Why Obama Is So Dangerous


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Used to be there was some things you didn't do, some line you didn't cross.

We currently have a president that has made it clear that neither the law nor morals will stop him from doing what he wants.

The courts are on his side and congress is not going to do anything to stop him so the checks and balances that used to be in place have been removed.

Simply put, Obama thinks he's above the law.

Most of our constitution was geared toward preventing one branch from overruling the other and simply imposing their will over American citizens. Now all bets are off. The damage that Obama is capable once he's loose from the constraints of being re-elected are unimaginable.

I think we now have 4 branches of government. The executive branch, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the media branch. Truth is without a corrupt ass-kissing media he would be totally powerless. A corrupt press is what has made this all possible.

Rarely in such a short period of time have any president and his administration been so damningly exposed. It is now beyond any shadow of doubt that Barack Obama is a fraud, devoid of any character and integrity, and is essentially a megalomaniac immersed in radical ideology. This can no longer be hidden by the machinations of the mainstream media, as there is now an opposition array of forces willing to highlight and financially capable of highlighting these issues. Further, and more importantly, these events occurred only four months prior to the election, when the citizenry begins to pay serious attention.

In 2008, little was known about Barack Obama. However, thanks to the genius of those men 236 years ago who were willing to sacrifice their lives to embrace a sacred honor, he can no longer hide who he is or his agenda. The past six weeks have sealed his fate, as American citizens concerned about the future of the nation will turn out in massive numbers to vote in November.

Read more: Articles: Six Weeks That Saved America
The politically correct people are too cowardly in the media to still talk about fast n furious. Obama's main legacy will be the act of gun running that ended with hundreds of murders. Burn in hell Barry we all know what you and Holder were doing traitor. That's one reason he's so dangerous
Give it up right wingers, you got your asses handed to you


You should change your avi to one where Obama is wiping his ass with the Constitution.

He's been doing it for over 3 years.

And you smiling while he is at it.
Give it up right wingers, you got your asses handed to you


You should change your avi to one where Obama is wiping his ass with the Constitution.

He's been doing it for over 3 years.

And you smiling while he is at it.

Really? Got some examples of this ass wiping the duly elected President of the United States, the CinC, is doing with the Constitution? Ya'll biggest "argument" was about the unconstitutional nature of the ACA. That proved a big loser for ya'll. What's your next example?
Give it up right wingers, you got your asses handed to you

You should change your avi to one where Obama is wiping his ass with the Constitution.

He's been doing it for over 3 years.

And you smiling while he is at it.

Really? Got some examples of this ass wiping the duly elected President of the United States, the CinC, is doing with the Constitution? Ya'll biggest "argument" was about the unconstitutional nature of the ACA. That proved a big loser for ya'll. What's your next example?


The SCOTUS (inlcuding some of the liberal hacks) said the main argument was bunk....just like we said it was. The WH tried to push this through the commerce clause, which it got shoved up it's ass.

Roberts saved the day for Obama.....

So, the ACA was unconstitutional on the grounds Obama had pushed for two years.

Or didn't you read the decision.

Then there is Obama making open challenges to the SCOTUS. A clear example of his lack of respect for the separation of powers (not to mention his disgusting comment in the SOTU address where he openly rebukes the SCOTUS).

The list is long and he might as well have it printed on toilet paper to make it easier for him and less hard on his skinny ass.
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Because the majority of American voters believe that he is a far better choice than more of the same that caused the present economic problems.

He is more of the same.

How does this country let stupid people breed ?
Because the majority of American voters believe that he is a far better choice than more of the same that caused the present economic problems.

yeah, he's done a wonderful of taxing the shit out us, wasting our monies on his (green energy visions), spending a stimulus that did absolutely NOTHING to help unemployment he promised it would, and the beat just goes on with you Obamabots
I've never felt fearful of a President until this one..

Well, Staph, you and the other wingnuts do need to fear this one. In spite of all the lying blather and obstructionism on the part of the wingnut section of the GOP, he has handed you your ass on a platter. And will continue to do so.:badgrin:
Worse than that is what Hillary is doing... She and Bill are the two biggest threats to America today.
Remember, Obby works for Bill.
That fuckin dyke is flying around the world creating pacts.. and Treaties with the UN, like Gun Control in America, They're calling it International Law.
Okay powder Blue, They the UN have an Army now. Come and face Americans... I dare ya!
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[Something to chew on for your Fourth.

