why not make the minimum wage $30 an hour?

How about we just bring it to levels equivalent to what I used to make when I made $2 an hour in the 70s

That would be around $15 an hour today
you do realize that now, everyone above minimum wage will ask for a raise .....

Everyone is a great exaggeration. If min wage was increased I sure wouldn't be asking for a raise.
ok let me rephrase that......you do realize that now, a hell of a lot of people, above minimum wage will also ask for a raise .......hows that?....

Why shouldn't they?

Minimum wage increase will push up the low end pay scale. Long overdue
And those laid off as a result who cant find jobs because their skill level isnt worth 15/hr? Ohyeah, you dont give a shit about them.
You either;
1. pay everyone a living wage.
2. subsidize people via taxes so they can live.
3. let them become criminals and pay to incarcerate them.
4. Kill them off.
Why shouldn't they?

Minimum wage increase will push up the low end pay scale. Long overdue
And those laid off as a result who cant find jobs because their skill level isnt worth 15/hr? Ohyeah, you dont give a shit about them.

If I only had a nickle for every time I have heard conservatives pull that one

Raising the minimum wage will lead to unemployment. In decades of minimum wage hikes, it hasn't happened

The market adjusts, just like it does for increases in the price of supplies, energy, taxes or real estate
Oops. Doubtless you cant read this graph so its pointless. But it effectively refutes you.
If it has no effect on unemployment why is the rate of teen unemployment way in the double digits? Lemme guess: Bush shipped their jobs to China.

Deceptive Rabbi once again misrepresenting trends

Why don't you comment on the period from prior to 2008 when the economy crashed?
Nutjobber getting pwned again by trying to move goalposts.
Obama brought us an economic boom, right Nutjobber? How come his teenaged black brother are struggling with unemployment rates that look like Syria?

Rabbi...lets just face it

You are a dick, you can't help it

Your posts are blatant lies and deceptive. You cherry pick the worst economic collapse in 75 years to try to show minimum wage increases cause unemployment

I know being a dick makes you think people will buy it....but we don't
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Everyone is a great exaggeration. If min wage was increased I sure wouldn't be asking for a raise.
ok let me rephrase that......you do realize that now, a hell of a lot of people, above minimum wage will also ask for a raise .......hows that?....

Why shouldn't they?

Minimum wage increase will push up the low end pay scale. Long overdue
And those laid off as a result who cant find jobs because their skill level isnt worth 15/hr? Ohyeah, you dont give a shit about them.

If I only had a nickle for every time I have heard conservatives pull that one

Raising the minimum wage will lead to unemployment. In decades of minimum wage hikes, it hasn't happened

The market adjusts, just like it does for increases in the price of supplies, energy, taxes or real estate
Oops. Doubtless you cant read this graph so its pointless. But it effectively refutes you.
If it has no effect on unemployment why is the rate of teen unemployment way in the double digits? Lemme guess: Bush shipped their jobs to China.

How did youth unemployment do after the Clinton minimum wage increase in the mid nineties?
Someone who is one half of a couple who need two incomes to get by, for starters.

Some young person who is trying to save for college, for another.

Conservatives chant.... You are not expected to support yourself on minimum wage

But you can't even do the basic things in life to get started on a minimum wage anymore. Pay for college, buy a car, pay for a small apartment
Buying a car and paying for college are not "basics", Nutjobber. There's your problem right there.
It is if you want to compete...
If you're relying on a min wage job to put you through college you arent competing.
What other job would you be able to get that will get you that college degree? There are only minimum wage jobs available for people, even if they have an AA degree, much less simply a high school diploma. How else are they supposed to pay for college?
So everyone is working for MW? Is that really your belief?
They are when you are starting out in life....which is what conservatives claim the minimum wage is for
Buying your own car? No, Nutjobber. Your own car is not a basic. Taking public transporation and car pooling are basic.

Coming from the same conservatives who oppose public transportation

Minimum wage used to provide a wage you could actually get started in life on. Pay for college. Buy a car. Get a small apartment

Now all it does is provide a low cost labor pool
Min wage never did that.
Another fail by Nutjobber.

