Why no cameras for press briefings?

That's not "major networks". Those are cable news.
Yes, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC. The 3 largest cable news networks in America. I'm talking about those
And every one of them may as well be the Jersey Shore.
They are trending that way... I've been calling them Kardashians but I think we are on the same page.

All the BS aside though, there are elements of truth to be found if you're looking at the right things
We shouldn't have to search for elements. That's why nobody trusts them. How about they just provide the elements?
I agree, need to demand better and hope the market meets that demand. BBC had a good program called HardTalk. They really get down to the nitty gritty none of this 5 minute debate then cut BS. I'd like to see more programs like that for those who like details and then straight up news alerts for world events. I think Bloomberg is supposed to be pretty good at that, but I haven't watched it much
That may just sell.
You tell me. What would you call a medical doctor pontificating on the mental health of a person they've never met or examined, using medical terminology. For me the word "quack" comes to mind.

GIve me an example and I'll tell you what I think
That's because people LOVE to watch Spicer put the fucktards in their place.
haha, they like watching the bully fumble over his own words and dig Trump deeper into his hole

Kudos for providing examples and doing some work to back up your claims... puts you above most in this board. The problem I'm having is it only took 10 seconds in both videos... the first dr says very clearly that she doesn't know Trump and she can't diagnose him, then she went on to talk shit. She basically discredited herself... that ain't news. The second one stated that they were OpEds, opinion editorials, quite different than reporting the news.... I have an issue with the overuse of opinion attacks in our media. It's happening on both sides, look at Hannity or Levin or Rush on the right. It's food for the fishies but not news. It's also protected by free speech, not illegal.

You should watch all of them.

The three you mentioned don't claim to be news people, unlike many in the MSM. And you're right the first doctor discredited herself, but that didn't stop her from proceeding to make a diagnosis. How many average CNN viewers would even remember her disclaimer?

BTW, the doctor who wrote the diagnosis book says the terms used about Trump don't apply to him. He said he may behave badly but the the clinical terms used by the other doctors are wrong.


Yeah man these cable "news" shows are getting filled with people from all sides who are trying to sell books and make a name... capitalism at its finest. It frustrates me, I try and stick to the more objective programs or at least ones that have good balance and debate. It's mostly crap TV though geared to drive ratings. We need to pick and choose carefully to find the real news that's floating behind all the hype.

It's the unfortunate trend that has become cable news. It's not illegal, it's not even "fake news" it's just a lot of bias and a lot of opinion/speculation.

All the more reason for the WH to take command of that briefing room and do better at controlling the narrative in a honest and transparent way

As I said earlier, journalism is dead, these folks are taught in modern journalism schools they can change the world. Old school journalist are more historians than history shapers, and that's as it should be. They should only report the who, what, when and where and leave it to the consumer to decide the why. When they bring in "experts" to comment on the why there's always bias thrown in for good measure, otherwise you'd see the same "experts" on all the networks.

GIve me an example and I'll tell you what I think
haha, they like watching the bully fumble over his own words and dig Trump deeper into his hole

Kudos for providing examples and doing some work to back up your claims... puts you above most in this board. The problem I'm having is it only took 10 seconds in both videos... the first dr says very clearly that she doesn't know Trump and she can't diagnose him, then she went on to talk shit. She basically discredited herself... that ain't news. The second one stated that they were OpEds, opinion editorials, quite different than reporting the news.... I have an issue with the overuse of opinion attacks in our media. It's happening on both sides, look at Hannity or Levin or Rush on the right. It's food for the fishies but not news. It's also protected by free speech, not illegal.

You should watch all of them.

The three you mentioned don't claim to be news people, unlike many in the MSM. And you're right the first doctor discredited herself, but that didn't stop her from proceeding to make a diagnosis. How many average CNN viewers would even remember her disclaimer?

BTW, the doctor who wrote the diagnosis book says the terms used about Trump don't apply to him. He said he may behave badly but the the clinical terms used by the other doctors are wrong.


Yeah man these cable "news" shows are getting filled with people from all sides who are trying to sell books and make a name... capitalism at its finest. It frustrates me, I try and stick to the more objective programs or at least ones that have good balance and debate. It's mostly crap TV though geared to drive ratings. We need to pick and choose carefully to find the real news that's floating behind all the hype.

