why not just sit on your butt and pray?

well, as long as we're all clear that your claims God lied are idiotic, its all good...

It's your gods who lied. You deny it in spite of it's being in the bible.

I understand you were clueless as to this element of the genesis tale because you have never actually read and understood genesis. That's not surprising as you typically stutter and mumble through your embarrassment as folks who actually have read the bible educate you as to the particulars.

For you use and information, genesis recounts:

"ye shall eat of all things but not of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge -- for on that day, ye shall die".

A&E didn't die, as the serpent pointed out, they lived; God lied, Satan told the truth-- how ironic.

A&E were banished from the garden and humanity was cursed - by the gods who prepared a test for A&E which they knew A&E would fail - when the gods who brought the talking snake into the garden tempted Eve - so all of humanity would be cursed.

At some point, you need to take the time to actually read your bibles.
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well, as long as we're all clear that your claims God lied are idiotic, its all good...

It's your gods who lied. You deny it in spite of it's being in the bible.

I understand you were clueless as to this element of the genesis tale because you have never actually read and understood genesis. That's not surprising as you typically stutter and mumble through your embarrassment as folks who actually have read the bible educate you as to the particulars.

For you use and information, genesis recounts:

"ye shall eat of all things but not of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge -- for on that day, ye shall die".

A&E didn't die, as the serpent pointed out, they lived; God lied, Satan told the truth-- how ironic.

A&E were banished from the garden and humanity was cursed - by the gods who prepared a test for A&E which they knew A&E would fail - when the gods who brought the talking snake into the garden tempted Eve - so all of humanity would be cursed.

At some point, you need to take the time to actually read your bibles.

Death is defined as separation from God. I do read my Bible.
well, as long as we're all clear that your claims God lied are idiotic, its all good...

It's your gods who lied. You deny it in spite of it's being in the bible.

I understand you were clueless as to this element of the genesis tale because you have never actually read and understood genesis. That's not surprising as you typically stutter and mumble through your embarrassment as folks who actually have read the bible educate you as to the particulars.

For you use and information, genesis recounts:

"ye shall eat of all things but not of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge -- for on that day, ye shall die".

A&E didn't die, as the serpent pointed out, they lived; God lied, Satan told the truth-- how ironic.

A&E were banished from the garden and humanity was cursed - by the gods who prepared a test for A&E which they knew A&E would fail - when the gods who brought the talking snake into the garden tempted Eve - so all of humanity would be cursed.

At some point, you need to take the time to actually read your bibles.

Death is defined as separation from God. I do read my Bible.

That's why it's so amusing to watch Hollie post and make a fool of herself. ;)
well, as long as we're all clear that your claims God lied are idiotic, its all good...

It's your gods who lied. You deny it in spite of it's being in the bible.

I understand you were clueless as to this element of the genesis tale because you have never actually read and understood genesis. That's not surprising as you typically stutter and mumble through your embarrassment as folks who actually have read the bible educate you as to the particulars.

For you use and information, genesis recounts:

"ye shall eat of all things but not of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge -- for on that day, ye shall die".

A&E didn't die, as the serpent pointed out, they lived; God lied, Satan told the truth-- how ironic.

A&E were banished from the garden and humanity was cursed - by the gods who prepared a test for A&E which they knew A&E would fail - when the gods who brought the talking snake into the garden tempted Eve - so all of humanity would be cursed.

At some point, you need to take the time to actually read your bibles.

Death is defined as separation from God. I do read my Bible.

Could you possibly tutor some other folks?
It's your gods who lied. You deny it in spite of it's being in the bible.

I understand you were clueless as to this element of the genesis tale because you have never actually read and understood genesis. That's not surprising as you typically stutter and mumble through your embarrassment as folks who actually have read the bible educate you as to the particulars.

For you use and information, genesis recounts:

"ye shall eat of all things but not of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge -- for on that day, ye shall die".

A&E didn't die, as the serpent pointed out, they lived; God lied, Satan told the truth-- how ironic.

A&E were banished from the garden and humanity was cursed - by the gods who prepared a test for A&E which they knew A&E would fail - when the gods who brought the talking snake into the garden tempted Eve - so all of humanity would be cursed.

At some point, you need to take the time to actually read your bibles.

Death is defined as separation from God. I do read my Bible.

Could you possibly tutor some other folks?

Could you please pick on some other faith?
Death is defined as separation from God. I do read my Bible.

Could you possibly tutor some other folks?

Could you please pick on some other faith?

Picking on your faith you equate with what?

Here I was trying to tutor you on the realities of your faith, and this is the thanks I get.

How sharper than a serpent's is an angry chuck?

For you use and information, genesis recounts:

"ye shall eat of all things but not of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge -- for on that day, ye shall die".

A&E didn't die, as the serpent pointed out, they lived; God lied, Satan told the truth-- how ironic.

A&E were banished from the garden and humanity was cursed - by the gods who prepared a test for A&E which they knew A&E would fail - when the gods who brought the talking snake into the garden tempted Eve - so all of humanity would be cursed.
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Show me the legislation that these imaginary *fundies* have proposed that will inflict religion upon poor innocent children, and perhaps interfere with their enjoyment of the school-pushed porn that passes as "literature" these days?
Psssst...no such legislation exists, no such proposals exist.