Did when I was making minimum wage in the 70s ($2.10 an hour)
Bullshit. The average car was 3800. You would have made $364/mo. And that isnt take home either.

I didn't say "average car" I assume minimum wage workers would buy low cost cars like the VW Beetle, Ford Pinto and Chevy Vega all for around $2200

at $2.10 an hour, that is half a years pay

A worker today at $7.25 makes $7540 in that six months. What kind of car can he buy for that?
And those laid off as a result who cant find jobs because their skill level isnt worth 15/hr? Ohyeah, you dont give a shit about them.

If I only had a nickle for every time I have heard conservatives pull that one

Raising the minimum wage will lead to unemployment. In decades of minimum wage hikes, it hasn't happened

The market adjusts, just like it does for increases in the price of supplies, energy, taxes or real estate
Oops. Doubtless you cant read this graph so its pointless. But it effectively refutes you.
If it has no effect on unemployment why is the rate of teen unemployment way in the double digits? Lemme guess: Bush shipped their jobs to China.

Deceptive Rabbi once again misrepresenting trends

Why don't you comment on the period from prior to 2008 when the economy crashed?
Nutjobber getting pwned again by trying to move goalposts.
Obama brought us an economic boom, right Nutjobber? How come his teenaged black brother are struggling with unemployment rates that look like Syria?

Rabbi...lets just face it

You are a dick, you can't help it

Your posts are blatant lies and deceptive. You cherry pick the worst economic collapse in 75 years to try to show minimum wage increases cause unemployment

I know being a dick makes you think people will buy it....but we don't
Aww, poor Nutjobber. Cant stand to be wrong so he calls me names.
Hey. You know the teen unemployment rate is still over 17%, which is 3 times the national average, right?
Teen Unemployment 20.7 More Than Three Times the National Average
SO what happened to Obama's glowing economy? How come teens are left behind? Hell how come blacks are left behind? The black UE rate is over 10%, twice the national average. I thought Obama was going to be good for blacks.
Buying your own car? No, Nutjobber. Your own car is not a basic. Taking public transporation and car pooling are basic.

Coming from the same conservatives who oppose public transportation

Minimum wage used to provide a wage you could actually get started in life on. Pay for college. Buy a car. Get a small apartment

Now all it does is provide a low cost labor pool
Min wage never did that.
Another fail by Nutjobber.

Did when I was making minimum wage in the 70s ($2.10 an hour)
Bullshit. The average car was 3800. You would have made $364/mo. And that isnt take home either.

I didn't say "average car" I assume minimum wage workers would buy low cost cars like the VW Beetle, Ford Pinto and Chevy Vega all for around $2200

at $2.10 an hour, that is half a years pay

A worker today at $7.25 makes $7540 in that six months. What kind of car can he buy for that?
A very used one. Of course the Pinto and Vega were death traps, lacking ll that safety equipment tht Democrats have mandated, driving up costs. But you dont give a shit about people's safety, right Nutjobber?
If I only had a nickle for every time I have heard conservatives pull that one

Raising the minimum wage will lead to unemployment. In decades of minimum wage hikes, it hasn't happened

The market adjusts, just like it does for increases in the price of supplies, energy, taxes or real estate
Oops. Doubtless you cant read this graph so its pointless. But it effectively refutes you.
If it has no effect on unemployment why is the rate of teen unemployment way in the double digits? Lemme guess: Bush shipped their jobs to China.

Deceptive Rabbi once again misrepresenting trends

Why don't you comment on the period from prior to 2008 when the economy crashed?
Nutjobber getting pwned again by trying to move goalposts.
Obama brought us an economic boom, right Nutjobber? How come his teenaged black brother are struggling with unemployment rates that look like Syria?