It's the unfortunate trend that has become cable news. It's not illegal, it's not even "fake news" it's just a lot of bias and a lot of opinion/speculation.

All the more reason for the WH to take command of that briefing room and do better at controlling the narrative in a honest and transparent way

I would start with taking away the child's toys. Video for them is World of Warcraft for the preteen virgin. Without it they shriek and throw fits. But sometimes it's what is best. I think Trump did that.

That's where we differ. Taking away access from the press is only going to cause more problems. I dont see how it can fix things. Calling the media out on lies and false stories is completely acceptable as is pressing the WH on legit concerns. But there has been a lot of "fake news" cries when there isn't really fake news. There has also been many unfair and speculative stories. I think Trump and the media just need to sit down in the same room and hug it out
GIve me an example and I'll tell you what I think
haha, they like watching the bully fumble over his own words and dig Trump deeper into his hole

Kudos for providing examples and doing some work to back up your claims... puts you above most in this board. The problem I'm having is it only took 10 seconds in both videos... the first dr says very clearly that she doesn't know Trump and she can't diagnose him, then she went on to talk shit. She basically discredited herself... that ain't news. The second one stated that they were OpEds, opinion editorials, quite different than reporting the news.... I have an issue with the overuse of opinion attacks in our media. It's happening on both sides, look at Hannity or Levin or Rush on the right. It's food for the fishies but not news. It's also protected by free speech, not illegal.

You should watch all of them.

The three you mentioned don't claim to be news people, unlike many in the MSM. And you're right the first doctor discredited herself, but that didn't stop her from proceeding to make a diagnosis. How many average CNN viewers would even remember her disclaimer?

BTW, the doctor who wrote the diagnosis book says the terms used about Trump don't apply to him. He said he may behave badly but the the clinical terms used by the other doctors are wrong.


Yeah man these cable "news" shows are getting filled with people from all sides who are trying to sell books and make a name... capitalism at its finest. It frustrates me, I try and stick to the more objective programs or at least ones that have good balance and debate. It's mostly crap TV though geared to drive ratings. We need to pick and choose carefully to find the real news that's floating behind all the hype.

It's the unfortunate trend that has become cable news. It's not illegal, it's not even "fake news" it's just a lot of bias and a lot of opinion/speculation.

All the more reason for the WH to take command of that briefing room and do better at controlling the narrative in a honest and transparent way

As I said earlier, journalism is dead, these folks are taught in modern journalism schools they can change the world. Old school journalist are more historians than history shapers, and that's as it should be. They should only report the who, what, when and where and leave it to the consumer to decide the why. When they bring in "experts" to comment on the why there's always bias thrown in for good measure, otherwise you'd see the same "experts" on all the networks.


DONT give up yet. Like with music the industry is so commercialized and saturated with garbage it's tough to find the quaility, but it is still out there. You being from Texas should know there is still great music being made. Same with journalist... there are still a few good ones out there

Kudos for providing examples and doing some work to back up your claims... puts you above most in this board. The problem I'm having is it only took 10 seconds in both videos... the first dr says very clearly that she doesn't know Trump and she can't diagnose him, then she went on to talk shit. She basically discredited herself... that ain't news. The second one stated that they were OpEds, opinion editorials, quite different than reporting the news.... I have an issue with the overuse of opinion attacks in our media. It's happening on both sides, look at Hannity or Levin or Rush on the right. It's food for the fishies but not news. It's also protected by free speech, not illegal.

You should watch all of them.

The three you mentioned don't claim to be news people, unlike many in the MSM. And you're right the first doctor discredited herself, but that didn't stop her from proceeding to make a diagnosis. How many average CNN viewers would even remember her disclaimer?

BTW, the doctor who wrote the diagnosis book says the terms used about Trump don't apply to him. He said he may behave badly but the the clinical terms used by the other doctors are wrong.


Yeah man these cable "news" shows are getting filled with people from all sides who are trying to sell books and make a name... capitalism at its finest. It frustrates me, I try and stick to the more objective programs or at least ones that have good balance and debate. It's mostly crap TV though geared to drive ratings. We need to pick and choose carefully to find the real news that's floating behind all the hype.

