When has Obama told the truth? He got awarded lie of the year. Obama lied about bengazi, because he proudly stated he decimated Al-Qaida. He couldn't have a terrorist attack so close to the election. He is a liar and you believe them all. No insult, just facts. It must be tiresome trying to cover for a failure on a daily basis.
Okay, think what you want but she plainly says the attacks were caused by as video.

She clearly says the protests around the world were caused by the video including the protest that that the CIA told her was in Benghazi. But more importantly she blames the attack that killed Ambassador Stevens on extremists with possible links to al Qaeda that brought heavy weapons to the kill and harm people at the consulate. Rice never said the 'extremists' were upset about the video. That is a right winger distortion of what she actually said.
jkno 10246760
he called the original 911 attack a terrorist attack. Not bengazi

NF 10246835
Are you referring to the Rose Garden press briefing on September 12 2012?

jkno 10246965
Obama lied about bengazi, because he proudly stated he decimated Al-Qaida. He couldn't have a terrorist attack so close to the election. He is a liar and you believe them all.

So your non-response to my question has to mean your 10246760 statement is false. That is because Obama was referring to Benghazi in his Rose Garden Press Briefing the morning after the attack. When you must lie to call others a liar it shows you have no credibility to call anyone a liar. You have not learned to not put your lies in writing. They never go away you know.
jkno 10246760
he called the original 911 attack a terrorist attack. Not bengazi

NF 10246835
Are you referring to the Rose Garden press briefing on September 12 2012?

jkno 10246965
Obama lied about bengazi, because he proudly stated he decimated Al-Qaida. He couldn't have a terrorist attack so close to the election. He is a liar and you believe them all.

So your non-response to my question has to mean your 10246760 statement is false. That is because Obama was referring to Benghazi in his Rose Garden Press Briefing the morning after the attack. When you must lie to call others a liar it shows you have no credibility to call anyone a liar. You have not learned to not put your lies in writing. They never go away you know.
No, I realize you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it. Your one thirsty person, your so blind to Obama's lies. You've been Grubered.
they STILL haven't run a retraction/apologized? :eusa_eh: :eusa_doh:
Wen will obama resign and apologize for ruining the country over his ideology?
Stop w/ the decelleration bigrebnc1775 & stay on-topic. :talktothehand:

The topic is: why did Fox fan the flames of "hate & fear" for a year+ based simply on their hatred of our proud, African American, President?

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