The whole "fundies want to use the schools to religify your children" is a lie spread by statists whose sole objective is to exert government control over religion, faith AND children.

In the name of separation of church and state, no less.
Could you possibly tutor some other folks?

Could you please pick on some other faith?

Picking on your faith you equate with what?

Calling the Bible or parts of the Bible "Myths".
Blaming God for sin because He knew what choice A&E would make while giving yourself an exemption for sin.
Saying that people who believe too strongly have mental illness.

Christians are called to defend the faith (Jude 3).
If people speak in public then I am Biblically allowed to correct error and there is a lot of error and I have a lot of tools and resources to teach Biblical literacy.

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

I am able to do fulfill this verse and I have external storage with thousands of word processing files of me dealing with heresy on boards and I can spend hours writing a page or two and I'll spend money on finding the books that I need to do it because it is important to have truth and fellowship with people. Lately I have been doing it without any books because I've spent the last thirty years studying from probably the best two dozen pastors dealing with these things...

So I already put a lot of time in and have a lot of information ready to post...
Death is defined as separation from God. I do read my Bible.

Could you possibly tutor some other folks?

Could you please pick on some other faith?

The muslim and jew aplologists have been absent from this thread.

One plays the hand one's dealt.

I would be fascinated what prayers a muslim offers before they cut off someone's head or fly a plane into a pair of NY buildings.

Whay prayers do jews forward to their god when they are attempting to weasle our government into killing muslims in their behalf? Then there is that message board..the wailing wall, with little pieces of paper stuck in the cracks.. Do prayers have more signifigance if you are a rude fucker wearing a funny hat...strange hair style and beard?

Do jehova's witnesses pray they don't get their asses kicked when they tresspass on people's property and interupt their lives attempting to pawn off their bullshit? I've seen em canvass parking lots full of cars and people telling them that god hates it when people smoke. THEIR prayers must work better than most as you hardly ever hear of JW's getting beat up.
Could you please pick on some other faith?

Picking on your faith you equate with what?

Calling the Bible or parts of the Bible "Myths".
Blaming God for sin because He knew what choice A&E would make while giving yourself an exemption for sin.
Saying that people who believe too strongly have mental illness.

I've used the term myth because of biblical references to talking snakes. I would use myth to reference much of the bible as well as other holy texts. It's not unfair to use that term when events in the text make appeals to supernaturalism and nature gone awry. The Greek gods are looked upon as myth and legend. How are your gods different?
Could you please pick on some other faith?

Picking on your faith you equate with what?

Calling the Bible or parts of the Bible "Myths".
Blaming God for sin because He knew what choice A&E would make while giving yourself an exemption for sin.
Saying that people who believe too strongly have mental illness.

Christians are called to defend the faith (Jude 3).
If people speak in public then I am Biblically allowed to correct error and there is a lot of error and I have a lot of tools and resources to teach Biblical literacy.

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

I am able to do fulfill this verse and I have external storage with thousands of word processing files of me dealing with heresy on boards and I can spend hours writing a page or two and I'll spend money on finding the books that I need to do it because it is important to have truth and fellowship with people. Lately I have been doing it without any books because I've spent the last thirty years studying from probably the best two dozen pastors dealing with these things...

So I already put a lot of time in and have a lot of information ready to post...

"Calling the Bible or parts of the Bible "Myths".

If anyone off the street came up to you and told you that their neighbor did any of the miracles attributed to god or jesus in the scrptures you would think the guy or the neighbor or both of them were lying morons. Until the existence of your god can be independently verified calling it "myth" is as kind of a description a reasonable person owes you.
A&E didn't die, as the serpent pointed out, they lived

right....they're living in Boulder, CO under assumed names I expect.....

I was going to ask if you're reallythat clueless to write a post such as the above, but yeah, you're really that clueless.

"ye shall eat of all things but not of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge -- for on that day, ye shall die".

A&E didn't die, as the serpent pointed out, they lived; God lied, Satan told the truth-- how ironic.

I can understand that you're shocked and surprised to learn what is actually in the bibles. You have only yourself to blame for never having taken the time to read the bibles and thus, stumble over your own ignorance.
Hollie....are they alive?......if they had never sinned they would not have died......they sinned.....they died.....we weren't created to die.....
no seriously....tell me.....do you think they are still alive?.....

It seems that your being shown to be utterly clueless about the religious dogma you try to defend has gotten you incensed.

Let this be a life lesson for you. You will find that a great many non-believers know your holy texts with far greater insight than you ever will. Your embarrassment at being shown to be a know-nothing is your own responsibility.
Picking on your faith you equate with what?

Calling the Bible or parts of the Bible "Myths".
Blaming God for sin because He knew what choice A&E would make while giving yourself an exemption for sin.
Saying that people who believe too strongly have mental illness.

I've used the term myth because of biblical references to talking snakes. I would use myth to reference much of the bible as well as other holy texts. It's not unfair to use that term when events in the text make appeals to supernaturalism and nature gone awry. The Greek gods are looked upon as myth and legend. How are your gods different?

When God created the heaven and the earth, did it ever occur to you that the physical laws don't apply to Him and therefore the historical account wouldn't be myth? If you can believe God created the heavens and the earth, the rest is easy.
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