It's the unfortunate trend that has become cable news. It's not illegal, it's not even "fake news" it's just a lot of bias and a lot of opinion/speculation.

All the more reason for the WH to take command of that briefing room and do better at controlling the narrative in a honest and transparent way

As I said earlier, journalism is dead, these folks are taught in modern journalism schools they can change the world. Old school journalist are more historians than history shapers, and that's as it should be. They should only report the who, what, when and where and leave it to the consumer to decide the why. When they bring in "experts" to comment on the why there's always bias thrown in for good measure, otherwise you'd see the same "experts" on all the networks.


DONT give up yet. Like with music the industry is so commercialized and saturated with garbage it's tough to find the quaility, but it is still out there. You being from Texas should know there is still great music being made. Same with journalist... there are still a few good ones out there

Yep and most of the good ones never went to journalism school.


Kudos for providing examples and doing some work to back up your claims... puts you above most in this board. The problem I'm having is it only took 10 seconds in both videos... the first dr says very clearly that she doesn't know Trump and she can't diagnose him, then she went on to talk shit. She basically discredited herself... that ain't news. The second one stated that they were OpEds, opinion editorials, quite different than reporting the news.... I have an issue with the overuse of opinion attacks in our media. It's happening on both sides, look at Hannity or Levin or Rush on the right. It's food for the fishies but not news. It's also protected by free speech, not illegal.

You should watch all of them.

The three you mentioned don't claim to be news people, unlike many in the MSM. And you're right the first doctor discredited herself, but that didn't stop her from proceeding to make a diagnosis. How many average CNN viewers would even remember her disclaimer?

BTW, the doctor who wrote the diagnosis book says the terms used about Trump don't apply to him. He said he may behave badly but the the clinical terms used by the other doctors are wrong.


Yeah man these cable "news" shows are getting filled with people from all sides who are trying to sell books and make a name... capitalism at its finest. It frustrates me, I try and stick to the more objective programs or at least ones that have good balance and debate. It's mostly crap TV though geared to drive ratings. We need to pick and choose carefully to find the real news that's floating behind all the hype.

It's the unfortunate trend that has become cable news. It's not illegal, it's not even "fake news" it's just a lot of bias and a lot of opinion/speculation.

All the more reason for the WH to take command of that briefing room and do better at controlling the narrative in a honest and transparent way

I would start with taking away the child's toys. Video for them is World of Warcraft for the preteen virgin. Without it they shriek and throw fits. But sometimes it's what is best. I think Trump did that.

That's where we differ. Taking away access from the press is only going to cause more problems. I dont see how it can fix things. Calling the media out on lies and false stories is completely acceptable as is pressing the WH on legit concerns. But there has been a lot of "fake news" cries when there isn't really fake news. There has also been many unfair and speculative stories. I think Trump and the media just need to sit down in the same room and hug it out

Yep, that's where we're going to split. The Russia thing has been been democrat and their media lemmings fake news for a long time now. What isn't fake is the disdain of Trump the media has had for him since he won the primary and it went to an insane level after he won.

I'm not sure how he should be expected to be the one to offer the hug. We have so called news people and their democrat partners claiming millions will die if we change this crap healthcare bill Obama and the democrats give us. This after years of begging us to fix it. No matter what they pass the dems and media are going to go insane. How would you deal with that?
Kudos for providing examples and doing some work to back up your claims... puts you above most in this board. The problem I'm having is it only took 10 seconds in both videos... the first dr says very clearly that she doesn't know Trump and she can't diagnose him, then she went on to talk shit. She basically discredited herself... that ain't news. The second one stated that they were OpEds, opinion editorials, quite different than reporting the news.... I have an issue with the overuse of opinion attacks in our media. It's happening on both sides, look at Hannity or Levin or Rush on the right. It's food for the fishies but not news. It's also protected by free speech, not illegal.

You should watch all of them.

The three you mentioned don't claim to be news people, unlike many in the MSM. And you're right the first doctor discredited herself, but that didn't stop her from proceeding to make a diagnosis. How many average CNN viewers would even remember her disclaimer?

BTW, the doctor who wrote the diagnosis book says the terms used about Trump don't apply to him. He said he may behave badly but the the clinical terms used by the other doctors are wrong.

