Why Oprah would be a better President than Trump

Trump's only claim to ability to lead are his claims to business success.

But by any measure- Oprah Winfrey is a more accomplished business leader than Donald Trump- and certainly has a better temperament, and a proven record of working for others- rather than just her own wealth or self promotion.

Donald Trump- 'self made' Billionaire whose daddy paid for college, gave him a million dollar in seed money, hired him as President of the family corporation, and guaranteed his son's business loans.
Oprah Winfrey- actual self made Billionaire- came from a poor family, went to college on a scholarship, and went from being a local news announcer to talk show personality to publisher and producer.

Donald Trump: Declared business banktruptcies three times
Oprah Winfrey: No business bankruptcies

Donald Trump: Started the defunct Trump University- being sued in three states- with the AG of New York calling it fraudulant
Oprah Winfrey: Started the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, a boarding school for poverty-stricken girls

Oprah Winfrey would be the unifier that Donald Trump can only pretend he would be.

And certainly she is as, or more qualified than Donald Trump.

Oh wait- she didn't 'fight her own personal Vietnam' by risking STD's like Trump did.....
i actually voted for oprah.
The unions sold out their members in favor of supporting the Lefty agenda a long time ago. If any of them were serious about illegals they would have endorsed Trump.

Trump, on Trade, Immigration and Foreign Policy was a radical challenge to the status quo.

That is what drove his outsider campaign all the way to the White House.

The Problem for Oprah, is that there is not ANOTHER huge and ignored demographic for her to speak out for.

Oprah wins all Hillary's votes and Obama's. Oprah wins easily especially if people are tired of Trump. Oprah wins the women and black vote. I know you don't like blacks voting for blacks or women voting for women jut because they are women but that is what will happen.

Very telling that you had nothing to say about policy, and instead just cited identity politics.

Maybe you are right. Maybe that is what the future of this country is about.
I like the liberal agenda. I still think your way will make middle class poorer.

Your way hasn't worked yet

I've seen liberals be proven wrong before.

Do you think they admitted it?

Nope. They invented new "issues" to be concerned about and just lied about the old ones.

If Trump has any policy success, the media will lie to you about it.

Be watchful about that.
I'll admit it. I'm about the most honest person on USMB. Sorry but you are completely one sided. You don't seem fair or balanced at all. Now I may bust Trumps balls but I'm honest that even if he did get Russia to help him win, so fucking what. Not a deal breaker.

I want to see wages go up. I want to ask most Americans if they are better off in 4 years.

I will hold you to that.
Oprah wins all Hillary's votes and Obama's. Oprah wins easily especially if people are tired of Trump. Oprah wins the women and black vote. I know you don't like blacks voting for blacks or women voting for women jut because they are women but that is what will happen.

Very telling that you had nothing to say about policy, and instead just cited identity politics.

Maybe you are right. Maybe that is what the future of this country is about.
I like the liberal agenda. I still think your way will make middle class poorer.

Your way hasn't worked yet

I've seen liberals be proven wrong before.

Do you think they admitted it?

Nope. They invented new "issues" to be concerned about and just lied about the old ones.

If Trump has any policy success, the media will lie to you about it.

Be watchful about that.
I'll admit it. I'm about the most honest person on USMB. Sorry but you are completely one sided. You don't seem fair or balanced at all. Now I may bust Trumps balls but I'm honest that even if he did get Russia to help him win, so fucking what. Not a deal breaker.

I want to see wages go up. I want to ask most Americans if they are better off in 4 years.

I will hold you to that.

The rest doesn't matter. If wages go up for blue collar and the rest of us I don't give a shit about the rest.

But don't tell me wages went up if blue collar wages don't go up but CEO pay goes up and that brings "wages" up. Know what I mean?
Very telling that you had nothing to say about policy, and instead just cited identity politics.

Maybe you are right. Maybe that is what the future of this country is about.
I like the liberal agenda. I still think your way will make middle class poorer.

Your way hasn't worked yet

I've seen liberals be proven wrong before.

Do you think they admitted it?

Nope. They invented new "issues" to be concerned about and just lied about the old ones.

If Trump has any policy success, the media will lie to you about it.

Be watchful about that.
I'll admit it. I'm about the most honest person on USMB. Sorry but you are completely one sided. You don't seem fair or balanced at all. Now I may bust Trumps balls but I'm honest that even if he did get Russia to help him win, so fucking what. Not a deal breaker.

I want to see wages go up. I want to ask most Americans if they are better off in 4 years.

I will hold you to that.

The rest doesn't matter. If wages go up for blue collar and the rest of us I don't give a shit about the rest.


THat was the meaning I got from your previous post, and that was the meaning I was responding to.
What has she succeeded at other than her show?
Her cable channel and magazines have bombed.
Oh that’s not enough? At least she didn’t fail a million times like don and her daddy didn’t give her a million to get started.