Rabbi...lets just face it

You are a dick, you can't help it

Your posts are blatant lies and deceptive. You cherry pick the worst economic collapse in 75 years to try to show minimum wage increases cause unemployment

I know being a dick makes you think people will buy it....but we don't
Aww, poor Nutjobber. Cant stand to be wrong so he calls me names.
Hey. You know the teen unemployment rate is still over 17%, which is 3 times the national average, right?
Teen Unemployment 20.7 More Than Three Times the National Average
SO what happened to Obama's glowing economy? How come teens are left behind? Hell how come blacks are left behind? The black UE rate is over 10%, twice the national average. I thought Obama was going to be good for blacks.

Ummm...lets see?

Maybe that trickle down shit doesn't work?
Coming from the same conservatives who oppose public transportation

Minimum wage used to provide a wage you could actually get started in life on. Pay for college. Buy a car. Get a small apartment

Now all it does is provide a low cost labor pool
Min wage never did that.
Another fail by Nutjobber.

Did when I was making minimum wage in the 70s ($2.10 an hour)
Bullshit. The average car was 3800. You would have made $364/mo. And that isnt take home either.

I didn't say "average car" I assume minimum wage workers would buy low cost cars like the VW Beetle, Ford Pinto and Chevy Vega all for around $2200

at $2.10 an hour, that is half a years pay

A worker today at $7.25 makes $7540 in that six months. What kind of car can he buy for that?
A very used one. Of course the Pinto and Vega were death traps, lacking ll that safety equipment tht Democrats have mandated, driving up costs. But you dont give a shit about people's safety, right Nutjobber?

In 1972, you could buy a brand new VW Beetle, Ford Pinto or Chevy Vega for under $2000

Six months minimum wage
minimum wages should be based on the cost of living.
"In truth, there is only one way to regard a minimum wage law: it is compulsory unemployment, period. The law says: it is illegal, and therefore criminal, for anyone to hire anyone else below the level of X dollars an hour. This means, plainly and simply, that a large number of free and voluntary wage contracts are now outlawed and hence that there will be a large amount of unemployment. Remember that the minimum wage law provides no jobs; it only outlaws them; and outlawed jobs are the inevitable result."

"Too often, we give the benefit of the doubt to folks who support a higher minimum wage. We shouldn't. There are only two reasons someone would support so bad an idea: either they don't realize the economic harm it causes, or they want the harm."
Wages should be based solely upon the value of the work being paid for... $0.00/hr should be on the table.
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Oops. Doubtless you cant read this graph so its pointless. But it effectively refutes you.
If it has no effect on unemployment why is the rate of teen unemployment way in the double digits? Lemme guess: Bush shipped their jobs to China.

Deceptive Rabbi once again misrepresenting trends

Why don't you comment on the period from prior to 2008 when the economy crashed?
Nutjobber getting pwned again by trying to move goalposts.
Obama brought us an economic boom, right Nutjobber? How come his teenaged black brother are struggling with unemployment rates that look like Syria?

Rabbi...lets just face it

You are a dick, you can't help it

Your posts are blatant lies and deceptive. You cherry pick the worst economic collapse in 75 years to try to show minimum wage increases cause unemployment

I know being a dick makes you think people will buy it....but we don't
Aww, poor Nutjobber. Cant stand to be wrong so he calls me names.
Hey. You know the teen unemployment rate is still over 17%, which is 3 times the national average, right?
Teen Unemployment 20.7 More Than Three Times the National Average
SO what happened to Obama's glowing economy? How come teens are left behind? Hell how come blacks are left behind? The black UE rate is over 10%, twice the national average. I thought Obama was going to be good for blacks.

Ummm...lets see?

Maybe that trickle down shit doesn't work?
Obama is really Ronald Reagan? Wow, who knew?
When pushed in a corner Nutjobber goes for the crazy.
Min wage never did that.
Another fail by Nutjobber.

Did when I was making minimum wage in the 70s ($2.10 an hour)
Bullshit. The average car was 3800. You would have made $364/mo. And that isnt take home either.