Yeah man these cable "news" shows are getting filled with people from all sides who are trying to sell books and make a name... capitalism at its finest. It frustrates me, I try and stick to the more objective programs or at least ones that have good balance and debate. It's mostly crap TV though geared to drive ratings. We need to pick and choose carefully to find the real news that's floating behind all the hype.

It's the unfortunate trend that has become cable news. It's not illegal, it's not even "fake news" it's just a lot of bias and a lot of opinion/speculation.

All the more reason for the WH to take command of that briefing room and do better at controlling the narrative in a honest and transparent way
I would start with taking away the child's toys. Video for them is World of Warcraft for the preteen virgin. Without it they shriek and throw fits. But sometimes it's what is best. I think Trump did that.
That's where we differ. Taking away access from the press is only going to cause more problems. I dont see how it can fix things. Calling the media out on lies and false stories is completely acceptable as is pressing the WH on legit concerns. But there has been a lot of "fake news" cries when there isn't really fake news. There has also been many unfair and speculative stories. I think Trump and the media just need to sit down in the same room and hug it out
Yep, that's where we're going to split. The Russia thing has been been democrat and their media lemmings fake news for a long time now. What isn't fake is the disdain of Trump the media has had for him since he won the primary and it went to an insane level after he won.

I'm not sure how he should be expected to be the one to offer the hug. We have so called news people and their democrat partners claiming millions will die if we change this crap healthcare bill Obama and the democrats give us. This after years of begging us to fix it. No matter what they pass the dems and media are going to go insane. How would you deal with that?
The thing that you haven't acknowledge about the "Russia" thing is the fact that there have been lies and withholding of the truth from the Trump team. Thats real and that is what is fueling all the investigations and stories. You are right, many on the left are going way overboard with all of this, but you should be able acknowledge the part that Trump and his team is playing on this. They do own part of the responsibility.

For healthcare the R's would be able to pass whatever fixes they want if they just made the compromise to amend ACA and not Repeal. The new bill could accomplish many of the same goals they currently propose if they had bipartisan support, but they are stuck on Repealing so they can stick it to Obama. They aren't gonna get any bipartisan support that way and it's looking like the new bill isn't going to pass. Its an ego game at this point and we are the ones who are going to suffer.
You should watch all of them.

The three you mentioned don't claim to be news people, unlike many in the MSM. And you're right the first doctor discredited herself, but that didn't stop her from proceeding to make a diagnosis. How many average CNN viewers would even remember her disclaimer?

BTW, the doctor who wrote the diagnosis book says the terms used about Trump don't apply to him. He said he may behave badly but the the clinical terms used by the other doctors are wrong.

Yeah man these cable "news" shows are getting filled with people from all sides who are trying to sell books and make a name... capitalism at its finest. It frustrates me, I try and stick to the more objective programs or at least ones that have good balance and debate. It's mostly crap TV though geared to drive ratings. We need to pick and choose carefully to find the real news that's floating behind all the hype.

It's the unfortunate trend that has become cable news. It's not illegal, it's not even "fake news" it's just a lot of bias and a lot of opinion/speculation.

All the more reason for the WH to take command of that briefing room and do better at controlling the narrative in a honest and transparent way
I would start with taking away the child's toys. Video for them is World of Warcraft for the preteen virgin. Without it they shriek and throw fits. But sometimes it's what is best. I think Trump did that.
That's where we differ. Taking away access from the press is only going to cause more problems. I dont see how it can fix things. Calling the media out on lies and false stories is completely acceptable as is pressing the WH on legit concerns. But there has been a lot of "fake news" cries when there isn't really fake news. There has also been many unfair and speculative stories. I think Trump and the media just need to sit down in the same room and hug it out
Yep, that's where we're going to split. The Russia thing has been been democrat and their media lemmings fake news for a long time now. What isn't fake is the disdain of Trump the media has had for him since he won the primary and it went to an insane level after he won.

I'm not sure how he should be expected to be the one to offer the hug. We have so called news people and their democrat partners claiming millions will die if we change this crap healthcare bill Obama and the democrats give us. This after years of begging us to fix it. No matter what they pass the dems and media are going to go insane. How would you deal with that?
The thing that you haven't acknowledge about the "Russia" thing is the fact that there have been lies and withholding of the truth from the Trump team. Thats real and that is what is fueling all the investigations and stories. You are right, many on the left are going way overboard with all of this, but you should be able acknowledge the part that Trump and his team is playing on this. They do own part of the responsibility.