She can relate to us don cant
I used to watch Oprah all the time until I saw her throw a gal out of her audience because she did not stand up and cheer with the standing ovation given to a basketball player that was a guest. When Oprah asked her why she was not standing, the woman said "I don't much care for him". She was then escorted out of the show.

Oprah is for Oprah and nobody else. So...HELL no.

LOL- so Oprah is for 'Oprah' and nobody else because she through someone off of her show.......but when Trump throws people out of his political rallies....

Black students ejected from Trump rally in Ga.

Black students ejected from Trump rally in Ga.
Muslim woman gets kicked out of Trump rally — for protesting silently

Donald Trump said Sunday that the protester who interrupted his rally at a convention center here on Saturday morning was “so obnoxious and so loud” that “maybe he should have been roughed up.”

You mean THREW someone off her show?

People who live in glass houses should not be throwing stones.
What has she succeeded at other than her show?
Her cable channel and magazines have bombed.
Oh that’s not enough? At least she didn’t fail a million times like don and her daddy didn’t give her a million to get started.

She can relate to us don cant
She’s a globalist who doesn’t give a damn about her own people.
She’s too busy investing in Africa with Bill Gates so don’t infer she gives a damn about anything but money.
More black racial angst in the WH? Throughout the world, every time blacks are in charge of a society, they run it into the ground. There have been no exceptions. Look at all the damage Obama did in his mere 8 years.

White liberals hate their own race so much I'm now convinced they masochistically get off on blacks spewing their hate at them.
Trump's only claim to ability to lead are his claims to business success.

But by any measure- Oprah Winfrey is a more accomplished business leader than Donald Trump- and certainly has a better temperament, and a proven record of working for others- rather than just her own wealth or self promotion.

Donald Trump- 'self made' Billionaire whose daddy paid for college, gave him a million dollar in seed money, hired him as President of the family corporation, and guaranteed his son's business loans.
Oprah Winfrey- actual self made Billionaire- came from a poor family, went to college on a scholarship, and went from being a local news announcer to talk show personality to publisher and producer.

Donald Trump: Declared business banktruptcies three times
Oprah Winfrey: No business bankruptcies

Donald Trump: Started the defunct Trump University- being sued in three states- with the AG of New York calling it fraudulant
Oprah Winfrey: Started the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, a boarding school for poverty-stricken girls

Oprah Winfrey would be the unifier that Donald Trump can only pretend he would be.

And certainly she is as, or more qualified than Donald Trump.

Oh wait- she didn't 'fight her own personal Vietnam' by risking STD's like Trump did.....
she picked the last president man...

That's a big strike right there.
Trump's only claim to ability to lead are his claims to business success.

But by any measure- Oprah Winfrey is a more accomplished business leader than Donald Trump- and certainly has a better temperament, and a proven record of working for others- rather than just her own wealth or self promotion.

Donald Trump- 'self made' Billionaire whose daddy paid for college, gave him a million dollar in seed money, hired him as President of the family corporation, and guaranteed his son's business loans.
Oprah Winfrey- actual self made Billionaire- came from a poor family, went to college on a scholarship, and went from being a local news announcer to talk show personality to publisher and producer.

Donald Trump: Declared business banktruptcies three times
Oprah Winfrey: No business bankruptcies

Donald Trump: Started the defunct Trump University- being sued in three states- with the AG of New York calling it fraudulant
Oprah Winfrey: Started the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa, a boarding school for poverty-stricken girls

Oprah Winfrey would be the unifier that Donald Trump can only pretend he would be.

And certainly she is as, or more qualified than Donald Trump.

Oh wait- she didn't 'fight her own personal Vietnam' by risking STD's like Trump did.....
donald was never put into place to be a unifier. he was put into place to say FUCK YOU to all the obama shit from the last 8 years of his inability to unite people. hell, he didn't even try more than just a few token gestures.

we don't want to be unfied for the most part. if we did we'd not look for reasons to tear into the other person in here on a daily basis. 90% of the traffic here is telling the other party how stupid they are.

how is that unification? hell any different than we've pretty much ever been.

i have no idea how she would do as president but i'd like to hear her policies and what she thinks priorities should be and we can go from there.
What has she succeeded at other than her show?
Her cable channel and magazines have bombed.

Globalist. LOL. If caring about people in other countries is a crime well then. LOL.

What has she done you ask? The media mogul is the first black woman to receive the Cecil B. DeMille Award.

Dopra would be fine. To run negro nation.
another asshole shines up his dumbass for us all to see.

Seriously , who needs another another she boon in the white house? Mike obongo was a total wreck.
fuck off.

I dindu nuffin. LOL

From Melania to dopra? Seriously? From beauty to beast. LOL.

dopra was recently caught with about 50#'s of crack . The wind lifted her skirt

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