I didn't say "average car" I assume minimum wage workers would buy low cost cars like the VW Beetle, Ford Pinto and Chevy Vega all for around $2200

at $2.10 an hour, that is half a years pay

A worker today at $7.25 makes $7540 in that six months. What kind of car can he buy for that?
A very used one. Of course the Pinto and Vega were death traps, lacking ll that safety equipment tht Democrats have mandated, driving up costs. But you dont give a shit about people's safety, right Nutjobber?

In 1972, you could buy a brand new VW Beetle, Ford Pinto or Chevy Vega for under $2000

Six months minimum wage
Thanks for confirming you dont give a shit about people's safety.
Did when I was making minimum wage in the 70s ($2.10 an hour)
Bullshit. The average car was 3800. You would have made $364/mo. And that isnt take home either.

I didn't say "average car" I assume minimum wage workers would buy low cost cars like the VW Beetle, Ford Pinto and Chevy Vega all for around $2200

at $2.10 an hour, that is half a years pay

A worker today at $7.25 makes $7540 in that six months. What kind of car can he buy for that?
A very used one. Of course the Pinto and Vega were death traps, lacking ll that safety equipment tht Democrats have mandated, driving up costs. But you dont give a shit about people's safety, right Nutjobber?

In 1972, you could buy a brand new VW Beetle, Ford Pinto or Chevy Vega for under $2000

Six months minimum wage
Thanks for confirming you dont give a shit about people's safety.

Rabbi playing the dick again

Rightwinger: In the early 70's I could buy a new car working minimum wage ($2.10) for six months
Rabbi: No you couldn't, you liar
Rightwinger: I could have bought a 72 VW, Ford Pinto or Chevy Vega for under $2000
Rabbi: 1972 cars were not safe so it doesn't count

You can't make this shit up people
you do realize that now, everyone above minimum wage will ask for a raise .....

Everyone is a great exaggeration. If min wage was increased I sure wouldn't be asking for a raise.
ok let me rephrase that......you do realize that now, a hell of a lot of people, above minimum wage will also ask for a raise .......hows that?....

Why shouldn't they?

Minimum wage increase will push up the low end pay scale. Long overdue
And those laid off as a result who cant find jobs because their skill level isnt worth 15/hr? Ohyeah, you dont give a shit about them.

If I only had a nickle for every time I have heard conservatives pull that one

Raising the minimum wage will lead to unemployment. In decades of minimum wage hikes, it hasn't happened

The market adjusts, just like it does for increases in the price of supplies, energy, taxes or real estate
The market adjusts with price increases. That's precisely the inflation (entirely denied by minimum wage proponents) that eventually puts the minimum wage earner in exactly the same place he was before the minimum wage increase.
Bullshit. The average car was 3800. You would have made $364/mo. And that isnt take home either.

I didn't say "average car" I assume minimum wage workers would buy low cost cars like the VW Beetle, Ford Pinto and Chevy Vega all for around $2200

at $2.10 an hour, that is half a years pay

A worker today at $7.25 makes $7540 in that six months. What kind of car can he buy for that?
A very used one. Of course the Pinto and Vega were death traps, lacking ll that safety equipment tht Democrats have mandated, driving up costs. But you dont give a shit about people's safety, right Nutjobber?

In 1972, you could buy a brand new VW Beetle, Ford Pinto or Chevy Vega for under $2000

Six months minimum wage
Thanks for confirming you dont give a shit about people's safety.

Rabbi playing the dick again

Rightwinger: In the early 70's I could buy a new car working minimum wage ($2.10) for six months
Rabbi: No you couldn't, you liar
Rightwinger: I could have bought a 72 VW, Ford Pinto or Chevy Vega for under $2000
Rabbi: 1972 cars were not safe so it doesn't count

You can't make this shit up people
Its also not true because your numbers dont work.
But if your point is that inflation in the later 1970s wiped out earning power I cant disagree with that. Blame Johnson, Nixon, Ford and Carter.
Everyone is a great exaggeration. If min wage was increased I sure wouldn't be asking for a raise.
ok let me rephrase that......you do realize that now, a hell of a lot of people, above minimum wage will also ask for a raise .......hows that?....