For healthcare the R's would be able to pass whatever fixes they want if they just made the compromise to amend ACA and not Repeal. The new bill could accomplish many of the same goals they currently propose if they had bipartisan support, but they are stuck on Repealing so they can stick it to Obama. They aren't gonna get any bipartisan support that way and it's looking like the new bill isn't going to pass. Its an ego game at this point and we are the ones who are going to suffer.
There's no Russia thing to acknowledge. Why should we agree there is something there when there isn't? That doesn't seem smart.

I'm pissed they haven't repealed it. Every one of those assholes ran on full repeal. Do it. I don't really care about bipartisan support. We didn't get that when it passed why do we need it for repeal.
Yeah man these cable "news" shows are getting filled with people from all sides who are trying to sell books and make a name... capitalism at its finest. It frustrates me, I try and stick to the more objective programs or at least ones that have good balance and debate. It's mostly crap TV though geared to drive ratings. We need to pick and choose carefully to find the real news that's floating behind all the hype.

It's the unfortunate trend that has become cable news. It's not illegal, it's not even "fake news" it's just a lot of bias and a lot of opinion/speculation.

All the more reason for the WH to take command of that briefing room and do better at controlling the narrative in a honest and transparent way
I would start with taking away the child's toys. Video for them is World of Warcraft for the preteen virgin. Without it they shriek and throw fits. But sometimes it's what is best. I think Trump did that.
That's where we differ. Taking away access from the press is only going to cause more problems. I dont see how it can fix things. Calling the media out on lies and false stories is completely acceptable as is pressing the WH on legit concerns. But there has been a lot of "fake news" cries when there isn't really fake news. There has also been many unfair and speculative stories. I think Trump and the media just need to sit down in the same room and hug it out
Yep, that's where we're going to split. The Russia thing has been been democrat and their media lemmings fake news for a long time now. What isn't fake is the disdain of Trump the media has had for him since he won the primary and it went to an insane level after he won.

I'm not sure how he should be expected to be the one to offer the hug. We have so called news people and their democrat partners claiming millions will die if we change this crap healthcare bill Obama and the democrats give us. This after years of begging us to fix it. No matter what they pass the dems and media are going to go insane. How would you deal with that?
The thing that you haven't acknowledge about the "Russia" thing is the fact that there have been lies and withholding of the truth from the Trump team. Thats real and that is what is fueling all the investigations and stories. You are right, many on the left are going way overboard with all of this, but you should be able acknowledge the part that Trump and his team is playing on this. They do own part of the responsibility.

For healthcare the R's would be able to pass whatever fixes they want if they just made the compromise to amend ACA and not Repeal. The new bill could accomplish many of the same goals they currently propose if they had bipartisan support, but they are stuck on Repealing so they can stick it to Obama. They aren't gonna get any bipartisan support that way and it's looking like the new bill isn't going to pass. Its an ego game at this point and we are the ones who are going to suffer.
There's no Russia thing to acknowledge. Why should we agree there is something there when there isn't? That doesn't seem smart.

I'm pissed they haven't repealed it. Every one of those assholes ran on full repeal. Do it. I don't really care about bipartisan support. We didn't get that when it passed why do we need it for repeal.
I'm not talking about the "Russia thing" I think it's more than likely that there isn't anything there... I've been saying that for months... I'm talking about the needless lies, cover ups and non disclosures that seems to continue to happen with the trump team. That's it, I'm not implying guilt of collusion... just be honest and transparent. We should all demand that and we should all acknowledge that they haven't been so thus far... my guess is that it's to try and avoid bad press... that's not a good excuse
What's the point of having cameras if the mainstream media is just going to doctor the footage to fabricate the news?
I hope you're just joking there. That's the purpose of not censoring the news, why all news agencies should be allowed to the briefing; not just to check on the briefer but to corroborate or disprove how other's report the event.
What's the point of having cameras if the mainstream media is just going to doctor the footage to fabricate the news?
When has that happened? Please show examples. The major networks have been airing the pressers in their entirety from what I've seen

Uh, no. I don't know what you have been watching, CSPAN maybe?
I watch CNN and Fox and both would air all of the Spicey show whenever he was in camera
Same here. I fail to see how a live broadcast of the Press Secretary or the President is different on any of networks.
Apparently you do not understand slander and libel laws. They do not apply to public figures.