"For Emily, wherever we may find you....."
Words paraphrased above originally authored by Paul Simon, staunch Liberal and quite probably Jewish. Then for me, a Roman Catholic, to come across this article, authored by another Jew echoing the same thoughts as mine is startling, because I've been dead certain for several years now that if Obama loses his re election bid, he will choose not to leave, and will resist those that counsel or order him to leave with every fabric of his being.
Unfortunately for the United States Constitution, the only industry that is booming, in a sharp contrast to Obama's 2008 re election promise to take the boom and the bust out of the Capitalist business cycle and force every American business and industry into a hibernating state, is the firearms industry. S&W reported yearly earnings recently that blew the hinges off the doors and most other gun and ammunition manufacturers are reporting their entire years production spoken for also. So, if Mr Greenfield were in the frame of mind to want to purchase, say, a brand spanking new Springfield Armory 45 Cal ACP to greet the howling Liberal mob outside his door intent on lynching both him and his dog, he wouldn't be able to. At least not until after Mr Obama's coronation as King and Emperor of the United States somewhere after January 20th next. Might be a tad late for Mr Greenfield and the Constitution by then.]

"Civil disobedience is the act of breaking the law and defying the authorities to do anything about it. So is tyranny. The difference between the two lies in which side of the power equation the breaker is on. When the law is broken, two things happen. Either the law is upheld or the authorities back away from a confrontation and find some way to save face.

The ObamaCare process involved breaking a long list of rules and laws and then defying the ragged remnants of the system to do anything about it. At every turn the United States was unable to stop a rogue chief executive and his ruling party from trampling the law.

The American chief executive has a great deal of power and a chief executive who dons imperial robes is a danger with few precedents. There have been conflicts between the branches, but even FDR made a pretense of bowing to some outside authority. Obama never has, with the exception of the King of Saudi Arabia.

If he were to be impeached tomorrow, as some urge, he simply wouldn't leave. I don't know what he will do if he loses the election, simply because I don't think he knows what he will do-- I don't think the prospect of losing has seriously entered his mind. If he loses it will be a pitched battle between Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama on one shoulder telling him to stay and Joe Biden and whatever unfortunate soul is Chief-of-Staff at that point acting as the voices of reason telling him that it's over.

Even absolute monarchs make concessions to something outside themselves, to religion or tradition, but Obama never has. History, religion and tradition are nothing but lines that he drops into speeches in praise of himself. The American flag and the Constitution are trophies that he uses as backdrops, the same way that he uses greek columns-- these aren't things that mean anything to him. They're decorations for the sets playing the eternal movie of him.

Obama is not a politician. Politicians learn to compromise. They learn that they can't always get their way. Obama has never learned that lesson. He always gets his way. Or he did until 2010. No one has ever told him "No" and made it stick. There is no weight of life experience that tells him what to do when this happens.

Unlike many of his predecessors, Obama was never in the military. Unlike all of them, he never held anything resembling a real job that required him to do anything but show up and make speeches. Children are natural tyrants. Take a child throwing a tantrum off the playground, give him every privilege in life, leave out any real challenges, keep telling him that he's special for 50 years and he will be an actual tyrant.

No one ever thought that a man with the emotional maturity of a child, with no life experience and no principles, would occupy the White House, surrounded by sycophants and worshiped by a press that acts as an extension of the White House Press Office. It took an extensive breakdown among multiple institutions and the national culture for that to happen, and the inability to assert the rule of law is a further symptom of that breakdown.

No one is fooled, unless to some degree they want to be fooled. To believe a lie, you have to want to believe it, and that means that at some level, you know that it is a lie"

Sultan Knish a blog by Daniel Greenfield
I've never felt fearful of a President until this one..

Well, Staph, you and the other wingnuts do need to fear this one. In spite of all the lying blather and obstructionism on the part of the wingnut section of the GOP, he has handed you your ass on a platter. And will continue to do so.:badgrin:

I know that's all that matters to you people who put party over country.
Hopefully the people have woken up to this ugly President who cares nothing about what they think and just run all over them for HIS visions of TRANSFORMING AMERCIA..

vote him out folks, we can't take another four years of this man
Obama is dangerous because he is socialist, hates America and was not even born here
He bows to foreign leaders, reads a Teleprompter and made people get health insurance

His wife is not proud of this country, thinks our kids are fat and hates the flag. She also has a fat ass
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Obama is dangerous because he is socialist, hates America and was not even born here
He bows to foreign leaders, reads a Teleprompter and made people get health insurance

His wife is not proud of this country, thinks our kids are fat and hates the flag. She also has a fat ass

and you're are proud of this statement, aren't you
made people get health insurance

vote out the dictator people
Obama is dangerous because he is socialist, hates America and was not even born here
He bows to foreign leaders, reads a Teleprompter and made people get health insurance

His wife is not proud of this country, thinks our kids are fat and hates the flag. She also has a fat ass

and you're are proud of this statement, aren't you
made people get health insurance

vote out the dictator people

Why of course..

Healthcare is a basic human right recognized by all industrialized nations with the exception of the US conservative right wing

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