Why shouldn't they?

Minimum wage increase will push up the low end pay scale. Long overdue
And those laid off as a result who cant find jobs because their skill level isnt worth 15/hr? Ohyeah, you dont give a shit about them.

If I only had a nickle for every time I have heard conservatives pull that one

Raising the minimum wage will lead to unemployment. In decades of minimum wage hikes, it hasn't happened

The market adjusts, just like it does for increases in the price of supplies, energy, taxes or real estate
The market adjusts with price increases. That's precisely the inflation (entirely denied by minimum wage proponents) that eventually puts the minimum wage earner in exactly the same place he was before the minimum wage increase.
That is total bullshit economics that a minimum wage increase will cause enough inflation to negate that increase

The math is not even close
or $300 a hour? Since you are CLAIMING that the wages paid to employees have no effect on a company's ability to show a profit, why not just legislate poverty out of existence, hmm? "Domestic' companies dont have to compete in a global market (or so you CLAIM) so why not just do this? Then, when your food costs go up by a factor of 10, you can blame it on the "greedy" farmers, right?

perhaps it would be nice if you at least tried to create a creditable discussion....

instead it's just a winger rant.
ok let me rephrase that......you do realize that now, a hell of a lot of people, above minimum wage will also ask for a raise .......hows that?....

Why shouldn't they?

Minimum wage increase will push up the low end pay scale. Long overdue
And those laid off as a result who cant find jobs because their skill level isnt worth 15/hr? Ohyeah, you dont give a shit about them.

If I only had a nickle for every time I have heard conservatives pull that one

Raising the minimum wage will lead to unemployment. In decades of minimum wage hikes, it hasn't happened

The market adjusts, just like it does for increases in the price of supplies, energy, taxes or real estate
The market adjusts with price increases. That's precisely the inflation (entirely denied by minimum wage proponents) that eventually puts the minimum wage earner in exactly the same place he was before the minimum wage increase.
That is total bullshit economics that a minimum wage increase will cause enough inflation to negate that increase

The math is not even close
HAHA! You have a link to back that up? Of course not.
In fact min wage workers are found all over the income spectrum. But min wage bsinesses are found chiefly in low income neighborhoods. Those are the ones that must raise prices to remain in business. Thus the MW workers in those neighborhoods pay so MW workers in nicer neighborhoods can make more money.
or $300 a hour? Since you are CLAIMING that the wages paid to employees have no effect on a company's ability to show a profit, why not just legislate poverty out of existence, hmm? "Domestic' companies dont have to compete in a global market (or so you CLAIM) so why not just do this? Then, when your food costs go up by a factor of 10, you can blame it on the "greedy" farmers, right?

perhaps it would be nice if you at least tried to create a creditable discussion....

instead it's just a winger rant.
OK so you cannot defend why 30/hr is a reasonable wage. Got it.
Why shouldn't they?

Minimum wage increase will push up the low end pay scale. Long overdue
And those laid off as a result who cant find jobs because their skill level isnt worth 15/hr? Ohyeah, you dont give a shit about them.

If I only had a nickle for every time I have heard conservatives pull that one

Raising the minimum wage will lead to unemployment. In decades of minimum wage hikes, it hasn't happened

The market adjusts, just like it does for increases in the price of supplies, energy, taxes or real estate
The market adjusts with price increases. That's precisely the inflation (entirely denied by minimum wage proponents) that eventually puts the minimum wage earner in exactly the same place he was before the minimum wage increase.
That is total bullshit economics that a minimum wage increase will cause enough inflation to negate that increase

The math is not even close
HAHA! You have a link to back that up? Of course not.
In fact min wage workers are found all over the income spectrum. But min wage bsinesses are found chiefly in low income neighborhoods. Those are the ones that must raise prices to remain in business. Thus the MW workers in those neighborhoods pay so MW workers in nicer neighborhoods can make more money.

Poor Rabbi

This is too easy

Rob Portman says about 2 percent of Americans get paid the minimum wage PolitiFact

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