They do when malice is proven, I think that would be easy to prove.

If there is malice, let it be proven. The fact remains that Trump hurts his own agenda with his Tweets. It makes him look petty, spiteful and overly emotional. His base will continue to support him, but his favorability numbers speak for themselves. His fans can scream "fake news" all they like, but the November 2018 elections will come as big a shock to them as the November 2016 was to Hillary fans.

American voters are not as fucking stupid as the partisan assholes want us to believe.

Malice is easily proven. Look at all the doctors these networks have hired to break every medical ethic in the book to express opinions on a person they've never examined or even met. Not only is that medical malpractice, but it demonstrates clear malice on the part of the networks.


They would not stand up in court. Otherwise, they would be pursued.

Jerry Falwell once sued Larry Flynt for accusing him of having sex with his mother. Pretty cut and dried case of malice, right?

The case was thrown out.

One occurrence may not prove malice, there are multiple examples over almost a full year here, that could prove ongoing malicious intent.

Then sue.
What's the point of having cameras if the mainstream media is just going to doctor the footage to fabricate the news?
When has that happened? Please show examples. The major networks have been airing the pressers in their entirety from what I've seen

So you think the broadcast networks interrupt their programming for a WH press briefing?

Breaking news! Everything is breaking news to these people. Not a single show on any channel doesn't open with "Breaking News!"

What is the news?

Trump had ice cream, two scoops!

Trumps tax returns! Page six showing he paid a lot of taxes.

It's fucking ridiculous.
Trump having two scoops of icecream when everyone else only got one scoop is a clear case of abuse of power. He should be impeached.
So how long should CNN be suspended?
Depends on the offense and the system that they set up. I for one am fine with letting the reporters fight for the spotlight and ask hard questions. I'm just saying if the administration is having a hard time handling the scrutiny I'd rather see them take a procedural approach to improve civility to the briefing room (if thats really their concern). Not turning off the cameras and holding less briefings.
I would agree if that were the case at all times but we know it isn't. They spent the last eight years tripping over each other to praise Obama. Now all they want to do is attack. No matter what Trump did it was going to be reported as heavy handed by the press. This is as good an action as any.
I disagree, Fox, the largest news network in the country by a lot was constantly scrutinizing Obama. Had Obama shut down the cameras and help less briefings you know where would be a HUGE backlash from the right. The MSM is very critical against Trump, to a fault even... Some of that is ideology but most of it is that Trump is constantly insulting and fighting against them. He brings increasing scrutiny upon himself. I haven't seen him do one thing to try and restore the relationship between leadership and the MSM so the fight will continue. I'm just as sick of it as you are. But limiting exposure is not a smart approach.
He had to fight back or get run over. I don't see where he had much choice.
I know you don't like Obama, but when he was faced with a flury of attacks and fake news during the whole birther movement, perpetuated by Trump btw... he handled it waaay better than Trump is handling his opposition. Obama just ignored the rats and stuck to business. You may disagree with Obamas policies but you have to admit he acted way more dignified in the face of his opposers. I know people like Trumps scrappy attitude and they think it makes him look tough, but when considering the nation as a whole and not 2 sides against each other Trumps "fight back" attitude is not a good thing and can be handled much better.

I actually don't see how the White House Press has acted in any way but professionally. The president attacked the press in general, the White House Press are individuals working for various news outlets... It is there job to question the president, the Communication staff have been awful from day one...

It goes like this:

Press ask Question, Answer is either no comment, haven't a clue or why are you picking on us.... Why? Because the President has a habit of undermining what they say anyway...

The press puts out the only coherent thing which was said on the topic which comes from somewhere other than the White House....

Next day, White House complaints that the statements were false and it is all fake press... Press say how so and could you clarify your position, Answer is either no comment, haven't a clue or why are you picking on us....

The press room is meant to be the place where the White House states its position on topics... The Communication staff are failing to do that and not all there fault, Trump undermines them frequently...

But the Press are acting the way they are because the WH is not defending themselves except for Trump Tweets which are not helping at times...
You could be right. I'd rather see consequences for improper behavior, like suspending reporters that speak out of turn, interrupt or take an uncivil tone, rather than trying to restrict exposure.
So how long should CNN be suspended?
Depends on the offense and the system that they set up. I for one am fine with letting the reporters fight for the spotlight and ask hard questions. I'm just saying if the administration is having a hard time handling the scrutiny I'd rather see them take a procedural approach to improve civility to the briefing room (if thats really their concern). Not turning off the cameras and holding less briefings.
I would agree if that were the case at all times but we know it isn't. They spent the last eight years tripping over each other to praise Obama. Now all they want to do is attack. No matter what Trump did it was going to be reported as heavy handed by the press. This is as good an action as any.
I disagree, Fox, the largest news network in the country by a lot was constantly scrutinizing Obama. Had Obama shut down the cameras and held less briefings you know there would be a HUGE backlash from the right. The MSM is very critical against Trump, to a fault even... Some of that is ideology but most of it is that Trump is constantly insulting and fighting against them. He brings increasing scrutiny upon himself. I haven't seen him do one thing to try and restore the relationship between leadership and the MSM so the fight will continue. I'm just as sick of it as you are. But limiting exposure is not a smart approach.

CNN doing 93% negative coverage regardless of what's going on, maybe they should look for a bit of balance.


That is not true... They have Trump shills hired and they try and defend the indefensible... If you blatantly lie it is the job of the press to pull you up on it... You have to stop rotting your brain with alt-right info...
So how long should CNN be suspended?
Depends on the offense and the system that they set up. I for one am fine with letting the reporters fight for the spotlight and ask hard questions. I'm just saying if the administration is having a hard time handling the scrutiny I'd rather see them take a procedural approach to improve civility to the briefing room (if thats really their concern). Not turning off the cameras and holding less briefings.
I would agree if that were the case at all times but we know it isn't. They spent the last eight years tripping over each other to praise Obama. Now all they want to do is attack. No matter what Trump did it was going to be reported as heavy handed by the press. This is as good an action as any.
I disagree, Fox, the largest news network in the country by a lot was constantly scrutinizing Obama. Had Obama shut down the cameras and held less briefings you know there would be a HUGE backlash from the right. The MSM is very critical against Trump, to a fault even... Some of that is ideology but most of it is that Trump is constantly insulting and fighting against them. He brings increasing scrutiny upon himself. I haven't seen him do one thing to try and restore the relationship between leadership and the MSM so the fight will continue. I'm just as sick of it as you are. But limiting exposure is not a smart approach.

CNN doing 93% negative coverage regardless of what's going on, maybe they should look for a bit of balance.


That is not true... They have Trump shills hired and they try and defend the indefensible... If you blatantly lie it is the job of the press to pull you up on it... You have to stop rotting your brain with alt-right info...

You might want to take a look at the way they are covering the speech in Poland. Zero objectivity, all negative.

Depends on the offense and the system that they set up. I for one am fine with letting the reporters fight for the spotlight and ask hard questions. I'm just saying if the administration is having a hard time handling the scrutiny I'd rather see them take a procedural approach to improve civility to the briefing room (if thats really their concern). Not turning off the cameras and holding less briefings.
I would agree if that were the case at all times but we know it isn't. They spent the last eight years tripping over each other to praise Obama. Now all they want to do is attack. No matter what Trump did it was going to be reported as heavy handed by the press. This is as good an action as any.
I disagree, Fox, the largest news network in the country by a lot was constantly scrutinizing Obama. Had Obama shut down the cameras and held less briefings you know there would be a HUGE backlash from the right. The MSM is very critical against Trump, to a fault even... Some of that is ideology but most of it is that Trump is constantly insulting and fighting against them. He brings increasing scrutiny upon himself. I haven't seen him do one thing to try and restore the relationship between leadership and the MSM so the fight will continue. I'm just as sick of it as you are. But limiting exposure is not a smart approach.

CNN doing 93% negative coverage regardless of what's going on, maybe they should look for a bit of balance.


That is not true... They have Trump shills hired and they try and defend the indefensible... If you blatantly lie it is the job of the press to pull you up on it... You have to stop rotting your brain with alt-right info...

You might want to take a look at the way they are covering the speech in Poland. Zero objectivity, all negative.


So what did they lie about... Some links would be nice...

Show us a mass biased coverage...
I would agree if that were the case at all times but we know it isn't. They spent the last eight years tripping over each other to praise Obama. Now all they want to do is attack. No matter what Trump did it was going to be reported as heavy handed by the press. This is as good an action as any.
I disagree, Fox, the largest news network in the country by a lot was constantly scrutinizing Obama. Had Obama shut down the cameras and held less briefings you know there would be a HUGE backlash from the right. The MSM is very critical against Trump, to a fault even... Some of that is ideology but most of it is that Trump is constantly insulting and fighting against them. He brings increasing scrutiny upon himself. I haven't seen him do one thing to try and restore the relationship between leadership and the MSM so the fight will continue. I'm just as sick of it as you are. But limiting exposure is not a smart approach.

CNN doing 93% negative coverage regardless of what's going on, maybe they should look for a bit of balance.


That is not true... They have Trump shills hired and they try and defend the indefensible... If you blatantly lie it is the job of the press to pull you up on it... You have to stop rotting your brain with alt-right info...

You might want to take a look at the way they are covering the speech in Poland. Zero objectivity, all negative.


So what did they lie about... Some links would be nice...

Show us a mass biased coverage...

What is your personal opinion of the speech?

I disagree, Fox, the largest news network in the country by a lot was constantly scrutinizing Obama. Had Obama shut down the cameras and held less briefings you know there would be a HUGE backlash from the right. The MSM is very critical against Trump, to a fault even... Some of that is ideology but most of it is that Trump is constantly insulting and fighting against them. He brings increasing scrutiny upon himself. I haven't seen him do one thing to try and restore the relationship between leadership and the MSM so the fight will continue. I'm just as sick of it as you are. But limiting exposure is not a smart approach.

CNN doing 93% negative coverage regardless of what's going on, maybe they should look for a bit of balance.


That is not true... They have Trump shills hired and they try and defend the indefensible... If you blatantly lie it is the job of the press to pull you up on it... You have to stop rotting your brain with alt-right info...

You might want to take a look at the way they are covering the speech in Poland. Zero objectivity, all negative.


So what did they lie about... Some links would be nice...

Show us a mass biased coverage...

What is your personal opinion of the speech?


Have no opinion as of yet...

I just looked at it... ? Lets start by saying that the crowd had to be bused in:

"Recent Pew Research suggests Poles are generally very sceptical of the US president. Only 23% expressed confidence in Trump to “do the right thing regarding world affairs”, compared to 22% in the UK, while 57% of Poles lack confidence in him. In comparison, at the end of his presidency, 58% of Poles expressed confidence in Obama’s handling of world affairs."

So the guy is less popular in Poland than in US... Also Poland doesn't like the freedom to protest thing that much...

Read the speech... First half was telling them there own history...

Second half was telling Poles that they are great little country and you have nothing to fear (while I go kiss Russia's ass)
CNN doing 93% negative coverage regardless of what's going on, maybe they should look for a bit of balance.


That is not true... They have Trump shills hired and they try and defend the indefensible... If you blatantly lie it is the job of the press to pull you up on it... You have to stop rotting your brain with alt-right info...

You might want to take a look at the way they are covering the speech in Poland. Zero objectivity, all negative.


So what did they lie about... Some links would be nice...

Show us a mass biased coverage...

What is your personal opinion of the speech?


Have no opinion as of yet...

I just looked at it... ? Lets start by saying that the crowd had to be bused in:

"Recent Pew Research suggests Poles are generally very sceptical of the US president. Only 23% expressed confidence in Trump to “do the right thing regarding world affairs”, compared to 22% in the UK, while 57% of Poles lack confidence in him. In comparison, at the end of his presidency, 58% of Poles expressed confidence in Obama’s handling of world affairs."

So the guy is less popular in Poland than in US... Also Poland doesn't like the freedom to protest thing that much...

Read the speech... First half was telling them there own history...

Second half was telling Poles that they are great little country and you have nothing to fear (while I go kiss Russia's ass)

Now go take a peak at the way your favorite channels covered, they called it racist and white nationalist. They said it was full of dog whistles that I guess only regressives can hear. Funny I didn't see you describing it that way.


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